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Pleasant reminders of our lovely ladies that bring a smile!
Goldenbear22 1826 reads

The last few weeks, I seem to keep running across little things that spark a smile and reminder of some wonderful times with favorite providers, occasionally a full cheshire cat smile in the car with my family that gets them looking at me like- "What the heck is he grinning about?"

Since I quit seeing new ladies awhile back and spent time mostly with favorites that I got close too, just passing by certain oft travelled freeway exits brings a reminder-  or a song on the radio that became a favorite with a certain lady.  

Last night when I was out running late and watched the fading lunar eclipse and the re-emergence of a fantastic full moon, I couldn't help grin and glow remembering a night with a very special lady provider friend laying under the stars and a full moon for hours talking, cuddling, making love.

Reminded me of how special the hobby can be with good friends!

What reminders trigger special hobbying memories for you?  

BTW- my previous TER name is now one of my alias due to a little problem that came up, but I'll occasionally re-emerge and post under it just to say hi to friends!

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And Thanks, for the smile you put on my face :)

It is a good feeling to know that you have made a difference in someones life, as it is not something we hear very often.

Seens like most of the time we have a Thankless job, so it is very nice to hear a compliment now and then.

Have a Wonderful Day! Wishing you many more great memories.


When I see a lady who refers to herself as "The girl next door", it reminds me of my very favorite lady. We somehow, not only wound up in the same hotel in Boston, but were actually in adjacent rooms. How many hotels do you think there are in Boston?

Another young lady in San Diego and I were talking about really bad restaurants. I have no idea why, we just were. We both agreed that Denny's took the prize. She left me with the phrase, "All roads lead to Denny's". On my way back home, I must have passed 30 Denny's, and grinned ear to ear every time. I still do.

Not to be maudlin, but when we shuffle off this mortal coil, we'll leave with nothing but our memories so I take care in trying to create some very special ones.

Every time I pass  La Quinta, I get a little short of breath.

I can't to Lenox without recreating an afternoon at The Ritz.

Sambuca Jazz club!!

I used to get a hand soap at Bath and Body Works and the smell of it triggers some very intense emotional stuff. They didn't have it last time I was there and I'm really disappointed!

I can't hear the word "cabin" without a whole series of wonderful memories flooding my head.

Lots of music but the Willy Porter song Mystery now has very, very special meaning.

ad nauseum.

Thanks to the ladies who are willing to help create such great memories. You rock!

I must confess I get caught smiling to myself at the most inopportune times as well! My two favs and I all love music and I always have my laptop with a favorite playlist going during appointments. Because of this there are many songs that I will hear on the radio that will trigger a memory.

Driving past restaurants is another trigger if I have been there with a lady. The funniest trigger for me is when I walk through the lobby of a hotel where I have seen a lady friend in the past. I work in a lot of hotels so this happens quite a bit!

The best triggers are not triggers at all. Just the pleasant memories I sometimes have during reflective moments.

I received my first envelope with the words smoothly written on the top...Thank You :)
Inside...he showed just how much he appreciated me.
But the words outside, were all that needed to bring a touched smile to my face.


a civie while I'm out and around that reminds me a LOT of a provider lady that I frequent.   It's happened twice and there is an eerie feeling that goes through me.   Part of me wants to run, the other part wants to run up and kiss her.  

One time a redhead reminded me so much of Abigail that I started flirting with her in Safeway.   She looked at me like I was from Neptune.  It shocked me back into common sense.

Certain things will happen in daily life and I'll "go away in my mind" to another time and place.

Good thoughts, all.

Just as a clarification, "Pavlovian" refers to Pavlov's experiments with dogs, where he conditioned them to salivate at the sound of a bell.

Walking through a long hallway with many identical doors (resembling a hotel hallway) has an interesting effect.  At times, I get the same nervousness and shortness of breath that I get while looking for the provider's room, even when I'm not doing anything hobby-related.  I can control it pretty easily, but the feeling is still there.  With that said, residential buildings don't have that effect on me, just hotels and commercial buildings.

On the night of the lunar eclipse Maddy was driving home basking in the after glow of a great date with a new friend.

It was a beautiful experience for us both.

I will not help but remember where I was that day in 08 when the sun passed over the moon.

I hope my new friend thinks of me as fondley as you recall your ladie friends.


fishnets hugs and kisses
sexy madeline shaw

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