TER General Board

Re: To address your first paragraph, +1000 hobbyists think it happens 80%
sasha2cute See my TER Reviews 1896 reads
1 / 40

Or it doesn't really matter if she finishes as long as you have a good time?

Blowing Chunks 1088 reads
2 / 40

But how much of that is real and not just acting?  

It does make it more enjoyable if she's having a good time as well but as long as money is involved it's not a real date hence I can't be too focused on her even if her acting is academy award worthy.  
As with civvie dates, I'd try to find a balance but that could have a wide range too.

scoed 8 Reviews 740 reads
3 / 40

It matters a great deal that the lady is having a good time. I want her enjoy her time with me. Thing is I don't mind if she doesn't cum with me. I get I am not what most ladies would call attractive. Also my unit sometimes has issues. I am fine if it doesn't happen for her. I am a realist. That isn't to betaken as I don't care if she gets hers. I do, I just get it isn't always going to happen. But even if she doesn't get hers, I try to make it fun. I like making people happy, people I bed most of all.

Blowing Chunks 749 reads
4 / 40
aragorn69 53 Reviews 810 reads
5 / 40

Plus I need time to recharge some. There's nothing better than when the lady also has a nice big O during the session. One thing I don't like is when it's obviously faked. I would prefer honesty. I had one lady tell me straight up that I can DATY her but she doesn't cum that way. Another told me she likes it but only a certain way. It took more effort on my part but that's okay.  

Posted By: TS Aleksandra
Or it doesn't really matter if she finishes as long as you have a good time?

WickedBrut 27 Reviews 806 reads
6 / 40

Normally--with the mood an attitude I generally arrive with--the session is/seems/feels more complete if she finishes. If she fakes it, okay, she reckons she ain't gonna get there, and wants to wind it up. If she doesn't make it, that's fine, she'll probably soon have another opportunity to try. But most of the time giving and getting is one and the same thing. Most times it gives me a good feeling to give her pleasure.

That's most of the time.

Sometimes I really don't care, don't want to care, don't want to feel that I should care, don't care if she's looking out for herself and being "equally selfish," and I don't even care if she thinks I'm a good lover, a nice guy, or somebody she wants to book again. Sometimes I just like getting off on a woman. I just want to handle her the way I can't paw, fondle, and stick it to to every woman in the mundane life who gets it twitching when she walks by.

Those aren't the best sessions, not the worse, either. Just sometimes. In the mundane world we care about so many things. Once in a while, I just like to not care about anyone/anything but me. That gives me the warm and fuzzy feeling we all want.

sophiaLA See my TER Reviews 1215 reads
7 / 40

All I'm saying is if you don't care if the lady O's that's totally fine. Cool…whatever. HOWEVER don't ask me dumb shit during then. I rarely ever if ever fake it…I'm young enough to still be a bit of a bitchy princess. But if you know your sex game ain't about shit then ask me ten times "do you like it…are you cumming mami?" and other stupid shit… I can't. I just can't.

My favorite clients are serious about my pleasure as I am theirs. You can't fake going from dry to soaking in a matter of minutes. I find the more selfish or serious I am about my involuntary convulsions, the more turned on my clients are because instead of "I have provided you with a service *robot voice*" It's more like damn we just fuuuuuuuuuuuccckkkkkkked the house down

cocktail-party 954 reads
8 / 40

I'm GGG and very much into each appointment being a mutually pleasurable experience. But if she requires a lot of work to get off or isn't trying to get there, then I don't worry about it.  

Honestly, part of the appeal of P4P for me is that I get to be a selfish lover if that's how I feel at that time. I get to fuck how I want (with respect and consideration given to the lady) knowing that I won't wake up to a woman's who's mad at me because I didn't feel like licking her pussy for 30 mins to finish her. I'm paying not to work.

asiantantric 163 Reviews 678 reads
9 / 40
mrfisher 108 Reviews 717 reads
10 / 40

and most gals are happy if I am having a good time.

So, being happy is what I focus on.

Blowing Chunks 769 reads
11 / 40
sasha2cute See my TER Reviews 877 reads
13 / 40
Robert_BadenPowell 713 reads
14 / 40


sasha2cute See my TER Reviews 665 reads
15 / 40

but to be honest with you... We can't be compatible with 100% of the people. Darn not even 50% I would dare to say. If you decide to see someone is because there's something about her you feel attracted to. Girls don't really get to pick who they will see as far as looks go (maybe personality yes, with phone calls or emails prior an encounter). Yet you are expected to be entertained and leave with a nice smile after a session. I myself like to please. It gives me pleasure. I was just wondering if it is a two way street. Since guys pay and usually feel like they have "the right" to be pleased. Im being too broad with that last statement so don't take me too literally.

rembrnad0284 12 Reviews 1021 reads
16 / 40

We all bring a lifetime of experience  to every BCD moment, and I guess I wouldn't know any other way to go into it other than a presumption that mutual pleasure provides an exponential benefit to me.    

I am not saying I believe one way is right or wrong, but I think at some point our approach to fulfilling sex seems to just become part of our wiring - and to be honest, in my case the current that's run through my veins has served me pretty ok

mrfisher 108 Reviews 621 reads
17 / 40
IsorokuYamamoto 646 reads
18 / 40

Posted By: TS Aleksandra
Or it doesn't really matter if she finishes as long as you have a good time?

TheHoundOfCullin 9 Reviews 847 reads
19 / 40

I won't go there unless encouraged too.
Trying to make her jizz, and all..

IMO.. That's really not part of the deal.
I think it's a little over the line to insist she has orgasms, and try to make it happen.
It's creepy. Especially if I never met her before.

Charlie Tweeder 97 Reviews 737 reads
20 / 40

Greatly increases my enjoyment of the "date". I more of a giver, and really get turned on knowing that my actions are truly providing plasure to her.

hbyist+truth=;( 805 reads
21 / 40

If it happens, it happens, most likely for me ...not. I really don't like it if it is expected simply because I am not with someone I am attracted to and that makes a huge difference to my ability to orgasm.  And if their sexual technique is not good, then I the possibility is akin to hell freezing over.  

Now if I were paying I would teach the guy how to please me. Since I am not paying, I do not see it in my job description to go to that effort and still possibly not be satisfied. Hey give me a great back rub or foot massage and that, in this scenario is better than sex.

FatElvis 23 Reviews 728 reads
22 / 40

I feel like in order for it to be a truly fulfilling experience for me whomever I'm with must have a good time. Maybe its all about the fantasy, but I get off when I think I've gotten her off. A session all about me just isn't all that appealing.

hbyist+truth=;( 746 reads
23 / 40

Some ladies genuinely are attracted to a few clients and their reaction is sincere and mutual. But hookers are paid to "perform" so it can be a crap shoot to know definitively who is real and who deserves an Oscar.

WickedBrut 27 Reviews 791 reads
24 / 40

Somehow I feel that you're asking the question in the wrong way.

First given: "Girls don't really get to pick who they will see as far as looks go..."

By choosing the lifestyle of making oneself available for cash, the assumption is that some of the clients, at least, are those who are disadvantaged at winning true love in the mundane world. But beyond that, a woman has the right to reject any man who approaches her. Traditional sex roles have established that, and P4P is rooted in that tradition. So the question is, as I see it, does the client solicit the provider for bad sex, that is to have his way with no regard AT ALL about the quality of the experience in terms of being mutually pleasurable? Does the envelope take the place of her pleasure, or does the envelope allow a man to SHARE pleasure with her?

The flip side is that since at least some of the clients are going to be the disfigured or crippled, there are without doubt individuals with whom the provider CANNOT or will have NO desire to share pleasure with, and it will be a matter of pleasing that person and getting it over with. On this board there is a lot of talk about clients with bad breath, pooh butts, hairy balls, too much abdominal fat, and a lot of other things. These unpleasantries often are coded messages for the malformed or mutilated to stay away. And the fat and unkempt as well.

So if the provider is putting up with it and waiting for it to be over, laboring in vain to turn her on is salt in the wound.

So, of course there is no greater joy that a man can know but to give a woman pleasure, for some that is not what's wanted. And there are times, what with the mundane atrocities we all encounter from time to time, when a man needs the closeness of a woman's body just to grieve loss or reaffirm life. So...clients often avoid thinking about how the woman he's paying is truly enjoying the skin-to-skin presence of his passion

hbyist+truth=;( 670 reads
26 / 40

The client can approach this from whatever angle he wants. He can be as selfish as he wants, as giving as he wants, that's what the envelop gives him the opportunity to do within the ladies boundaries.

The envelop, IMHO, is money for services rendered, whether or not the hooker derives sexual pleasure from the encounter or not. To some it might be in place of her pleasure to others it is just her fee.

Yes there is that "get it over with" aspect,  at least I can say I have encountered that.  

Personally I hope that most guys who hobby do it for themselves and not put too much pressure on the lady to feel the same way he does. If it happens, then it happens

hbyist+truth=;( 736 reads
27 / 40

A "good time" means what...that she orgasms or the back rub you gave her drove her crazy?  

I feel that from the guys perspective he wants her enjoyment to come from a sexual stimulation, not necessarily what might give her the most pleasure at that time, especially if she is not remotely into him that way...and would find orgasming an almost impossible task.

earthshined 609 reads
28 / 40

of the time. escorts know it happens way less than 20%

Posted By: hbyist+truth=;(
The client can approach this from whatever angle he wants. He can be as selfish as he wants, as giving as he wants, that's what the envelop gives him the opportunity to do within the ladies boundaries.  
 The envelop, IMHO, is money for services rendered, whether or not the hooker derives sexual pleasure from the encounter or not. To some it might be in place of her pleasure to others it is just her fee.  
 Yes there is that "get it over with" aspect,  at least I can say I have encountered that.  
 Personally I hope that most guys who hobby do it for themselves and not put too much pressure on the lady to feel the same way he does. If it happens, then it happens.  

earthshined 849 reads
29 / 40

sexual part of the encounter as much as hobbyists.

Now, a lady can derive pleasure from a meeting for whatever reason but she isnt coming to the table with the same motivation.So, I don't feel any need to try and please her that way.  

Too, I never really know if they're just saying things to fulfill their "escort duties" or if they are being honest. waste of time to ponder the what ifs.

WickedBrut 27 Reviews 565 reads
30 / 40
noagenosage 879 reads
31 / 40

That for me is the best, but if it doesn't happen I'm happy with someone who turns me on and is wholly into interaction with me, regardless of outcome.  If she makes unmistakable orgasmic reactions, that's great; if she directs me to what is pleasing her most and wrinkles up her face in that special way that's also terrific; if she fakes it, it's a turnoff.  A great provider will keep working you intimately until the job is done, by whatever means or positions.  Even better, if she comes back for more with enthusiasm.  Too bad, they're only as human as we are -- their special capacities exceed ours and should be enjoyed to the extent possible, by whatever means -- oral, physical, sensual, vocal, endurance.  What better is there?

hbyist+truth=;( 712 reads
32 / 40

I say what is part of the illusion (escort duties...kinda like that one), and part of what is true.  

And for the most part, I agree with the first sentence as that applies directly to me.

inicky46 61 Reviews 617 reads
33 / 40
inicky46 61 Reviews 611 reads
34 / 40

You have a remarkable grasp of the obvious. Thank you for your deep insight.

earthshined 848 reads
35 / 40

specifically, those duties might include thinking that I need to hear platitudes and ego boosting compliments or I'm not getting my money's worth. For me, it makes the encounter WORSE. Honestly, I've been tempted to call a lady out on it but that would get me nowhere. I'm sure it would offend most escorts.

but hey, I realize it's part of the deal. I just ignore it and don't see the lady again.
Posted By: hbyist+truth=;(
I say what is part of the illusion (escort duties...kinda like that one), and part of what is true.  
 And for the most part, I agree with the first sentence as that applies directly to me.

HookerWithAHeartOfTinFoil 697 reads
37 / 40

can't be "concerned with my pleasure" enough to spend the 7 or 8 minutes to shave off the 3 days worth of chin stubble, trim their nails, and rub lotion on their dry, callused hands?

This same crowd is wholly baffled by simple commands like, "MORE tongue, LESS chin bone!"

In fact, giving ANY type of verbial encouragement, such as, "Keep doing exactly that! Don't stop!" is a sure fire way to guarantee that they will COMPLETELY change the speed, pressure, and rhythm. Even more likely- they will pick up their head or hand at that very moment and ask, with a dopey expression on their face, "What did you say?"

With these sorts of guys, "I am going to give you an orgasm." is more a threat, and less a promise.

earthshined 825 reads
38 / 40

you need to know just ask.

Posted By: inicky46
You have a remarkable grasp of the obvious. Thank you for your deep insight.

earthshined 651 reads
39 / 40

Generally, women won't shut the f up and constantly want to "talk" (like Rosie O'Donnell) yet, in the bedroom, they clam up and don't say anything regarding sex.(they turn in to Helen Keller)  

i have never had a provider say "can I just get a back rub? "  

that's your fault, not ours.

FatElvis 23 Reviews 841 reads
40 / 40

Either/Or.  Although it would be great (and a huge turn on) if I made the provider cum, I'm realistic in that I know ladies can't cum on command and that sometimes it happens and sometimes it doesn't.  

For me a good time can mean lots of things. I guess it comes down to did the provider enjoy her time with me.  Hopefully the answer is yes.  That's really all I'm hoping for.

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