TER General Board

Re:Giving thanks to a very special ilk of women
Décolletage Devotee 4669 reads
1 / 20

I would like to offer my sincere thanks and respect for the many ladies who selflessly but wisely endure the pain that has been described as "having an elephant sit on your chest" by having modern cosmetic surgery turn their flaw ridden mammary glands into perfect, gravity defying, clothes enhancing titted orbs with cleavages worthy of supporting a flag pole let alone a pencil. Having the pleasure to recently attend the LA GlamourCom convention I can only say that current sciences in breast augmentation are awe inspiring and the breathtaking results make me wonder why such surgery is not a prerequisite for young ladies to graduate high school.
Feminists and their sycophants "flame" if you will but on this day of thanks with turkey breast being a statistical favorite I felt it only fitting to honor and thank those ladies who pander to we who appreciate perfection.


BBrain 55 Reviews 2909 reads
2 / 20
Singer 15 Reviews 3056 reads
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First, I am not a supporter of surgery as being a prerequsite for young ladies to greaduate from high school.  In fact, I think it is downright disgusting to think that anyone would encourage young teenagers to go into elective surgery at an early age.  Instead, they need to learn that working on achieving the physical goals they desire without subjecting their bodies to the knife is a better choice.  Media plays too big a role in telling these young kids that they need to be skinny as a rail and udderly busty as a cow.  Eating right and exercising is a healthier way than trying to take the shortcuts to "beauty".  Obviously, there are exceptions.

Down the road, as they mature, and other circumstances that affect their bodies beyond their control, they should then be able to make their own choices of treatment.  I agree that current sciences have made great advances in that arena, but remember that surgery always comes with a risk.

PS  I also resent the remark describing their "flaw ridden mammary glands".  It shows your true self.  You asked for flame, you got it.  Happy Thanksgiving... there are many other things I'm thankful for.

mrfisher 108 Reviews 3349 reads
4 / 20

as nice as big boobies are (and I do like them, natural or otherwise) I know several providers with small, even miniscule tits who are incredible lovers and with whom I have wonderful times.  If you can only get off with women with huge tits, then that's your misfortune, IMHO.
I will grant that your crack about having to have breast surgery was make tongue in cheek, but I have to say that it is in poor taste, even for a board like this.
I woman's attitude and lust for the carnal will always be the main determinate for me as to whether I will be with her or not. (Intellect and charm are also pretty important, BTW.)

Décolletage Devotee 4214 reads
6 / 20

This presents a humorous paradox. The urgent need for so many of you hobbyists to promulgate your preference for "natural" breasts yet breast augmentation is THE most popular procedure in the cosmetic surgery industry.
 I posted this as an experiment to see how quick the allegations of shallowness and insensitivity would be piled on me. Curious when ever a post is made championing natural breasts (there is one almost every week near’bouts) or questioning the ladies judgment for considering such surgery there is a veritable flood of support for the naturalist view and little if any tolerance for we aficionados of synthetic supremacy.
  “GlamourCon” was wall to wall boob-jobs ranging in size from “Two scoops please” to “approaching critical mass” If natural and/or small breasts are as preferred as you gentlemen make them out to be why then did these ladies go this route and why do they continually garner so much adoring attention?


P.S. In your unremitting sycophantic efforts to flatter and sanctify the “naturalist” women in our community you in effect mock, degrade and debase the women who have chosen otherwise

-- Modified on 11/24/2005 9:10:40 PM

TIGERSTRIPES 5 Reviews 1978 reads
7 / 20

Highschool?...NO!Roundabout age 21 or 22...BETTER.
Stay in the gym.Stay in school.Size up your potential for what you think your sexuality will render in material reward.THEN "make adjustments".
I laugh contemptuously at those who think that a good surgeon is'nt on par with nature when it comes to good boobs & noses...but we've all seen the horror stories when  self-absorbtion meets a hi-limit credit card.Go easy.

mrfisher 108 Reviews 3726 reads
8 / 20

Well congratulations, your plan worked perfectly. Pin it up on the wall.
Now as to why women get breast augmentation?  Many men (not naming names here) make a big deal about it.  Many men do not (I for one.) But, society makes a big deal about appearances, so some women (by no mean all or even a majority) get the big boobs.  Big deal.

As for your charge that my opinion degrades those who do chose to get surgury, the charge does not hold up.  I say that women can get any surgery they want.  I know several women with augmentations and I have no problem with it whatsoever.
When you make that charge, I have to ask: Who's being the syncophant now?

Singer 15 Reviews 3689 reads
9 / 20

who try to use superfluous words to impress the ignorant...  If you read mrfisher's response again, his opening statement says, "as nice as big boobies are (and I do like them, natural or otherwise)".  The term, "or otherwise", refers to the enhanced breasts.  There is no mocking, degrading or debasing of women here.  However, I do question myself for wasting my time responding to a post as shallow as this.

Starfishhunter 10 Reviews 3121 reads
10 / 20

I lurk far more than I post; however I do review. My resume will show appreciation for both “ilks” as is in ‘mrfisher’s’ contention.
I have witnessed myself over the passing months thread after thread of just what DD says that whenever this topic is raised it always seems to be in rabid support of the “naturalists” and any poster daring to voice an alternative view is quickly piled on and shouted out of the room.
 Speaking strictly in regards to polite debate and difference of opinion ‘mrfisher’ shows grace and humor along with a worthy rebuttal. SINGER’s personal attack on DD appears to be a case of sour grapes and spin control.

MrSelfDestruct 44 Reviews 4365 reads
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You can have your "fantasy breasts"...there is nothing PC about my love for small breasts, natural bush (and other body hair), and natural appearance.  If anything, I am looked at as an oddity for liking these things.

The question isn't why do enhanced women garner so much attention...is it who do they garner it from.

Décolletage Devotee 1963 reads
12 / 20

What’s this? Another selfless volunteer to the Praetorian Guard of the self ennobled. All I did is offer praise and thanks to the sisterhood of women who have gone under the knife of breast augmentation. As proven by similar past congruous threads an army of lackeys to feminism are now lined up to eviscerate me for this deed.

“The question isn't why do enhanced women garner so much attention...is it who do they garner it from.”

  I cast no pejorative judgments regarding subjective aesthetic taste toward you MSD or anyone else in my original post yet the ensuing dogpile from your camp is here in black and white for all to see.  

A simple question I now pose to this board.

Why is appreciation of and for a common legal cosmetic augmentation process so vilified in a community where fantasy, illusion and countless other cosmetic procedures are so prevalent?

-- Modified on 11/25/2005 1:33:42 PM

WebTerrorist 1727 reads
13 / 20

QUOTE: "All I did is offer praise and thanks to the sisterhood of women who have gone under the knife of breast augmentation."

No, that is not all you did, had that been what you did this thread may have gone in a different direction.

You did not simply say you liked enhanced breats, what you did say was:

QUOTE:"selflessly but wisely endure the pain that has been described as "having an elephant sit on your chest" by having modern cosmetic surgery turn their flaw ridden mammary glands into perfect, gravity defying, clothes enhancing titted orbs with cleavages worthy of supporting a flag pole let alone a pencil."

QUOTE:"I felt it only fitting to honor and thank those ladies who pander to we who appreciate perfection."

Hmmm..."selflessly but wisely"...yep because a woman wouldn't get a breast augmentation for herself, nope it is a selfless act to get the attention of men that will dismiss a woman that he deems "flawed" because of her breast size.

"Wisley", of course, because whatever would a woman do without the attention of such men, I mean they couldn't possibly want a man that could find her attractive for anything other than her breasts...and she is also wise enough to know when she ages a bit and is then "flawed" by other things, though she still has those breats, those men will dismiss and disgard her...but hey she got superficial, vacuous attention for awhile..so that is a sign of wisdom...hell anyone that does something for the sole purpose of fitting with the taste of someone that ultimately really thinks of them as a laundry list of desirable parts, and not a person, is genious.

Also, of course all women  that are "natural" are flawed, artificial is always superior, that's why I am sure you have had cheek and chin implants, calf, glute and pec enhancement, have the hair from your nose, ears, back and ass lasered off, had penis enlargement, and maybe even a penile implant so that you can keep it up long enough for a woman to enjoy it...I mean if you are a naturally flawed man you could possibly be any judge of artificial perfection.
You posted not to state a prefernce, but to incite disagreement, and just so you know, you weren't even praising those women, not when you imply they  are "pandering" to men such as yourself, that they don't and can't do it for themselves but only to please you and your ilk.

You were no where near praising those women, you were simply praising implants, you were denegrating the women with them...and the women without, though at least the only insult to the women without was their appearance and not implying that they have so little inate worth that they need to go through anything so you would be attracted to them.

From what you wrote, the words you chose, you don't seem to even like women, not as human beings at least...you do value them as something to be engineered so as to get your penis hard though, but then hey isn't that all women are really for? to get superficial men hard?

As for your statement of an "experiment"...ummm yeah, not an experiment, experienments have actual data, control groups, don't word things as to imfluence the outcome, etc...nope, not an experiment an effort to play the board troll, and then act superior when anyone counters you.

In your "experiement" you proved more about yourself than any that replied.

I will give kudos to your alias choice thoice though, as it is only the "Décolletage" that has any devotion from you and not the women that do or do not possess it.

The attempt at implying superiorty by coming back and claiming an "experiment" and then later making accusations of anyone that didn't agree with you is a fawning sycophant...gee no one has ever done that on a message board before, my but you are an original thinker.

Décolletage Devotee 2859 reads
14 / 20

I'm honored to get Ms WT the loquacious leader of the TER feminist front into this
dog-pile. For you to take the time to so carefully dissect my post in the effort to discredit and malign me is proof that I have found a chink in the opposition’s obsequious armor.  

Lone Haranguer 4050 reads
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because (a) I just don't see the point in too much - if it's aesthetics you're looking for, a B cup is perfect.  (b) if it's reaction you're looking for, it's common that flat girls will be so damned ecstatic when they realize you really like their little nubbies that they will just go crazy.  (c) and they won't be down around her knees 30 years from now, and she won't have any 3 second pendulum lag when she's shaking her ass.


WebTerrorist 2045 reads
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I am glad you feel honored, but I feel I must clarify a few things that you have wrong.

One, I don't like Ms it's seems forced and kind of pretentious, Miss Is fine or Webbie, I'm good with the cute moniker, or WebT a touch more neutral but damn good.

Two, not a feminist, I think most modern feminist arguements actually do nothing but but imply women are weak and require protecting. Though I am a humanist if that helps.

What armor exactly are you looking for chinks in?
and what opposition exactly?

I don't take a stand for or against breast implants, if a woman wants them great, if she doesn't great, so not the opposition there, unless in your mind nuetral is opposition.

Now if by oppositioon you mean people that see your post as an attempt to troll, then ok, I am not a fan of board trolls, but that isn't a chink in armor.

Perhaps I qualify as opposition in your mind because I think if a woman does want to get breast implants she should do it for herself and her own reasons and not to please another.  I guess if you think women should do that for you and not herself then ok...I am the opposition.  Still not seeing a chink though.

If you could elaborate it would be most appreciated.

Oh, and not to disappoint, I really didn't carefully disect your posts, I just read them, though I did go back to accurately quote, I try and do that, but it doesn't take any effort and seems the fair thing to do.

As for discrediting you. discrediting what?
I quoted your own words and then replied to what you had written, if your own words discredit and malign you not much I can do about it.

-- Modified on 11/25/2005 5:15:31 PM

Singer 15 Reviews 1343 reads
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in a sexual context, it happens to ruffle my feathers.  I have no problems with ladies who have chosen to enhance their appearances, I have seen many and enjoyed them.  In fact, one of my favorites has had several enhancements done.  Just don't bring kids into this discussion.  If he intended to rile up the opposition, he certainly achieved his goal.  No sour grapes here.

Décolletage Devotee 3525 reads
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Are you that garrulous 'rduke' in disguise "Webbie"? I make a simple tribute and throw in some lightly sexist tongue in cheek humor(somewhat apropos for this forum)and I'm suddenly getting a full lecture in feminism, the definitions of feminism, objectification, misogyny anon anon anon.

 This whole food fight is about the right to say "I like enhanced breasts" and suffer no more negative repercussions as do the politically correct "naturalists" in their promulgations.

I made a conscious effort to address the debated issue and not succumb to casting personal attacks. It is obvious that the opposition holds a morally accepted higher ground thus granting them license to do just such. Let it be forever known to the hobbyist that although breast augmentation is ubiquitous throughout our community, the entertainment industry and private life as well you shall be forever a pariah should you “God forbid” favor this over nature.

-- Modified on 11/25/2005 8:46:10 PM

Starfishhunter 10 Reviews 4587 reads
20 / 20

Your sensitivity to the issue of minors is understandable. This simple act of contrition speaks volumes for your character. It would be pleasant if more people demonstrated the same standard of character on this board.

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