TER General Board

Re: Well I know that but
rembrnad0284 12 Reviews 1540 reads

Jury's out until his next post; you may be right.

one hobbiest broke it down like this.  do you agree or disagree with it?

Lower Class – The “lower class” pretty much keeps it to the SWs, getting cheap blowjobs (and, these guys are more likely to go ahead and fuck them too, which is a no-no IMO), and splurging on special occasions for a rub ‘n’ tug or a Craigslist provider.  These are the guys that are the most populous number of what you would loosely define as a “hobbyist”, though it’s doubtful that any of them have heard of anything close to review boards or the average escort that’s out there.

Middle-Lower Class (dumb) – These are the guys that are all over Craigslist and Backpage, seeing all of the low-rent offerings on there, getting shitty service and overpaying for it plainly because they don’t know any better.  These guys have decent jobs OR are contract workers that hobby on pay days, hitting up girls for a fuck OR blowing it all getting lap dances at the strip club.  These guys hobby probably 1-4 times a week, depending on when pay day is.  But again, they don’t care to do their research, so these are the guys that see the lower end of the “levels of hobbying” offerings, keep them in business.  It’s probably, I ASSUME, where the majority of the news comes from – a hooker gets killed?  THESE GUYS.  A guy gets caught in a sting operation?  THESE GUYS.  A guys gets beat up by a pimp and robbed?  THESE GUYS.

Middle-Lower Class (smart) – These are the guys that don’t have a huge bankroll to blow, but still get a maximum amount out of the 2-4 times they are able to hobby every month.  They opt for the average-to-great escorts monthly or semi-monthly, sprinkling in MPs, half-hours or quickies to keep them “satisfied”.  They don’t necessarily have “regular” escorts, because each session is so far apart that it’s a unique event in its own right.

Upper-Middle Class – These gentlemen are comfortable hobbyists.  They have the capacity to see an escort every week or at their leisure, and these guys can dabble in the multiple hour, or even overnight/vacation-type dates with escorts when they want to.  Some may have to be a little price-sensitive to be able to hobby with their preferred frequency, but these guys are usually able to see who they want when they want.  I would put the guys that turn strippers into sugar babies in this category, but they can’t do it on a large scale with either “allowance” or the number of babies they have.

Upper Class – I can only imagine that these are the guys that hobby more than 5-10 times a month.  When you are having sex (paid for) more than 1/3 of every month (which is like 2-3 times a week), you have to be very well off in your real life as well.  These are the guys that have more sugar babies on their “payroll” than a strip club has strippers on a Friday or Saturday night.  These are the guys that see HDHs (high dollar hookers) and take their favorite escorts on lavish vacations.  These are the guys that are lawyers, judges, politicians, actors, etc. and can spend more money in a week than the other classes combined!

-- Modified on 7/31/2014 11:56:19 AM

-- Modified on 7/31/2014 12:38:08 PM

"These are the guys that are lawyers, judges, politicians, actors, etc. and can spend more money in a week than the other classes combined! "

Most lawyers, judges, politicians and actors make less than many of the dudes who just randomly post here...and play however they play.

If you want to clarify, or have your buddy clarify, the "upper class" as the 1%..then that may be a better classification.  Shit...do you have any idea how many out of work actors are hookers?  LOL

Aside from the obvious comparisons to the threads classifying hookers who are SW as beneath the CL/BP girls who are beneath the Inet hookers who are beneath the Inet courtesans who are beneath the SB's....all of whom are beneath the dudes spouse who gets most of his money  ;)

Care to run for alderwoman?  Might be a pay level above where you are...just depends on if you're making $ 45k+.  

Posted By: blondiegirlxxxx
one hobbiest broke it down like this.  do you agree or disagree with it?  
 Lower Class – The “lower class” pretty much keeps it to the SWs, getting cheap blowjobs (and, these guys are more likely to go ahead and fuck them too, which is a no-no IMO), and splurging on special occasions for a rub ‘n’ tug or a Craigslist provider.  These are the guys that are the most populous number of what you would loosely define as a “hobbyist”, though it’s doubtful that any of them have heard of anything close to review boards or the average escort that’s out there.  
 Middle-Lower Class (dumb) – These are the guys that are all over Craigslist and Backpage, seeing all of the low-rent offerings on there, getting shitty service and overpaying for it plainly because they don’t know any better.  These guys have decent jobs OR are contract workers that hobby on pay days, hitting up girls for a fuck OR blowing it all getting lap dances at the strip club.  These guys hobby probably 1-4 times a week, depending on when pay day is.  But again, they don’t care to do their research, so these are the guys that see the lower end of the “levels of hobbying” offerings, keep them in business.  It’s probably, I ASSUME, where the majority of the news comes from – a hooker gets killed?  THESE GUYS.  A guy gets caught in a sting operation?  THESE GUYS.  A guys gets beat up by a pimp and robbed?  THESE GUYS.  
 Middle-Lower Class (smart) – These are the guys that don’t have a huge bankroll to blow, but still get a maximum amount out of the 2-4 times they are able to hobby every month.  They opt for the average-to-great escorts monthly or semi-monthly, sprinkling in MPs, half-hours or quickies to keep them “satisfied”.  They don’t necessarily have “regular” escorts, because each session is so far apart that it’s a unique event in its own right.  
 Upper-Middle Class – These gentlemen are comfortable hobbyists.  They have the capacity to see an escort every week or at their leisure, and these guys can dabble in the multiple hour, or even overnight/vacation-type dates with escorts when they want to.  Some may have to be a little price-sensitive to be able to hobby with their preferred frequency, but these guys are usually able to see who they want when they want.  I would put the guys that turn strippers into sugar babies in this category, but they can’t do it on a large scale with either “allowance” or the number of babies they have.  
 Upper Class – I can only imagine that these are the guys that hobby more than 5-10 times a month.  When you are having sex (paid for) more than 1/3 of every month (which is like 2-3 times a week), you have to be very well off in your real life as well.  These are the guys that have more sugar babies on their “payroll” than a strip club has strippers on a Friday or Saturday night.  These are the guys that see HDHs (high dollar hookers) and take their favorite escorts on lavish vacations.  These are the guys that are lawyers, judges, politicians, actors, etc. and can spend more money in a week than the other classes combined!  
 -- Modified on 7/31/2014 11:56:19 AM

-- Modified on 7/31/2014 12:38:08 PM

I'm not sensing any sunshine today. ;)

Didn't you get out of that silly office and feel the sun on your face today? You had better tomorrow.

He did say LOL --- lol

-- Modified on 7/31/2014 1:58:21 PM

I'm still sensing a lil 'rage' in his words today. If you tell me he's found his happy place, I'll leave Papa alone. That's my name for him btw, no one else is allowed to use it.  


Jury's out until his next post; you may be right.

Is that you may have been an alderman?  ;)

Please don't tell me you're an attorney.  Nah, that's OK as well.

Not sure I like any woman other than my daughter referring to me as Papa....just kind of creepy.

But I know some dudes who refer to their wives as Mama....and never got that either.  

Oh well...as long as Papa Smurf (Bigpapasan) doesn't insist on royalties I guess it is what it is.

I think the jury just rendered a not vote.  Thoughts?

Posted By: Scarsdale
Jury's out until his next post; you may be right.    

Well, how's this - I've never been an alderman!   And while I won't tell you I'm an attorney - because you asked me not to - you definitely nailed the range of incomes for the profession.  It ain't all 1%ers.

As for the jury, I totally caved and told Taylor she's right.

'CPA'. Apparently, you're good with referring to yourself in the 3rd person, so I guess I should be good with it too. Although I must admit, that's kinda creepy if you ask me. Oh well, to each his own. You are correct, Papa it is 'not'.  

Taylor is going to sleepy sleeps now. Good night ;)

So she'll probably keep using someone else's nickname to get a rise out of you.  Geezk!
A bit childish for someone of her advanced years.

Yes...you are.  I thought the odds might be with me for being right just this once; what was I thinking?!

Interesting. Are you feeling left out again? Well, I'll address you this one time to set the record straight. You are aware you are THE primary fella here who calls everyone and everything a 'nick'name. However, your intent for those name callings are quite a bit different than mine as they are in no way intended for any kind of abuse, unlike yours. Now those who I choose to call a name are on my good list actually as it is intended as a 'term of endearment'. Most certainly not trying to get a rise out of him, quite the opposite actually, just thought it was cute. Why do you think I 'stopped' calling you one??? Hmm, think about that.

Anyhow, I always saw CPA as a 'Papa' figure which you'll just never be I'm afraid. Don't read into it even though I know you're just trying to get 'close' again. It's ok, but my luv only goes so far here in this lil world and you'll never be a part of it. If you recall, I didn't clump him as part of 'my board asshole' equation, remember? On the other hand.........you? Well there ya go. ;)

I never told you to be an asshole or continue to act like one here. You can only blame yourself for that one I'm afraid. I guess words speak louder than actions in this instance afterall. Oh well. And remember..........


-- Modified on 8/1/2014 5:55:13 PM

Preferably her buttcheeks or her breasts rubbing on my face.  

This assumes she is well showered and have no buttcheese. That would obviously be a turn off if I noticed buttcheese while she's rubbing her cheeks into my face.

'FrontinWhite'. You're not fooling me there lost 'virtual lover' from a few months ago. Come on, let's flirt again, this place needs a lil love. P'man can't stand me so it's up to you LOL. I'm trying here, don't leave me hanging. I'll even dedicate a song to you, it's an oldie but a goodie lol.  

Btw, that's your 'new' name. Awww shit, I crack myself up sometimes LOL.  


-- Modified on 7/31/2014 6:43:41 PM

So, I'm your virtual lover?    

Are you flirting with me?   I guess I have that effect on women. lo

Some people think "spends a lot on things I can see" with class level.  Eh, let em.

Master mongers and great asian american hobbyists are above all those classes and in a category of our own. :D

What about guys who beat off five times a day? Which class are they in?  Rof

I couldn't resist that one! ;-)

Steph xoxo

In that case maybe I can put my forehead,  hope that hair grows...  rofl

or did foreheads come before both? ;-)

Steph xoxo

What if hair doesn't sell?    
Are palms fair?  
Should we file a restraining order against hair?  

All are famous lines from our favorite moron JCA. rofl

a dick pic if you like... I'll blur the head so you won't recognize it.

Only saw the 'labels' and stopped right there. Kind of a weird post in all honesty.

Streetwalkers are using the Internet to advertise as well so that right there is wrong info from his post.  Somebody has been misinformed.  

Plus it completely skips a whole category of constantly horney ultra mongers who sometimes hobby several times a day)  back to back to back like an overworked agency girl, when work or other personal stuff does not get in the way. I have another one of these coming soon,  and getting my dick enough rest til then. lol

In a way though maybe It explains why asians have the highest population in the world. We like to fuck and we're constantly horney.  Lmao

Asian lol, but nice try. Just say you like to fuck constantly and you're good to go. But 'back to back to back'...interesting words coming out of 'your' mouth.  

I got your goat I'm afraid.  



I wonder from which of these classes does your friend's perspective rest.

Probably a smaller percentage of working-class men hobby than middleclass men.

And probably a greater percentage of providers came from the middle class than the working class.

what you have here is an artificial group of descriptors into which you could group hobbyists but it misses the most important point -  what is their motivation?

I earn substantially more per hour than any provider I've ever heard of.  But what I earn or am capable of spending has very little to do with my choices....

I mostly see k-agency girls these days.  Their appearance / performance ratings are usually right at the highest of any market area.  They are also a great value in most every market area.....

I sprinkle in occasional CL girls - not *because* they are CL girls or because of their rates but because I find the specific provider to be interesting in some way....

I also sprinkle in some of the "higher class" escorts for the same reason -

where I find them or their rate is absolutely irrelevant to me....

I hobby for variety,  and to broaden my experience of different "types"

Sometimes I hobby ten or more times in a week -  sometimes only a handful of times a month -  that is irrelevant to my earnings or some artificial "classification" system....

if you want to define or categorize something you have to have a significantly more nuanced understanding than your schema.....

Real price insensitivity invariably looks like that crazy mix.
An unbelievable number of people associate "ability to buy" with "will buy."

You want a big spender?  Find a hundred-thousand dollar millionaire.

GaGambler1339 reads

People who made it the "hard way" tend to still value a buck no matter how much they have. Trust fund babies, and people who got rich through windfalls, are more likely to forget about receiving value.

I am in the same camp as MK, I make considerably more per hour than even the highest of the HDH's, but that doesn't mean that I am going to just throw my money away because some woman tells me "she's worth it". Just because you pour some "Dago red" into a bottle labeled "Chateau Lafitte Rothschild" doesn't make it worth two grand a bottle. Good taste and a large budget don't always go hand in hand.

if you don't squander your winnings?

Different markets, different incomes.  I'd guess that the biggest market might be the once a month guy. His price range will vary by his income but the "urge" will eventually win out. Be it a $100 HH girl or a 500+ lady.  and that's a guess. maybe I can get a government grant to a study on this very important subject so I can have more money to Hobby?

Uniquely have a specific frequency?  Not in my experience.  Or are you saying men who see high end providers 5-10 times a month must be upper class?  

Also, I've never known a man with more than two actual sugar babies, and then because he lives in two places.  IME, they only fully support a girl because they want exclusive so they can have BBFS.  Possibly supplemented with one-offs, of course. Or P4P "sugar babies," which I've totally done but considered it working.

While there probably is some validity to income vs. provider level, that's about it.  MK has it better; different guys do it for different reasons.  Some like to sample as many flavors as they can, some like to sample a favorite flavor again and again.  Some guys would go for a HJ or a one half hour visit, I wouldn't consider anything under two hours unless it was my first time seeing a woman.
I hobby with very few providers, mostly with the same one.  My choice of repeat providers is totally dictated by chemistry looking for a GFE, not cost or "performance" as in PSE acting.  Others feel differently and that's fine for them.

While I have no experience with it, I doubt that many career providers are in an exclusive "sugar baby" relationship.  My guess is that most sugar babies are amateurs looking to make temporary money with as little exposure as possible.

Skyfyre1048 reads

What's a hobbiest? oh maybe you mean hobbyist? LOL.

Just curious you're not "the" famous man-hating blondie from that defunct pink site? if not then that "hobbiest" friend of yours sure sounds like her -nod nod, wink wink...

Anyway as another poster so eloquently put it your "friend" is dead wrong because our income has NOTHING to do with our hobbying pattern.

I suppose I can call myself upper-middle class in term of financial resources but I CONSCIOUSLY and DELIBERATELY chose to hobby at the lower range. First off unlike some who, say maybe rich in money but poor in relationship and social circle I have plenty. Plenty of friends and family around me. I do not lack for companionship whatsoever. I also have plenty of people to talk to in my real life. What I need from the hobby is simply SEX. Pure unadulterated dirty nasty sex and whatever variety that comes with it. Basically I just want to fuck as much as possible with girl as young as legally possible!

That's why I see no need to pay "courtesan" price for basically just lot of fluffs and fakeries. Money that I rather save for more comfortable retirement as well as for my kids' college education and so on.  

Beside the money factor I also take pride of myself for having tons of street-cred willing and able to hobby at the toughest most "macho" level: the streetgirls and the street-priced escorts.

No siree the last thing I want is to be a pencil-necked geek surfing for porn on the computer while jacking off then every once in a while call up a high-priced GPS in a fancy hotel because I'm deathly terrified of "real life"

Posted By: Skyfyre
What's a hobbiest? oh maybe you mean hobbyist? LOL.  
 Just curious you're not "the" famous man-hating blondie from that defunct pink site? if not then that "hobbiest" friend of yours sure sounds like her -nod nod, wink wink...  
 Anyway as another poster so eloquently put it your "friend" is dead wrong because our income has NOTHING to do with our hobbying pattern.  
 I suppose I can call myself upper-middle class in term of financial resources but I CONSCIOUSLY and DELIBERATELY chose to hobby at the lower range. First off unlike some who, say maybe rich in money but poor in relationship and social circle I have plenty. Plenty of friends and family around me. I do not lack for companionship whatsoever. I also have plenty of people to talk to in my real life. What I need from the hobby is simply SEX. Pure unadulterated dirty nasty sex and whatever variety that comes with it. Basically I just want to fuck as much as possible with girl as young as legally possible!  
 That's why I see no need to pay "courtesan" price for basically just lot of fluffs and fakeries. Money that I rather save for more comfortable retirement as well as for my kids' college education and so on.  
 Beside the money factor I also take pride of myself for having tons of street-cred willing and able to hobby at the toughest most "macho" level: the streetgirls and the street-priced escorts.  
 No siree the last thing I want is to be a pencil-necked geek surfing for porn on the computer while jacking off then every once in a while call up a high-priced GPS in a fancy hotel because I'm deathly terrified of "real life"!  

Yeah, cuz dudes who eat from vending carts are so much less afraid of life than dudes who eat at restaurants.  

Say what?

What guys, are you buying into this cr#p, levels of bull, lower, middle level, middle, upper middle, upper, dumb, smart, rich, elit, executive are you fu#k## kidding me. Their is o such thing nobody and I reapeat nobody is better than anyone when comes to hobbying. If you know WT# is hobbying is all about, it is an activity of  someone do regularly on his own leisure time. Doesn't matter who you are, Governor, Senator, Congressman, President, Prime Minister, King, Ambassador, Secret Service, Tiger Woods, Hugh Grant, Charly Sheen, etc,etc, or just a simple guy in your own town and knows how to enjoy to hobby, everyone knows that most of us can not get or become a member and play golf in Augusta or Peeble Beach and other exclusive places, so we have to improvised and find our own golf courses to play and enjoy our games. and that doesn't mean that anyone is better hobbyer than us, it is all about the fun, excitements, risk we have to take, uncertainty, the happy feeling and adjust and maximize our budget to enjoy the game. and the same thing about those guys I've mentioned a few example. do fu#k## think they're smarter than you, most of them almost ruined their marraiges, careers, reputations, status because they are upper class. Give me a break man, No one is better than anyone, you have to understand that some of us can not eat caviar, drink a 50YO coniacs, just a simple surf and turf, fast foods and driveways and so what! we all do this because we LOVE IT and no matter who you are, please don't judge nobody, just get a life, enjoy yourself and don't be bothered thinking about other people hobbying activities.

The disposable income part is granted, but the conduct of an individual in life should not ever be generalized based on income.

The scale begins with what guys do on the lower end and ends with what they are capable of doing on the other.

Conduct and income are so different. Just ask a hooker.

That's okay.
At least I fit in somewhere.
And that's under the fish shit. Caught in the filter.
Love it!

Not cool at all and possibly written by a trick that feels he is better than the rest. This kind of class separation for johns (and hookers) is just plain unnecessary and only causes friction, and not of the great kind either.

I've always thought that there should be a John rating system. Perhaps there is in the Provider only area.  

I could see myself as a 4 or 5 for looks and a 7 or 8 for performance, perhaps even a 9 for performance if the provider truly enjoys daty and is comfortable giving me direction for what she likes. I am admittedly an eager beaver when it comes to daty, and I thoroughly enjoy watch a woman O from that vantage point.

with the intent of giving the woman an orgasm.  

... so I'd say the vibrator is the greatest invention made.

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