TER General Board

Re: This requires some explanation. A Google search was less than helpful. eom
joecarter 315 reads

the Beetle had  U shaped straps behind the drivers and passenger seats to grab and pull on while getting out of the back-seat.  I have called them ankle straps picturing a lady with her ankles in them, legs spread, kinda like stirrups in an OB's office.

too much explaining makes for a bad joke - sorry

Good afternoon lovely people!
I love my height.  I know that sounds silly, but I do.  I am at a graceful 5"7 and enjoy wearing stilettos.  However, I have noticed that many of my clients make remarks...sometimes rude...about my height.  
Would my height bother you as a gent?  Is it intimating?  What is the big deal?  Would this bother you as a person to be talked down to or made fun of for being tall?  
Curious for your responses.  
Much love!  Be good but be a little naughty ;)

I'm short for a guy about 5'8 my DL says 5'9" but I don't think so. Embrace who you are, don't say anything about my short pecker and I won't say anything about your height lol!! 5'7" is a fairly average height I would think, a little height on a gal makes for long legs that's a winner in my book!!

Posted By: GraceCollins
Good afternoon lovely people!  
 I love my height.  I know that sounds silly, but I do.  I am at a graceful 5"7 and enjoy wearing stilettos.  However, I have noticed that many of my clients make remarks...sometimes rude...about my height.    
 Would my height bother you as a gent?  Is it intimating?  What is the big deal?  Would this bother you as a person to be talked down to or made fun of for being tall?    
 Curious for your responses.    
 Much love!  Be good but be a little naughty ;)  

GaGambler437 reads

I too am of rather average height, about 5' 10" and although stilettos would make you taller than me, you would hardly tower over me.  

Actually this sounds a lot like a ThreAD to me, it's not like you are 6' in your bare feet, now a woman that tall wearing five inch, come fuck me heels might intimidate any man, but in a good way if she were hot too boot.

I am also 5'7", so when I put on my high heels I'm almost 6'2.

We may not seem like Amazon women to most of you guys but to some guys I'm sure we do.  With our heels on.

I never realized how many men are 5'5 to 5'9".  Many of these men are already a little bit self-conscious about their heights and when I am almost a foot taller than them at the door it can be awkward.

I have two sets of shoes now. I have my sexy 6 inch heels that I prefer, and I have my one and 2 inch heels that are perfectly fine.  I've started asking guys how tall they are and if they are less than 5"10" I wear my shorter heels.

If I forget and find myself towering over a man at the door when I first kiss him I ask if I should remove my shoes. They usually say yes.  

-- Modified on 11/14/2015 6:42:16 AM

my atf is about 5'7" so we line up nicely.  Your height should not be a problem to any guy.

Enjoy climb on tall  ladies hobbyists...I would take tall hot lady.

Tall chicks rock.

Especially those that are MS. TER OCTOBER 2015.

Congratulations Debbie!

A little play on words, but seriously I have no issues with a woman's height, hell I can always stand on the ottoman to DFK. And I especially don't have issues with someone like yourself who is happy with her height, because that equates to confidence, and confidence is sexy as hell.

The men who have a problem with your height are hung up on useless egos, what a waste of time and energy egos are. I just want to have my world rocked, I don't concern myself with useless shit like that.

I am 6'5, I have spent intimate time with ladies from 4'10 to 6'3 since I have been 21. It isn't about the height it is about the total physical and erotic chemistry that is there.

6'7" however... That is a whole different thaing :-)

...I love all women. But the tall ones do get my attention.

I've seen ladies from 4'-11" to 6'-1". All have been a fun time and it never bothered me.

-- Modified on 11/13/2015 12:28:42 PM

Nothing gave a surge to my confidence (and posture) like moving to New York.
Men here are constantly passing flocks of leggy models on the street - so height is fetishized in a way.

I used to mention my height (5'9) and ask how they felt about heels, and the result was always a resounding "the higher the better".  

I love it!  

But when I'm in California the feeling is different - the look is so much more casual, and men are less used to the amazonian types.  

When in Rome, I suppose

about a woman's height as so annoyingly insecure. Pay them no mind! You are perfect and it makes them feel inadequate so they come for your height.

Wear the stilettos and flash them a smile!

I have only one experience with a gal over 6'.  It was a novel experience, and it did make for some functional problems, but love will find a way.

I'd say the average height of gals I run into is about 5'4", and that works out very well.  I love to smell their hair.

Asbj2311344 reads

An Uncle of mine once told me what he thought about tall women. When you are toe to toe your nose is in it. When you are nose to nose your toes are in it.

VOO-doo369 reads

than 5'7" and I also get some negative comments about my height/size.  

It's hard to gauge height from a photo. I do have my height listed in multiple places on my site and ads, and use the word 'tall' in ad/website copy and even sometimes in ad taglines. But I've still had situations in which guys have obviously been surprised. The negative reactions were much more common in my agency days, when guys weren't necessarily doing their due diligence. One of the rudest comments I ever got in a review had to do with my height...and the size of my hands and feet, which, as the guy pointed out, were almost twice the size of his (he was 6-8 inches shorter than me).

In my personal life, I've dated two men significantly shorter than myself. One loved it when I wore heels. The other didn't like walking next to me even when I wore sneakers...I never even tried to wear heels around him, because he'd have flipped out. (The former was a good guy, the latter turned out to be a pretty huge d-bag.)

GaGambler356 reads

She and I had only met once before I asked her out and she really didn't remember how tall I was, apparently her previous BF had a hang up about her height so she waited until I picked her up before she made her final decision about "heels, or no heels"  

I assured her I had no such hang up despite the fact that four inch heels made her just slightly taller than me, I just don't see how men, even little fucking leprechauns can be rude to a woman for their own shortcomings. It must suck to be them.

VOO-doo364 reads

Although, I don't consider being short to be a shortcoming :)  

A lot of guys seem to find petite girls more attractive. That's their personal preference. But it signifies something quite different when a matter of a few inches (height.... or, on a related/unrelated note, penis size) brings out someone's raging insecurities.

If I ever date a shorter man again, I'd probably default to leaving the heels off for the first date, then ask him what his preference is afterward. I also dated a guy who was a foot taller than me, and a huge height difference can be a bit awkward.... he had to stoop over to kiss me.

-- Modified on 11/13/2015 4:06:02 PM

GaGambler359 reads

but like most guys I imagine, the type that inspires snapped necks as she walks by are the more statuesque women, with great asses of course.

I may have a "type" but that hardly stops me from admiring or dating taller women, but fat broads? sorry, but  that's a deal breaker for me. Call it a character flaw on my end, but I just can't get exited for a fat broad.

One advantage I can think of with taller women is that they are easier to kiss when in mish than the tiny little things that I like, but who's heads don't even come up to my chin in that position.  

I say wear the heels, if he has insecurities about your height, isn't it better to find out sooner rather than later. What woman wants to be coddling an insecure man anyhow?

Love it all that you portray you are.

Women are such awesome creatures, I really, really adore women. Had another amazing session with another amazing woman tonight.  

Thank you to the hobby, I love my life.

-- Modified on 11/13/2015 11:14:40 PM

I see women who are taller than their male escorts out on dates and in magazine and red carpet photos all the time. Now that 6 inch platform heels are so popular. Naturally, when we add 6 inches to our height, many women will be taller than their men.

But I don't care. I've heard shorter guys get weirded out by women being taller, but where are you finding all of these short guys? Don't they have horses to race or something? LOL

Seductress Suzie in Tampa (who's always looking for a few good men) stands about 5'-11" in her stocking feet.  When she answers her door in stilettos she's well over six feet tall.  She towered over me, but that amazing woman is beautiful to behold.  She's one of the things I miss about Tampa

I love them: 5"7" plus 4 inch heels is perfect, even more with 34 DD. I turn my eyes for them all the time. It DOES make a difference.

but enjoy women of varying heights.  One Fav was 6" taller.  It wasn't an issue when we were horrizontal!  LOL

-- Modified on 11/13/2015 8:09:29 PM

Dear Ms. Collins:
I was wondering how much taller would the difference be between the man and the woman.  If it is only a slight difference it should matter as much, however if it a large difference then there could be some problems as it relates to the man or the woman with respect to some insecurities surfacing.  Also it might limit the choices in footwear that the woman would select.  A couple of people that you might want to ask your question to would be Lisa Leslie and Merton Hanks.  Also a married couple would be Rebecca Lobo and Steve Rushin.  They could give you some insight because they are in long term relationships with there partner and you could get some answers to your questions.  Also what are the dynamics psychologically of the parties involved?  If some men tend to go for more athletic types, then there could be a time when there could be a taller woman involved.   Also a good question with regards to this is what is the average height of woman who are in the hobby and how close is it to the average woman in society in general.  You could also use that question for men as well.    

Finally with respect to your question,  would you have a lot of NON-BCD Dates and if so is there a dynamic insecurity with respect to the man?  Also would you get a lot of looks predicated on the difference in height between yourself and the man that you might be with.  Also would the men you tend to see be equal to your height slightly greater or significantly smaller than yourself?  

Also does it make a difference or would you have to compensate with them when you might engage in copulatory activity in a public place or when your being inducted into the mile high club?  Would you tend to have to squat or spread out to compensate for the difference in height? Would your male counterpart have to stand on a book to make up for the difference if he is entering you doggie style while standing up? Do you tend to forgo certain positions in a session if you know it can work because of the height of the person?  

All of those are relevant dynamics and questions that can be answered from both perspectives of men and  
women who engage in the hobby.

Posted By: GraceCollins
Good afternoon lovely people!  
 I love my height.  I know that sounds silly, but I do.  I am at a graceful 5"7 and enjoy wearing stilettos.  However, I have noticed that many of my clients make remarks...sometimes rude...about my height.    
 Would my height bother you as a gent?  Is it intimating?  What is the big deal?  Would this bother you as a person to be talked down to or made fun of for being tall?    
 Curious for your responses.    
 Much love!  Be good but be a little naughty ;)  

5'7" isn't tall.....

second, we're all the same height lying down in bed...  

third... he was so short and she was so tall that when they were nose to nose, his toes were in it, when they were toe to toe, his nose was in it....

and a repeat... when Mickey Rooney and Jayne Mansfield were introducing the Academy Awards her turned to her and his face was right between her boobs... then he turned to the audience and queried "who wants to be tall ?"

next to me (or any guy for that matter) on the bed, height doesn't matter.

Just like age, height is just a number.

That is not nice I would not want someone to say something rude about my height.
I am 5'7 as well and I love wearing heels and I have never had anyone say something rude about the heels.Some guys might say I can lose the heels behind closed doors that is not their thing but not rudely.

I LOVE them.
It is not a fetish as I am attracted to women in general, but tall women are so attractive to me.  
I am a very average 5'9'. My wife is my height and the woman who was (and truth to tell will always remain) the love of my life is over 6 ft.  
A tall graceful lady with long legs, a long neck, beautiful shoulders....you get the idea is irresistible to me.  
Add a lovely smile and I melt

I LOVE them.  
A tall graceful lady with long legs is just beautiful.  
I am attracted to tall slim ladies, tall full bodied ladies, and tall BBWs.
Tho I have also found myself enchanted by certain short ladies as well.  
Oh well.

... but you are not tall at only 5'7".

My ideal would be 5'10" and strutting proudly on 4+" heels (not platforms).
That would bring her up to ideal kissing and making-out level, just below my height.  

They're hard to find.
I console myself with 5'6 shorties ...  
also 4'11" spinners and all sizes between.

Tall is great.  Happy, eager, enthusiastic, skilled -- essential

Hi There  

Im a tall lady and I luff it.


Posted By: GraceCollins
Good afternoon lovely people!  
 I love my height.  I know that sounds silly, but I do.  I am at a graceful 5"7 and enjoy wearing stilettos.  However, I have noticed that many of my clients make remarks...sometimes rude...about my height.    
 Would my height bother you as a gent?  Is it intimating?  What is the big deal?  Would this bother you as a person to be talked down to or made fun of for being tall?    
 Curious for your responses.    
 Much love!  Be good but be a little naughty ;)  

I'm 6' 2" and I love a woman that I can kiss standing up without either of us having to strain our necks. Sadly, those women are few and far between

joecarter315 reads

I love gals who use the ankle straps in Volkswagen Beetles!

joecarter316 reads

the Beetle had  U shaped straps behind the drivers and passenger seats to grab and pull on while getting out of the back-seat.  I have called them ankle straps picturing a lady with her ankles in them, legs spread, kinda like stirrups in an OB's office.

too much explaining makes for a bad joke - sorry

Would I take on a PITA assignment that pays well over a fun assignment that pays just a little?

Bottom line:  buisness before pleasure.  

I need money to have honey.

Posted By: mrfisher
Would I take on a PITA assignment that pays well over a fun assignment that pays just a little?  
 Bottom line:  buisness before pleasure.  
 I need money to have honey.

Oh, powerful and beneficent Admin, can you move my errant post for me

But you are not even what I would consider "tall".    I have never seen a lady taller than me, but if I did, that would be hot.

Your concerns, or worries, are totally irrelevant.   You actually have a perfect height.

As a person, being talked down to, or made fun of would not at all bother me at all.   But I would have a very negative iimpression of the person doing so.

I'm definitely of Amazonian proportions (almost 5'11 barefoot), and have never had a single complaint from clients of any height. I imagine the fact that I pointedly describe my height on my website filters those who prefer shorter providers. Conversely, I enjoy being as tall or taller than my partners and love wearing heels.

In the end, it makes zero difference when I'm on my knees (fave position), and the role play possibilities are many:

- Gulliver and the Lilliputions
- The Ninth Labor of Hercules
- Catwoman (Julie Newmar) vs. Batman
- Bond vs. May Day
- Etc.

Hedonius314 reads

Grace you look gorgeous !!!

Height does not matter when you're horizontal.  

It does matter when you meet at the door.  I'll just suck on her tits if I'm too short to kiss her on the lips.

at least reach my ankle is more of a prob.
Well...and my feet could use some help too.  

5'7 is average height for females. Are you wearing those platform kinda heels maybe?

Either way---Own it

Sorry, but 5'7" is not terribly tall today for a woman. If someone gets rude about your height, then it's just them!  

The other night I was with a lovely lady in New Orleans who is 5'9".  In high heels she was a bit shorter than me.  (I am over 6'1".) Interestingly, her torso is very long, and while sitting in a bar stool she made me feel a bit short -- I have never really experienced this before while on a date.  I never felt intimidated, but I did notice it.

I am a provider who is 5'10 without heels. When i first got in this biz i would have thought my height and long legs (35in) would be a plus BUT I've found that it isnt. When a client requests me to be in lingerie and heels i always advise them that i am 5'10 and in heels will be approx. 6'2. Are you sure you really want me in heels?

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