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Re:Be careful what you wish for.............
n18 23 Reviews 1636 reads

Rats!  Banyan Tree is all booked up for over a year!

I have an appouintment scheduled with one of the best reviewed providers in my area next month.  We have scheduled 3 hours rtogether and based on her reviews, all 3 hours will be well spent.  My question is this:  I asked her to let me know what one of her fantasies is.  is this appropriate or did i blow it in a big way?  How would you react to this inquiry?

Would you be as bold to ask anyone else that, you havent met before ?

If so,

Its bold. And she may think:  Great, another freak.: If she hasnt answered back, I am sure it was the case.

Do keep in mind we get more emails than Santa every day of the week. We do not speak of sexual explicits thru mail or any other time.

If it were me, I would have said. a cruise to the Carribean, But hell, thats me ;)

That was one of my fantasy's that I fulfilled earlier this summer when I took a provider on a 7 day Carribean Cruise earlier this summer.

we arranged the appointment through e-mail and she asked for my number so we could talk before hand.  i gave her my number and she called pretty quickly.  we chatted for about 15-20 minutes and i asked her if she would like me to send her a pic so she could see what i looked like.  I sent the pic and asked her what kind of lingerie she preferred.  When she answered that question, i asked her about the fantasy.  she said she would think about it and let me know, but i wanted to get a provider point of view on this.

CB....unless you are something really special, I do not think you can fulfill a fantasy for a girl you are paying to fuck (See "Pretty Woman").  Take it for what it is..a business arrangement with perks, and enjoy it.

I'll go with the NEW, to the hobby. In your surfing and reading web sites does.. "No talking about sex", "No dicussions on the fee", "Don't be rude and/or insulting", etc. etc., ring any bells?

They should. You failed by talking about sex or fantasy (same thing). By the way, on your first date with a civie whould you ask her what her greatest sexual fantasy his. Hello! That could get you slapped I would think. Of course I'm old fashion, today maybe it gets you laid.

If she does not call or write you back, chalk it up to not being too brite. If she does, count your blessings, be a gentlemen and wrtie a review for the rest of us.

Emmmm, choke, LOL also, just wondering. If she had told you her great sexual fantasy, I'm sure you are the MAN who will totally fullfill that, right?

Please !!

Mr. Silk, thanks for your honest reply.  As for smart ass, Ii see how you get your handle.  Replies like Mr. Silk's are appreciated.  Rreplies like yours are why I asked for a PROVIDER'S point of view.

Has she contacted you back yet ? And Of course someone is going to respond quickly for a  3 hour date / BUT

Long appts/ then asking her fantasy- has le written all over it.

Mind your manners and stick to formal introduction for first appointments. I am sure somewhere in the alotted  3 hours you will have a chance to speak of it.

Remember, we are providers. Most of our sexual fantasies have been fulfilled.

I guess I'm reacting to the "not too bright" comment.
Not that I'm promoting asking about fantasies through emails or anything but it's not the most idiotic thing we've heard about.

I wouldn't lead him to believe his date is cancelled.  Just an unanswered email (for obvious reasons)

But then again, I WOULD ask what someone's sexual fantasies are on a first date.

just kidding friend. I used that for a hook. You are right, and I may have been over the top a little on this one. Having a bad day maybe.

I'm really a pretty nice guy everyone! LOL

Think about sex.  Works damn near every time.

It works during long meetings as long as no one is gonna ask you to stand up and address the crowd.

My #1 fantasy is being sent to the Banyan Tree in Phuket for 2 weeks.  1st class of course, and on my own, with a huge pile of books and endless spa appointments.  Meanwhile, back at home.......

there's a bevy of (honest & reliable - this is a fantasy after all) contractors working on my house.  Ripping up the drive and resurfacing it, doing fences, landscaping, painting, replacing windows, oiling the woodwork, cleaning gutters etc etc.

I come home rested and tanned, 5 kgs thinner and with a beautifully finished tidy house.  Don't know where you fit into this, but hey, it's my fantasy.

Paul Bunyan statue near Duluth for two?
With a huge pile of Soot and endless PSE Appointments?

That can't be right.

I thought you wanted to drink 5 kegs of paint thinner.

Rats!  Banyan Tree is all booked up for over a year!

...He says that a woman came up to him and said for $300 she will do whatever he wants.

He gave her $300 and said "Paint my house!"

if someone asked me what my fantasy is so that we fulfill it. Matter fact, I write erotic stories that are reflections of my own fantasies so others have a peek into my desires.


Seems like you are the only one who likes it.  Thanks for tips everyone, next time I will know better.  And I am not new to the hobby, just new to upsacle providers such as the one I have the appoinment with.  Going with quality over quantity from now on.

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