TER General Board

The E Ticket 5327 reads

Well I know how the agency works, and how indpependents work..

But just exactly how does the driver work. I mean besides driving them to outcals, are they actually just the pimp?


It depends. I know of a lady who has a driver who is not her pimp, and I have heard of ladies who have drivers so they have  some sercuity ( sort of a pimp, but not really)  and then I would suspect there are drivers who are pimps.

Hugh Hefty2527 reads

Preferably with a license,then a turn of the key in the ignition,two hands on the steering wheel,foot dexterity between brake and gas pedal ;and of course, he must know how to get safely "To and from".

Well I saw this guy driving a brand new Mercedes sport 2 door . spinning rims and all extras .
Plates said - hardwork ....just a driver , yeah right . and who's hard work bought that Mercedes ;-)

Only had to deal with this a couple of times, but my experience has been this. First the driver is a security factor by having someone else closeby during the outcall. He typically will collect the fee as well. Many drivers are also big intimidating guys that will assist in upselling, if not demand more than the original price.

Although, I once had a lady show up with a female "driver", which was really her doubles partner. Their scam was to upsell you into an hour with both of them together. Then if you decline the double, the "driver" asked to stay inside so she would not have to sit in the car alone in a bad neighborhood. Her real intention was to go through your wallet, drawers, or anything else valuable, once you are busy with the other lady. They had quite a sneaky routine, making sure lights are turned off, turn on tv or radio for noise, etc. Fortunately,(due to my concern of hotel cleaning staff stealing) I had valuables in the hotel's safe deposit box that day, and my suitcase was also locked. I was very lucky that night; I can only imagine if she had gotten my company's laptop, phone, client's file, or just caused an ugly scene. Lesson learned: Beware of drivers and girls that work as a tag team.

this public service annoucement is brought to you by the hobby experience of mr.man  

Plezher2599 reads

I swore off providers with drivers following an episode with a wonderful provider that was terminated by a loud pounding on my front door: the police! Fortunately the session had ended and we were both fully clothed. Turns out that the driver had fallen asleep in the car and the police officer driving past wondered what someone was doing sleeping in his car in an upscale neighborhood. The police pretty much knew what the situation was, but chose not to pursue it since no harm was done. However, no more drivers (or outcall at my home) for me.

TAPOUTKID2983 reads

Being a driver is not always easy.We have two jobs.
1. Getting the girl there on time. We dont want a client to cancel because we were late.
2. Security.We are there for the protection of the girls.Sometimes we have to deal with assholes,but most of the time we dont have problems.Sometimes neighbors freak out and call LE on us,but once everything gets sorted,its ok.

Drivers that work for an agency really have no loyalty to a girl.We rotate every so often anyway. Those of us who work for an independent,its different.We take very good care of them,as they care of us.

There are drivers who think they can run an operation better than an agency who break away and do their own thing.They usually get newbies and exploit them and discard them.

The E Ticket6012 reads

When you work as a driver for an independent, how do they "take care of us?" Or for an agency?


TAPOUTKID2319 reads

When working for an agency,the driver gets a percentage of the "house fee" or a flat fee,regardless of the amount paid.It all depends on what agency you work for.They are all different,but structured similiar. We make our living off tips.The more she is tipped,the more we make.Sometimes we get freebies,just because.I'm not going to turn down a BJ.

An independent is different.There is no agency fee to pay.Everything she makes is hers.Tips are negotiated before hand. One of the girls tips me 50%,while another tips 35%.At the end of the day,it might make a huge difference.If a girl is paying me $50 per appointment and she does three, I make $150 for that day.

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