TER General Board

Re: well done?
DiamondInTheMud 2021 reads
1 / 11

Has it been a crazy couple weeks or is it just me? Seems like this weather is making everyone act a little nuts....
So back to the good ol' GC boards on TER.
Glad I haven't missed to much *snickering*


So, it takes all kinds to make the world go round, right?  
I have learned much more than the average person would probably accredit to these hooker-boards.
(Yes, I am a provider myself.)

There is a plethora of information, truly, on here, if one only chooses to dig a bit.
Helpful, solid, logical advise, among the postings of (yes) lunatics;
Whores, tricks, "I AM NOT A WHORE"(s),"I don't have to pay for sex, but when I do"s, "I need some attention", "fuck you I don't need you to answer my goddamn post"s, the hot, the ugly, the sweet, the bitter, the genius, the 'tards, the Turds, Connans, the Drunks, the Sober & Somber, the players, the pimps, the wanna be pimps, the overworked, the alleged retired, the skinny, the fat, the brutally honest, the outrageous liars, the ashamed, the shameless, the duplicitous, the horny & the lost, we all gather here for some reason... Some common bond, that brings us together, makes us delve into this taboo world.

What is this glue that binds us all together?

As much as any of you hate to admit, hey, you ARE --HERE-- the same as I am, and the next one to make the page counter tick upward.

I can't tell anyone, "Hey, you should be this or that." Because I too, live in a glass house, I am smart enough NOT to throw rocks.

All I am trying to be, is the best provider I can be- Just like you, I would hope, striving to be the best we can be at SOMETHING (anything) as long as it is YOUR THING. Right?
Hey, don't get me wrong, I fucking love my job.
I grew up poor & unloved (aww) I know, I know, but here, I get the band-aide.
I get $$$, sex, affection, attention, treated very well actually, with a nicer life-style, things I am sure other "rich bitches" take for granted (manicures/pedicures, nicer cosmetics/toiletries/wardrobe/shoes, ie all the shit money can buy! lol)  
After a long day of "working" I get to go home, pull out my laptop, & check in here to see who is working for that SPOTY award, who is being called a Mangina or is defining the term, yet again... Seeking out that needle in the haystack one-of-a-kind thought provoking post in this mess. (Is there some kind of limit on posting intelligent or relevant topics? Hrrmmm.) The one that is tempting enough to coax me to hit the reply button. Where are you?


Yes, there's been a lot of hater-aide being served around here lately. Trolls to no end. Someone always ends up pinata for the day or week.... Ode to human nature. Someone always accused of WK'ing, or ___ or _______. Geez... Relentless much? Still....  I can't blame you guys. At least you guys don't act  bi-polar, one day sane & rational, the next, well.... #sigh
At least you guys who troll or bully here, at least you are consistent. Assholes, but consistent assholes none the less.

A scorpion is a scorpion, right?  
You can't blame a scorpion for it's nature. It is after all, a scorpion, and well, everybody's gotta be sumthin'

Fridays117 27 Reviews 634 reads
2 / 11

Damn, I thought I heard my Mom talking, I think it was the tone of voice...  

-- Modified on 4/23/2014 4:56:26 AM

Blowing Chunks 560 reads
4 / 11
Blowing Chunks 585 reads
5 / 11

I prefer my posts done medium rare...  :D

Tobi Telford See my TER Reviews 590 reads
6 / 11

I don't eat meat so maybe I'm a postatarian. I'd just be hungry again in half an hour if I ate yours, though.  

Modified to make mildly racist joke.

-- Modified on 4/23/2014 11:47:05 AM

Blowing Chunks 567 reads
7 / 11

I'm not talking to you anymore

Blowing Chunks 541 reads
9 / 11
WickedBrut 27 Reviews 414 reads
10 / 11

And as regards Tobi, maybe an in interested guy?

Blowing Chunks 556 reads
11 / 11

how did you infer THAT?  never even met her. lol

you drunk?

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