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Reminiscing about the evoultion of our hobbyteeth_smile
T_69RAVELER69 59 Reviews 1618 reads

I read a post somewhere else where a guy was looking through the phone book for a date and this brought to mind how diversified this hobby really is. Every one of us has different needs, desires and risk levels we are willing to be exposed to. All the providers as well are at different levels of activities they feel comfortable performing. Think about it for a moment just how the business is being marketed to the consumer. The activities available:
There is the basic massage parlor – advertising in the sports section of the paper, on roadside billboards, and entire websites devoted just to this activity (reviews etc.), not to mention the infamous Craig’s List, Backpage etc. Different areas of the country have different tolerance levels for this activity going on in their community. And massage parlors in different parts of the country provide different services, all the way from a rubdown to full service with everything in between.  
Then there is the yellow pages of the phone books under escorts or entertainers (always a crap shoot as to just what the results of the encounter will be), but most every phone book has a section. As an aside, I travel a lot and a game I play is to check the yellow pages in the hotel room to see what notes have been left. I find rates, comments, names and I use the amount of ads to gauge the acceptance of this activity in the community (a lot of ads usually means the community is not so puritanical).
There is always the Adult night clubs and their various levels of undress and activities allowed. This just like the MP’s vary greatly from one part of the country to another. These girls specialize in the hover technique (their job is to suck every dollar out of your wallet) while keeping distant. It never ceases to amaze me at their competence at achieving this goal.
The Internet had brought another level to the hobby allowing for better communications between hobbyists and providers. It also is IMHO the best and fastest communications link. Sites like TER and others offer great exchange of information between individuals that somewhat reduce the risk levels and LE exposure from what the hobby was as little as 10 years ago. I have been involved in this community over the past 25 years and I am always amazed at its evolution. The world’s oldest profession, yes, and will remain as such. It fills a need and every business person knows that your business will survive and flourish as long as the business is filling a need of its customer. Sites like TER are invaluable in weeding out the poor performing business and stimulating the good ones.
Just a look at evolution I’m not making a statement or judgment regarding any form of our entertainment as I love it all and participate at different levels as the need dictates. I was just thinking out loud down memory lane. What’s next in this evolution journey?

Great post.  Every new change in technology and communication has led to safer hobbying.  I, for one, hope that the next evolution will include legalization in some form or another so that it is even safer for the ladies and gentlemen alike.

When I first found this site, I went through about two weeks of extreme anger at myself for not thinking of it.  I don't have a gay cell in my body, but I could almost develop a man-crush on the guy that dreamed this up - can you imagine, making money and being able to devote as much time as you want to something that the rest of us spend money and stolen time on.  It's akin to growing a 12 inch schlong and being a porn star.  

-- Modified on 1/30/2008 1:12:11 PM

Response to rayjr's comment.  Too funny!  But being the token TS here it's not 12 inches, but I have done 6 porn films!


And yes, the two best things have caused the hobby to evolove is the cell phone and interent.  It's made it safer and easier for everyone in many ways.

What will be the next evolution?

Hallo Decks?  Virtual sex?  The Orgasmatron?

Gosh I hope not, I want to be the first hoe on the moon!

TS Jamie :-)

-- Modified on 1/30/2008 3:01:12 PM

with the hobby was in a pick-up bar in Tampa back in the late 70's.  You went in, sat down, and soon a lady would come over to your table to see "what you were in the mood for".  You went to a low end motel where ladies shared rooms (what clean sheets) and had your 1 pop.  No GFE then.

We have come a long way baby.

Thank you ladies!

Hearing about your bar experience back in the 70's, it got me thinking:

I did not get in to this hobby until about 2002, but can you imagine what it was like pre-late-90's-internet?????  I mean, you had to go to a bar like the one kestonekid went to, or to a brothel, or you called a "madame" or agent who DESCRIBED a roster of girls, and only by sheer luck would she be anything close to what you were looking for. Or, in Hollywood I know there was a network of guys in the movie biz who (with a hush-hush) would recommend or refer their friends to certain ladies. But there were no means of research (like this awesome TER). Hey, I would never be doing this if it weren't for the net and for TER which cuts down the risk level considerably.

I would love to hear more stories from those who were seeing "providers" from back in the day.

Please post.

Likes variety691 reads

You want more stories like that? Well I hobbied for many years before the internet, using mainly MPs and ads in the weekly papers. Many of the experiences were successful. There were times in the 70s and 80s when there were walk-in places where you could get FS for a pittance of what it costs today without making an appointment. For some time stretches I went to AMPS, finding particular ones that consistently offered good service with a variety of ladies. Responses to the newspaper ads took me through an interesting array of humanity and experiences, enough of them satisfactory to keep on going. It was around the time that I discovered the internet that the old-type experiences were declining in quality, so the new way came along just in time. I still look at the ads but hesitate to call them in fear of encountering a disappointing experience. I now mainly stick to several internet ATFs and occasionally try a new one whose reviews and rates sound good.

Great read, makes me wonder how the hell I ended up on here myself. I haven't been in the game as long as some "Mr 25 years...lol". but I think I enjoy every bit of it as much. therefore its very important to me that sites like this exist. that yellowbook bit never crossed my mind though....(runs off to his yellowbook)


It was basically bars, street corners, MP's or the weekly papers.  I chose the MP's and the  papers.

In the back of the classified ads, there was a "personals" section that was basically all providers.  You'd start at the first ad under "women seeking men" and keep calling until a real human being answered.  You could end up calling twenty numbers.   Then you took your chances and prayed it wasn't LE or a ROB.

There were also agencies then but I found the talent at them just wasn't to my liking for the most part, and they were quite expensive too.  I had a beer budget back then.

For the most part, I did quite well.  I'd say the success rate was better than 90% and I never snagged any LE.

When you really clicked with someone, they would give you their personal phone number and then you'd have a favorite you could count on, until one day the phone would be disconnected, then back to the drawing board.

I did reasonably well with the MP's too, but they also had their share of hit and miss.  Again, when you found someone you really liked, you got their phone number and met "off campus".  I still see a wonderful gal I met nearly twenty years ago at one MP.  She even  works there to this day.  Come to think of it, she was the one who told me about there being places on the internet that rate providers.  I can still recall the conversation as plain as day.  She said the site was called something like "Dog Eat Dog"  8o)

It's so much easier now with the internet and TER.

Boswells_Johnson203 reads

it was the best ot times, it was the worst oftimes.

disappointing experiences were common, probably the norm rather than the exception.  when you found a worthwhile provider you held on with a death grip, and maybe, if you were lucky, she would introduce you to her friends.  and you slowly expanded your circle.

but in a screwed up way it was really exciting. when you walked up to a woman or drove by slowly in your car in the appropriate part of town, you never knew what you would get. a great time, a crappytime, an indifferent time, a trip to the police station. for danger junkies who hobbied, it was an extra thrill.

much of the guess work now is a thing of the past, but so in the collateral enjoyment of the situation.

the cost of disappointment was usually low, and they could usually be shrugged off as a bad roll of the dice

The surface of the moon?  Mars?  Outside the solar system?  Outside the galaxie?

To boldly go....

Takes on a new meaning.

Great post!  

There is no question that the internet has permanently changed our lives.  It both gives people the ability to communicate to huge number of people while also allowing individuals of a community to interact directly between each other.  This has massively changed mass communicate methods of previous decades like print, radio, and TV.  They were one way mass communication devices.  

The internet while have the capacity of mass communication for the first time opened up communication so it could move in both directions or in essence allowing two way communication.  As we can see that two way communication has had a huge impact in nearly every part of our lives especially on the hobby (can you even fathom life without email).  It is difficult to imagine where things will go next.  But, it’s a pretty damned exciting time to be involved.

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