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Re:Advise please! re: customers who think they're friends..
mich57 8 Reviews 4132 reads

I wonder if the line between friendship and something more is getting fuzzy in this instance. As fellahard said above this is afterall a business. Although I am in a different industry I have clients who I have become very close friends with but still pay me every cent they owe me. Thats what real friends and clients will always do. How someone could actually leave a provider without paying is something I just don't get. He should be banned from the hobbyist brotherhood and he is giving us a bad name

Whats his e-mail address

kaseyk6097 reads

Hi everyone, I am a very low level provider in the Boston area.  I try to keep a very small (3-5) group of regulars.  But something keeps happening and I really need advise on how to make it stop. ( It happened when I used to dance, and I'm new to escorting, butI see it starting already.)
Why do hobbyists/ clients start to think we're friends and not want to pay anymore?  Not to sound mean, as I do like them as friends, but..this happens continually, ends with hurt feelings on the client's end, and then I need to find a new client to replace him.  One of my clients keeps inviting me out to dinner, and actually called last night ot invite me to Florida for the weekend and said he'd " EVEN pay for the plane tix".  As in - just the tix, no compensation for my time.  I do like him, but I need the money from him as a client.
 The, yesterday, my favorite client came over for incall. Usually I drive an hour to see him (and girls, he's so good I should probably be paying him).  But I invited him to my house, and our two hour session turned into three hours.  Well, he left without paying.  And I even saved him the hotel fee!  I searched my room, my purse, and no fee anywhere to be found.  I really feel that he thinks we have so much fun that it's not "work" anymore.  So before I email him, I was hoping for some advise.
I know I should get payment up front, but we had settled into this routine...any advise would be greatly appreciated!  Thanks in advance:) Kasey K

frankie2003a3895 reads

There are two possible scenarios:
1 - he just forgot
2 - he believed, incorrectly for some reason, it was off the

....and as for the guy who failed to pay you, call him up and tell him he owes you for two hours....the third would seem piggish, since the two hour session went long, with your ok, presumably....  but he definetely owes you for two hours....  MA

You have an unreasonably high instance of this confusion (i.e., being taken advantage of!) with your clients.  Friends or not, if they are clients they are clients.  YOU need to take responsibility for maintaining the boundaries and ensuring that your friends understand the expectations.  They are but men, you are the professional.  Feel free to PM if you wanna' talk about this with specifics.

Good luck!


Things like this do happen.. you are kind hearted.. What this means besides you being kind hearted.. Is that you are also a GREAT provider.. you put on such a great GFE... That is comes true to life...

I have faced this problem recently. .Where I thought one of my friends and I were on the same page.. apparently he wasn't..I did call him and let him know, that as much as I enjoy his company, I am paid for my time.. that he should know this by now after 5 years.

Its time to get 4-5 new regulars.. If your GFE is that great.. Many men here would be overwhelmed by you and would never take advantage..

Change is always inevitable.. I think its time !

It sounds to me that you must say things to these fellas to make them think that things have moved from paying to dating.  Like you said to us "he's so good I should probably be paying him".  While you think this is just an expression the guys probably don't ...so I would check the mixed signals you are sending.

As far as the fellow who booked a two hour session stayed for three and then didn't pay well I would clear that one up fast otherwise you've lost another client.  

Honestly I like it a lot when a provider compliments me and talks about her life...I enjoy the friendship but I seldom want more...This is afterall a business transaction between two consenting adults.

I wonder if the line between friendship and something more is getting fuzzy in this instance. As fellahard said above this is afterall a business. Although I am in a different industry I have clients who I have become very close friends with but still pay me every cent they owe me. Thats what real friends and clients will always do. How someone could actually leave a provider without paying is something I just don't get. He should be banned from the hobbyist brotherhood and he is giving us a bad name

Whats his e-mail address

LVP4056 reads

It's the same old discusssion about being able to seperate the illusion from the reality. I fall in love every time I get a DTBBBJTCIM but the feeling only lasts about an hour then it's back to reality. My regular right now is a friend in that she will do somethings for me outside the act but I always expect to pay for her time. She calls me her friend b/c she knows she can count on me if she needs anything that I can help her with. She also has a way of reminding me that I am still a client. She will stay overtime but every now and again she packs up and leaves on the hour. It's a realty check for both of us. just my.02

Even when a lady actually asks, "Can't you stay a little longer?" I'm never sure if she really means it...or if it's just part of the fantasy...or if it means "do you want to book another hour right now?"

ashleelala3806 reads

She's asking if you'll stay because you are not usually 'petrified', remember? Gee, Lexy, bald, limp and now forgetful........YOU KNOW I luv ya...I just couldn't resist :)

 what what you mean. I had a visiting provider tell me that she was sorry she had one more appointment because she would love me to spent the night off the clock. Obviously I was flattered, but figured she says that to a lot of guys. Then I realized she was probably being truthful because she wanted me to give her a ride to JFK in the morning! LOL. Hell, I'd have done it too, but it woulda cost her! Ever get a blow job on the Southern State!

kaseyk3068 reads

The no payer called before this was posted and apologized and offered to mail it or give it to me the next time...
I appreciate all the advise, though.  I will definitely put it to use!!  Thanks, Kasey K

It's either:

1) He forgot (as someone earlier mentioned),


2) You said that you usually drive an hour to see him at a hotel, correct ?  Well, I think that he [mis]interpreted the invitation to your house as time "off the clock" because it was on your home turf, and since two hours turned into three hours, this only reinforced his notion that he didn't have to pay.

This is what I would do to hopefully rectify the situation.  Send the gent an e-mail, but play dumb and ask where he left the donation, but make sure to include a line in the message that says something to the effect of "If we got our signals crossed, then I apologize".  You might want to go so far as to charging him for just one hour, assuming you want to keep him as a regular.

Good Luck.......and by the way, I would absolutely *love* it if a woman would drive an hour just to see little ol' me.  That must be one of the most flattering things a woman could do.  He is one lucky dude to have you do that for him.  Or maybe he's really good.  Or both.

Like me.   Then the fantasy can remain, and the friendship can remain.   But there is no way that I can believe that any provider would want to date me.    

These guys are seriously misled in their own minds.   You have to set them straight the first time it happens.   A wake-up call is the only solution.

2sense2699 reads

"Business should be transacted in a business-like manner" ...Kaspar Gutman aka 'The Fat Man'

This quote is even more relevant to your circumstance, given that, in both instances, the transactions are of somewhat dubious legality.

Curious2nite5521 reads

I guess there is a definite fine line especially for regular client and appears sometimes the line between fantasy and reality gets skewed especially if you are an excellent provider.

Kasey, do you have a link to your website.  I am in Mass and a newbie-1st time hopefully coming soon.

ask him if he wants to book you for an appointment.  If he says "yes," make it clear that he has to pay for your appointment.  If he says "no," you can tell him that you are working and will see him (if you want) if you are not busy, but clients have first priority of your time while you are working.  This is not a forgetful error.  These guys are intentionally ripping you off and will take as much as you let them.  They may act hurt when you call them on it, but they know what they are doing.  They will to take advantage of you as long as you seem like a push-over.  Good luck.

Love Laney!2564 reads

It has to do with you and you breaking basic industry rules not to mention your own. Find your friends outside of the business. Committ yourself to your own experiences and life outside of work and you'll find them.... and  --- you won't have to reveal your innerself everytime you meet a stranger.

Meant in the best way possible -


In reading your initial post it seems like you are having problems with a number of clients in this regard.  Usually when that happens it indicates that there is something that you are doing or not doing that is setting the stage for this.  You are not the only lady in the business who has this problem.  In some cases ladies get confused about what services they are actually providing which tends to confuse their customers which can lead to a variety of problems.

A number of ladies have problems with clients who want to take them on a trip and are willing to cover expenses but do not want to pay for time so do not feel you are alone on that particular issue.      

I would suggest that you take Sola Love up on her kind offer or contact other ladies that you know and trust.  If you want a male perspective please feel free to PM me.

SirPrize2778 reads

You only have yourself to blame if you don't.

You need to be willing to lose the ones who no longer are willing to pay. Just the way it is.

AND of course there is a BUT...
an inconsiderate lout is an inconsiderate lout.
'Nuff said.

sicnarf3503 reads

Man, I have never - ever - made that mistake! Wow.... you must be sending a signal!  think! think! think! what is it?  Maybe get someone to walk through what you are doing and make suggestions - (I, by the way, would be more than happy to do this, and you would only have to pay for my ticket to where you are! I would wave my consulting fee!).....  

Seriously, I have a friend (female) in real estate, and she was constantly hit on by "gents" - both married and unmarried - she discussed the continual advances with her hubby - a "man of the world" "someone who had been around the block" no, not me!  He had her set up an appointment with him just like a potential buyer.... during the time they spent together, he found about 5-6 different "verbal and non-verbal" signals that she was sending to tell the guys that she was "Available"  

I have even had a provider stop me in the actual MISH position... and ask "It would make me feel better, if I could see the envelop please." (I guess I was not giving an academy award performance,lol.)  While that was a bit "in my face" it in no way altered the evening for me - in fact it was a very nice evening with more highlights after that event...

From my rambling - you need to be upfront with your appointments - ask the gent, "how long are we scheduling for?"  after he answers your response is "you know that the fee for that amount of time is $XXX.  please place it in a white unmarked envelop in plain sight when you come in."  I know that sounds clinical - but if it relaxes you, and permits you to be "at your best," rather than concerned about payment - everyone will be a lot happier!  I really hope that this helps!

"See the envelope" in the middle of a mish stroke = no repeat AND a notation in the review.  Sorry, but this behavior is a "no no."

sicnarf3416 reads

We all know the rules, I violated one, unintentionally!  She called me on it... no biggie.  Any for the record, this turned out to be one of those evenings that just ended really well.  I think partially because she came to the realization that I was not trying to short her, it just slipped my mind, maily cause we connected on levels other than the sex - would I see her again - you bet.  Why, cause she is good looking, fun and does things I like!  

sorry to disagree, but as I said - I broke the rule of not putting the envelop in plain sight when I walked in....

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