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Re:Heard from her...
salivate 3 Reviews 3625 reads

Headache? I get that excuse at home all the time. It means she wasn't in the mood. The ultimate girlfriend experience and it cost you nothing. Be glad she didn't show up. By the way, was her headache so severe that she couldn't find her phone? Think she added insult to injury with that excuse.

I'm very new at this hobby, so I don't know what is typical. Today I had an appointment with a provider, but when I reached her "general vicinity" and called for specific directions, she didn't answer the phone. I waited about 30 minutes, tried again, same thing. An apparent "no show". She had lots of good reviews and I was looking forward to meeting her, so it was somewhat disappointing.

Is this a frequent occurrence with providers... just part of the "hobby" I'd have to get used to?

AtlanticCity3083 reads

No, you are the only one this has ever happened to bud. You should have confirmed before you left the house. Believe it or not sometimes a girl just wakes up and doesnt feel like getting laid for any price. Maybe God was doing you a favor.

Very insightful -- you certainly called that right. I did call to let her know I was coming, but got her voicemail, left a message, and proceeded. My bad. So the fact that I took time off from work and drove out there was 100% my fault. A lesson learned and no real harm done.

Still, I AM taking it as a message from the gods -- "this one is not for you."


Actually to the contrary, she might have had an emergency and couldn't get a hold of you. She might have gotten spook, particularly if you are a newbie. Could be any number of reasons, but this is certainly not common. However, it did happen to me once when I was first starting out. Trying e-mailing her or calling her and find out what happen. maybe u can reschedule

The E Ticket2913 reads

It is extremely common. A number of reasons:

1. A provider will overbook... just like an airline then pick a regular or someone else over a new client.
2. A provider is late to her first call and just doesn't call to make an excuse or tell you she is late.
3. She thinks you're LE.
4.  Her driver doesn't show up and she just blows everyone off.
5.  She is a flake..:)


PS  The providers experience client no shows too and is just as frustrating to them.

Still a reason why some of us don't book more than one a day.  It seems normal for me to always run 1/2 hour over. Because there are also the other things going on in our day, like working out, or paying the bills, or washing the sheets or watching to see if the neighbors are watching us.

Or maybe it's  because the gent needs to unwind, or because I'm having too much fun and talking  his freakin ear off.  Sometimes I wonder who is doing WHOM a favor, lol.  (Stick me in a cell, feed me, but don't give me any social contact, so I need to talk someone's ear off and make him late getting back to work.)

Of course I have the esteemed Yorkie for company, and I love him dearly, but sometimes I just don't want to be barked at.  And his arms just can't wrap around me like a man's can.

Now, WHERE were we?

-- Modified on 8/31/2004 8:54:38 PM

One can only control one's own actions.

If you are going to be late. CALL her. I have had a problem a few times, and a call seems to be all that is needed. It seems to only make sence comming back to ya...but that does not always happen.

I gave a provider a break once and she did it too me again. Maybe she was telling the truth...maybe not. I would say move on. There are many providers that treat their clients with respect as we the clients, should do for them.

No shows happen both ways. Also, the make an appointment and then cancel on short notice happen.

Its frustrating.  Its the nature of the hobby.

Cynicalman2756 reads

If only I could transfer the brain of my Akita/Pit bull mix "Muerte" into a beautiful woman. I would be a VERY VERY happy man.


and seems to me to be forever getting worse. Sure there are some legit reasons why a provider is unable to keep her appointment but there are few if any reasons why a simple phone call to the client can't be made. This is totally disrespectful, when it happens in either direction IMHO, and should not be tolerated as much as it seems to be. I would suggest identifying the provider here in a post (whether well reveiwed or not) as one means of "flagging" those who are guilty of same so that the others of us can think about whether or not we wish to direct our business to that person.

But unfortunately that is more expensive.  And then there are the same day/last minute  guys who don't give accurate screening info, and we spend countless amounts of time chasing that down...tell me that doesn't cut into YOUR time.  Aside from the ones who have stress issues, and rightfully could use a 3-5 hour booking but don't have the expendable income.  Instead trying to crush all that into 1 or 1.5 hr.

I told one person today that because of his inaccurate screening info, this is why I do $400 instead of $350. Because I had to spend an hour just chasing down inaccurate info.  Well, as much of a "legend" as I am reputed to be, the stuff that followed would certainly make an interesting story, if anything else.

As for calling the client, if a girl is intimidated by a client because of "reviews"  she may not be okay to call the next client while the one before who is going to write that review has her by the cojones. She's just simply intimidated.  I've been in that position and it is painful. I have found ways to not leave the other person on the lurch, but I don't think I've been perfect.  We all give and take. I think all humans really feel the same way, deep down.

You asked.

-- Modified on 8/31/2004 9:15:47 PM

I hope that you are not suggesting here that providers who only offer multiple hour minimums are somehow better able to call a client to cancel an appointment? Surely not, would be my guess. As for sticking to one client a day, if you can afford to do that, well certainly, that would help in eliminating the problem. But truly, how many of the gals can really do that? Don't know how we got from the issues of no shows or calling to cancel an appointment to the issue of inaccurate screening info. Help me find the bridge.

-- Modified on 8/31/2004 9:17:35 PM

I'm prefer not to feign intelligence.  But then again. I think things through after I write and I edit edit edit. Hence the modifies at the bottom of my posts.   So I can't say that the problem is with you, lol.   I am simply a work in progress. Totally a piece of work.  

What I was trying to say is that the last minute peeps put me in a total bind.  Still I visit that place, so I can stay in touch with those feelings. So I can remember what it's like to answer a question like this and be where I was before,  And when I do, I can't focus on what I need to do, who I need to see when I allow that kind of behavior (same day first time)..  Maybe this wasn't appropriate the the tone of the question and I was bringing in superfluous material.  It's too complex!!!

And unfortunately, at $400 per, I do stick to one a day.  doesnt' build up my nest egg and has me looking at other things for sure.  but doesn't get me evicted or busted either. Kind of drags out the time I've been in this business, because exposure is a HUGE deal with me.

As for calling a client back, like I said if she feels the need to have more than one client a day and is trying to accommodate certain situations (Like flakey screening info), it will certainly affect her ability to be precise, and focused on her gentleman vistors, as I personally prefer to be. So for me, I cut way back on volume. Almost to nada.  And fielding calls takes a lot. Remember most of us don't have secretaries or front desks.

Pm me and I'm sure I can make much more sense than onstage. :-))

ERichards3445 reads

And do so when I feel like it.  But then, I'm not looking to buy a yacht nor do I spend my money on hard drugs.

And I can live off one client a day as well, the thing is I see about 1/2 that amount of people. By choice.  But what I am complaining about is not low volume (that's my preference).  It's the ones who have no regard for wasting someone else's time.  I have certain goals in my life, have taken care of financial circumstances, and wish to go back and do more school.   But with the craziness as I described earlier, how am I to plan? I do still need to pay the rent and save.

Enough of that.  And, fyi, no drugs, and no yacht here.


ERichards2337 reads

And I certainly didn't intend to imply you were on drugs - my bad!

Therenbackagain1863 reads

Felicia, once more you have shown us why you are a class act.  But don't worry about one bad review.  Most of us out here know that there are some guys who just like to make trouble for providers.  We can read between the lines of their bad reviews.

...She had a headache.

Not the excuse I'd hoped for, what with taking time off of work and all. Time to choose another I guess.

Godzilla had eaten her car with her cell phone in it as the reason why she no showed and didn't call!

Headache? I get that excuse at home all the time. It means she wasn't in the mood. The ultimate girlfriend experience and it cost you nothing. Be glad she didn't show up. By the way, was her headache so severe that she couldn't find her phone? Think she added insult to injury with that excuse.

One night while she is asleep, pop two aspirin into her mouth. She will probably wake up and ask what is going on. You will tell her, of course, that you just placed two aspirin in her mouth. Hopefully she will say something like, "Why did you do that? I don't have a headache." - at which point you have at her!

ERichards3204 reads

Totally unacceptable.  Should have the courtesy to at least call you or write you, even after the fact.  

I had a somewhat different "no-show" experiemce a few years ago.  Called (from my office at a college)and made arrangements to meet, etc.  She told me to call again when I got in the vicinity.  Called from a pay phone -no answer - tried again over about a half-hour period - still no answer.  Got back to my office royally p****d off.  Called her later and she finally answered.  After I read her the riot act, she apologized and told me that she had caller ID and apparently students from the college had been calling and setting up appt's only to not show up, so when she saw that the call was coming from the college she assumed I was just another college kid pulling a prank.  Just goes to show that there are a lot of reasons for someone not showing - who could have guessed?!?

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