TER General Board

Really? I think that was obvious...
rumen 2 Reviews 2540 reads
1 / 39

As a newbie I've been reading reviews extensively and I must say that I am very impressed by the number of reviewers with large members. Kudos to you gentleman.

However, ladies, considering the far above average member size of the men on TER you must be quite chagrined that none of you seem to bring Magnums for these outstanding examples of manhood.

Hopefully this small voice in the crowd will help to change this embarrassing fault.

BTW, reviewers, although it is impressive to hear of your oversized member and your struggles, with which I sympathize, I'm not sure what value that adds to a review of a lady. Perhaps you could help me understand?

With love to all,

inicky46 61 Reviews 794 reads
2 / 39

Fortunately, I do not have to worry about this because mine has been compared to a...

skarphedin 731 reads
3 / 39

Posted By: rumen
As a newbie I've been reading reviews extensively and I must say that I am very impressed by the number of reviewers with large members. Kudos to you gentleman.  
 However, ladies, considering the far above average member size of the men on TER you must be quite chagrined that none of you seem to bring Magnums for these outstanding examples of manhood.  
 Hopefully this small voice in the crowd will help to change this embarrassing fault.  
 BTW, reviewers, although it is impressive to hear of your oversized member and your struggles, with which I sympathize, I'm not sure what value that adds to a review of a lady. Perhaps you could help me understand?  
 With love to all,  

TheHotGuy2014 9 Reviews 724 reads
4 / 39

Was just talking to (one of) my ATFs (protecting the innocent) yesterday about the penis sizes of her clients.

Lets just say based on my conversation, I think allot of these guys are exaggerating to make themselves feel better.  For the record, I am "just right", not too big, not too small, a comfortable average size that fits without feeling like they are being skewered or short changed.

bigguy30 804 reads
5 / 39

I have heard different things from woman.

Some like really big dicks and other woman don't like it too big.

Also how a guy fucks them during sex is very important too!

So the woman that have spoken to me have different views on this topic.

-- Modified on 11/6/2014 9:26:19 AM

anavictoria See my TER Reviews 671 reads
6 / 39

Seems like you answered your own question, since you can't talk specifics then it's best if the lady browses your reviews so that she knows what she's in for. Maybe your big member won't fit places you're fond of. If she only carries regular condoms it might be that she's too tight for a Magnum. I know I'm extremely tight, most places on me would take awhile to work something substantial in. Think I'd really want to run through condoms on someone wishing to dive it right in... then wonder why I'm making "pained faces". That's in reviews often too. You get to understand who gets it and who doesn't especially when they want the same service others got but wanna ram it in.

So yeah, I think it's important that guys point out that they're large. Especially when they want services some just can't possibly do. When you exaggerate we should be able to point and laugh at you. Kidding, but you get where I'm coming from.
Posted By: rumen
As a newbie I've been reading reviews extensively and I must say that I am very impressed by the number of reviewers with large members. Kudos to you gentleman.  
 However, ladies, considering the far above average member size of the men on TER you must be quite chagrined that none of you seem to bring Magnums for these outstanding examples of manhood.  
 Hopefully this small voice in the crowd will help to change this embarrassing fault.  
 BTW, reviewers, although it is impressive to hear of your oversized member and your struggles, with which I sympathize, I'm not sure what value that adds to a review of a lady. Perhaps you could help me understand?  
 With love to all,  

dubhouse 4 Reviews 628 reads
7 / 39

I always bring magnums and I always warn her in my initial email inquiry.  I'm not HUGE but big enough to be turned away by a girl a few years back.

FIDCUOF 583 reads
8 / 39

All guys think they have big cocks !!!   Most are 5 inches or smaller...that's average.  The guys on the boards have bigger cocks like 8 inches.   Ask them?  :  ;)

rumen 2 Reviews 508 reads
9 / 39
rumen 2 Reviews 714 reads
10 / 39

this was satire.

BTW: Mine is rated safe for all audiences according to the Member Size Standards published by the American Courtesans Policy Working Group.

skarphedin 417 reads
11 / 39
Dr Who revived 406 reads
12 / 39

If you feel up to it....Rose Marie is OK most of the time too.

Stay away from Sandy Duncan though....that eye thing.

HarryWotton 11 Reviews 585 reads
14 / 39

That leaves room for interpretation, has it been compared to the can or the sausages?  

Posted By: inicky46
Fortunately, I do not have to worry about this because mine has been compared to a....  

Ivysparks See my TER Reviews 496 reads
15 / 39

I have my own large condoms, but its not unusual for clients to bring their own condoms when they know they are of a larger or smaller size.

Crazy Diamond 12 Reviews 541 reads
16 / 39

I had a feeling you were pulling our chains.  Needless to say, most guys don't brag about the size of their wang in reviews, and just about all providers have Magnums in their condom pouches.  All you need to do is ask, or bring one yourself if needed.

rickyrocket67 27 Reviews 638 reads
17 / 39

I make it a point to PM,email that I am large and real thick.I do bring my own condoms cause in the past the ones providers had I would break them or to tight on my dick.

Posted By: anavictoria
Seems like you answered your own question, since you can't talk specifics then it's best if the lady browses your reviews so that she knows what she's in for. Maybe your big member won't fit places you're fond of. If she only carries regular condoms it might be that she's too tight for a Magnum. I know I'm extremely tight, most places on me would take awhile to work something substantial in. Think I'd really want to run through condoms on someone wishing to dive it right in... then wonder why I'm making "pained faces". That's in reviews often too. You get to understand who gets it and who doesn't especially when they want the same service others got but wanna ram it in.  
 So yeah, I think it's important that guys point out that they're large. Especially when they want services some just can't possibly do. When you exaggerate we should be able to point and laugh at you. Kidding, but you get where I'm coming from.  
Posted By: rumen
As a newbie I've been reading reviews extensively and I must say that I am very impressed by the number of reviewers with large members. Kudos to you gentleman.  
  However, ladies, considering the far above average member size of the men on TER you must be quite chagrined that none of you seem to bring Magnums for these outstanding examples of manhood.  
  Hopefully this small voice in the crowd will help to change this embarrassing fault.  
  BTW, reviewers, although it is impressive to hear of your oversized member and your struggles, with which I sympathize, I'm not sure what value that adds to a review of a lady. Perhaps you could help me understand?  
  With love to all,  

rumen 2 Reviews 567 reads
18 / 39
rumen 2 Reviews 485 reads
19 / 39

and cost effective at only $4.00 per gross.

skarphedin 481 reads
20 / 39
anavictoria See my TER Reviews 522 reads
21 / 39

Do you prefer the pinky or the thumb? A little wiggle room maybe or the snug fit? I carry the assortment pack.  

Posted By: rumen
and cost effective at only $4.00 per gross.

rumen 2 Reviews 512 reads
22 / 39

It just occurred to me...

When Stewie on Family Guy has a sexy party and wears his captain's hat is it a reference CNR???

skarphedin 476 reads
24 / 39
Back_In_Black 654 reads
25 / 39

tony licked your balls .. lol ..lol what up fid .. your summary of mans cock cracks me up .. I have no comment as im more interested in tits n ass ...! female or course ...rotfflmao ..

Posted By: FIDCUOF
All guys think they have big cocks !!!   Most are 5 inches or smaller...that's average.  The guys on the boards have bigger cocks like 8 inches.   Ask them?  :  ;)

inicky46 61 Reviews 689 reads
26 / 39

Just ask the lady I was with tonight.  Review to follow.

rumen 2 Reviews 409 reads
27 / 39

Okay, you just jumped about 20 places on the awesomeness list!

HarryWotton 11 Reviews 459 reads
28 / 39

Posted By: inicky46
Just ask the lady I was with tonight.  Review to follow.

inicky46 61 Reviews 448 reads
29 / 39

Welcome back, blackie!  Where the fuck ya been.  Probably here the whole time under a different name.

Back_In_Black 384 reads
30 / 39

missed you and saw some guys were giving you to much attention  I got jealous . .lmao some middle aged guys need help huh ...lol  

Posted By: inicky46
Welcome back, blackie!  Where the fuck ya been.  Probably here the whole time under a different name.

Jstgttnstrtd 18 Reviews 512 reads
31 / 39

of other large guys.  This doesn't bother me, it's the damn guys who talk about how often they hobby that gets under my skin - because I WISH I had the kinda $ that I could frivolously do this multiple times per week or wisk some lady away for a weekend in Paris for $20K.  Yeah, those are the type of humble-braggers that this poor schmo hates!  Not to mention, hate'n on my own people, the Big Member Club, well, that just wouldn't be right would it...

rumen 2 Reviews 691 reads
32 / 39

If I've counted correctly 5 out of 11 men replying have reported large members.

I believe the case is proven.

For the love of god ladies, PLEASE get these poor suffering men some Magnums!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

BTW, for those interested, I prefer the pinky cots. The hold securely at the base, but still provide room at the end.


rumen 2 Reviews 368 reads
33 / 39

Aren't condoms usually made out of rubber?

Doesn't rubber stretch?

And yes it is hard being so ignorant...

Jstgttnstrtd 18 Reviews 533 reads
34 / 39

you win a lifetime supply of plastic straw wrappers! (just in case that pinky thing doesn't work out)


Disclaimer: The maker of said straw wrappers makes no claim regarding the product's effectiveness in pregnancy prevention or in limiting the spread of disease.  Further, there is a significant chance of slippage or outright disintegration of the product within the ladies vagina which could possibly lead to some minor infections for which the manufacturer is not in anyway liable.  Consult with you provider before using this product.

rumen 2 Reviews 518 reads
35 / 39

You sir, are a true gentleman and scholar.

I shall add them to my "date" kit:

Pinkie cots

Plastic tweezers (allows the ladies to get a better grip and doesn't poke and pinch like metal ones)

Extra large 10x reading magnifying glass (like the one your grandmother may have had; has a strap to go around the users neck that holds the glass at chest level for easy viewing http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51nA7Q2S-AL._SY355_.jpg)

Lube (wait, never actually needed that)

Band-aids (poor aim could result in the lady getting a little prick)

Again, my deepest and humblest thanks!

hbyist+truth=;( 512 reads
36 / 39

I don't carry magnums because I will not use them, If  a guy needs a magnum, he is not for me. And if a guy is really big and has had ladies balk he needs to say something to find a hooker willing to take that or deal with the disappointment and limitations of the experience

hbyist+truth=;( 416 reads
37 / 39

They might want to say something discreetly about their size in case the hooker can't or won't take it.  Most will suffer through for fear of a shit review but there are some hookers who just say no, and the guy is left with his huge dick in his own hand.

Jstgttnstrtd 18 Reviews 809 reads
38 / 39

Proper Preparation Prevents Piss Poor Performance...

You Sir are guaranteed to get all 10s for performance!

Well Done!!

But do try to stay humble, as we all know that if you get too comfortable, you can lose that edge.  It might start with running out of Band-aids before a date and thinking, "I'll pick some up before the next one."  And the next thing you know, you'll be showing up on dates with motor oil for lube that you grabbed from your garage.  At that point scores may drop down to 7s or 8s, and if it really spirals out of control you may start threatening ladies with bad reviews if they don't give you higher scores.  But... stay humble and focused, and you should be okay.

hbyist+truth=;( 345 reads
39 / 39

Because then she can politely decline leaving you in the position to find someone able and willing to take on your huge dick. It just seems common sense because NOT ALL hookers want to or can deal with anaconda dick.

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