TER General Board

Re: You can try verification websites
fingertight 7 Reviews 956 reads

Do most providers prefer references on TER over a verification service?  I'm one of those guys that does not want my identity and personal info on a database that can be hacked or leaked.

LB4443733 reads

I guess this question could go on Newbie board but...... Very quickly, I have been hanging around here for several years now and finally got legally separated and have been for many months. I am trying to make my first connection with a lady and I can't find one that will see me with no references without giving my full name.  

I am not willing to do so as I am very well known where I live and surrounding area, it is not worth the risk for me. Please advise. I am in SC.

Thank you kindly

Skinny_Minnie:-)1082 reads

Don't do anything you don't feel comfortable with.  There is some escort who will work with you on your concerns.  I don't know of any :D but they are out there if you are diligent.  She may not be your first choice, but you gotta start somewhere!

-- Modified on 10/26/2014 11:33:31 PM

Having a nickname or a street name wouldn't help, and in your position you wouldn't want to start using one now. Everyone who's been in your situation found a way to make the first contact, but mostly each breakthrough was such a personal story that it doesn't apply as advice to someone else.

Try to find a way to establish communication with an independent explaining that you can't reveal your legal name and ask her to work with you to find some way around it. She's thinking about her safety just as much as you're thinking about your anonymity, but at some point, someone has to trust someone. Avoid agencies, as they don't have time for the back and forth.

Also, the more you emphasize the need for secrecy the more valuable knowing the secret becomes. Just roll that around for a few seconds.

Skinny_Minnie:-)1261 reads

When a client is super secretive like he's in the freakin secret service, it is intriguing to ponder who this mysterious gentleman is....  :-)

But oddly enough, it goes both ways.  Sometimes a guy who manages CVS Pharmacy in Hickstown, Alabama is the guy who is totally worried about getting blackmailed or discovered.  Then the next day, one of the most prominent and compensated multinational CEOs submits a booking form with 2 references AND his real name, when I dont even require it.  

So go figure.  

-- Modified on 10/26/2014 11:43:18 PM

And a blackmailer will look closer at the CVS manager as a potential mark than the CEO. Why? The one most worried about it will the most anxious to pay. And the least powerful to do anything to defend himself.

You can try P411 or date check.  They will need to verify employment but that can be discreet as well.  That is an option that some providers may take with no references.

go to the newbie board and do a search for "P411".  This topic comes up on that board almost every week (or so it seems).

Do most providers prefer references on TER over a verification service?  I'm one of those guys that does not want my identity and personal info on a database that can be hacked or leaked.

The lady may be willing to meet you for drinks or coffee prior to a more private meeting.

I think that your concerns are unfounded. There is a reason why you want to see a lady. I would suggest you get over your concern and work with the lady you want to see. There are ways. :)

Posted By: LB444
I am not willing to do so as I am very well known where I live and surrounding area, it is not worth the risk for me.
I promise you, nearly every one of us has seen someone who is much more well-known than you, and they've coughed up the necessary info without batting an eye.  

Yeah, the stories about blackmail and shit get a lot more attention, but the vast majority of us really don't give a rat's ass how "well-known" you are. You're worried about giving out your name, but we're worried about losing our lives. If a lady you want to see requires real info and you're not willing to give it, move on.

not do you any harm either. So why even bother? There will be more guys blackmailed, harassed, and embarrassed than women who will get hurt by the guy.. The guy who really wants to hurt you really cares about a 5 feet 100 lbs gal having his name..LOL..And I think you are smart enough to know that. So that begs the question, why in the word you want the guy's personal information..  In fact thanks for telling everyone that you have guys real info.. Now you just made yourself more valuable in eyes of LE.  

I would suggest the OP exactly the same thing.. Get P411 account. Cough up their yearly fee and find someone who doesn't INSIST on having real information...

A hooker has his name to give to the police. No it might not deter a drick from hurting a girl, but he will get caught after the fact and punished should she go that route.

to police for the fear of their own prosecution... Also there are other methods to protect yourself such as a concealed carry weapon, or even a pepper spray would work miracles if push comes to shove. Like you said, if the guy is real dirtbag he is not even going to care... Most girls who get assaulted physically and sexually get assaulted by someone they know..

My biggest issue with girls INSISTING real information is the bargaining chips they get once they get the info to blacklist, blackmail, and plain harass people.  Also when my info sits in your mailbox, LE can retrieve it so can other hackers. So even if the gal is a saint as Mother Theresa, guys getting her info are not !!...I will gladly give my real name to anyone who has left the business and wants to be my friend in real life.. I don't have to worry about SO, as I have none...

-- Modified on 10/27/2014 11:10:50 AM

GaGambler1234 reads

While I completely agree that you ladies need to be safe. Idiots like the one yesterday have to give pause to any guy with the least bit to lose if outed. She was "well reviewed" too, but can you imagine being a client of hers who had given her any sensitive info.

You ladies need to self police by drowning those BSC hookers that make your life more difficult, not to more dangerous in a bucket of their own shit.

It goes to show well reviewed does not mean safe.

DamienScott1207 reads

Or smart.  

Posted By: hbyist+truth=;(
It goes to show well reviewed does not mean safe.

As I'm sure you've noticed, no one is going to come on the boards and go "holy shit, Sally Hooker was SOOOO professional and discreet with my personal info, YAY SCREENING!" and you'll never see some BSS (batshit sane) chick reiterate her own professionalism when it comes to screening info unless she's defending it. In other words, it's the dipshits and the crazies who get the most "press."  

So thanks to crazy, irresponsible hookers like her, the rest of us are going to have to suffer the consequences. Fanfuckingtastic.

GaGambler897 reads

Just like with review manipulation, it's the legitimate, hard working, dick sucking and fucking hookers like yourself that are the biggest losers.

For a guy who won't play because he is afraid to give out his info because of the BSC hookers, all he is out is the chance to have a bit of fun and get some "strange", no real biggie. For the ladies, it's your livelihood, you gals should get together and go string up these BSC hookers for the common good.

BTW none of this has anything to do with me personally, I am blackmail proof and don't have the least bit of problem supplying my real name address, blood type etc. I only shy away from doing so when it is "demanded" and the woman gives me the impression that she is going to "make me" jump through hoops in order to see her. That kind of attitude simply turns me off and I won't go any further with a woman with that kind of attitude, not because of any fears of what she will do with the info, but simply because I don't like those kind of people. A woman who can do it tactfully doesn't bother me at all and I provide the information willingly without a second thought.

You don't get brownie points for good driving.. or a cookie.. But you drive drunk you are busted..  

If you are a good and honest provider, in the long run you will get more business and people will respect you..

VOO-doo884 reads

One board I'm on is rife lately with reports of attacks, rapes, and thefts not reported to police. Violence against prostitutes is not as uncommon as you think, and it's kept quiet.

I've never experienced anything like that, but a decent number of appointments (mostly in the distant past) were outright abusive and I was mistreated...or, at the very least, denigrated and physically hurt. I can't give you a concrete number because they all occurred over a 2-3 year time period ending in 2011ish...but if I saw 8 guys a day (with an agency) I could count on at least 1 or 2 being completely awful (meaning wanting to slap, pinch, pull hair, fuck, finger, etc. WAY too hard, SERIOUS boundary pushing, trying to force BBFS, and not stopping when asked). As recently as a year ago, as an independent, I had a legitimately abusive guy. I knew his real name, and he also had 3 references.  

Fact is, nothing REALLY keeps us safe. References don't; a guy can behave with one lady and be a monster with the next. Real name doesn't; a man can rape a girl knowing that she will never use his real name to charge him with a crime (for fear of being prosecuted for selling sex for $. That has actually happened). BUT, one way that having a real name does help, after the fact, is that the girl will have information she can blacklist, that a dangerous man can not just change like a throwaway phone number. It will at least make it easier for other girls to avoid the same type of experience.  

In general sense, the clients who trust us with real name, etc., are the more respectful ones. So in a certain way, the references-full name dance is a process to vet the person's personality type before meeting him. No one piece of information the guy gives us will guarantee that he's safe once he's behind closed doors with us. But I have to say, I do feel a bit safer with the guy if I have his real name...I only had ONE out of many go rogue. With references, my odds have been much worse (you really can't trust all girls' references).  

Anyway, that's what it's like to be a woman in this business (please buy some sensitivity somewhere). We're not asking out of nosiness, we really do want as much assurance as we can get that the man walking into our door will be a gentleman with good intentions

LB4441274 reads

Thank you for your well thought out reply. I have no argument for anything you shared. Maybe what I am asking for in meeting with an outstanding lady that does not want my real name is too much to ask and if so, okay. I am not asking for concessions, favors or anything else.  

I respect all of the ladies here that deserve respect and expect nothing in return. It is simply called being a man. If a lady is uncomfortable with this or any request they need to be the one that controls and holds the keys.

JackDunphy1335 reads

and nobody can do that for you. Would I see a guy without having his real info if I were a provider? Fk no. But that issue is for her to decide.

My issue is my safety and there just isn't anyone I would trust with my name, employer info, etc.  

The more personal info a girl wants the more it will proly lower her income/sessions. No, not an absolute, but its common sense.  

But generally speaking, the women risk more than the guys, if for no other reason than the physical size/strength differences.

Always nice to hear from someone who "gets it," whether they agree or not.  

Posted By: JackDunphy
The more personal info a girl wants the more it will proly lower her income/sessions. No, not an absolute, but its common sense.
I'd say that it probably is an absolute, actually. I doubt there's a single reputable provider (meaning one who screens in some way or another) who hasn't turned down a potential client because of his inability or unwillingness to pass her screening.

skarphedin1066 reads

You have said it enables you to report someone to the police.  

I do not see how that makes you physically safer than the other protocols available.  

I am not saying it is useless or that it is onerous or unfair.  

I am just asking how it makes you safer...  

I willingly give my legal name but I do not think it increases the "safety" of the women...

VOO-doo1017 reads

That if he does anything REALLY serious, there will be an electronic trail connecting him to the girl that night. It would be really dumb for a guy to send an email w/all of his info, make an appointment, then kill a girl. Or hurt her so badly that she absolutely has to go to the hospital.  

As far as lower-grade abusive clients, it really doesn't do much, but the requirement (any screening requirement) DOES weed out a lot of those who'd cause problems. As I said, I've personally had a better track record with those clients who've provided real names, than those who've just used references. Not all girls' references can be trusted.  

Nothing is foolproof, but nothing can be.

Great insightful post. But I'll just say that I've only had about a half dozens times since 2005 that a potential client and I had to agree to disagree and not meet because of the no full name thing.

So for me, it didn't affect my income. And I know Leon will live but he won't be meeting me without me having that info. and please note, he's having difficulty, and trust me, he's been trying now for over a month. But this is just my experience. I'm sure Leon in the Carolinas can steer him towards some "great" ladies.



It's probably happened to me that many times in the past month! Maybe they just trust me less since I'm young. Hell if I know.  

Posted By: MatureGFE
Great insightful post. But I'll just say that I've only had about a half dozens times since 2005 that a potential client and I had to agree to disagree and not meet because of the no full name thing.

So for me, it didn't affect my income. And I know Leon will live but he won't be meeting me without me having that info. and please note, he's having difficulty, and trust me, he's been trying now for over a month. But this is just my experience. I'm sure Leon in the Carolinas can steer him towards some "great" ladies.



I guess I had the misconception that the abusive clients were the kind that saw street walkers or lower level BP type girls. Not that I'm saying that abusing them is OK, it's definitely not.  

Also,  I've always given my real name is screening, never thought about the repercussions. I don't have a SO, got rid of that baggage before I started this wonderful stage of my life. Honestly, that's the only reason why I figured a client would not want to give their name. I guess I'm a bit naive.

I guess I've been very lucky, knock on wood, but I also believe we make our own luck.

I'll never understand why a client would want to hurt a woman who gives you the best part of a relationship, I suppose that's a good thing.

I have been enlightened.

First of all, please show me some sort of data that indicates that misuse of clients' personal info occurs more often than women being hurt in this business. Furthermore, which is worse: a damaged reputation, or a dead body?  

Second, I've said probably 20 times before on this board why I want real info, but I'll say it again since you're essentially calling my integrity into question: I am not comfortable being alone/naked/vulnerable with someone who insists upon being anonymous, they don't list P411 handles on the sex offender registry, guys share/relinquish their hobby identities to undesirables, I want to be able to report someone who DOES commit a violent crime against me, and I put the onus of responsibility to keep myself out of harm's way on one person: me (not verification sites, not references, not promises that someone is trustworthy). Just me. I feel like all of that should be fairly obvious (just as it's fairly obvious why some guys want to stay anonymous), so what's with the incredulity?

Third, how does saying that here make me any more of a target to LE? One look at my website and you already know exactly what I need for screening. It's not exactly rocket science. Reiterating that here doesn't make a difference, and for you to suggest that is not only incorrect, it's defamatory. I am not careless and I am not unethical.  

Those of us who screen thoroughly shouldn't have to defend ourselves like this. Everyone on both sides has their own comfort levels in terms of screening. You don't want to give out real, verifiable info? Fine. There are plenty of ladies out there who don't ask for it, so go see them. Both sides of this debate are making sacrifices based on their own standards: guys who won't give their info are sacrificing the opportunity to meet with the ladies who require it, and the ladies who require it are sacrificing the additional income that could come from the guys who won't give that info. That's totally fine and we are ALL entitled to operate based on our own standards and to engage with people whose standards match our own. But to imply that those of us who approach this stuff differently than you are irresponsible/unethical/naive is just unfair.  

Posted By: CurlyW - Nats Fan
not do you any harm either. So why even bother? There will be more guys blackmailed, harassed, and embarrassed than women who will get hurt by the guy.. The guy who really wants to hurt you really cares about a 5 feet 100 lbs gal having his name..LOL..And I think you are smart enough to know that. So that begs the question, why in the word you want the guy's personal information..  In fact thanks for telling everyone that you have guys real info.. Now you just made yourself more valuable in eyes of LE.  
 I would suggest the OP exactly the same thing.. Get P411 account. Cough up their yearly fee and find someone who doesn't INSIST on having real information...

Did you see the recent train wreck on Chi Town board where one of your own is/ was threatening to out someone's personal info.. Internet is littered with personal info of Johns who has their info outed by pissed off hookers.  

You are taking it personally for no reason.. The 5 feet 100 lbs comment was meant to reflect that women typically are the weaker of the gender compared to their male counterparts..  5' 3" and 125 lbs also works..

You are target for LE because they can always hack/ obtain subpoena into your email account and get all the personal info if they want to do stings or manipulate you.. There have been instances where gals started spilling out everything once they got cornered by LE. How do we know that you won't spill out.. Again, you as in "you all".. That includes you too but just not you...

-- Modified on 10/27/2014 8:55:31 PM

VOO-doo1833 reads

Tense refers to time. As in, past tense.  

Girls are mistreated often. You don't see the accounts of girls who've been attacked, robbed, raped, or abused because they're not posted anyplace for hobbyists to read. That would break the 'fantasy' and we can't have that.

She won't get busted because she SCREENS. One great advantage of employment and identity verification is that it protects her from LE. And really, have you ever heard of LE hacking an escort's email BEFORE arresting her? Sure it could happen (they could hack yours, too! why the hell not), but come on....really!

If you don't want to give your name, then don't. But it's hardly dumb for us to ask

Now you're implying that I save everyone's shit in my email. Come on. Gimme a little more credit than that.  

Posted By: CurlyW - Nats Fan
Did you see the recent train wreck on Chi Town board where one of your own is/ was threatening to out someone's personal info.. Internet is littered with personal info of Johns who has their info outed by pissed off hookers.  
 You are taking it personally for no reason.. The 5 feet 100 lbs comment was meant to reflect that women typically are the weaker of the gender compared to their male counterparts..  5' 3" and 125 lbs also works..  
 You are target for LE because they can always hack/ obtain subpoena into your email account and get all the personal info if they want to do stings or manipulate you.. There have been instances where gals started spilling out everything once they got cornered by LE. How do we know that you won't spill out.. Again, you as in "you all".. That includes you too but just not you...

-- Modified on 10/27/2014 8:55:31 PM

by and large you (again Universal tense) providers save everything they get from us.. Amongst those who have been here long enough its a known thing...

A simple note like "Joe, mid 40s, met at Bates Motel in Lalaland on 10/28/14, skydiving enthusiast" is all we really need to save once a successful meeting has taken place. But that doesn't mean we have identifiable info saved or that we're letting emails with sensitive information just chill in our inboxes or in some other unencrypted archive. The fact of the matter is that those of us who handle ourselves professionally are not going to fuck that up by acting like dipshits with guys' info.  

Here's my main problem with your criticisms when it comes to screening: you have repeatedly suggested that guys should never give personal info and that ladies should never ask for it. Just because YOU don't play that way doesn't make it wrong. You are entitled to stick with the ladies who are cool with anonymity if that's what makes you comfortable. By that same token, I should be able to ask for whatever information I need to make me feel comfortable. If all a lady requires for screening is a guy telling her "I'm not a cop or a serial killer," that is her prerogative. If another lady wants a copy of your birth certificate, DNA swabs, and a blood oath sworn upon your firstborn child, that's her prerogative. But if a guy is unwilling to provide what the latter wants, all he has to do is skip over her. There's no need for whining, fear-mongering, or incredulity.  

Most guys (regardless of how much info they're willing to provide) are safe, and most ladies (regardless of how much info they require) are professional. Yes, there is that small percentage on both sides that have bad intentions, so it's up to every individual to decide just how much risk they're willing to incur. You and I are essentially agreeing to the same principles in terms of our own risk mitigation (both of us feel that the risk outweighs the reward). The difference is that I'm not suggesting that your way is unreasonable, ya know?

I am not suggesting that everyone should live by my way.. But I am just pointing out to the risks in giving out personal information...Its just like BBFS. Those who want to do it can do it, and are probably doing it anyway, and its not my position to comment on them as far as their personal decision is concerned, but again having a discussion of the risks of BBFS as a practice to the community at large is not unreasonable on an open and public forum..

You specifically said that guys get blackmailed/harassed/embarrassed more than ladies get hurt, that ladies who screen via personal info are more valuable targets for LE, and that the OP should get P411 and just skip over the ones who ask for additional verification (that last one isn't bad advice per se, if that's how he wants to roll, it's the way you said it that was problematic). All of that combined with the incredulity and unfounded assumptions went a lot further than simple debate/risk assessment. You are entitled to your opinion and it's a valid one. All I take issue with are the sweeping generalizations.  

Posted By: CurlyW - Nats Fan
I am not suggesting that everyone should live by my way.. But I am just pointing out to the risks in giving out personal information...Its just like BBFS. Those who want to do it can do it, and are probably doing it anyway, and its not my position to comment on them as far as their personal decision is concerned, but again having a discussion of the risks of BBFS as a practice to the community at large is not unreasonable on an open and public forum...  

Great reply, fellow Ohioan.

Recently I tried to make an arrangement with a provider from another US site, and for reassurance I gave my full name and profession (not immediately but relatively early in the conversation). This was not a person who seemed to really want to check refs (bad call on my part there I guess) so I thought it would reassure her. It did not. She was super defensive and immediately said "Are you the x y z who was arrested in KY?" (I have a different middle name). Also, "If you are really a x profession why are you telling me this?"

I'm telling you who I am because I've never had a problem before and generally don't believe I will have one. Naive I guess but true. As Tobi says - we all have a vested interest in keeping mum, don't we?

Are you safer giving your name to a well reviewed gal who is very concerned about safety and therefore demands to know exactly whom she is meeting with, or seeing a gal who is not that concerned with safety and requires little to no screening?

I, and others, have decided the first option is safer than the second; but of course each of us has to decide for ourselves.

The screening service idea might be what you need, or just going to an anonymous massage parlor might be more your speed.

Where there's a will, there's a way.

Tom8to1294 reads

also in addition require direct knowledge of personal identification?  I know some do, and I personally am not comfortable with it.  Would like to know other views & knowledge on this. Thanks

Senator.Blutarsky1141 reads

I've been on P411 for many years and have only been asked for my full name once in all that time.  Then again, if you do your research, you find out which ones require it and don't waste your or their time.  I can only think of 3 or 4 gals in addition to the one that I have come across in my research that ask for more than your P411 ID.

Tom8to1033 reads

but no one ever asked to see it, so I quit. Was in a fender bender coming home once, and had to peel the tape off before handing the license to police officer!

GaGambler1114 reads

I can't remember ever being asked for ID from a woman that I booked through P411. It might have happened once out of a couple of hundred times, if that much.

I love the convenience of P411, especially since I almost always book on short notice, very rarely more than a few hours in advance. P411 allows a woman to screen me in a matter of minutes instead of hours or days.

PS, remember to ask the ladies for okays. I don't do it all the time as I don't want hundreds of okays, I do it about once a month, just so new ladies can see some current okays and feel comfortable booking with me. Also, the ladies get credit for giving okays.

earthshined1041 reads

when a P411 lady asked me for more info  I told her it would be fine but she would have to show me her ID when we met.

Well, we didn't meet.

That only happened once. Many don't even check your profile???  I don't know if the ones who do actually check your provider references because I don't ask them.

GaGambler1448 reads

No less than three "well reviewed" providers have had melt downs lately and have either outed, threatened to out, or just slandered clients for transgressions as minor as giving a 7/7 review.

I don't mind giving out MY personal info, but I am blackmail proof. If I were the least bit worried about my personal info being made public I would NEVER give it out to some hooker I had never met.

OTOH I will say that I can't think of a single instance where P411 has compromised the personal information of a john. I would recommend them highly to the OP.

Tom8to1312 reads

I politely responded that I was not comfortable sharing personal info on top of P411, and she told me that I was wasting her time (initial phone call). She actually told me that I was being silly to not share with her because I had already shared with P411, so "what's the difference".  With that kind of logic and insistence I knew it was time to say sorry for any misunderstandings and best wishes, good bye.

someone who is so disrespectful of you and your concerns doesn't deserve your $.
And actually, since the use of "okays" is the standard P411 practice for screening, the minority of ladies there who ask for MORE than that need to be clear in their ad about this, otherwise THEY are the time-wasters as many many of us would immediately skip over them if we saw this to be the case upfront.

JackDunphy1272 reads

conscious is just not true, at least in my experience. There is a lot of other info the girl can get from me, without any need for my real name, to play this game safely for her.  

Now as far as what makes you feel safer, that's your deal and your call. I cant argue with that.

I haven't found the need to give my name out for almost a decade and that makes me feel more secure and with all the BSC running wild lately, I think my reasoning is quite sound. lo

wrps071045 reads

As many guys have been outed on various sites (john outing sites) when an escort retires or escort agency shutdowns down after being busted. You might want to stick to backpage providers if you don't want to give up your information for screening.

RichPoorGuy1079 reads

When  multiple roads will take you to your destination choose the one most appealing to you.  If the road you picked has a Do Not Enter Detour sign, you notice a cliff ahead, turn around or back up, take a different route.  

    If you are OK with BSC you can find those for free in any town, without any  screening or references.
   Patience will take you places you will never find in a hurry.  :-D

Posted By: LB444
I guess this question could go on Newbie board but...... Very quickly, I have been hanging around here for several years now and finally got legally separated and have been for many months. I am trying to make my first connection with a lady and I can't find one that will see me with no references without giving my full name.  
 I am not willing to do so as I am very well known where I live and surrounding area, it is not worth the risk for me. Please advise. I am in SC.  
 Thank you kindly

You to establish mutual trust. When you are unwilling to give information, it is going to be tough. Generally, when you deal with reputed, well reviewed providers, giving information is not a big problem. But, if your choices from not so well known providers, then you should be skeptical.  

When I started 10 years or so, I did give the requested information, real name and had to show my drivers license.  

Feeling comfortable giving information is personal thing which you will have to figure out on your own.

Posted By: LB444
I guess this question could go on Newbie board but...... Very quickly, I have been hanging around here for several years now and finally got legally separated and have been for many months. I am trying to make my first connection with a lady and I can't find one that will see me with no references without giving my full name.  
 I am not willing to do so as I am very well known where I live and surrounding area, it is not worth the risk for me. Please advise. I am in SC.  
 Thank you kindly

LB4441162 reads

I am genuinely appreciative of the advice given. I do not have a VIP so I can't read the messages being sent. Very quickly, the reason I am so concerned about exposure as lets just say I am involved with high school kids daily and having even one kid or parent know I went this route even once would destroy all the trust and respect I have built over these years. I am not famous like a Secret Service Agent or Politician etc... but in my area very well known and respected.

It appears the route I need to go is P411 as several have suggested. I will not consider someone from BP any more than I would consider a streetwalker. I am sure there are some on BP that are safe but I will not even think about the %. I could be making a mistake but if someone is on BP and is not well reviewed and has a website I would not even consider it. I have not even looked a BP website in years, I use to just for laughs.  

What is great about TER is although there are numerous people that I consider pieces of trash because of how they post, reply and talk about women there are far more real people that care and want to help total strangers. Men want to help to just help and women want to help not thinking about soliciting business. That is why I have been on here on the sidelines all these years and now separated with no plans (neither of us) of fixing things I decided to step out. Or at least I am trying to. I will have to try P411 or forget it as I am afraid of exposure. Maybe I will be a sideline guy forever in this world. I guess I can think of worse things.  

Thanks everyone. By the way if anyone ever wants to reach out, such as the ones that have sent me mail in here my email is [email protected]

GaGambler1272 reads

If you do decide to "take the plunge" do yourself a favor and spring for VIP. Saving yourself just one bad appointment will save you the cost of VIP for years.

Have fun and be safe.

and yes I know I may be one of "those guys" that you can't stand, but I am here to help even if I do refer to providers as "hookers" and clients as "Johns" lol and for the record I "talk bad" about more men here than women, as there are more men on this board not worthy of respect that there are BSC hookers, but some people seem to ignore that little fact. lol

LB4441410 reads

Gambler I have been following TER for several years and without naming anyone there are obvious Douche Bags posting in here. You Sir, in my opinion for what it is worth are not in that category. I personally use different words and labels than you do and I do not agree with all you post. But all good here and thank you for your genuine words.

GaGambler1216 reads

who routinely make OP's bashing "dumb hookers" and the like. You might be surprised to find that I agree with you that they are douche bags not deserving of respect.

As for not agreeing with all I post, what a boring place this would be if we all agreed on everything? I hope my post/s were helpful, and I am glad that we are on the same page.

Pick a place you've always wanted to travel to (U.S. or overseas) and schedule with some local ladies who don't tour anywhere near where you live. That experience should at least help you determine your level of comfort in this arena.

Skinny_Minnie:-)1324 reads

I don't know what's near SC, but maybe see a girl in Miami or something.  That's not too far from SC right? :-)

Truly, the providers are more scared of you than you should be of them.  We truly do not give a crap enough to want to do anything to your reputation/blackmail/stalk.  

Again, WE DONT CARE!  (Meant affectionately)  


GaGambler1227 reads

but I bet it was so "valuable" to you that you don't even remember any of it. lmao

That's what really sucks about hookers like Zabrina, 98% of the women are like you and wouldn't dream of misusing the information entrusted to them, but that other 2% ruins it for the rest of you.

It was very discrete when they called my work and quite painless to confirm. I am a big fan of theirs and I think you will be too. Once you get a few p411 okays, setting up new appts becomes a breeze most of the time. GL.  

Also, ditto what GaG says about springing for TER VIP.

Your reasons for not wanting to share personal info are totally valid, and it seems like you are understanding about our side of this issue as well. For that reason, I apologize for my cuntiness in my original response to your OP. I interpreted it with the mindset of "oh god, another crybaby whining about screening and trying to figure out a way to game the system," and that was an unfair assessment.  

As long as you only seek out ladies whose verification standards jive with your own, you should be just fine. Sometimes that may mean passing on a lady who requires extra info, but in the grand scheme of things, everybody has to do what makes them feel safe.  

One thing that I should add is that most ladies will have their screening requirements clearly outlined on their ads/websites. It's a good idea to read and research thoroughly before reaching out. That way, you don't end up contacting someone whose screening protocol is too heavy for your taste, and no one's time ends up being wasted. :)

Posted By: LB444
I am genuinely appreciative of the advice given. I do not have a VIP so I can't read the messages being sent. Very quickly, the reason I am so concerned about exposure as lets just say I am involved with high school kids daily and having even one kid or parent know I went this route even once would destroy all the trust and respect I have built over these years. I am not famous like a Secret Service Agent or Politician etc... but in my area very well known and respected.  
 It appears the route I need to go is P411 as several have suggested. I will not consider someone from BP any more than I would consider a streetwalker. I am sure there are some on BP that are safe but I will not even think about the %. I could be making a mistake but if someone is on BP and is not well reviewed and has a website I would not even consider it. I have not even looked a BP website in years, I use to just for laughs.  
 What is great about TER is although there are numerous people that I consider pieces of trash because of how they post, reply and talk about women there are far more real people that care and want to help total strangers. Men want to help to just help and women want to help not thinking about soliciting business. That is why I have been on here on the sidelines all these years and now separated with no plans (neither of us) of fixing things I decided to step out. Or at least I am trying to. I will have to try P411 or forget it as I am afraid of exposure. Maybe I will be a sideline guy forever in this world. I guess I can think of worse things.  
 Thanks everyone. By the way if anyone ever wants to reach out, such as the ones that have sent me mail in here my email is [email protected].  

AFICIONADO131342 reads

If it’s a risk you’re not willing to take then don’t do it.  I might want to do something that may serious consequences and decide not to do it because the risk outweighs the reward. Only you can make that decision.  

If she has clearly stated that she requires this information then move on. If her business practices are effecting her revenue then she will change her business model accordingly, have no customers, or decide that this may not be for her. If not, then she can require whatever she wants just like you have the right to say no.  

I agree P411 would be a great place to start to find newbie friendly providers or ones that will see you based on your oks

all you have to do is see one or two very reputable providers from out of town (even try touring ladies), and you should be good to go. P411 is also a great option. I do require a real name typically, even with P411 (because accounts have been compromised in the past), but if a gent has a solid reference- especially if I know her personally, that's all he typically needs. For me, solid means that she has a website, reviews here, and even better, a board presence here. And if I get a guy who uses one of my personal friends as a reference, and she says lovely things about him- that's pretty much all he needs. A network is invaluable.  

I have no idea what happened in Chicago as I've been for the most part away from the boards the last few weeks, but there are two very rare issues you can never completely control for: a well-known provider losing a nut and a well-known client or a client who screens out well losing a nut. The best you can do is think about a back-up plan, and just move forward knowing that generally speaking, you'll likely never run into this. Kinda like Ebola. Lol!

It is sooooo hard to build a viable reputation as a solid provider that very very few of us are willing to even go there to risk that. Most solid providers would never have a reason to do it either. Solid means stable too. A quick skim through your potential provider's board posts and a few PMs to her previous clients should give you a good idea of her general stability. Get VIP so you can utilize the PM system- this is probably the single most valuable thing you can invest in next to P411 and a first appointment with a reputable lady.

I wish you luck and much pleasure on your impending journey!! You're going to have a lot of fun once you get the hang if it. :

... I don't know how old the students you work with are but it's not beyond the realm of possibility that the provider you engage for an hours (or more) activity could be someone you know/knew/taught. If you do decide to get verified by P411 I suggest, as another poster did, going to nearby large cities to hobby.

I am retired but I was like you. The ones I worked with were 14 or younger but I did on a few occasions walk into a strip club in the closest big city only to find a 20 something I knew on stage in her birthday suit. Imagine that happening to you but she's a provider. There was a provider from New Orleans (you may know who I mean) that asked for names when she was working in her home city because she didn't want to open the door to someone she knew.

to be safe, then move on and find someone with less stringent screening requirements.  A lady's safety comes first before you well known persona.

skarphedin1177 reads

I think you still need to make the risk/reward decision on getting caught AT ALL first...  

If, after that, you still think it is worth it, then you can think about giving out your real name.  

Personally, I agree with those who have argued that giving out your real name is not a significant increase in risk of arrest or exposure.  

If you do your research and see reputable women (like Tobi etc...) there is almost zero risk that they will expose you or blackmail you or negligently release your info...

I found my way into this game via BP. As long as your careful you can find quality hookers on BP that don't want your real name. Start there and get some experience and references. Then if you insist on paying overly inflated prices for mediocre service you can "step-up" too the high dollar hookers that think their pussies are golden. For me the combo of BP and TER have lead to years of good times without the ridicules prices some whores charge.

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