TER General Board

Re:Curious about guys here and their jobs
leave it to beaver 2793 reads

As a new hobbiest, I've been curious about this too. I happen to be a lawyer making a comfortable living after 15 years of drudgery - most of the time the job is still drudgery - but that doesn't mean I've got a lot of disposable income to blow on my new hobby. My family's lifestyle got more expensive as my income increased, making me work harder year after year; a phenomenon AKA "golden handcuffs". It all comes down to priorities, right?
 Another thing, as a married guy, finding a way to spend a few hundred bucks a month without the wife finding out takes some work. If I had anticipated getting into this hobby, I would have set up seperate bank accounts for my wife and me years ago, but now it would arouse suspicion.
 The bottom line, however, is that you make your choices in life and you live with them or make new ones. I'm pushing fifty, and I just decided I'd better act on my sexual fantasies of incredible sex with beautiful young women, while I still can, or die a bitter, regretful man. At my age other guys spend their money on Harleys, boats, Porsches, or other dick extensions, or they leave their wife and kids for a trophy wife. I think I have pretty modest extracurricular interests in comparison. And of course, "moderation in everything" is a good rule to live by. EOM

notabadguy3532 reads

what kind of jobs do the majority of hobbyists here have (the ones that work for a living of course) I seem to get the impression from a lot of the guys that post that they don't seem to mind paying out the a** (no pun intended) and then some to see providers. I'm a blue collar working stiff with dependants and I don't mind spending my hard earned money for something I get enjoyment out of but the guys here seem to have a certain, "hey, it's only money" and "think of the poor girls" attitude. which makes me wonder if the hobby caters to the CEO types and indepently wealthy? I'm sure there are providers out there that would rather see only those types, and that's fine with me, they can have each other. call me cheap, I like to think of it as economical. I would much rather pay $$.5 for two "quality" sessions than $$$$$ for one so-so session with a provider who thinks shes worth that much, and then expects a tip on top of it!

DISCLAIMER: people like to criticize others for THEIR opinions, so it should be interesting to see what kind of rants and flames this post will get.

You're not the only working stiff on these boards. Many of us really have to budget to enjoy this hobby. I deny myself more than I care to admit to so that I can hobby regularly.
  I don't know what part of the country you're from 'notabadguy'
but here in LA we have some premium ladies and we pay premium prices. There seems to be no shortage of guys with the money to pay them either. I have to admit after 8 months at the GFE level of the hobby I feel I made some dreadful career choices some years ago.

  C'mon Lotto!!!

to damn early for any other type of stiffy.

To semi answer your question, i own a small business. But the economy, and another factor have meant that business now is about 40% of what it should be. So i'm back to working a "regular" job too for the moment.

-- Modified on 8/25/2003 3:27:06 AM

-- Modified on 8/25/2003 3:27:54 AM

There may be a few people with limitless budgets on this board but I am not one of them.  Those people have mistresses or courtesans or arrangements.  The women they see aren't even on the radar screen.  I doubt they are here "slumming with us".

Maybe we should start our own "office" pool or lotto.  You could all send the money to me, then I would let you know who the winner was.  Of course there would have to be some administrative fee (that would go into the general education fund, transportation fund, etc).  LOL

I've had a similar idea about an office pool.  Get about 6 guys together and pitch in 50 a month - take turns each month seeing a provider.  Of course the rest of us get the premium reviews and await our turns.  So, the worse case scenario would be that a guy waits 6 months and has pitched in 300 but then his turn comes up - he would pay the 300 at that point anyway and in the meantime enjoys all the juicy details and cammaraderie.

By the way, I also am of limited funds - otherwise I wouldn't be thinking about office pools.

EmbarassedAccountant2954 reads

...a buying consortium.  

The five or six guys pool their money monthly as llcar suggests but additionally you select one lady or house to percure a volume discount. LOL  This would work in concept, however, I can't imagine 5 or 6 guys agreeing on the same lady.

About professions, even though I have my own business, its still difficult for me to afford this hobby.  I for one have been suprised to see the rise in fees over the past 10 years and assume that "demand" is to blame (probably due to the internet).  In Philly, I also note the fewer numbers of local ladies (based upon Eros adds) than elsewhere (DC, NY, LA, Seattle...) which contributes to the expense of the whole thing as well.  My only question is, "why aren't the DC/Balt ladies coming north?

2J3217 reads



I am in marketing and advertising and earn a comfortable living, but by no means extraordinary.

I hobby in spurts (sometimes 4 times a month, other times once every 4 months) and do have to budget.

I usually spend between $150 and $300 (locally its $150-250).  I have spent as much as $400/hr. and it was worth every penny.  It does depend on where you live and travel as to what the prevailing rate is.

It is much easier for me than many because I am single.

fortitude2953 reads

...and I'm one of those guys that doesn't work for a living any more.

Be that as it may, I generally see gals in the same $$$ range you mention, for I've found little if any difference in performance at a higher level.

I for one truly believe that the good GFE's in the biz care little about what a guy does for a living, but do care about being treated in a way that makes them feel comfortable with whomever they happen to be with.  And of course cleanliness gets you the prize.

But those "blue collar" types can certainly be all of the above as easily as those CEO's.  And maybe with less arrogance and more generosity in affection and interest.

Ladies, please back me up on this one.  I do believe that I'm right.


Ditto .. I put in about 50 hours a week at my steady job .. and have another small business on the side ... My hobby is funded through my blackjack play. I make sure that the family is well taken care and don't use any household money for my hobby. I stick to the $$$ +/- range and see no reason to go higher .. the quality and quanity is excellent in this range.... .02 worth

leave it to beaver2794 reads

As a new hobbiest, I've been curious about this too. I happen to be a lawyer making a comfortable living after 15 years of drudgery - most of the time the job is still drudgery - but that doesn't mean I've got a lot of disposable income to blow on my new hobby. My family's lifestyle got more expensive as my income increased, making me work harder year after year; a phenomenon AKA "golden handcuffs". It all comes down to priorities, right?
 Another thing, as a married guy, finding a way to spend a few hundred bucks a month without the wife finding out takes some work. If I had anticipated getting into this hobby, I would have set up seperate bank accounts for my wife and me years ago, but now it would arouse suspicion.
 The bottom line, however, is that you make your choices in life and you live with them or make new ones. I'm pushing fifty, and I just decided I'd better act on my sexual fantasies of incredible sex with beautiful young women, while I still can, or die a bitter, regretful man. At my age other guys spend their money on Harleys, boats, Porsches, or other dick extensions, or they leave their wife and kids for a trophy wife. I think I have pretty modest extracurricular interests in comparison. And of course, "moderation in everything" is a good rule to live by. EOM

megapig3812 reads

Not ...

For me, at least, money is not an object.   In my position as an Agent of Satan I get 10% of all Satan's action, which used to be a great deal .. but he's been so busy lately running the Democratic Party and the movie studios ... there's not as much evil going on as their used to be.   But I still make decent money.

The Term YMMV (your mileage may vary) encompasses a LOT of territory .... and one big one is that you can NOT say with ANY degree of certainty that the money you pay gets you anything more.  There are some providers out there that are VERY low cost and give INCREDIBLE service ... with many of them ... the service gets better for repeat clients, so the reviews don't always give the best picture.  Sometimes it's just intuition on your part.

Certainly SOME of the top priced ladies are worth it, I'm just saying that it's by no means a certainty that if you pay the BIG $$$$ for the current porn star .... you're going to get anything more for your money than a simple, $300 session and some bragging rights.

Get one porn star?  Or 7 sessions with a newbie who tries harder?

Get a Hummer?  Or a tattoo on your forehead that reads "I'M IN DESPARATE NEED OF ATTENTION!"

The results are the same ... it's just how much money you want to spend.

I do ok for myself as a white collar worker.  And I would never spend more than $$$.5 for any girl.

leave it to beaver5191 reads

I'm seeing $4C's as pretty common for fs. Do you ever negotiate a provider's donation, or just accept or decline the stated "entry fee"?

Rustproof3600 reads

the 1 time i ever spent more than $$$ for 1 hour, i was left wanting more. i see many many quality, non rushed women all over the country for $$$ or less per hour and i never ever negotiate.

i own a business and also do the blue collar thing, i wouldn't want anyone to think that i ask them to do things that i wouldn't do.

I work in technology and make pretty good money considering the economic conditions.  Granted it has been better.  I hobby in moderation, every 3 to 8 weeks, depending on my mood. I try to pick intelligent, grounded women in the 250-350 range, all inclusive, but I usually tip as well.  Call me emasculated, but the mind is the first sex organ that needs to get aroused for me.  If there is no basic connection or her personality does not interest me, then my partner d'jour is just a sophisticated tool.  (My hand is a sophisticated tool with a personality that does not interest me...and much less expensive.)  That just does not do it for me.  My theory is that I will get more of that from the local talent, especially when I repeat.  Time will test out that theory.  Heck, part of the reason I am on this board is to find intelligent ladies with interesting personalities that are in my area...or areas where I travel.

As to money, Vegas rules apply; don't wager what you can't afford to lose.

"what kind of jobs do the majority of hobbyists here have (the ones that work for a living of course) I seem to get the impression from a lot of the guys that post that they don't seem to mind paying out the a** (no pun intended) and then some to see providers."

I'm amazed at the disposable cash some guys seem to have -- or maybe they have a maxed-out line of credit on their credit cards. I just read a review from one guy who (claims he) spent a lot of money to see a provider, then immediately paid a lot more to go anal.

At least he's helping the economy. :)


-- Modified on 8/25/2003 2:41:22 PM

I'm independently wealthy...

I had invested in Lottery futures...

I kept playing the combination numbers from the only 2 master locks I ever had in high school...25 years or so ago...then
until one day....

then... PAYDIRT!...so I rolled out the barrel and I'm still having a barrel of fun....

never lost my sense of being, humor, and horniness.

...took an old slogan I heard from a retail clothing store chain into the hobby...."the educated hobbyist is a providers best customer"....maybe there is a hint of thriftiness in there somewhere...but if anything involves a good time...the $ will flow.

Now if anybody still believes those opening sentences I have some swamp land in Florida I need to unload.
I guess that's the salesman in me(financial)...an okay one at that...but with kids in college...got to be thrifty....but sometimes the $ will flow....cause I just love to have fun.
Sometimes I don't know when to say when.



I'm right there with you notabadguy, working away at that blue collar job.
my method is that I take on extra work on the side to spend on things I don't really need or hobby with the extra $$. my income from the regular job pays the bills, savings, etc. then, income from freelance work goes towards the things I enjoy in life. this way, if I want more fun, I must work harder to get it. I find that I appreciate these things a lot more, but still don't adversely affect my other bills and obligations. even by doing this, I still must budget the finances carefully, and could never afford certain ladies' rates nor shower her with expensive gifts.
best regards, mr.man

notabadguy3309 reads

I try to see a girl once a month maybe every other month. but there have been times I was so disappointed with a session, I broke my rule and went right out to see if the next girl could do better and make me feel like I was getting my moneys worth. I try not to think of the money thing too much, but when I get a less than average performance, it makes me wonder where is this money going? I like to think the fee is being wisely used by these women for food, shelter, kids, etc. I had one provider actually tell me she was using the money for paying off her court cost for a probation violation, glad that was at the END of the session! what a turnoff that would have been!

I have my own consulting business, and earn a comfortable living.  I make sure my family budget is taken care of and once in a while I treat myself out of some of my clients expense reimbursements.

I'm a government employee in my full time job.  Make about $110K.  Sounds like a lot but in SoCal (after tax), it's only a pitance - enough to buy a run-down mobile home is a seedy area maybe.  So, I have a part-time job to help make ends meet (think: "Be All That You Can Be, Join The.....").  One weekend a month.  Don't make a lot, but retirement income at age 60 is better than that from my full time job! Min. education level for both jobs was a doctorate. I have also had some rental properties (6) since college that generate good deductions, but no income.  My SO makes about the same but we give a lot away to various causes.  Of course, I'm saving like crazy for the kid's colleges... I'm blessed in that I love what I do and work with really good people.

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