TER General Board

Re: We're famous. eteeth_smile
Jacque_Jenesais See my TER Reviews 1451 reads


willing to list providers you have seen as well as providers listing the hobbyist the have seen?  Lets see who will participate.

List yours:

Fuck -  
Marry -  
NOT See-  

No bonus - everyone is taking this too seriously.

-- Modified on 2/5/2014 11:20:05 AM

-- Modified on 2/5/2014 11:20:22 AM

-- Modified on 2/5/2014 11:35:06 AM

Recently adjusted

F-Miss Melody.
M-Jackie - As cool as they come.  Hangout and play pool/beer with kinda girl. No longer in Charlotte.
NS-Stacie in FL - no where near a 10 and pulled the don't write a review if you won't give me a 10.

-- Modified on 2/5/2014 3:42:52 PM

are you asking me to list a provider that I've seen but would NOT see again? Is that the game?

Not sure why I'd want to do that!

GaGambler1357 reads

TER is equally about singing the virtues of those wonderful ladies that put a smile on our faces for a solid week, and warning the community about ROB's, B&S and other assorted women that should be avoided at all costs.

Fuck - April Azura. She was my first performance 10. Absolutely amazing experience.

Marry - Sara Bentley. She's a girl that I could just spend days and days and days with. Smart, funny and incredibly sexy. Each experience with Sara is better than the last.

Not See - Since I began seeing providers I really haven't had a bad experience (thankfully). So I'll have to go with the AMP girls I saw before I started hobbying that left me wondering is that all there is? So glad I found TER!

Senator.Blutarsky1209 reads

My response would have to be...

Play with/meet: In no particular order, Taylor, Cosette, Courtney, Julia, etc. (too many more to list)

Marry: Not ever getting married ever again. Period.  

Not See: ceotraveling, Rod, UDO, etc. (you get the idea)

0603450onThe1268 reads

Hmmm, I'll have to give this some more thought then....Let's see:  

Fuck? (is this who I have or want to) Hmmmm that could take me a minute ;0 (I'll come back to this one, promise)

Married: I believe I stated prior........ I AIN'T NEVER GETTIN' MARRIED AGAIN!!! Is that yellin'? hahahahahahaha

Not See: Hmmmm, that's a real hard one....Ummmm GAG (he's too OLD for me :), Curly (only when he's being mean, too bipolar for me), Let's see...ADJ, ADJ's 'real' handle, ADJ's other alias, ADJ's other handle, ADJ's other alias, ADJ's other handle, ADJ's other alias, ADJ's other handle, ADJ's other alias......whew...I could keep going on, but I think you get the drift ;) Oh and all the gentlemen who can't seem to provide their info the FIRST time or be real from the getgo or the stalkerssssssss. Ok thats it LOL. Did I forget anyone?

I'll be back ;)

0603450onThe1100 reads

reading 'my' reviews. They don't particularly pertain to the '15 minute session gentlemen' like yourself and a few others I know. Wow, what does a 15 min session cost anyway these days...now that is some 'quality' time together...should I break it down perhaps............. ;)

captain7952 reads

That's 5 more minutes than I need. And why should I pay for yak,yak, yak......

It's so very important with the GFE.  

Yeah...that's why I do the game the way I do.  I won't pay to listen to someone just yak, yak, and yak some more.  But I'll be attentive if they want to do so over a nice lunch/dinner.

Pay no attention to TS...she still hasn't figured out how this game is played.  Maybe in another year or so...we shall see  LOL

Posted By: captain7
That's 5 more minutes than I need. And why should I pay for yak,yak, yak......

Fuck -  
Male - RodTidweLL,  AnotherDonJohn, Panthera12
Female - Taylor, Tobi (would considering marrying), Madame Patricia  

Male - MasterZen any man who wants to hunt AND cook with me gets my heart and first of the day claim, ABBAJUJU (he'sa lurker but with him come perks, like his hot wife)  
Female - JuliasLilSecret aka Julia Jones and our not so dear departed LR

Not See
Any Napoleon Complex having bastard who makes a point to use the I Me Me Me I card to fluff their ego and make themselves look better when they're really an ass, any trolls who use this board to harm others maliciously (poking fun is hilarious but we have extremely sensitive people about) & any guys who ask me if I can send them a selfie

Posted By: missariarocchi
Fuck -  
 Male - RodTidweLL,  AnotherDonJohn, Panthera12  
 Female - Taylor, Tobi (would considering marrying), Madame Patricia  
 Male - MasterZen any man who wants to hunt AND cook with me gets my heart and first of the day claim, ABBAJUJU (he'sa lurker but with him come perks, like his hot wife)  
 Female - JuliasLilSecret aka Julia Jones and our not so dear departed LR  
 Not See  
 Any Napoleon Complex having bastard who makes a point to use the I Me Me Me I card to fluff their ego and make themselves look better when they're really an ass, any trolls who use this board to harm others maliciously (poking fun is hilarious but we have extremely sensitive people about) & any guys who ask me if I can send them a selfie

HooktardGold1355 reads

I am right here, you goof bwahahhaa.

I knew when you couldn't drop an f bomb ♥  

Posted By: HooktardGold
I am right here, you goof bwahahhaa.

Fuck - I'm embarrassed to say
Marry - No one - ever.
Not see - Anyone I don't feel comfortable seeing.

Aren't you supposed to be a little adventurous as a provider..

At least answer 1 and 3. Forget 2. Its lame...... :D

-- Modified on 2/5/2014 4:21:27 PM

I'm unashamed to answer # 2 lol. That one was easy!

I've had the opportunity to meet a lot of you guys. (Not you yet… maybe one day, which would be sweet!) :) But I'll let the rest let me know when they want to see me. I've got one coming up that I've been dying to see since I got onto TER lol.


0603450onThe1075 reads

you have to spill the beans girl...it's not who I 'think' it is now is it? ;)

captain71484 reads

on the TardER Poll. cocksuck

But I'm using my own categories (DDD):

Devour:  Terrilynn (you know why);
              Julia (bacon?)
              Monalay (fantasies shared)
              Cosette (b/c we'd probably argue and have great angry sex)

Date:      Taylor (D'oh!)
              Courtney (Cool persona, Waayyy cooler in person)
              Tobi (Who'd be dumb enough to say no?)
              Aria (We both kill it and then grill it; plus, she's hott).

Note: The line between Devour and Date is fluid; I may devour my dates or date those I devour. Just sayin'.

Drop:    Anyone who doesn't move to the Mangina board when it becomes available. Or at least
            drop in from time to time and play nice.

Fuck - russbbj, ADJ, Rod, Curly if he promises not to write one of his dissertations about me, skarphedin, keystonekid, Cosette, Courtney and a few others.  

Marry - I'm already betrothed to Aria, but maybe we could work out some kind of sister-wives thing with LR, Julia and Taylor. If I had to pick a dude, hands down it would be Panthera. I think he's the only one who would be cool with my cat lady status.

Not even for diamonds - OSP (but he knows that), GaG, anonymousfun, bigvern, captain7. Some of those I know I'd butt heads with, others I just straight up don't like.  

Honorable mention goes to Tucky. Not sure which category I'd put him in, I just feel like he'd be hilarious.

Being engaged to a Nati girl is waaaay better.  

I'll have that 2 carat diamond in the shape of the Reds C on your finger in no time baby.

Girl I'm not from here, but I'll take anything you give me!

Posted By: missariarocchi
Being engaged to a Nati girl is waaaay better.  
 I'll have that 2 carat diamond in the shape of the Reds C on your finger in no time baby.

Littlestinker1481 reads

ADJ is just like another Ariel Castro
  Are you crazy or just desperate for money ?

AnotherDonJohn1140 reads

I assume we're keeping it to friends on the GDB.

Fuck- 1. Tobi, 2. HTG, 3. CO, 4. Melina Valentina, 5. Aria, 6. TS (YMMV), 7. incognitho (again).  
Ideally all at the same time (lol).  

Marry- No lady here. We'd have to at least live together on TER for a year first. lol.

Maim- RY, DD, Heatherluvs4u, Iamcumn, SuperHO
Btw, I don't put dudes on my lists, because that's a bit gay- hint hint- or else you can guess how many more would be here.:)

P.S. Since you guys are very smart, a pop quiz (I'm guessing GaG, CPA, or Big Vern will) for a round of drinks on me or a virtual gift certificate.

#1 What movie is this from (without googling)?
First guy: In the past, the xxxxxx family was the most powerful of the families. We controlled drugs, prostitution, extortion, prostitution, gambling...
Second guy: Uh, you said 'prostitution' twice.
First guy: Well, I like it.
#2 Why did I quote this movie just now?  

If you know the answer, please PM don't post.

-- Modified on 2/5/2014 10:19:47 PM

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