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Re:Be careful what you touch in hotels
Felix Unger 2953 reads

Finally people are seeing things my way. Remember there are many Oscar Madison type slobs out there.(honk-honk)

Interesting article especially for us hotel outcall fans about cleanliness in hotels.....Don't touch the remote!

As someone else has almost certainly done it there before you.  And unlike the sheets, the bedspread DOESN'T get washed unless it's visibly soiled.

That providers prefer to do the deed on top of the bedspread? They don't like actually getting under the sheets with their client because that's too intimate or too much like a real relationship.

The last time I saw a lady, I found this to be true.

Your views, ladies?

*3904 reads

or, should I have had him sleep on the floor? LOL That would probably remind him too much of the dreaded wife at home.

From a Provider4096 reads

alcohol pads to sterilize door knobs, faucets, remotes....  And never sit on a chair or the comfortor bare!!!!!  (They never clean those....)

to wipe down whatever needs wiping down, as well as 'baby' wipes, and hand cleaner.

But, I also begin my appointments by washing my hands first, and appreciate that a gentleman wash his hands first before we get acquainted. Most might not notice that I have this practice, as, I usually have to use the restroom by the time I get there anyway and obviously wash (again) afterwards.

Good point about the remote, not that I ever turn on the tv, but it's good to remember that, too. Thanks.

...fair enough that the remote is filthy (think of the porn movie action for goodness' sake!).  But unless someone is immune compromised, using a hotel remote, taking the subway, opening a door and (yes!) touching the doorknob is all part of our daily life's exposure to the elements.  There is even research that suggests that we are too clean and not challenging our immune systems sufficiently.  Please understand, I am a clean freak, but we must avoid ending up with an almost obsessive compulsive view of that bacterial-microbe filled world out there.

*5028 reads

I once did an overnighter with  client and I woke up with hives (not from him), and I had asked the front desk clerk when they last washed the beds, and they told me once a week..NASTY.

Felix Unger2954 reads

Finally people are seeing things my way. Remember there are many Oscar Madison type slobs out there.(honk-honk)

... around us?  Wash your hands, Brush your teeth.  Floss. Keep yourself heatthy and don't do stupid things and you will survive infections from handling the hotel remote.

saw a guy just the other day in a restaurant.  I noticed he didn't wash his hands after pissing - He was sitting a few tables in front of me and next thing you know he was picking fries out of his friends plate [a girl but didn't look like SO].

Cooties for sure !!!

But seriously, you are probably OK If you don't piss on yourself and you shower regularly.  If you are at all like me, you wash  Mr Happy with more love, affection, and consistancy than any part of your body.  ladies have a tougher time.

I wash because my mom is still standing there (rest her soul) telling me it's nasty to do anything else.

I know someone who washes his hands before relieving Mr Happy.  I first found this odd, but hey if an extra 15 seconds can prevent ``pink eye'' I think its a good idea.  I've adopted this - especially when at the gym and after riding subways.  

Strange thing is I'de have no problem drinking the bath water of a sexy woman.

BTW, I also spend a lot of time with Mini Me in the shower - My wife wonders why I use so much soap.

It is more likely your hands are dirtier than your penis.  Washing your hands prior to pissing makes more sense than after.  I do both only since I have to touch the flush.  I also use the paper towel to open the door on my way out.

Dirk Bogard3157 reads

That's precisely why I bring  my portable plastic,sanitized,non-toxic sex bubble-den.

and of course,don't forget to gargle with mouthwash before,during, and after the shag fest.

I also recommend an anti-bacterial body wash for the both of you during showers before,during,and after sessions and don't forget to "lysol" the toilet bowl nbefore and after each useage. Oh yes...by all means do keep the maid busy with clean sheets before and after each "sexy-fun" loving moment.


Alright, Dirk...its time both your heads were bubble wrapped!

Cheers to cleanliness!

sex standing up wearing sensible shoes and clean socks.  Don't forget to wear rubber gloves in case you have to touch anything.    Maybe a full body condom.

It is the most germ laden of all! It also probably has traces of Cocaine or other drusg on it. One of the most contaminated things in our lives.

My mom carried me home from the hospital in her lap in the back seat of a cab. No seat belts, no car seats for kids. The old rundown apartment we lived in probably had lead paint on the walls. I rode a bicycle all over town without a helmet. I had a chemistry set with poison chemicals. I had an Erector Set with a motor that had exposed gears. We used to go to shoe stores and look at our foot bones through the x ray machines.

I should have been dead at ten!

I've found everything from meds to vibrators and lube.  If only I'd been there the previous night.

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