TER General Board

Re: Weight-lifting has given me the body of a Greek God..
Jack B. Nimble 4698 reads
1 / 60

I saw a provider recently who said escorting forced her into unhealthy eating habits, and she gained 15 pounds.
Obviously appearance and fitness is an important part of the hobby. Wondering if the ladies could share a few tips on how to handle this best.

LikeTearsInRain 508 reads
2 / 60

I frequent the climbing gym.
that helps too

Businesses 22 Reviews 671 reads
3 / 60

Weight loss or gain is purely about your caloric deficit or caloric surplus. Theoretically, although not recommended, you could eat desserts and chocolates all day and still lose weight as long as you're eating fewer calories than your total daily energy expenditure (TDEE). If you plan on staying around the same weight, all you need to do is eat around your caloric maintenance level.

To figure out your TDEE, use several online calculators to get a ballpark estimate based on your activity levels. Adjust accordingly based on your results in a couple weeks.
Posted By: Jack B. Nimble
I saw a provider recently who said escorting forced her into unhealthy eating habits, and she gained 15 pounds.  
 Obviously appearance and fitness is an important part of the hobby. Wondering if the ladies could share a few tips on how to handle this best.

Senator.Blutarsky 596 reads
4 / 60

...one's eating habits has nothing to do with ones occupation.  

We all have a choice on what we fuel our bodies with. She needs to face reality and stop blaming hooking for her poor food choices. It's not that hard to find healthy choices whether at home or on the road. SMH.

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 436 reads
5 / 60

To providers.  Civvie woman also make excuses for being fat.  Usually, the truth is a simple answer:  L-A-Z-Y.

adirasky See my TER Reviews 477 reads
6 / 60

When I travel, I pack a lot of choices in my luggage.  Nuts, protein bars, cans of tuna, jerkey, oatmeal packs, etc.  I try to eat what I pack unless I'm going out to eat :)

LondonJames See my TER Reviews 478 reads
7 / 60

There are various factors that impact that like family history, body type, where you gain weight first versus last, etc. For anyone, if they can afford it, consulting with a nutritionist or a trainer is always great. However, there is so much information out there on the web, it's easy to look things up. I would tell anyone to determine what their body's calorie intake needs to be versus how much they are actually consuming. Then determine their body type is (endomorph, ectomorph, or mesomorph) and start researching what's best for the body. Use something like My Fitness Pal to keep count of calories and exercise. If you get a Fitbit, they sync with My Fitness Pal. Also, this may seem odd, but for some, going out and buying fitness attire (my brand of choice is Under Armour), can motivate people to go to the gym because even in the gym people want to be fashionable.  

Personally, I've lost weight since becoming a provider - about 85lbs to be exact. We still have a few months till I'm back to my pre-civilian body before I left the USN, but the results are great. After consulting with my nutritionist and my trainer we came up with a plan for my body type (endomorph - it's the worst) that changes about every three months because your body will naturally adapt and plateau. Right now, for my body type, I stick to a cyclical low carb lifestyle and have a calorie intake of anywhere from 1500-1750 max.. So for two weeks, I may have anywhere from 50g-80g of carbs/day max, and then I drop it down to below 30g/day for a week. After heavy leg day though, I up the carb intake to refuel. Also, I eat 5 small meals a day at about 2.5-3H intervals. If I know I'm going out with girlfriends or a client, I adjust accordingly and indulge appropriately.  

For exercise, I usually do two sessions a day. I do fasting steady-state cardio for about 30 minutes in the morning (treadmill, cycle, elliptical) and then in the afternoon I lift weights and do High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) for about 30 minutes.  

Day 1: Heavy Leg Day (Glutes, Quads, Hams)/ HIIT
Day 2: Abs & Cardio Only
Day 3: Back/Biceps / HIIT
Day 4: Shoulders/Chest/Triceps / HIIT
Day 5: Light Leg Day (Glutes, Quads, Hams) / HIIT
Day 6: Abs & Cardio Only / HIIT
Day 7: Rest (yoga)

At the end of the day, it's different strokes for different folks when it comes to fitness... among other things.

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coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 524 reads
8 / 60

At the gym working mostly upper body; chest, back, shoulders, arms and abs. Your goal should be to be able to bench press at least your body weight for 8-10 sets, 10-12 reps per set, because your body weight is what you will be holding up for 20-30 minutes during mish without collapsing onto  the girl.  If a girl puts her forearms across her boobs during mish then you know you don't look fit enough to her to make it to the end.  She's just protecting her boobs from injury or her implants from damage in case you fall on her.  If you're fit to her it frees up her hands to grab your ass and pull you in deep.

-- Modified on 3/10/2017 11:09:45 AM

GaGambler 490 reads
9 / 60

When I am home, I cook mainly for myself and I simply prefer healthy food. I don't go out of my way to cook healthy so much for the health benefits so much as the fact that fresh produce, non processed food, etc TASTES so much better than any crap that comes out of a box.

The problem when I travel is number one, I eat more meals, which would be healthy if I stuck to eating small meals, but I don't. Secondly, with few (not so delicious exceptions) restaurant food is just not as healthy as what I make at home.  

But if I were a hooker, making my living with my body, I would suck it up and make sure I found a way to eat healthy while traveling. Even as a non hooker, and in my late 50's, I can't imagine gaining 15 lbs without doing something about it. I feel like a fat ass when I gain even five pounds from my normal weight.

I think what a lot of these fat asses need to add to their workout regimens is "push aways", pushing their fat asses away from the dinner table before eating a whole pizza or four cheeseburgers. lol

JakeFromStateFarm 534 reads
10 / 60

even though it mainly consists of lifting goblets of wine to my lips.

Senator.Blutarsky 358 reads
11 / 60

You choose what you put in your mouth. Yes, restaurant food is usually higher in calories, but you don't have to eat like your on vacation if you're on the road 200+ days a year. The single biggest thing one can do is stop drinking soda. It's high in sugar and other crap and has zero nutritional value. None. Okay, I'll get off my soap box now.

-- Modified on 3/10/2017 1:44:49 PM

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NDIB 23 Reviews 317 reads
14 / 60

Running every other day, weight training every other day, sit-ups every day.  

Eat lots of fruit, avoid sugar and salt as much as possible.

Drink lots of water.

I'm 57 and have very good muscular definition.   It can be done but its hard.    

My motivation is the hobby.  

After5Diva See my TER Reviews 304 reads
15 / 60

Touring can be hard on the body & mind. A client recently commented to me about a woman who tours all the time, said she's a nice gal, but getting heavy.  
I traveled with a company for 15years, being a road warrior is anything but glamours. Even the best of hotels can be noisy, dry heat in the winter months....and the "fitness center" is usually a joke.  
The women that tour best are very disciplined.

Mr.M.Johnson 373 reads
16 / 60

And, I eat a lotta meat.  And I drink a lot.  And I don't exercise at all...AT ALL.  I lost 50 pounds on Atkins

Life is good!

wholewheelofchz 6 Reviews 454 reads
17 / 60

The answer for me is: at a desk 9-6 most days, some days in court, bill my time at $250/hr

AwkwardNoob 362 reads
18 / 60

Mortified by many of the comments here.  Weight loss is a tricky issue, it is not a simple formula.  There's stress, genetics, age, medications.  And then there's the various social factors.  One of my favorite providers lives out of hotel rooms and is being treated for drug addiction.  While she is an incredible little spinner, the deck is really stacked against her.  Living in hotels, she's not really getting the best food options.  And dealing with everything else, certainly doesn't help her.

Kindly remove heads from buttocks.

micktoz 41 Reviews 441 reads
19 / 60

Gym 3 to 4 times a week. An hour of upper body weights and that includes the needed bench press reps at my body weight, plus a bit more.  
Then it's into the cycling class for 55 minutes of hard cardio to be able to keep up with you young ladies. Sometimes 2 classes in a row.  
At 56 I need to keep my endurance up. Besides, the gym work is the  second most physical fun of my week.  

And I eat too much, and I'm a little too round. But I'm fit.

Cochese2 2 Reviews 447 reads
20 / 60

5 days a week at the gym or at my home gym. Alternate body parts. Legs!!! (Squats, Leg presses...) I'm one that doesn't Bench the so called normal way. I don't Barbell Bench. I use Dumbbells instead mostly. Cable crossovers, Dumbbell Flys.  Also make sure to do Push-Pull exercises on the machines. Cardio is on the treadmill at the gym if pushing for time, otherwise I walk or run at a park or track. Session are usually an hour each, though some days 2 hours. (Work dependent.)  

Once a week I go Very High in Weight and Low in Reps. Something I can only do about 4 to 5 reps. It makes a huge difference to me personally.  

Water! Whey "Isolate" Protein. 25 before and 50 after. I sometimes use L'Argentine as well. (It's a vasodilator, also has many other potential health benefits. Look it up.)

SensualShai See my TER Reviews 363 reads
22 / 60

I have not been providing much due to my increased responsibilities on my civilian job. When I was full time providing I arranged my dates to work around my work out sessions. I always made time to grocery shop and pick up the right foods and always had something to grab on the go if I had an outcall. I put on my website that last minute dates are not always feasible because it might mean that I would have to drive thru somewhere that I prefer not to feast at. It could be that she likes fast food lol and has preferred to dine there especially with the boosted income. My boss at my job has been bringing me fast food for lunch when I work extra hours and as much as I appreciate it I save it and take it home for my friends. Now I can see how I would have gained extra pounds on my civilian job but I always made the time as I could, to eat better and exercise when I was providing more.

Dr. joe 32 Reviews 407 reads
23 / 60

I can quote and expand on the classic work How to Succeed with Women Without Really Trying. Fitness depends on what you are trying to accomplish. If yu are trying to develop the so-called "V" shape (this was work from he late 1950s so a bit dated but still solid) you need to work the really useless muscles of the shoulders and the abdomen and the legs.  If you are going for the more modern and appealing "rain drop shape" that most women find irresistible, you need to work on the important muscles used for sitting and holding food. This is done by ---naturally-- resting a lot and eating a lot. I would be glad to expand on all this if one wishes.  I would add to this some wisdom from the great scientist and thinker Mr. Fischer who feels that to add to the appeal to women of the raindrop shape it is important to augment the size of your back account as well (he speaks of the width of the wallet.)

Posted By: Jack B. Nimble
I saw a provider recently who said escorting forced her into unhealthy eating habits, and she gained 15 pounds.  
 Obviously appearance and fitness is an important part of the hobby. Wondering if the ladies could share a few tips on how to handle this best.

rembrnad0284 12 Reviews 520 reads
24 / 60

And for everything else there's Waffle House!

PS what's with that little kid in the lower right corner.  He reminds me of a rescue dog I once had...

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 398 reads
25 / 60

There are a few hobbyists that wished they looked as good as this guy. Lol

LillianWest See my TER Reviews 360 reads
26 / 60

I have the grand misfortune of being a bon vivante. I love fine wine/scotch/bourbon and great dining experiences (on all levels). Traveling in Italy, I tried to stay away from deserts and limit my drinking to red wine but a Negroni on the cliff at San Pietro is nearly impossible to turn down for someone who has turned food and drink into a hobby. My approach is to stay as good as I possibly can for as long as I possibly can and then diet my ass off when I get home. I know it's not the text book approach, but seriously, should I stop at two glasses of champagne when I'm in a seriously sexy threesome that is rolling all night?

GaGambler 339 reads
27 / 60

That's mainly because I never was much of a soda drinker in the first place. I pretty much drink water, juice or booze. lol The one concession I did make to old age was I quit drinking beer, or at least I only drink beer on rare occasions, I can buy a twelve pack of beer now and it will last a good six months instead of lasting only a few hours. lol

-- Modified on 3/10/2017 4:48:55 PM

trex44 9 Reviews 410 reads
28 / 60

...and then some switch in my head flipped when I had to go out and, yet again, buy bigger pants. Size 44 waist in Dec of 1990; I decided I wasn't going to keep doing this and made dietary changes. 14 months later, I was down to 160 pounds but a bit flabby at 24% body fat.

Retained the services of a trainer and started training in the gym 3 days a week, with 2 days a week of cardio outside. July of 1994 saw me at 197 pounds and 9% BF, with a visible 6-pack for the first time in my life.

Things have varied a bit up and down over the years, due to life circumstances, but I've retained the lifestyle of health and fitness. That is the most important change you can make in maintaining your fitness and health -- making the right choices so ingrained in your daily life that you aren't making conscious decisions about what to choose to eat. If you can choose to have (insert your personal kryptonite here), you will -- and probably often enough to sabotage your fitness goals.

I used to say that I ate healthy 90% of the time and indulged 10% of the time; a former GF heard that one day and snorted, saying "It's more like 98% of the time!" The power of reprogramming your internal perspective can be powerful.

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 393 reads
29 / 60

work up to it.  If you're over 50, you might also want to have your T-levels checked.  A lot of guys find supplemental T-therapy helps build the muscle mass you need.  However, closely monitor your PSA score.  If you have any cancer cells lurking, the T-therapy can cause them to grow rapidly.  

mrfisher 108 Reviews 432 reads
31 / 60

Only eat food that is genuinely tastes good.

You'd be surprised how limiting that becomes.

JakeFromStateFarm 258 reads
32 / 60

The other one is drinking some wine I spilled.  Don't worry.  I've got lots more.

JakeFromStateFarm 311 reads
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Mr.M.Johnson 241 reads
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But, I have no fucking idea what T-therapy is, and, I don't believe in muscles! - yeah, I'm 57 years old, and, what I DO know, per my doc and tests, is that all my numbers are good - cholesterol, everything.  I lost 50 pounds in 9 months - I look great, I feel great, I fuck better/longer.  I used to drink martini's but I switched to scotch - those several carbs in the dry vermouth were a bad-thing.

As for "appealing to women," my fat wallet appeals to women on TER, and, TER gals appreciate by skinny self.

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 280 reads
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perfectstorm 19 Reviews 307 reads
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Khori See my TER Reviews 311 reads
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If anything you'd keep the weight off.  I mean to gain weight, you have to over eat and not exercise enough to burn off the calories.  I say bullshit.  

JakeFromStateFarm 221 reads
39 / 60
JakeFromStateFarm 279 reads
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Hope you've been taking your Lisinopril, ps!
Also note that "Bizarre Foods" host Andrew Zimmern won't eat it.  IOW, he'll eat bugs, worms and chicken anus but not SPAM musubi. :)

nothrofboston 24 Reviews 253 reads
42 / 60
nothrofboston 24 Reviews 243 reads
43 / 60

and run from 10-20 lbs heavier than Spring/summer ...

lose it easily and keep it off easily just with watching my diet but still a challenge in the winter ... damn Leos

Fancy8888 See my TER Reviews 282 reads
44 / 60

Posted By: Jack B. Nimble
I saw a provider recently who said escorting forced her into unhealthy eating habits, and she gained 15 pounds.  
 Obviously appearance and fitness is an important part of the hobby. Wondering if the ladies could share a few tips on how to handle this best.

nothrofboston 24 Reviews 247 reads
46 / 60
souls_harbor 293 reads
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However you don't really need anything like 8 hours per week to remain fit.   There are three things needed for muscle growth or maintenance  -- the gym, the kitchen, and rest.   An imbalance can cause poor or negative results.

Three hours per week ought to be sufficient for growth, less so for maintenance.  Of course every individual is different.  

perfectstorm 19 Reviews 222 reads
48 / 60

Also there is low sodium and low fat spam.😊
Fast food because you can pick it up on the go at every 7-11, gas station, food mart, and most restaurants/ delis. here

JakeFromStateFarm 332 reads
49 / 60

Also, re low sodium/low fat SPAM give me a fucking break.  Yes, it's lower than the nearly toxic regular SPAM but when you start with fat and sodium levels that high, just removing some of it leaves you with an only slightly less toxic sludge of meat pudding.

mrfisher 108 Reviews 270 reads
50 / 60

That's what the Meet and Greet Board is for.

By the way, I was at that meet and greet but got out in time before the fashion police busted it.  Here's a photo from the next day's papers:

mrfisher 108 Reviews 279 reads
51 / 60
Junk-Yard-Dog 332 reads
52 / 60

A deli sandwich .............. Utopia..............I know, you do know what I mean

I'll be there about 12:30 tomorrow for lunch

"Hope" to see you there.

chloemercier See my TER Reviews 298 reads
53 / 60

The opposite happened for me. I just weighed myself reccently and realized I lost a few pounds in the past month which is when business really started ramping up for me. During busy escorting days, I'm running around so much I can only get one nice meal in and some snacks. Not to mention sex is a great workout :D and having men praise my body just makes me want to stay in shape more.  

There are great exercise apps and I happen to use one called 30 day fitness challenge. I lost 16 lbs in about 4 months using that app (plus a toner body with a tighter abs) together with eating lower calorie foods/counting calories.

GaGambler 357 reads
54 / 60

Honestly low fat/sodium SPAM is like claiming FatVern is smarter than fatgirl. While technically true, when something is THAT bad, does a 25% improvement REALLY make any difference?

JakeFromStateFarm 348 reads
55 / 60

And enjoy your sammie.  Be sure to chew thoroughly.

perfectstorm 19 Reviews 314 reads
56 / 60

All that fat and sodium is why it tastes so good! By the way I never said I eat the low fat/low sodium shit, just that it exists. That's for pussies. I eat the real deal! Oh and I never said you spelled Andrew's last name wrong. "Zimmerman" is just how my phone decided to autocorrect it.

Posted By: JakeFromStateFarm
Also, re low sodium/low fat SPAM give me a fucking break.  Yes, it's lower than the nearly toxic regular SPAM but when you start with fat and sodium levels that high, just removing some of it leaves you with an only slightly less toxic sludge of meat pudding.

Junk-Yard-Dog 322 reads
58 / 60

You just reconfirmed it again.
When did I mention Hope is a person? You did though, and that reconfirms  
it…You do know exactly what I mean.
You can deny but I can see through your fuzzy denial  

Sure you do not want to join me tomorrow? I’ll buy.

I know it is colder on and near the lake but heck you can walk there in a few minutes.  
Besides you still need to get out there and spruce up the trl .

JakeFromStateFarm 210 reads
59 / 60

Actually, I'm from Hope, Arkansas.  My first name is Bill.
Are you Monica?
Join me for some pulled pork.

breannabreeze See my TER Reviews 316 reads
60 / 60

It's hard to eat healthy while traveling...I know it's all about calories in and calories out but some foods satiate your hunger better than others.  If you eat 1500 calories worth of restaraunt/convenience food you may feel like you are starving while if you eat 1500 calories of good food you will feel fine.  I know the struggle of keeping to a diet (low carb) while traveling...mostly I eat a lot of hardboiled eggs and salads with meat.  In terms of exercise cardio may help you lose weight but you won't necessarily look better.  It's optimal to just eat a restricted calorie diet and weight train rather than doing a bunch of cardio.

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