TER General Board

Re:Hello, Michelle. Welcome back dearest! I wondered where you were.
cgsmks 14 Reviews 3105 reads

Let's just say that if you are close enough to see a Christopher Walken smile, it is probably too late to leave the room.  At least without leaving a part of yourself in it!

AnonyWishes6866 reads

When I saw his review of me, it shook me to the core.

If I press charges, they'd have to indite him from another state and that's very unlikely since he did't use a gun.

Of course he didn't include in the review that he placed his hands on my neck to strangle me and continually slapped me on the face.  Just a mention of a light spanking on the bottom.  

The good thing... his review alowed me to contact other ladies he's reviewed and not just the one gal he used as a reference.  Not to my surprise, he's done the same to others, but he seems to be getting worse.

I've posted on the boards he resides in and back-channeled.  I've talked to him on the phone and told him of my actions.  He seems to want to quit, but I doubt he can.  I can have my attorney send a letter stating I plan to press charges if I see him hobbying again.  

Any advise?  Should a known abuser be banned if several providers inform these sites of the abuse?  Would that deter him if he see he's been "outed" in a sense?  


PeterPickle3390 reads

Regarding what he did to you, your doing the right thing by having your lawyer get in contact with him.  Even if you don't press any charges you are putting a scare into him which is a good start.

I doubt you could have your lawyer press charges if you see him hobbying again.  What exactly will you press charges for? Unless your in the room you don't have any evidence of him hobbying or him committing any other crime. Maybe if enough ladies pulled together you could all press charges against him for assault and battery. But the conditions of how each of you met this guy will come into question. Your lawyer might be able to arraign for immunity for the ladies in exchange for their testimony..............but I'm not a lawyer so I'll stop dispensing legal advice now :)  This is just my 2 cents.

You definately need to spread the word amongst the hobby community. Post on the local boards, give his real info to the local mod and have him/her post on the subject so that ladies can contact the Mod to be informed of who the dirt bag is. You should really do the same on the national boards too to get the word out to traveling ladies. This will help minimize his chances of ever getting an appt again. The hobbying community at large doesn't take kindly to guys like this either. Hobbiest and providers can make his life miserable and in effect, drive him out of Dodge. But they can't do it if they don't know the details and who he is!

When it comes to pressing criminal charges... you need to make a definite decision and make it quick... the longer you wait to notify LE, the less they are inclined to take your complaint seriously.  They figure if it wasn't important enough for you to report it right away, then it isn't important enough for them to investigate it right away.

Also, either press charges or don't... but threatening to press charges if he continues hobbying... well you can throw your case out the window then.  LE doesn't like to be used as leverage... if they question him about the matter, all he has to do is show that letter you mentioned and they will think you are harassing him... then your case is closed.

I am very sorry to hear that this happened to you and the other ladies you contacted. I applaud you for calling him and telling him the consequences of his actions. Let's hope that this will serve as a "wake up call" for him, and that he will seek help for his sickness.

I would be in favor of banning known abusers from TER and other similar sites.

By the way, you are so much more attractive than his review indicates!

AnonyWishes1699 reads

I don't want to draw light to who this guy is publicly, thus the alias so people can't see my reviews and figure out who this guy is.  The review put light on where this man's mind was when writing.  A little spanking, I don't think so.  

Some men garner power through the review process and posting on sites.  I feel it's pertinent that their power and prestige be taken away when they are proven to be abusers.  

I know I can't stop him short of sending Guido out to his house.  I can, however shame and hopefully remove any prestige he may have.  

of the fact that the ladies tke the biggest chances with this profession, and that the risks they take more than warrant their needs for screening (even if in this case it may not have helped much).

As if misguided LE and society wasn't enough (please, save us from ourselves!), a woman has to deal with losers like this jerk. Any man who would do something like this to a woman who is making her most intimate self vulnerable to him needs to be taken out of society.  He makes me ashamed of my gender.

Anony, I myself think you should send Guido to his house.  Sauce for the goose, and he might really hurt the next one. :(

8ezpmpn3636 reads

w/o ANY info on you to check out his review . Or just who he is! Why would you NOT want to make it public to save someone from what you went through?sounds to me like your protecting him so he CAN do it again. Why would you want to to that?
anyone that seen my posts knows I'm "overly" out spoken! IF ANYONE even thought of behavior like that with me I would make sure everyone possible could protect themselves.
How are you protecting your fellow provider sisters?

AnonyWishes2641 reads

I've posted in all the places I can.  This is the only time I've remained anony.  I felt I'd deal with TER in removing this jerk from the community and free to tell my story as anony.  If anyone else feels it's best I come out of the closet, I will.


Ci Ci2747 reads

then I'll show him what it's like to get beat. I cannot stand abusive men!


I know of several providers into Martial Arts & this chump would have a bad day if he pulled that on them.  I've played with them in a friendly way since I'm into the Arts also & you would be surprised what an elbow or 2 fingers can do to the attacker.  Post his name cause this sicko will do it again.

2sense2907 reads

The best advice is to contact an attorney asap, and to review your options.

The worst advice is to cause bodily harm to the aforementioned "hobbyist", either by yourself or a third party. This can go wrong in so many different ways, that it's best to just to fantasize about it. For example, suppose while you're administering this lesson, the "hobbyist" has the poor grace to die on you. Then you're looking at a possible murder rap. Suppose you engage a third-party "guido", and the "hobbyist" sustains grave injuries and/or dies. Then you could be charged with conspiracy. Suppose further that your friend "guido" decides that he wants to go 'partners' with your escort business (illustrated in the Sopranos), and blackmails you with this conspiracy.

And as for training in the martial arts...the first thing they should teach you is to beware of overconfidence. Usually, the best advice is to run away screaming 'fire', if at all possible. Unless you're a student of that illustrious grandmaster George W., violence is what you resort to when everything else fails.

-- Modified on 7/5/2004 8:57:52 PM

AnonyWishes2600 reads

I agree that violence on the guy could backfire.  I don't know  if I can place his name and cell number on TER or not.  

This should do: Anyone traveling to Detroit, be careful of Steve..  Last 4 digits of cell are 8525.

Ci Ci3237 reads

He cannot hurt you if he doesn't know where you live or if you don't see him again, right? He needs to know that we're all watching him.


Ci Ci2953 reads

PM us if you need to tell us his name, but every provider out there should know not to see this guy.


No charge. I even offer parking.

I need to go practice my Christopher Walken smile now.

But sadly, your post has lost me.  :(  Meaning simply, I don't follow.  


-- Modified on 7/6/2004 12:46:38 AM

-- Modified on 7/6/2004 12:56:21 AM

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