I was buried in her bung-hole when she came I was buried in her bung-hole when she came I was lying right next to her She said put it in my pooper I was buried in her bung-hole when she came
but man...be on the recieving end of that and you may be singing a different tune! It's amazing how sharp a cuticle can feel sometimes...
Also, if you were a girl you would probably not appreciate the massive yeast infection or case of BV that can often happen after due to all the fun stuff that hides in those cuticles...
I get what you are saying though, as it's a powerful feeling to be in someone and feel them from that angle...skin to skin. Make sure you have a good manicure, bring your nail brush, and scub like a surgeon before open heart surgery if you are going to be thoughtful of the effects on your partner afterwards.
Well, for lesbians it qualifies as sex, so it should for straight people too! In my book, if you can get off doing it, it's sex. *starts to fill out letigation papers* I personally like my partner to use gloves while fingering, but that's just because I have a latex glove fetish. So smooth, and the snap as she puts it on! oh! Gets me every time... As a friend of mine who builds stage sets once said "You may want to feel me, feel my skin, in you, but I bet you don't want to feel the paint chips and glass shards that are buried in my skin." Go forth with sexy latex and much lube, aboutface
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