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Emma's Post Below
random133 117 Reviews 3261 reads

just burns me up.  If I hear one more time about how porn ruins marriages, I think I'll throw up--hopefully on the person speaking.  It's no surprise the post is on a "christian" website.  Too many of the people foisting this horseshit on us have the same or less credibility as those who brought you the evils of "gay" Spongebob and Teletubbies.  Like anything else, porn can be used or abused, just like religion.  As another poster points out in his recap of his conversation with his SO, porn might be what someone points to as the source of trouble in a relationship, but I'll bet my last bonus check the problems usually go a lot deeper than what hubby watches on DVD.  In fact, I'll go so far as to offer that when I was gettin' it regular (and when it was worth gettin'), the last thing I needed was porn.  I'd feel a lot more sorry for SOs who offered willing and passionate sex only to find they can not satisfy their partners--that would be kind of sad.  I have much less symptathy for a SO who thinks lifeless sex two or three times a year is enough to keep their partners from whacking off to the latest Jenna Jameson romp.  I shall now descend my soapbox so you can go back to your regularly scheduled hobbying, which is already in progress.

sicnarf2141 reads

You think that the judge has not heard it before - (the envelope please)....  Reason why guys turn to porn, chilly in the bedroom....  

If more women would at least act like some of the even moderately good escorts, most escorts would be out of business in a hurry! (nah, not true, but I just liked hearing that!)  But wives who treat their husbands like garbage and then expect them to actually have sex with them, or wives who are never home, or wives who reject any romantic advance, wives who actually don't even know what their husbands like....   well, sad but true....  

With respect to a "gay" Sponge Bob, for the love of nematodes.... he's a sponge!  eeek.....   why are these people even taking valuable natural resources....   I gotta say, it makes a person wonder...

yeah, the "porn ruins marriages" might be the #1 B.S. statement of all time......I would tend to think that financial problems, drug and/or alcohol issues, & mental/physical abuse are what ruins marriages, not porn.......The religious fundamentalists love to make porn the scapegoat for all the worlds' ills.......

On a side note, you have to see the movie "Kinsey"......The film goes into some of the unbelievable things people used to believe about sex ie: masturbation causes blindess/seizures, DATY can cause pregancy, etc. (no doubt non-sense put forth by the Purtiancial crowd) in the early 1900's before Kinsey engaged in his monumental study on human sexuality......

out on this any more than if it had been a post on this site. The woman is hurt and in blame mode. Plus she's uneducated and a bad fuck. You have better things to do.

There is one more aspect to it though.  No, porn does not (or very rarely) ruin relationships.  What ruins relationships that perhaps could be saved is the failure to recognize that the pursuit of porn (or any other outside-the-relationship activity such as an affair or visiting providers -- ladies, please, I am not suggesting that you are comparable to porn!) is frequently a result of other, deeper problems within the relationship.  Either the couple can deal with them, or live with one or the other partner going in different directions.  And right you are, Phun, when the relationship is good, who needs porn?  A little erotica now and again, yes.

2sense2491 reads

I seem to recollect that zookeepers showed video tapes of gorillas copulating to those who hadn't quite got the hang of it. It was suppose to have helped, much as it does with people.

Of course, on an  evolutionary basis, there's no reason why it shouldn't, given the profound genetic similarities between humans and gorillas. But then, that would be a whole other argument with fundamentalists, as they also reject  the theory of evolution, the great organizing principle of modern biology.

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