TER General Board

Re:Getting Older
BILL18356 2597 reads

First Happy Birthday Chay,

2nd you're still a hottie

3rd now you're experienced, know what you want and know how to get it. It's a far better scenario than bumping your ass all the time trying to figure out where ya fit.

4th those great big beautiful breasts are still defying gravity

5th enjoy the maturity, you wear it well

and finally I doubt I qualify as a boy toy but if you're ever in need of someone to look at that will make ya feel younger gimmeee a call. lol

Have a wonderful day

Chaylee5025 reads

My B-Day is coming up so I'm feeling down...about getting older..

I ask myself what happen to all the time...That I live maybe half my life already....It does not help when my son keeps telling me he's going take take care of me when I get old....

In my mind I'm still that little redhead girl that my mom have to drag inside when it got dark ... There is so much I want to do in my life...

Sorry for this post just been freaking out about my B-Day ...Don't mean to sound dumb......

Thank YOu

PS...I need to go find a boytoy...that always makes me feel better...

Chief Redbeard3398 reads

Each year the precentage of the population that are "sweet young things" grows larger!!!

Happy Birthday!!  

Don't sweat it, go buy a car or something :)  

-- Modified on 12/30/2004 6:01:54 AM

Seriously, you're a babe. Relax and enjoy the experience you've accumulated.

Happy Birthday xx

ellobo693458 reads

When my wife turned 40, she went off the deep end. Eventually had to commit her to psych ward for severe depression. She still won't tell her age to anyone. She fortunately still looks 15 yrs. younger than she is. Personally, I'll take all the b'days I can get. I had a heart attack last year and I am happy to still be alive.

... you are still on "the right side of the grass".

Sweetheart, your'e not getting older, your'e getting better.

Age is nothing more than a number.
You are a beautiful lady.
Rejoice in your maturity.

I also have past the statisical "halfway point in my life, actually a while ago.
But I don't consider myself "old" by any stretch.

Ask Anneke of Tampa, ask Sassy in Orlando.

Just my opinion...

You've got a long way to go---you look absolutely wonderful!

7733011 reads

Dear Chay:

I have always wanted to meet you.  You look great.  Look at it
this way, a lot of us would like to spend our birthdays with you.

...Had a great line the last time I met him....   "You are only as old as who you feel!"

My sentiments exactly.

BILL183562598 reads

First Happy Birthday Chay,

2nd you're still a hottie

3rd now you're experienced, know what you want and know how to get it. It's a far better scenario than bumping your ass all the time trying to figure out where ya fit.

4th those great big beautiful breasts are still defying gravity

5th enjoy the maturity, you wear it well

and finally I doubt I qualify as a boy toy but if you're ever in need of someone to look at that will make ya feel younger gimmeee a call. lol

Have a wonderful day

As I grow older, I find that I appreciate everything in my life so much more.  I find that there are things which I might have taken for granted (or just appreciated less) years ago that I now have come to savor and flesh out so much more fully...and enjoy more. Many of these things are even of everyday nature...the taste of tea in the morning, a shade of the sunset, the feel of a shower, a song I have heard a million times before, or a talk in bed with a lover before going to sleep.

If it wasn't for the perspective that my years have given me, I wouldn't have the ability to experience this added appreciation of things.  As I do, though, it makes any loss of time or ability to do things mean much less to me, because I have as much or possibly more satisfaction with my life with less things in it.

I know that if I choose to do something now, I will do so with a level of committment and understanding and enjoyment that I would not have been capable of in my earlier years, and because of this, I welcome the wisdom that comes with the passing of years.  It more than offsets any losses or changes time may bring...and those people that I surround myself with are usually more of like mind, and will be able to be in the same place with me.

When you make love now, Chay...do you feel it more than you did when you were 25?  Celebrate that feeling...and the depth of flavor to your life expereince that only time can bring.  Like a beautiful bottle of wine, as we lose the "bloom" of our youth, our flavor only develops more nuances and textures.  Albeit, our society only seems to appreciate the "newest vintages", but those who are worthwhile will appreciate the character and depth that only can come with time.

Thanks for that wonderful post. As a vintage bottle it was greatly appreciated. Chaylee,,,I wish I were YOUR age but wishing doesn't make it so and I'll enjoy what I am to the fullest. You do the same darlin'. You're beautiful.

Smiles and Hugs,

DonOrosco3289 reads

You look great to me. Your website is one of the mosy unique ones that I have seem. I could be your boytoy, if only you were in NY. Happy B-day.

Chey.. I just checked our your site. You are gorgeous ! Why worry ? And everyone wants a little cajun love ! Cha ! (smile)

Dont look at it as getting another year older.. Look at it as getting another year wiser !! Red hair.. beauty.. brains ? I really think you haven't a thing to worry over !!

Good luck and stay safe.. And Happy Birthday to you !

...but seriously, you look divine baby.  On the professional front, there is a shortage of providers out there that have been around the block a few times.  Wish you were in my neck of the woods.

I wish you happiness, health, and friendship in abundance as you get older.  heck, it's cliche, but being alive is a great thing.  as someone else said, consider the alternative.  Expectations and comparisons to others will only screw you up further, and not in a good way.  God knows I've got to remind myself every day to keep working, to keep improving myself.  I've failed in this simple task more times than I'd like to admit.  It's a lifestyle kind of thing.  And change won't come overnight.  blah blah blah.  you've heard this a million times already.  do what you believe to be right, I know you well enough to trust you'll make the right decisions FOR YOU.

xo, and ps: happy birthday! fahrkle

DannyBustyLvr2656 reads

I recall a post awhile back from you where you pondered the thoughts awash over you when someone declined your appoinment when he met you.  i thought he was a jackass then, and I still do.
I have never met you, but who knows one day maybe my luck will change and you will be cursed with meeting me. (LOL)
But you strike me an intelligent, thoughtful, exploratory woman, one graced with uncommon beauty both within and without (Oh Lordy, what "beauty without" you are blessed with!!)
Sometimes I wonder about my age, but there is so much to do, so much to see, and I see many enjoy it all the way to their final ride.
So don't worry about that ride, or the line to get on the ride, just remember to shake out that glorious hair of yours at the end and say "Wow!  that was GREAT!"
BTW - your newest photos show that trying or not - you are hiding from old man age VERY well.
And I'd like to offer up my boytoy application, husband, whatever... ;-)

Some of us prefer someone who has been around a few years.  You are smoking hot and hotter than most 21 year olds I know.  Dont sweat another birthday there are plently of guys drooling over you on this board including me.  Getting older is fun look back on some of the stupid things we did when we were young because we didnt know better.  

PS: You really are stunning!!!   And I have no idea how old you are but you look 30 tops

sddej202941 reads

As long as you are still here to celebrate the occasion of another year under your belt that is exactly what you need to do....celebrate!!!! I know that as time passes we all have periods of looking inside and fighting the feelings that we stir up.Time seems to be passing faster and faster and we start to have a panic attack.All the things we were always going to do,we haven't done them yet!We are getting older but it seems to have really started to press on our minds lately more and more.But....if we but stop to smell the flowers,we find so many blessings to be thankful for.You mentioned your son,well is that not one of the greatest of blessings to be able to enjoy watching him grow.To raise him to be a good man?If you dwell on this thought alone it should make you wish to enjoy many more birthdays in the future.You and I are both fortunate in that we still can dream and make some of those dreams come true because we are still here to celebrate our birthdays.Think of how many dreams died when that tsunami hit.Go and enjoy life while you can and carry my congratulations and best wishes with you pretty lady!!!

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