TER General Board

Re: What is normal? Not you that is for sure
followme 609 reads

Since your father and your mothers father is the same guy, do you call him dad or grandpa.

You're Welcome
2015 = 28

I see that the older women seem more uptight about this than the young girls.  The women over 30 like this London woman are really angry that the young girls get all the business.  What happens to the women in this world?  Is there a point that they should quit?  I like having fun with the young girls.  Who sees any of these angry women like London?

followme874 reads

reading the replies to this dipwad.

Thank you  
2015 = 28

I like opinionated women who know when and how to burn hot. It's the drama queens, the professional victims, and the spiteful women I have no time for.

-- Modified on 5/29/2015 5:39:47 PM

London is about straight forward as you can ask for. Honestly, I appreciate her candor. She doesn't pull any punches and that speaks volumes.

I really don't see her as being angry; just very frank.

Perhaps your not used to seeing a lady who can hold her own on any level.

Never.Landed793 reads

And their tolerance of bullshit goes down. So sad for some of you...

Their age demographic, pricing and general ethos should suit you much better. But the answers to the questions you raise may require decades for you to understand; if ever!  

I love the honesty in her posts.

-- Modified on 5/29/2015 3:57:25 PM

Picking a fight that you will not win, for sure...


-- Modified on 5/29/2015 5:58:51 PM

Why Yall let that woman or any woman get to you with some of the things they might say gets to me. She is a HUMAN BEING. Which means several things. Some good, most not so good. Lmao.  

Get over it dude. I have no idea what your talking about but London must have hurt your feelings on a fuck board. Well, Hot Rody Johny, blame YOSELF. Some of what she says is spot on IMO, some not so much. She can be a little hypocritical at times but so what. So can we all.

Older women are a joy by the way. Don't know about her. A lot of them are set in their ways and can be "mouthy"! Lol. So what. Listen to what you like. IGNORE what you don't but don't create a thread about stoopid shit. Just my advice.

I'll ask you this: Is there a point grown men should stop worrying about fucking exclusively "young" chicks who waver in their confidence so you don't feel threatened? You first have to listen, take to heart and believe what a person is saying to even begin to feel threatened if it is in opposition to you. Female/Male doesn't matter. Still human and more ignorant than we are knowledgeable. That's a fact jack!

Go Hot Rod Johny. Enjoy the breeze.

skarphedin586 reads

Posted By: Hot_Rod_Johny
I see that the older women seem more uptight about this than the young girls.  The women over 30 like this London woman are really angry that the young girls get all the business.  What happens to the women in this world?  Is there a point that they should quit?  I like having fun with the young girls.  Who sees any of these angry women like London?

That's for sure. Lol. And yes, dude is a moron but hey, he lives in the "City of Angels". So I look at him based on a curve! Lmao! LA folks are mostly weirdos. Love Cali though! Too many places there have my heart. Not LA though. Booooooo. Lol

I understand that the business can take it's toll on the women here.  That's why I like the young girls who are fresh.

I don't know about her pack of hounds.  I do see that some of the guys here seem to like the older women.  I guess that's all they can get.  Even with paying for it.  It's a pity.

followme631 reads

You must be "Flying Bravo".

You're Welcome  
2015 = 28

That's your excuse for liking young girls or your "reasoning" why a lot of us have no care for them! EIGHTEEN year old young girls. Lmao. Don't make me come down to LA next week and silicone slap your dumbass. You know you LA boys some weak mofos and bruise easily. You've had your heads stuck in shit for so long, you're delirious and delusional. Now thats something that you and London can communicate on! HA. I think that first part for her comes from "meds" and the liquor cabinet. I'm just guessing! For you, stems from all that "fakeness"! Real shit.

And stop speaking for ALL men boy. You first have to know what one is before you can talk about what others like. How the hell have you not gotten tired of the "18 year olds" mindset is my question. HOW is that possible for such a "ladies man". Lol. Go douche douche!

You are an authority on only being able to see the old out of shape hookers.  Do you even know where California is?  I would have expected that inbreeding would have caused you to need full time nursing care.  I guess you have a self-esteem problem given that you'd call some unknown faceless nameless digital bytes "boy".  Ask your nurse to change your diaper, it stinks in there in case you didn't know it.

Posted By: Hot_Rod_Johny
You are an authority on only being able to see the old out of shape hookers.  Do you even know where California is?  I would have expected that inbreeding would have caused you to need full time nursing care.  I guess you have a self-esteem problem given that you'd call some unknown faceless nameless digital bytes "boy".  Ask your nurse to change your diaper, it stinks in there in case you didn't know it.

is there a Doctor in the house??

Posted By: Hot_Rod_Johny
You are an authority on only being able to see the old out of shape hookers.  Do you even know where California is?  I would have expected that inbreeding would have caused you to need full time nursing care.  I guess you have a self-esteem problem given that you'd call some unknown faceless nameless digital bytes "boy".  Ask your nurse to change your diaper, it stinks in there in case you didn't know it.

No matter how much flack I have been getting over the past month about my mouth... I can always feel comfort in knowing you get even more. LMAO.  


Posted By: London Rayne

where have you even seen that London has been upset about all of the young girls getting all of the business?  I have never seen this.  What the fuck, do you think that she is old?  She is in her early 30's which is not exactly "old".

Also, "Who sees any of these angry women like London?"."  Let's see, just guys who like a super hot lady who gets rave reviews and an overall rating of above 9.  You are probably right, can't see where anyone would want to see someone like that.  Stop being such a dumb ass

Then I guess that London is right up your alley old man.  She can't handle what the really hot young girls who love to fuck offer the rest of the men here.  You should try and see a few.  Then you'd understand.  Or just stay with the old ones that can barely get on top for CG.  I'm sure she'd tire out after three humps with you.  Did she offer to barter with you to post this?

You reviewed some no named chicks to get your free vip for the month of May... honey, trust me... you could not pay me enough to even be in a room with you. Wanna talk about worn out? Exactly how many guys do you think a woman has to see at the rate you're willing to pay? Nuff said. I can't remember the last time I had to fk five guys a week, much less in a day. My vagina is not open to that kind of abuse, thanks. FYI, you are the very reason most EVERY provider refuses to see guys under 35 lol. I actually welcome them. I know who you are, so I am not really offended at all by this. You're just getting me free publicity and I don't even have to spam the boards with my website link in every post.  

Posted By: Hot_Rod_Johny
Then I guess that London is right up your alley old man.  She can't handle what the really hot young girls who love to fuck offer the rest of the men here.  You should try and see a few.  Then you'd understand.  Or just stay with the old ones that can barely get on top for CG.  I'm sure she'd tire out after three humps with you.  Did she offer to barter with you mon to post this?

That's just what I was discussing here.  The older women simply are not in the physical shape the younger girls are in.  I never have a problem seeing hookers.  They love to see me as I bring them money and that's what they care about.  All this nonsense about connections makes me want to puke.  If I want a connection there are plenty of women who love to go for dinners and drinks with me.    I guess you and your old hooker friends still have a following here.  There's always another old man willing to pay for less.

followme636 reads

you ain't got it

You're welcome
2015 = 28

There are just as many fat, out of shape and lazy young women as there are over 25, 30, 35 and 40. In fact, I know MORE women in their prime who are in better shape now, than they were in their early 20s. You are really just stupid, dude. See who you want, pay what you want and be done with it. I  can assure you some guy with two fake reviews of no named chicks has zero credibility on a board that is made for REVIEWS from CREDIBLE members. You got nothing.

-- Modified on 5/29/2015 9:22:30 PM

I've seen you on other boards.  I've seen how you behave.  You are afraid of men like me who only want to see the young girls, and call out the old and out of shape women.  There's still men who have no backbone that will pay you and the other old and out of shape women.  That's because they're old and out of shape too.  I'm sure that is such an attractive sight as well.  Blecchhh!

LMAO... I can't really have a battle of wits with a dude whose got nothing but the tired ass "old, fat hooker" lines. Y'all call me when this fktard passes remedial English, and I will come back to play. This cat is tired of batting around dumb mice. Hell, maybe old Johnny is right. I mean I must be crazy to think any man would pay me 300. Oh shit, my rate is 7 lol. Y'all have fun, now. I need my rest bwhahahahaha.

I called them out of shape.  And most of the older women here are out of shape.  I looked at the photo board here and nearly puked.  Isn't anyone monitoring that stuff?  I also never said I would pay you 300.  I've read your reviews and a BBBJCIM is only worth a C-note to me.  And that from a young girl who is hot.  I'm sure that Hector will see you though.  Do you have an NBA policy?  He seems to be that type.  Be careful too.  I'm telling you that 3 out of 4 in that part of the world is an inbred lunatic.  Maybe he's the 1 out of 4 that's not.  I hope so.  Glad you decided to go and have another desert too.  Your posts were getting boring.  Maybe you and that Tobi girl can commiserate on why you can't stay young.  And she's having a weight problem too.  Not a good combination with all the hot, young and in-shape hookers out there

He sees High-end providers. Ones even a couple hundred an hour ...

She get's tired just walking from the refrigerator back to her computer.  I'm sure she's trying to finish off some Oreo cookies too.

I do over an hour of cardio a day hon, and I  smoke.... you wish you had the stamina I do. Bet you can't even last 3 minutes with those so called 'youngens' and I bet they thank you for it. Bye now. :) I will have to check out this trainwreck Monday....

Off to get a Whopper, some fries and a big, thick shake.  Try and remember when you were young and in-shape.  That's the competition.  700 for 2 hours with you?  Who in their right minds would even consider that?  Yeah, the old loser fat guys who can't get the young hot and in-shape hookers to see them.

and he is in good shape.

Let's see if I get this all right: Young guy who isn't established in life hating on all of the older men who are generally better at everything, has more money, and has learned from life. Young guy upset that the majority of the well reviewed gals have an age limit.  

You really wanted to go for a Championship fight instead of working your way up to the top, huh? Be happy that apparently London is too tired from laying on the beach to bother much with you. She's a workout fiend by the way. Meaning she is in good shape.

My popcorn is cold and I feel screwed out of paying to watch this fight. Going to go sulk over a fish fry and some beer. But please do let me know when you are going to have a rematch.  

Posted By: Hot_Rod_Johny
Then I guess that London is right up your alley old man.  She can't handle what the really hot young girls who love to fuck offer the rest of the men here.  You should try and see a few.  Then you'd understand.  Or just stay with the old ones that can barely get on top for CG.  I'm sure she'd tire out after three humps with you.  Did she offer to barter with you to post this?

I am over 35 and I have no issues with who ever is the business. There is a place for us all and plenty of business to go around. I am actually trying to reach out to other providers and become friends with them. This is like fight club and its hard when you have no one to talk to about it. We have a sisterhood and watch out for each other. I begrudge no one for anything. Please don't lump us all into that categorie.

I don't think anyone without an ulterior motive is trying to argue this is actually the case.

Posted By: hollydavis
I am over 35 and I have no issues with who ever is the business. There is a place for us all and plenty of business to go around. I am actually trying to reach out to other providers and become friends with them. This is like fight club and its hard when you have no one to talk to about it. We have a sisterhood and watch out for each other. I begrudge no one for anything. Please don't lump us all into that categorie.

Take a look at the top 100 providers in the nation... how many of them are under 30? Nuff said. Look at their rates too lol. My best friend is all of 23 and makes 1500 a date... she's smart and this is not her only source of income. Her being young is of zero relevance to how her brain and marketing genius work.

-- Modified on 5/29/2015 8:56:17 PM

I like to look at a picture and see the woman in the pictures.  I've looked at the women who promote themselves here.  I've seen a few of the top women too.  I commented yesterday that I have seen some over 40 women.  They did claim to be only 33, but once I met them they are well into their 40's.  And the pics are so misleading.  All glam shots.  These women only hoped they could look like their air brushed photos on their best days.  A woman your age hanging with a 23 y/o?  Are you her mother?

Trust me.. I have scooped up many of the newbie providers to save them the hassle of dealing with cheap losers like you, and they are still thanking me for it. You have not seen anyone on this site, period. You don't see 'young, hot women.' You see desperate, naive women who you can take advantage of because they are too clueless or perhaps bad off to know any better. Bravo. You're one step away from being a damn trafficker.

They are now traffickers?  That's the best you can come up with?  The young girls are smart.  They know what's happening.  It's the old ones who get out of touch with reality that think these old men actually care about them.  I can't believe you don't know this.  You claim to have scooped up many newbie providers, and yet you post shit about them.  You are delusional.  Were you raised near Hector?

that a classy gal said no to him.  

There are out of shape women of all ages. There are plenty of young and dum ladies he can go see. The types who do NCNS and blow up his phone begging for money ( or 'borrow" to be repaid on a future date that never happens )

9 times out of 10.... the older ladies win hands down (unless your name is Tobi).  

I think it is amusing that a guy whines about age. Bet he is no spring chicken :D

Posted By: London Rayne
Trust me.. I have scooped up many of the newbie providers to save them the hassle of dealing with cheap losers like you, and they are still thanking me for it. You have not seen anyone on this site, period. You don't see 'young, hot women.' You see desperate, naive women who you can take advantage of because they are too clueless or perhaps bad off to know any better. Bravo. You're one step away from being a damn trafficker.

Posted By: AlexandraMilw
9 times out of 10.... the older ladies win hands down (unless your name is Tobi).

Posted By: Tobi Telford
Posted By: AlexandraMilw
9 times out of 10.... the older ladies win hands down (unless your name is Tobi).

Guarantee London makes more in a week than you do in a month. Quit being a broke-ass crybaby.

She already posted that she only works a day or so here and there.  Even on her best week she'd make a couple of thousand.  I'll bet she's had to ask hookers like you to help her out when those old men don't show up for an appointment due to circumstances.

You better make it now while you can still get on top of these old farts.  From your pics it may not be much longer.  Don't make a guarantee that you can't deliver on.  You're already out of my age range.  I like the really young girls, and looks like your ship sailed a while back.

at the same time. Age my ass lol. My vagina might not be able to handle much, but that could be because the fker is not used up every day, all day for years on end. Enjoy your time on TER this Friday night... I have plans with an actual human, and no he's not paying. Let us know when the shuttle lands, dude. You're fifty shades of cray.

Posted By: Hot_Rod_Johny
She already posted that she only works a day or so here and there.  Even on her best week she'd make a couple of thousand.  I'll bet she's had to ask hookers like you to help her out when those old men don't show up for an appointment due to circumstances.  
 You better make it now while you can still get on top of these old farts.  From your pics it may not be much longer.  Don't make a guarantee that you can't deliver on.  You're already out of my age range.  I like the really young girls, and looks like your ship sailed a while back.

Don't be mad, boo. We all have our budgets.  

Some dudes just can't handle when women are hotter, smarter, and more successful than them (like LR). It stems from mommy issues and impotence. Try not to be so sad, k?

Thank you.... for making us normal nice guys look even better.

Don't you think that everyone who is here is a bit on the weird side?  I guess you must agree since I doubt your drivers license doesn't say TheBBWolf.  I also guess that you are one of those guys who is into BBFS.  Stick with the older women then.  They have to do that or else their business is over.

followme610 reads

Since your father and your mothers father is the same guy, do you call him dad or grandpa.

You're Welcome
2015 = 28

There are SO many incredible providers in their 30s, 40s and 50s it boggles my mind.  I'm headed to Las Vegas in mid July for a week and I'm looking forward to seeing at least three or four well reviewed providers in their 40s.  I've already made plans to see two.  Six weeks till Vegas, can't wait!!!

OP, you obviously have an axe to grind with LR, and I suspect women in general.  Hope you get the help you need or at the very minimum stop trolling on TER

So says the guy who is back from the night at the country club with the wife snoring away.  There is absolutely nothing "angry" about LR, she is a cool kitten.  I know, it is fun to troll around and make fun of the "older" ladies but I can say that I have never had a bad time with women in their 30s, 40s, 50s, and yes, even women in their 60s.  Not saying that I have not had good times with women in their 20s, but I can honestly say that ALL of my bad experiences have been with women in their 20's.  Yeah, I maybe ancient at 45 but I would rather have a secure opinionated lady who is "older" over some clueless young woman who has no fucking clue about life.

Back to my original point, what are all you fuckers doing on TER right now?   I would wake up my W, but she would kick my ass.

I haven't tried it yet... but always been interested to see how the right lady in her 50's would be. Hell, IDC she can be in her 60's. Some women look younger and I am going to assume that they really know how to properly act and please. Might be a real mind fuck if she is a smart one and worldly.  

You have that right, London isn't angry... she just tells it like it is, or how she feels it is. Huge difference. I don't like doormats or kiss asses. I love a gal who says what she has to say. Major turn on and bumps up the attraction factor. I am probably a little weird on that, but that's what I like. Knows how to be nice but can be blunt.

Posted By: Pangloss
So says the guy who is back from the night at the country club with the wife snoring away.  There is absolutely nothing "angry" about LR, she is a cool kitten.  I know, it is fun to troll around and make fun of the "older" ladies but I can say that I have never had a bad time with women in their 30s, 40s, 50s, and yes, even women in their 60s.  Not saying that I have not had good times with women in their 20s, but I can honestly say that ALL of my bad experiences have been with women in their 20's.  Yeah, I maybe ancient at 45 but I would rather have a secure opinionated lady who is "older" over some clueless young woman who has no fucking clue about life.  
 Back to my original point, what are all you fuckers doing on TER right now?   I would wake up my W, but she would kick my ass.

Capt.Cunnilingist522 reads

This clown seeing his $160.00Hr street walkers who take any dick that comes there way.
Better get to the clinic I think whatever you picked up from them has seriously affected your mind.
 Life will teach you a hard lesson but then again some fools never learn.

Johny, maybe you should go back to killing newbies on whatever online games to which you subscribe.  At your age (probably under 25), you should be honing your skills in relating to women, not picking fights here that make you look like an immature fool.  

Who sees women like London or Toby?  Successful, educated men who've learned a thing or two in life, and can afford the luxury.  You, grasshopper, need to still do some growing up, and probably should stop smoking pot all day.  As for playing around with the lower hanging fruit on BP and the streets, beware of getting busted, getting beaten up and robbed (or worse) by their pimps, or seeing underage girls.  Those young girls you reviewed have about as much credibility here as a $3 bill...

GaGambler612 reads

With the exception of MtDooDoo, most of the trolls here seem to get a rise out of the Termites every time they post. Just look at the successful trolling career that Rtucky has had here, and he rarely comes up with anything new. I don't blame him for that, as he has no need to be creative since the same old shit gets the same cries of indignation from the same old crowd. If it's not broken, why fix it?

I'll pimp you out. Think of all the money we can make together. I'll split it 20/80 in my favor. I mean, you are so sexy and young. Firm and muscular. Handsome I assume?  

Now I don't want to scare you, but at the rates we'd get... we'd have to install a revolving door to make up for not being able to get the higher rates. So you may have to see 20 guys a day. I will even buy all the lube out of my money. This could really work. I have big plans for you my little slave boy.

Just think about it because you already feel like you get fucked all of the time, so mind as well get paid, right?

You got to buy your own video games though. I got to keep my pimp hand strong.  

Now in order to do this, you will have to come up with the money for your ticket to FL. Going to put you into a Ho-bootcamp. Make you go up and down 20 some flights for hours at a time with London. Real important to keep those leg muscles in top physical form.

I will be laying out on the beach thinking of ways to make you a star. Who says you need to be in LA or NYC to be a star... with you being so amazing, you are just waiting to be a star.  

Now I will need you to send me 20k via various Vanilla Visas so I can get started on this today. This is a limited time offer. I will also need several face and body shots from you so I can start putting you out there on the gay boards. We can have you start tonight if you hurry and send me the money and pictures.


Posted By: Hot_Rod_Johny
I see that the older women seem more uptight about this than the young girls.  The women over 30 like this London woman are really angry that the young girls get all the business.  What happens to the women in this world?  Is there a point that they should quit?  I like having fun with the young girls.  Who sees any of these angry women like London?

followme616 reads

little boy john needs to be put in his place.

Thank you  
2015 = 28

This tired old hack needs a makeover in order to do well with the gay crowd. They are used to hot an tight not old and flabby. I do wish you well and if you need a drill instructor to get this pansy ass into shape, I hereby extend my services. Best see that he has good health insurance, he is going to need it.

Have you seen what is in style today?

Guys are just hardwired to prefer younger women. It's just an evolutionary thing and there is no point getting upset over it.

I recently read of a survey given to men in which they were asked if they knew they were going to die the next day and could have sex with any female on earth, what age would she be?

The most popular answer was 19.  

Personally, I appreciate maturity in a woman but the hard-wiring for youthful appearance is definitely there and there is no point in denying it.

Posted By: Hot_Rod_Johny
I see that the older women seem more uptight about this than the young girls.  The women over 30 like this London woman are really angry that the young girls get all the business.  What happens to the women in this world?  Is there a point that they should quit?  I like having fun with the young girls.  Who sees any of these angry women like London?

So I must have that evolutionary trait then because I am only attracted to much younger. more youthful men.

Calling bullshit. Honey, I live in cougar town and trust me... it is something I have NEVER seen in my entire life. 80 percent of guys here date women their own age or older... that is a FACT. I am not saying guys do not prefer 40 to 70, but to say that all are hardwired to prefer simply younger is about as asinine as saying all white people can't dance and black people like chicken. Any time someone speaks in absolutes, they have already lost the argument. When I was in New Orleans, 'many' guys seemed to prefer younger... moved to Florida... totally different world.

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