TER General Board

To fib or not to fib
willia 17 Reviews 4954 reads

Okay, am I just being a simple ass?  I always thought the truth, unless it serves no purpose other than to hurt someone, should always win out.  I inadvertently got a "provider" (I don't like that term) somewhat attached to me, just by being a decent guy and trying to be a BFE.  THEN, during a session, she asked why the long interlude since the last time we'd been together.  I said it was a combination of money issues and that an old friend, visiting from out of town, dropped a free pity-fuck on me, so temporarily my needs had been sated.  Since I'm not a money-bags, I thought she'd be happy for me that I got my nut without breaking the bank.  Boy was I ever wrong and did she ever get pissed!!  So pissed in fact that she cut me off and up to that time she'd been my ATF, even though she was very pricey.  Am I just an insensitive lout??  I was totally surprised she was so hurt, got so mad and totally shut me down.  Whutup??

and no, you were not an insensitive lout, necessarily, (altho I didn't hear your sense of tact or lack thereof) but rather she seems immature, and full of 'issues'.

I would've been cautious at her question as to the long interlude in between visits - an inappropriate question and one that shows insecurity.
She sounds needy, clingy and emotionally immature. On top of that, she 'forgets' that providers and their clients don't 'belong' to each other. That's the beauty of it.

Consider her actions as allowing you to read the writing on the wall. Count your blessings and move on to someone more mature and who has her client's best interests at heart.

old man river2098 reads

How come Sedona is so smart.......she has an answer for everything.  I've saving up for you girl EOM

And she's left me with nothing to add but my endorsement.  So stop feeling guilty and go out and enjoy.

MidLifeC3055 reads

The end justified the means! If she treated the whole things as a marriage----you paid the bills and you only get whenever she felt like putting out. This happy trail ending is a blessing in disguise.

simple.  It's a nice ass.
 I wasn't there for the conversation, obviously, so I'm trying to discover what negative spin a lady would put on what you've shared with us.  And what I've come up with is mixing money talk with her attachment to you...perhaps, making her feel a wee bit less than a GFE.  You, maybe, gave her a reality broadside in what she thought was going to be a compliment or a token of your affection back.  (She meant her "why did it take you so long to come back" as a "I missed you")  If that is, in fact, the case then you replacing her with a mercy-fuck would have given her distress as well.  She may be just as surprised with her reaction as you are.
Dr. Jockeypants

PeterPickle2278 reads

I can't help but sense that there has to be more to this story.  How did she communicate to you that you are shut off? How do you know that she is in fact very upset? It just seems that there had to be some conversation around this subject for you to draw these conclusions. This conversation would have got the cards on the table as to why this would upset her so much.

If there was no conversation on this topic, could you just be reading into things too much?

Grab yer gonads and call her. Don't pussy foot around it. Ask her what her deal is and clear it up.

you have a sexual connection with another human being. it doesn't matter that you are paying for it. it doesn't matter that you both see other people. it doesn't matter that you are not deeply in love, contemplating lifelong commitment.

you have a connection.

so, she says "how come you haven't called in a while" and you say, "because i found another ho to get me off so why would i need to call you? i didn't even have to pay for it!!"

you romantic devil. sedona, i'm surprised at you for letting this guy slide :-)

wow-  was she a buffette?  Perhaps the 'roids got to her?  I love your taste, but some of the strong ladies can be fragile about their self image.

Or perhaps she actually has designs on you relationship wise?  Unlikely, but possible.

Free sex always trumps pro- twas ever thus.  And my heart goes out to the guys I read about here whose only sex is obtained commercially.  Nothing wrong with it- but so much work and so much cost!  But compared to NO SEX?  Go boys go!

... I doubt you will get a real answer, but be prepared to deal with the fact you might tet a true answer.


PerthAussie2298 reads

Dude, you impacted her INCOME... why do you think she was pissed? You can believe it was for your lovemaking skills, but she would not be in this business if she was that gulliable. Me thinks you are feeling hight on yourself when you need to moving on and getting less personal with your providers. If you were dropping in weekly, let say, she was counting on that income. Most providers, don't have waiting lists and unless they carefully cultivate "regulars" then the income ebbs and flows. Get ahold of your emotions and keep your head out of your A$$.

crank_yanker2863 reads

Providers have no right to expect steady income from us.  And if she was instead feeling jealous, well there should be no expectation of monogamy either.  Having said that, there are feelings on both sides, I understand that.  But folks, ya gotta stay cool.

I thought that the "Casual" part of the phrase casual sex ought to have clued her in that possessiveness was out of bounds in this game.

I'd love it if the ladies I have seen were at my beck and call alone!  But then I'd be the Sultan of Brunei of sonmesuch guy who can afford a harem.  Since I am not him, and I do not like getting services from starving women, i understand that this is their JOB.  I prefer to think of it as the other dudes subsidising her to be available to ME!  How freakin' magnanimous of them, but necessary, as I only hobby a few times in a year!

Dirk Bogard1443 reads

Q:Why did Minie Mouse get kicked out of the sand box?
A:Becase she sat on Pinochio's face and said "Lie to me Pinochio lie!"


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