TER General Board

Re: There's no expectation of sex during OTC time. Duh. -Eom
Oldtimemonger 814 reads

Posted By: Courtney.Ova
Yes. When someone starts joking about OTC sex, or offering 2k per month for a sugar baby, but is only joking. Like bitch if I said yes, you'd be all over it. You're not joking, you're testing the waters
I'm not sure what you mean Courtney. Any man who fucks an escort and takes her out to dinner would almost certainly want more sex after taking her back to the hotel. That's just the way men are. The only thing that would change a man's mind is if she acted horribly during the dinner date.

Hopefully this thread can stay on topic and not get closed or deleted... Or maybe not :)

Personally I have no desire for OTC time, dinner dates etc. because it blurs the lines between sex and "hang out " time. Since I don't have sex 60 minutes non-stop, I get enough "hang out" time during a session.

The reason I say it blurs the lines is something like this: If I have a session and then go out to dinner I would want a blowjob after dinner when we got back. That would mean switching from "sex time" to "OTC time" and back to "sex time." Since dinner was OTC, should the after dinner blowjob be "OTC" or do you offer her extra for that? See how the lines blur?

I would be interested in what the guys and ladies think of this.

Definitely will be CLOSED or DELETED..

L.Guapo840 reads

And yesterday didn't you state that girls always inflated their prices so OTC time wasn't really OTC?  Just another way to fleece tricks?  I guess this was your way to playing the tough guy.
Now, as for your "version du jour," that's the way it is for you.  Not for me.  I generally do 1 hour or 90 minute sessions and they are generally active ones for the entire time.  Yes, there's some catching-up chit chat at the beginning because we're friends, and perhaps a bit at the end.  Then whatever happens after that is based on her schedule.  If there's time to chat she'll let me know.  Often we have mutual friends in common and she wants to hear the latest.  Or, if the time of day is right and she's hungry, we'll continue our chat over a meal. Really pretty simple stuff.  Unless you have a need to complicate it.  I don't.

I think your "I'd want a blowjob after dinner" says quite a lot. Why would a provider ever want to do OTC with you when you're just thinking "where's the check so I can get my dick back in her mouth?" When I've done OTC for lunch, dinner or whatever it's because we had a great time, we have something in common and it was fun as shit to hang out with her. And maybe they felt the same way or wouldn't have done it (or they were just hungry, lol). Either way I didn't have an agenda so it was fun and I've learned an awful lot about the providing side of this through such encounters. It's not for everyone, and clearly not for you.

Posted By: Oldtimemonger
Hopefully this thread can stay on topic and not get closed or deleted... Or maybe not :)  
 Personally I have no desire for OTC time, dinner dates etc. because it blurs the lines between sex and "hang out " time. Since I don't have sex 60 minutes non-stop, I get enough "hang out" time during a session.  
 The reason I say it blurs the lines is something like this: If I have a session and then go out to dinner I would want a blowjob after dinner when we got back. That would mean switching from "sex time" to "OTC time" and back to "sex time." Since dinner was OTC, should the after dinner blowjob be "OTC" or do you offer her extra for that? See how the lines blur?  
 I would be interested in what the guys and ladies think of this.

There have been times in the civilian world where I fucked a girlfriend, took her to dinner and got a blowjob after we got back. It's not about having an agenda. It's too easy for the lines to get blurred in an OTC situation. I like to keep the fantasy BCD.

I'm not backpedaling from anything. If you are going to take the fantasy beyond BCD, then it's not unusual to get a blowjob/sex after taking a girl out to dinner. You had girlfriends prior to mongering, right? That's how it often works.  

OTC time is basically carrying the fantasy into the real world. Where does the fantasy end? To me OTC time is blurring the lines. For 1-2 hours your hooker, then your "friend" for 1-2 hours, then if you want more sex back to being a hooker? I maintain my position that it blurs the lines

Because we tried to go outside of the fantasy and they couldn't handle it.

Which is fine, they just need to know their limits. Sounds like you know yours. Just stick to that. There are plenty of interesting people in real life who will go to dinner with you for the chit chat and company. Just pick someone you're not physically attracted to.

The only problem with that is, you'll feel our side of the coin when that woman asks you to go back to her place, when all you wanted was dinner.

But............If the girl was unattractive to me I would not have had sex with her before dinner :)

GaGambler748 reads

The difference between you and me (ok, one of the MANY differences between us) is that I only enjoy OTC non BCD time with women I actually like, and I just look at is as time well spent with a friend, while you seem to think any time "wasted" with a hooker when your dick is not inside of her as a waste of your time.

Some/most people seem to have huge problems when the lines get blurred. I just take it as it comes. Sometimes dinner is just that, dinner. Other times it leads to more, it's when guys misread signals and/or start "pushing" things that things get all out of whack.

To answer your OP, yes I like OTC time, but only when it's offered because the lady and I enjoy each others company. not as a "reward" for being a good customer.  I "date" a lot of hookers, but as a rule I tell every hooker that I a interested in having a "date" with that she has to call me for the first date, that way I know she is actually interested and not just "being nice" If she never calls, I just assume it's "business only" between us and drop any ideas I might have about seeing her OTC. I am not saying this will work for everyone, but it makes the lines a bit less blurry for me.. I do NOT pay for "company" nor do I want a hooker spending OTC time with me as a form of good customer relations, but I often share a meal, drink or whatever with women that I click with.

You play it smart. Most of the Dinner/OTC talk I've seen sounds like a marketing gimmick to get a guy to come back and spend more money as a regular. Actually, I don't mind the hooker "wasting" my time with an OTC dinner as long as I get a Blowjob out of it after dinner. LO

L.Guapo463 reads

One of the great things about this game is you can actually make friends with people.  I've made a bunch, both female and male.  We're all adults who are quite able to handle blurred lines and not fall down and be unable to get up.

As opposed to being a hobbyist, or if you prefer, a monger or john?   As such, it is not surprising that you would not want to go beyond the sexual element when meeting with a provider, or if you prefer, hooker.  You already get that from your sugar babies, right?  The OTC stuff, that is.

Regardless, play the game the way you want.  Whatever works for you is cool.

Posted By: Crazy Diamond
As opposed to being a hobbyist, or if you prefer, a monger or john?   As such, it is not surprising that you would not want to go beyond the sexual element when meeting with a provider, or if you prefer, hooker.  You already get that from your sugar babies, right?  The OTC stuff, that is.  
 Regardless, play the game the way you want.  Whatever works for you is cool.
I do both but you can't compare an arrangement to a session with an escort.

I have really never asked for OTC but have had it twice. Both times were spontaneous and fun. One time the room was with in smelling distance of the hotel restaurant and we both commented on how good it smelt the whole session. I said I was going to have to get a steak after this. She said me too. We walked down the hall and ate together. It was fun and no I didn't ask for a bj when we were done. Another time a provider asked me what I was doing the rest of the day. I said I was going to get a new suit. She took me to a place where she knew the salesperson and actually got me a discount. OTC is not my thing and I don't really want it but there was nothing wrong with either time I did it. BTW: it was not the first appointment for either provider.

The cliche saying...  

Now there are many guys that I'm starting to enjoy and understand why they dish over the bucks for extended time. They want a real date with no-strings-attached! (The whole point of all of this.) They won't take VIP rates, they won't take discounts, they refuse OTC time, and if they want anything, they over compensate. (One time I bummed a smoke to one and he gave me a hundred bucks lol.)

With those guys, I think they get the concept of give and take. If they take, they'll be expected to give in other ways outside of the financial boundary. So they out give so the girl has no way to ask for favors, contact him OTC, or expect anything out of the ordinary for her special rate. The guy pays for the time for the date, dinner, and pays that much so that's all the time he feels required to spend with her, and can wipe his hands clean.

I think it's a good boundary setter. No OTC time means the fantasy stays in tact, and he can go back to his family.

There have been guys I've met civvy wise, who got it for free, but they needed to commit on an emotional and time level. I ended up telling them they'd be better off hiring a provider for their dating style. ;)

In essence, money sets a clear boundary on both sides. And it works if done correctly.

-- Modified on 8/23/2015 11:21:35 AM

Posted By: Courtney.Ova
The cliche saying...  

 I think it's a good boundary setter. No OTC time means the fantasy stays in tact, and he can go back to his family.  

-- Modified on 8/23/2015 11:21:35 AM


Yes. When someone starts joking about OTC sex, or offering 2k per month for a sugar baby, but is only joking. Like bitch if I said yes, you'd be all over it. You're not joking, you're testing the waters

Posted By: Courtney.Ova
Yes. When someone starts joking about OTC sex, or offering 2k per month for a sugar baby, but is only joking. Like bitch if I said yes, you'd be all over it. You're not joking, you're testing the waters
I'm not sure what you mean Courtney. Any man who fucks an escort and takes her out to dinner would almost certainly want more sex after taking her back to the hotel. That's just the way men are. The only thing that would change a man's mind is if she acted horribly during the dinner date.

I'm talking OTC dinner after a 1 hour or 90 minute. It's just not going to happen. Once you give a free BJ, you will never get paid again. That's just how it works with those who try to nudge a free bj in.

Posted By: Courtney.Ova
I'm talking OTC dinner after a 1 hour or 90 minute. It's just not going to happen. Once you give a free BJ, you will never get paid again. That's just how it works with those who try to nudge a free bj in.
I don't do the dinner date thing. If I did I would be 10 times more likely to repeat with a girl who gave me a free BJ after dinner than one who left me frustrated.

-- Modified on 8/23/2015 10:35:53 AM

And she would be more likely to move on to another full paying one hour or 90 minute to fill that time slot instead. And also another one who books a 1 hour or 90 minute two hours later, instead of giving it for free.

Think about it: 90 minutes + 2 hour (free) dinner, + most likely another hour back at the ranch giving a free BJ, (because we all know he'll want full service lol)

OR 90 minutes + 2 hour dinner alone, plus another 90 minute paid incall after her dinner break.

Which would you choose if you were a lady?

This is assuming she is not desperate for business, and doesn't have to give an OTC BJ to keep funds moving in.

Posted By: Oldtimemonger
 I don't do the dinner date thing. If I did I would be 10 times more likely to repeat with a girl who gave me a free BJ after dinner than one who left me frustrated.  

-- Modified on 8/23/2015 10:35:53 AM

-- Modified on 8/23/2015 2:57:27 PM

For sake of argument, Our hooker turns no more than 2 tricks a day. The Dinner date/OTC guy is the last trick of the day. She has no "slot" to fill. It's after dinner. The trick has wasted 2 hours of his time and 500 bucks on the dinner. The trick seldom gets off on CFS so he just wants a BJ. Figure 30 minutes for the BJ.  

Using your logic, the trick goes home unhappy. Using my logic you give him his BJ so he's happy and is likely to repeat. A repeat trick lowers your cost of sales. From where I sit it makes more sense to "invest" an extra 30 minutes into the OTC time.  

On the other hand, maybe OTC time was a bad idea in the first place! I only asked why anybody wanted it.

Many gals feature dinner date options consisting 3-4 hours of time:  One hour of pre-dinner fun followed by 1-2 hours of dinner culminating in "dessert" back at her place.

I avail myself of this option frequently.

The option is priced based on the provider's preference for this kind of session and sometimes they represent a fantastic bargain, but that doesn't change the fact that slurping pasta or not, you are still paying for the time.

Now, if you pay for a date consisting of one hour of bedroom time and then dinner with no mention of dessert back at her place, yet she offers you that (Which also happens now and then.) then indeed that is OTC time.  How to make things right for that is another discussion

Whatever the gal wants to do with you Off the clock, for free.  I for one never expect to get OTC time.  I don't ask for it, I don't "test the waters".  If a gal is willing to communicate and/or spend time with me OTC, its entirely her choice.  While I don't mind OTC time and actually enjoy some of it, generally I want to have my appointment and go home.  I have limited play time due to my maital situation and see providers when time and cash allows.  While I am not adverse to a meal with a provider, I wouldn't pay "on the clock" prices to eat with one, but I would pick up the tab at the restaurant if we were both hungry at the same time.  I have companionship in my marriage, what I don't have is a lot of sex which is why I pay for it.  To me, companionship, if not offered freely is worthless.  I pay for the fantasy, I pay for the sex and illusion of GFE for the hour or 90 mins.  If you want to hang out IRL, great! But I'm not paying to hang out, eat & watch TV.  I do that already, its called marriage.

IfIdknown664 reads

I don't see a lot of escorts but 80% of them do OTC with me. Some are before or after the on the clock activity. Some are at my request, some by her suggestion, and some are planned without any sex involved before or after. With  my ATF we go OTC to places with her 9 year old.

I think OTC is a strange animal. It's ironic that a lot of men like it here. A lot of these same men condescendingly comment about how escorts can't save money, how they rent instead of own, have specials when rent is due, etc. These same men also comment on how they'd never pay to watch a girl eat or sleep. Often, these men make fun of older women who provide. Their comments lead me to believe that the women they choose to see are young and probably don't have it together yet. Younger women, or even older women who don't have it together are much more likely to have the time to "hang out" OTC. Hence they base their opinions about escorts in general on those women they see, who offer them OTC time. Then they brag about OTC like it's some trinket they've won. lol.

Courtney had it absolutely correct above. Men who pay for dinner dates or extended engagements are paying for an experience with someone. Not just a hole to fill. They have the means, they pay the price, they have their experience, and they go home. OTC time makes these men nervous. They have lives and choose their companions carefully to ensure none of them follow them home or become a liability. They rarely want to be contacted out of the blue by providers- and certainly not by the ones who need cash.

I'm too busy with RL to offer OTC time. And my company is something men gladly pay a premium for. I barely have enough time to do this as it is, so when I do it must be worth my while.

So I do not know why a man would want OTC other than to brag about it or fantasize that he's somehow cool enough to hang out with. I'm still wrapping my head around that. I agree that it blurs lines- many times for the provider. If you're "friends", why shouldn't she call on you when she needs cash? He feels needed and wanted, so he helps her out. Gives him some weird CSAH satisfaction. And again, these same guys will take the mickey out of someone who presents here on the boards as a CSAH without seeing how they themselves brag about it. It's a bizarre little game I want no part of. I'll take it straight up- time for money, thank you.

Awesome Post!

Every one of those "I Fell In Love With A Hooker or got ripped off by a hooker" stories seems to start out the same way. First come dinner dates, then OTC Time. Some guys do loan them money. I miss the sob stories I used to read in a defunct group about "loaning" the hooker 5-10K and not getting paid back. Often the hooker pretends to leave the business or won't call the guy back. Then the guy looks for revenge. We would ask: Do you know her real name? The answer was always no even if he had seen her 10 times. LOL

Whatever is decided is decided between you an the individual involved...for me OTC is limited as I am simply busy with a variety of activities at one time usually.

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