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Re:hickey 411
COOCHIEBOY 132 Reviews 2365 reads

was just going to post if anyone has the problem of providers leaving hickeys on them.i've had three incidents in the last two months.my trick gets great results.take a lipstick cap(hollow end towards your hickey)and twist away.it really hurts but i've
had them disapear as fast as twenty minutes(depending on severity of mark),some take quite a bit longer.twist till it hurts,take a break,continue,so on until your happy with the reults.hope this helps,i've been doing it since high school and
never gotten questioned.good luck......

blake_ca4418 reads

Does anybody know how to get rid of the visual results of a hickey.......fast?

Dr. Phil-ip1960 reads

Don't go home till it's gone or your ass is COOKED !!

Never, ever leave a sensory trail. No markings, no perfumes, no ruffled clothing, no lipstick, no fingernail marks, no bitemarks, no handprints on your ASS and gosh damn it, no fucking HICKIES!!

What were you thinking, Weedhopper?

was just going to post if anyone has the problem of providers leaving hickeys on them.i've had three incidents in the last two months.my trick gets great results.take a lipstick cap(hollow end towards your hickey)and twist away.it really hurts but i've
had them disapear as fast as twenty minutes(depending on severity of mark),some take quite a bit longer.twist till it hurts,take a break,continue,so on until your happy with the reults.hope this helps,i've been doing it since high school and
never gotten questioned.good luck......

Cloibetesol is a prescripton ointment, but very effective in doing away with skin inflammation.  Hydrocortisone ointment, of course, is a bit weaker.

sweetnsoft2574 reads

Arnica (herbal. Avail. at the health food store) does wonders to get rid of the bruise. Feels great on sore muscles too, BTW.

Use some ice on the area as soon as possible.

To cover, try dermablend is you have pink undertones.

Or coverblend for yellows.

Amazing concealer is also great.

But the best cover is by kryolan...available at theater stores...called dermaceal or dermacolor. H2O proof...mostly rub proof (set it w/powder). B/C it comes in  a palette, it's easy to cover and blend for your skin. Start w/ a bit of the most orange-y color to neutralize the bllue undertones of the hickey. Then cover with the tone, or blend of several tones,  which best matches your skin. I find keeping this around is handy for leg bruises, if you're athletic, covers tattoos if you have them, etc.

sweetnsoft2833 reads

And you need to have a stern word with your provider if she was the culprit, lol.

Men could use some of it anyway.  The real trouble will be either buying the products after the fact, or keeping them on hand.

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