TER General Board

A question for the Ladies - Does age matter?
LakeCountry 4050 reads

I realize we are paying for "time spent", however, just wondering if the age of the client makes a difference.  For instance, I am 59, I don't feel comfortable with anyone less than 35 (could be my daughter!!!!).  All things being equal,(appearance, hygiene, etc.), would you rather see someone in their 50's or 30's, or does it really make a difference.  I notice some providers post on their web site's "over 35 preferred", this would lead me to believe that they prefer more "mature" clients.

I am one of ladies that prefer 35 and over. I do not enjoy a session with a 20 something man. Personal reasons why. I think a man 35 plus understands what a woman needs a bit more and is after the experience more than just a quick f*ck.
my 2 cents.

BILL183563316 reads

after the guy is so old & senile he can hide his own Easter Eggs

You or me.   I am 61, and I am happy to see a provider in her 20's; my ATF, Ashley Taylor, is 28.  Almost all the providers I have seen are younger than my daughter, and I never think that I am engaging in incest with them.  If you are thinking that the provider "could be your daughter" maybe you should rethink what you are doing.   Or am I the one who is all fucked up because I don't think of it that way at all?

BILL183563404 reads

Well Korn you're not sicker than me:D I'm not into dating the AARP either civvie or provider.

Point taken, probably me who is "sick" --- guess we all have our "comfort zone".  Keep up the good work. LOL

I'm not a fan of huge breast enhancements, but she could become my ATF, and I've never seen her.  That's a killer body.  Technically, she could be my daughter as well, but there's no way I could spawn something that beautiful.

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