TER General Board

A question for the ladies. Does the "double standard" hold true here?
FreedomRider225 6047 reads

I was looking at my TER account manager and the number of my listed reviews made me blush. Sensitive to the historical dogma of chastity,  cocksmanship and societies double standard I started to relate it to the hobby. The ladies here want/need reviews to promote and validate yet even here they often agonize over a possible stigma born of pages of reviews numbering in the double digits. Does volume carry a stigma if any when applied to males within the hobby?  

Do you fair ladies perceive an "active" hobbyist as a jaded, rutting o'l dog or rather a well schooled veteran.?


Some people don't have a happy outlook in life and seem to have been born jaded.  Others still get a thrill.  It's the same with guys who hobby, the number of reviews doesn't mean anything.  

Now what's written in reviews says a whole lot more about the guy than the number he's written...

I agree with Carrie. I've always thought that reviews say as much about the reviewer who wrote them as they do about the lady. In some cases, they say more.

I don't see pages of reviews as a stigma, but pages of crudely written, derogatory, self congratulating reviews speak volumes.


reviews written by gents whom are wishing to schedule time with me. I am looking at a couple of things: What excites him, his interestes, but also how he comes off in his general attitude towards ladies in general. There are some gents (and in this case may use the word rather loosly?) whom the reviews they write show a general derisive attitude towards women in general. Franky that is not the type gent I would wish to spend my time with.
To the question of volume of reviews..... one or two reviews can be extremes but after a track record is established there is more insight into the reviewer so to me a larger number of reviews tell me 2 things: the general attitude of the gent, and in a sence it also tells me that he has seen providers on a somewhat regular basis thus is not likely to be either le or dangerous. Though I still check his references

-- Modified on 5/31/2005 1:01:53 PM

Old One Eye2524 reads

I learned a lot from your post. I have been considering pulling the reviews I have written, and now that decision may not be as easy since you noted about your comfort level of being with guys that have a track record.
I have noticed in sessions that some providers do a whole lot of things I like, and I attribute that to their professionalism and taking care to check out my past experiences. The other edge of that sword is when it isn't such a great session and the provider also lets you know she has read your reviews. lol
I only post reviews about good sessions, so I know I haven't bashed anyone out there. I wouldn't want to hurt a lady's business because she had a bad day, and I only see ladies that are reviewed extensively and have a great rep. Thanks Georgia for posting, you may have saved me from future hassles in scheduling, I think I will keep the track record.

sicnarf3566 reads

For the most part, I agree with your posting policy, and if the session is not so good, but the lady in general has good reviews, I tend to go along - or to post nothing....  However, even if a lady gets ok reviews, but there is a trend that significantly dedracts from the session, I will lower the score for 2 reasons, first, the lady may not understand that the gentle comments are made to suggest a change - lowering a rating gets her attention and 2) to alert other gents that the subtle comments are truely detracting from the experience.

I know, YMMV - but often the hints are there - even in a great review...

if I were seeing someone who'd written a lot of reviews. Even more so would I be inspired were he to have a fun, interesting writing style such that you display. :D

Musical Joke6323 reads

Think about it.  Where there's a sexual double standard and a dogma of (female) chastity, there will naturally be an economic premium for anybody who is willing to break the rules.

Let's say there's a society where men suffer little shame from philandering, but women suffer intense shame.  This would naturally lead women to become far more cautious in their philandering.  In modern society, men tend to desire risk while women tend to avoid risk.  This gender differential in risk creates a market, as a monetary incentive creates a reward for a woman to engage in a risky behavior that a man would pay to indulge in.

In extramarital affairs, married women tend to feel no guilt -- guilt is for men.  Why?  Once she has decided to deviate from the rules, she goes all the way, while the lesser consequences for men mean that men don't generally think through the consequences of their actions.  A married woman who is willing to go through the risks involved for the extra sex expects a major reward; she had better, because the risks to her are major.

I had always assumed that part of the price of a provider's service isn't for promiscuity, but the opportunity cost of a woman's chastity.  If it were a man's chastity that were valued and not a woman's, I would expect the gender relations of the hobby to be reversed, with the vast majority of clients being women while providers would be a largely despised class of promiscuous men.  A woman who relies upon the income of a man's promiscuity would be especially hated!

It seems to me that providers prefer men who appreciate what they are willing to do.  After all, the hobby exists because there is a market.

To me, the most interesting aspect of the hobby is its extreme formality and its insistence on protocol.  In fact, much of the allure of a commercial relationship consists of the implicit limits it sets on the behavior of each side.  From the outside looking in, it looks as though the convenience of the hobby comes from a tight script that each side understands very well.  As far as I can tell, it is not only rude to say that a man pays for sex, it is largely inaccurate.  The client pays for protocol, good etiquette, and sharp limits to a relationship whose core identity is "virtual reality" -- an escape from everyday life.

For either the client or the provider to be rude is not merely offensive, but negates the whole point of the hobby.

sexxygirrl3202 reads

From my perspective, it's not good to have either too few or too many reviews.

If there are only 1-2, he's still somewhat unproven with regard to the weirdo factor. (Of course there are many men who never review, but as along as they have references that's fine).

When I see hobbyists with more than 40 or 50 reviews, I start wondering about the "bragging" factor. Are these guys a bit insecure and have to show the world they are capable of getting laid?

And for the few guys who have a stratospheric number of reviews, I definitely think there are some psychological problems there. Why the need to brag? It's not as if they conquered the women with their fabulous personalities, LOL.

For the married men with many reviews, in a way I feel sorry for him that his marriage is so unsatisfying sexually that that he must search out many different women for sex.

If he's single with many reviews, I usually wonder if he's very unattractive, a misogynist, or has problems dealing emotionally with women.

Bottom line, for me, a "low review volume" hobbyist is my preference. He's more likely to be well-adjusted emotionally, not be arrogant or jaded, and be more likely to be a regular client instead of rushing off to the next new girl in town.

Just for giggles, what is the perfect number of reviews for you?

While admittingly 40 to 50 reviews obviously mean that the guy has seen many different providers, they shouldn’t necessarily lead you to conclude that he has "some psychological problems here" and needs to brag about his ability to conquer women with his fabulous personalities, especially where the reviews span over a period of however many years TER has been in existence. Seeing so many providers probably means that he prefers variety over consistency of performance (oops, I mean experience). I surmise and hypothesize that one of the reasons guys hobby is the desire for variety and the rush of adrenalin when meeting someone new for the first time, perhaps equally true for why some if not most of the providers “hobby”, if such is an appropriate word for what they do (it may not be politically correct to say that it is a “job” to them because some of the ones that I have the pleasure of meeting actually do enjoy what they do; I think it’d be too bad if they don’t; then I’ll say it’s time to hang it up and do something else.).

Does anyone know of any surveys done on some of the reasons why guys write reviews? It’d be interesting to know it because then it’d give us better perspectives on why guys write reviews and to dispel some of the misperceptions the ladies have on the sheer number of reviews a guy has.

The free VIP membership sounds great but just think about the time it takes to write the reviews. My math tells me the credit that I get from TER simply doesn’t justify the time to write them.  I don’t even know how much time credits I get from TER for each review I write. See I don’t write reviews for free membership.

When I do, it’s usually because I’m inspired by the experience of a particular session. Usually it has to do with the unique attributes of an experience that’s different from the ones I’ve had previously; it could be something about the way the appointment is arranged, how the date is set up (the most recent one that I wrote I was intrigued by the fact that she’d require me to actually meet and spend sometime over a few drinks at a bar and make sure there’s mutual attraction before she’d say, “Okay, you’re on”; I found that experience very refreshing, and of course exciting), the unique characteristics of the providers, or the extraordinariness of the intimacy. Some guys might criticize and say, well, you’re not helping the gents in the community; fortunately people write reviews for various reasons. But before you jump to the conclusion that I’d never write bad reviews, let me say that I won’t hesitate to do one if I have a really horrible experience; luckily I’ve spent a lot of time doing my homework, and thanks to TER, I haven’t had any bad ones. :-) Not only would I read their reviews (all if I have the time, some ladies have just pages and pages. Jaded? That word would certainly cross my mind when I see so many reviews on a lady.), I’d read their posts on the boards as well.

I’d think that there’re guys out there that have SOs who hobby not to satisfy their physical needs but do so for other reasons. Why would they hobby? The answer is because it’s a “hobby.” So your comment about married men hobby is not absolutely true. Perhaps this is an interesting topic for another thread.

Also your comment about a guy who has too many reviews is probably jaded is counterintuitive. I mean who wants to pay for boredom?

-- Modified on 5/31/2005 2:37:29 PM

-- Modified on 5/31/2005 2:56:16 PM

I get kind of excited when I see a hobbyist's reviews in different cities...especially if I learn he has some really cool traveling job because I know that if I were a guy with a high powered career involving travel I'd do the same damn thing and just wing it as a bachelor like it's going out of style!!!!! And, yes, writing style tells a lot.

I am leery of gentlemen who have rated most women between 1 and 6 for performance...it's like..well, why are you paying for THAT? And I chuckle when the general price range is always under $200, coupled with 4s-6s and he talks about how he negotiated her price.....I'd immediately decline any appointment requests from him.

you sound like the guys who look down on providers saying they have all types of addictions or psychological problems. substitute the word provider instead of hobbyist in your comments and everyone will see what i am talkng about

I personally don't post a review unless;

A)It's a new girl who has very little to no reviews.

B)The experience I had with a provider is radically different then what a previous review had stated.

C)The provider is a complete and total ripoff.

I usually won't bother posting a review if I see a provider with an abundance of reviews. Let's take a provider like Leslie in koreatown for example. She has several pages of reviews all of which are very consistant so I pretty much know what to expect when I go to see her. If I were to post a review of my time spent with her I don't think I'd be adding anything of sufficient merit to aid my fellow hobbyists in their search for a good time, so I would not bother.

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