TER General Board

Re: WTF??? Humanity and kindness have to come before...exactly what a con artist wants
Greenbacks2 24 Reviews 2005 reads
1 / 56

I had a night mare experience with an agency in Boston.  And now I swear never to repeat with an agency. My experience was the girl came in and I could tell she was nervous so we talked a while she had a glass of wine. I thought she relaxed a little so I laid down on the bed and she started giving a CBJ. And she also started to cry!  So I asked her what was wrong and she said this was her first time! She continued to sob, and would not stop I talked to her she had a lot of personal issues finally I asked her to leave but I also wanted some of my donation back. I paid $600 for an hour. She said the agency does not allow that. So instead of making a scene I let it go. Called the agency let them know what happened they could care less. For me no more agencies.      
What has your experience been with agencies?

LasVegan 672 reads
2 / 56

make sense.  I too choose NOT to use an agency........for my own reasons..........but am sure others have an equal number of good reasons why they disagree.

BUT.........I would have chalked it up to experience........and would NEVER have called the agency back and put the girl in such a position.  It is what it is..........calling the agency will do nothing to get us our money back or improve the experience.  It will only put this poor woman under even more pressure.

Just my humble opinion..........

hammerhead896 44 Reviews 596 reads
3 / 56

I am not saying that this girl did not have legit issues but it seems as though she was perfectly fine running out the clock while drinking your booze isn't that special!

Yeah I am not fond of agencies for lots of reasons.

GaGambler 459 reads
4 / 56

I have had great, good, decent, fair, lousy and horrible experiences with both indies and agency girls alike.

I think your sample size is much too small from which to draw any conclusions? And I don't know if you have enough experience to be able to tell if you were indeed the first client of a very troubled young girl who should have never been in the same room with you, or if you got played. I certainly cant tell from the little bit of info you have shared with us.

In my opinion if you believed her, you were a dick for asking for your money back. and if you didn't believe her, you were a fool for buying into her story. Sorry, but I don't think your experience is going to have the least effect on who I choose to see.

ATLDAWG 386 reads
5 / 56

The gal signed on to be a "Escort" which includes sex-$600-you got played-----if it was some pathetic looking gal with a black eye and bruises for $100-then I would believe her and let it ride-but you forked over $600 ??!!!  

Also-How did you pay the $600 ?  To the agency on a credit card or cash to the gal ?  If on a credit card-I would dispute the charge-bet you would get a credit without a hassle.  

If you paid cash direct to the gal-you really got played !  

One born every minute an in the hobby-everyone is a suspect !

rembrnad0284 12 Reviews 306 reads
6 / 56

I think you certainly have a basis for forming a negative opinion regarding this particular agency based on what happened as whether she was a mess who never should have been in that position with you or whether you were played, it does not reflect well on THAT agency.   But I wouldn't tar them all with one brush based on one incident.

Tina123Marie See my TER Reviews 358 reads
8 / 56

....... and talk to a person in charge... see if they will refund you or credit you in one way or another. I would't let 1 crazy girl off her meds ruin the reputation of the agency

ilarasantos See my TER Reviews 419 reads
9 / 56

You already took one for the team

harborview 10 Reviews 330 reads
10 / 56

and I've had a girl break down crying.  It was a long time Fav & took a call from her sister while i was there.  I got an earful of them fighting.   I excused myself the the bathroom so she could have some privacy.  We spent the hour I'd planned just getting her calmed down.  Now I had not put the donation down but I was ready to bail (had a long drive waiting).  She realized we had not had our session yet & chose to go ahead...  though her heart & head were not really in it.  
There were a couple more high drama instances in the 7 years I saw her...  before I broke it off for good.  
I think the agency should have made good on it & since they did not take care of you, you should not do business with them.

hammerhead896 44 Reviews 399 reads
11 / 56

for what appears to be the first time for a girl who obviously must have had no reviews. So what was her pics just that hot or was she just turning 18? If you choose with your little head instead of the big one then sometimes you have no one else to blame but yourself if things go poorly!

Squeezetheorem 387 reads
12 / 56

That particular agency did not handle that well.  What would be very telling is if the girl remains available after that episode.

xyz23 45 Reviews 374 reads
13 / 56

...with the providers and the service I've received from agencies. Some of those providers are still in the business and I still see them.

Agency or independent you have to research them to find the good ones. Based on what you said here the agency you used isn't a good one.

-- Modified on 1/27/2016 6:09:01 PM

1705218 10 Reviews 308 reads
14 / 56

ah come on GaGa  no one has "but I don't think your experience is going to have the least effect on who I choose to see." LO

ATLDAWG 277 reads
15 / 56

In that you have brought this to the board for discussion-you need to identify the agency and provide the girls name.  

Posted By: Greenbacks2
I had a night mare experience with an agency in Boston.  And now I swear never to repeat with an agency. My experience was the girl came in and I could tell she was nervous so we talked a while she had a glass of wine. I thought she relaxed a little so I laid down on the bed and she started giving a CBJ. And she also started to cry!  So I asked her what was wrong and she said this was her first time! She continued to sob, and would not stop I talked to her she had a lot of personal issues finally I asked her to leave but I also wanted some of my donation back. I paid $600 for an hour. She said the agency does not allow that. So instead of making a scene I let it go. Called the agency let them know what happened they could care less. For me no more agencies.      
 What has your experience been with agencies?    

2465305 70 Reviews 319 reads
16 / 56

I think before you do that I would contact the agency and ask for a settlement. If not then the gloves come off and you can name them both.

TwoMints 257 reads
17 / 56

Like mentioned I'd call back again. If you chose a long time agency they will make it right.  

You do realize that you also saw a lady without reviews which is a huge no no for most of us here.

I'd write a review, and I'd specifically call out the agency and if possible post it on the agency page as well. If you used P411 or something like that I'd report them to the site as well. Wreck um.

Fancy8888 See my TER Reviews 371 reads
18 / 56

Posted By: Greenbacks2
I had a night mare experience with an agency in Boston.  And now I swear never to repeat with an agency. My experience was the girl came in and I could tell she was nervous so we talked a while she had a glass of wine. I thought she relaxed a little so I laid down on the bed and she started giving a CBJ. And she also started to cry!  So I asked her what was wrong and she said this was her first time! She continued to sob, and would not stop I talked to her she had a lot of personal issues finally I asked her to leave but I also wanted some of my donation back. I paid $600 for an hour. She said the agency does not allow that. So instead of making a scene I let it go. Called the agency let them know what happened they could care less. For me no more agencies.      
 What has your experience been with agencies?    

Hpygolky 206 Reviews 257 reads
19 / 56

And offer a discount or replacement or to show some kind of business savvy to make it up to the guy then he might consider using an agency in the future. Too say to "possibly" swear off indies is a a stretch in this "what if" scenario is a bit.
But my feeling is that the guy got duped, it seems like a planned cash and dash...my 2 cents

earthshined 294 reads
20 / 56


you could have called agency while she was still there.

total bullshit on their part.

mrfisher 108 Reviews 314 reads
21 / 56

because you made a hormone.

(I'll show myself to the corner, thank you.)

Durhamdrew 19 Reviews 309 reads
22 / 56

Good and bad depending on the agency ... I hope you are naming the agency in the review. That important info because it sounds like a scam. You did the right thing though. Just carry it to the end so the next guy knows what to expect ... And there will be a next guy.

GreekGoddess 286 reads
23 / 56

did she have an accent?

earthshined 296 reads
24 / 56

for HER employers policy.

He asked for money back and she said "they don't do that"  

wtf is that?

Do agencies tell you upfront if the escort doesnt perform the client is screwed out of the donation?

earthshined 314 reads
25 / 56

the first episode?

I would not tolerate anything like that from an escort. She has to take care of all personal issues before our date because I don't want to hear it.

when it's time to play it should be all business.

Squeezetheorem 226 reads
26 / 56

Anywhere I've worked, the agency has wanted to know immediately if there is any problem. Damage control is a big deal and many would, at the very least, offer a partial refund or a comped/discounted redo with whomever he chose.  The girl may or may not have been working him, but the agency should not have responded with apathy.  

I will say it's rather odd that, once she knew the appointment wasn't happening (and that he would like some back), she did not call the agency right then. One of the perks to working at an agency is that (theoretically) they handle the brass tacks. On any matter where money becomes an issue, the agency typically plays the heavy.  Particularly when a girl is gutted, or perhaps pretending to be so. Just strange.

-- Modified on 1/27/2016 5:29:48 PM

-- Modified on 1/27/2016 5:33:12 PM

Greenbacks2 24 Reviews 360 reads
27 / 56

I tried to post the service. But I think TER is blocking it. For what ever reason

BigPeterJohnson 39 Reviews 256 reads
28 / 56

not trying to be snarky here, but what's the point of this whole store if you're not going to help the community out by naming the agency that treated you so non-professoinally?

too bad for the girl, but she should have offered half the envelope back.  if not her, then the agency.

let us know which agency so we can avoid this kind of situation.

BigPeterJohnson 39 Reviews 238 reads
29 / 56

... for new use of an old joke!

AHappyCamper 9 Reviews 176 reads
30 / 56

I saw that first hand. There is a certain emotional and psychological impact that differs from one to another. Some really aren't emotionally stable enough to be in this world.  

I don't have it in me to continue a session when I sense this. I'd rather just let things end. So I lose a few bucks. My conscience is clear.

BigPeterJohnson 39 Reviews 239 reads
31 / 56

i don't think it was planned either.  i had a similar situation once... saw a touring lady whose previous experience had been in porn but had never been an escort.

i asked her to call me a certain honorific, which we had agreed to before meeting.  as she went to town on a pretty poor cbj, she kept saying, "yes, i will" but she never actually called me what i wanted.  then after a few seconds of cbj, she said, "i'm better at f*cking, i'll show you."  well, not how i like to approach an experience i lay an envelope down for, so i said, look this isn't working, let's call this a day.

she started to cry/scream, "i'm sorry, i'm sorry, i'll do better."  she sounded like i was beating her, which i assume had probably happened to her in the past.  i took some moments to calm her down and assure her that she would get better, and it was not a big deal.

but i also made it a point that i was leaving and was not going to pay for the session.  the girl was pretty insistent that i pay her something, so i left her a c note and moved on.  (other big problems that threw up red flags when i walked into her hotel room:  clothes all over the floor and heavy aroma of marijuana.)

it happens.  but if a girl can't perform her duties she shouldn't get paid imo.

BigPeterJohnson 39 Reviews 212 reads
32 / 56

Posted By: AHappyCamper
Some really aren't emotionally stable enough to be in this world.
or, more accurately, some really aren't emotionally unstable in the correct way to be in this world.

and that goes for both sides of the bed.

Jensen36363 58 Reviews 217 reads
33 / 56

Being on the side of using an Agency -- clearly not the on in question -- me experience has been
1) Agency is very concerned about the client's experience and satisfaction (and the girls seem to as well*)
2) One time when it proved impossible for me to keep an appointment (absolutely no available parking in the condo lot and not street parking for miles) the Agency didn't complain but ensured I had an appointment first thin the next day and promised special treatment (Great time!)
3) Once, something just seemed off after getting to the appointment and the girl and I sort of danced around starting anything. She suggested I could leave, I started to leave the donation and was told it wasn't necessary. The Agency called me to find out what went wrong but did not say anything about not having paid.

Needless to say I'm still a patron of both agencies.  

What I don't get is that sans the trafficking problem why any providers would put up with abusive agency owners. Especially given forums like this where they probably have plenty of opportunity to network, get good info on going indy and even probably how to form a provider owned agency. That might be a good idea -- anyone up for a provider-hobbyist coop? ;-)

* I accidently left a pair of sunglasses after a session. The booker called me as I was getting in the car to tell me. I thanked them. They asked what I wanted to do and I confessed they were just cheap and probably from WalMart and if they liked them the pair was theirs. We both laughed. I saw the girl again recently and the second thing out of her mouth was about the sunglasses!

keystonekid 114 Reviews 256 reads
34 / 56

to see only well-reviewed providers with reviews from several (5-6) established reviewers.

If you TOFTT you may end up with a bad experience.

DT_lover 188 Reviews 316 reads
35 / 56

Plenty of good agencies in Boston for less than 600.  Why would you pay 600 for a girl with no reviews.

If there were a $600 agency in Boston they would not hire an inexperienced girl.

Name the agency and I'll eat my words.

Squeezetheorem 274 reads
36 / 56

Thank you!! People are quick to villify all agencies in a mishap.

-- Modified on 1/27/2016 6:47:58 PM

Jacque_Jenesais See my TER Reviews 337 reads
37 / 56
nothrofboston 24 Reviews 212 reads
38 / 56

Been there. From my perspective, when it has happened,  I think about myself and no sex ... for about a minute. Then I realize it's a person sitting across from me. Someone I liked. So I listen and console and it stays in the room. It's happened twice, once with an ATF with IRL issues ... the other one had hobby issues.  

Lot of fringe benefits in the hobby. LOL

SoftlySarah See my TER Reviews 398 reads
39 / 56

For christ's sake- the girl was crying!! Unless it was an oscar winning performance, I doubt she was doing this to waste time.  

The OP makes me feel icky. And so does HH's response. Ick, eww. Thank goddess I don't have to see men like that.

SoftlySarah See my TER Reviews 211 reads
40 / 56

What an awful agency!! I'm so sorry you had to work for such horrible people.

I was going to post a comment about how many agencies are little more than pimps with business cards. Honestly. But your post here has pretty much said the same thing.  

I'd be willing to bet that that poor girl got into some serious trouble with her pimp- er- "agency".

Rickshaw17 28 Reviews 182 reads
41 / 56

I once saw a provider whom I knew well, who one day just had enough. She was scheduled for an extended visit with a pre-paid client she dreaded seeing and had decided this life was not for her. As she told me about this she began crying and could not stop. I told her to return the money, cancel the appointment and immediately retire. Unfortunately, she'd already spent the man's money.  I gave her some financial advice so she could pay this guy back, get out of debt and finish her education.  Anyway, we just talked the whole time. She offered to return my donation but I told her to keep it.  I don't know if she kept that other appointment, but she retired from the hobby. Sometimes folks need a friend and if circumstances permit you be one...consider being one. Often there is no one on the outside these ladies can confide in.  

Posted By: AlysonParker
When I was first starting out, I worked for an agency and it was really tough. I was super young, had no idea how to advocate for myself, and pretty much lived in constant fear of the agency owner. I really needed the money and wasn't sure how to navigate the industry at all, so I toed the line even when things felt dangerous or people were creepy, etc. Not to mention she had my driver's license and thus could out me pretty easily if I pissed her off.  
 To give you an idea how that agency worked (and I don't know if this is common or not, as it was the last one I worked for), once a client called to say that I had tried to poach him and he wanted to show his loyalty to the agency by ratting me out. Of course what had actually happened was that he had asked me for my number so he could see me for less money away from the agency and I'd said no. I got reamed out and was suspended from working for a week and a half, which was a big financial hit for me at the time.  
 Anyway, onto the point: It wasn't my first day, but I had a date where I burst into tears with a client and then couldn't stop crying. The stress of not having any choice in who I was seeing plus a whole bunch of conflicting emotions about what I was doing/with who/why just made me snap. I don't remember his name or even where we met, but I will always remember how exceptionally kind that client was to me. We weren't charging 600.00 - I think it was maybe 175 an hour if that - but he didn't even bring up wanting a refund and thankfully didn't tell the agency.  
 I'm not saying that it doesn't suck to be out that amount of money - it does, absolutely - but I also don't think this was some sort of planned rip off. This work can be really confusing and overwhelming at first, especially for the very young ones. And if the agency is treating you that way, they probably treat the girls even worse. You might not be getting a refund, but rest assured she's likely facing some tough treatment from them herself.  

WilliamKidd 11 Reviews 301 reads
42 / 56

When I first started I said I would not use an agency and only stick with independents.  However an ad by an agency caught my eye.  Very easy and smooth booking.

The session however did not go as planned.  It was not horrible but not really what we had discussed.  I was just going to just leave it.  However the agency contacted me to ask how everything went.  I told them that it had not met what we discussed nor expectations.  The agency agreed with me and offered a discount as way of apology.  The next session was great.  While I lean towards independents I would not hesitate to use or recommend this agency.

Greenbacks2 24 Reviews 253 reads
43 / 56
VIPCharlotteYork See my TER Reviews 334 reads
44 / 56

Agencies usually treat their girls like sex slaves. They blackmail you they threaten you there is no end to some of the madness because they know they need you. This usually happens once you start making money and they need to threaten you to make you feel like you need them. I started with an agency and let me tell you as a young girl that barely knew anything about sex and had some major issues about sex because of religion and social stigma and judgment if this was her first time well yeah its highly possible. The issue isn't I need my money back... lets have some compassion for human beings. Why was she at your place? She needed money maybe she was desperate or maybe the agency threatened her. You have the means to get another girl at 600 right? You didn't do your research and now you crying over a bad experience with a potentially trafficked or blackmailed terrified young girl?  This is what I would call a first world problem darling.

-- Modified on 1/28/2016 1:59:44 PM

YoMaMaDo 283 reads
45 / 56

you will experience damn near everything. I applaud your letting it go and not cause a scene, as far as calling the agency that was at best a waste of time and at worst going to catch that young woman a beating or worse.

Remember we are involved in an illegal activity so just chalk these type of situations as part of the freight we all pay for playing in this park.

Remember it would have cost you way more than 600 greenbacks to get out of Jail. So thank your stars and look upon this as part of your M.I.M. degree.

MasterZen 33 Reviews 292 reads
46 / 56

any fucking transaction or getting your rocks off.  

If both aren't willing, you fucking END IT! Try to be a human being and offer comfort and help.  

I can't even imagine asking her to leave without trying to help her, or ever asking for money back or complaining to the agency. Be human first, then worry about the trivial shit like $$.

Who cares if perhaps, maybe, by  some stretch of the imagination you might possibly have some potential that you could possibly be played for a few bucks compared to the possible human and psychological aspects of her breakdown?

I'm sorry, but if your major concerns are getting rid of her quickly, getting your money back and learning to stay away from agencies - you are Waaaayy the fuck off base.

Being human, compassionate and knowing how to help another generously... you missed that

earthshined 220 reads
47 / 56

you dont know if she is or not.  That's why the agency has to fix it.

MasterZen 33 Reviews 212 reads
48 / 56

I don't need an agency or anyone else to tell me what to believe or do.

I'll stand by what I said, and I'll risk being conned for being a better person every time

earthshined 221 reads
49 / 56

what you have to do. i dont care what you do

I'm talking about  what the agency has to do.

1Woodguy 146 Reviews 251 reads
50 / 56

It has only happened to me once where the girl started to cry. And it was pretty sobering.
First time with this small agency, first time with the girl. She was marketed as Japanese, had big boobs a nice face and when I walked into the incall, I was happy to see her. I paid the donation, then into the shower, then started with a massage, and I was making small talk with her and asked about her ancestry and she told me that her mother was Japanese, married a Chinese man and after a few years of living in Japan, they moved to China, where the father began to really mistreat the mom, and EVENTUALLY MURDERED HER MOTHER, and got away with it!! Of course, she then broke down crying for over 10 minutes, and there was no thought of anything happening, and we spent the time talking about what had happened, how she had grown up, and I did my best to help her through this patch and getting her thinking more positively. She got a call that time was up, tried to give me my money back, which I refused ($200) and she gave me her personal cell #.  I made another appointment 2 weeks later, not really sure what to expect, but she was upbeat, friendly and gave great service. I think we developed a special bond (not that were were very close) and I have seen her off and on for a good 3+ years now. I try to give her advice for her business, but I don't think she gets it, which is too bad because I think she could be much more successful if she was only more consistent with her service.  I didn't tell the agency what had happened- I didn't think that the girl needed that kind of added pressure.

I am sure this happens a lot. But you can't blame this on the agency. You can't really blame it on the girl. It's just one of those times when "shit happens". I mean you don't really think that every girl at the agency would do that, do you? Nor do you think that it couldn't happen with an independent girl?

And this makes me wonder- how many times has a customer broke down and started crying with a girl? And what does the girl do when this happens?

DT_lover 188 Reviews 279 reads
51 / 56

Google that name and you find a rooming house.

RomeoMike 39 Reviews 360 reads
52 / 56

I don't live in Boston or know the agency or Greenbacks2, but I know how to use Google.

Kairi See my TER Reviews 292 reads
53 / 56

Not everyone is cut out for the business and not all agencies are created equal. Can't imagine being in that situation.. I work in Boston and love my job, so if you're ever on the prowl again, haha :p

foguete69 38 Reviews 255 reads
54 / 56
BigPeterJohnson 39 Reviews 133 reads
55 / 56
DT_lover 188 Reviews 261 reads
56 / 56

Not one of those women is a legit provider in Boston.  Not one girl has even one review.

If you have time ClassicRock57, I bet you would find all those photos are stolen if you did a photo search.

"There is a sucker born every minute.  This would apply to any girl who goes to work for this agency or any guy who pays for them.

Link below to many real quotes from PT Barnum himself.  All quite applicable to hobbyland

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