TER General Board

to each their own
nevertoolarge 28 Reviews 2006 reads

wow ...  i won't call anyone out but someone gave this lady a 10 in appearance ..  certainly to each their own but i would truly like to understand this.  oh well - you know the old expression there is someone for everyone.  and thank goodness for that.    not criticizing rather wish to understand.  

John_Laroche49 reads

Best line I have heard in a long time.

I am eating lunch & that’s not a good vision, so a 10 absolutely beauty is the eyes of the beholder. Her photos are accurate. You know what you’re getting. Maybe someone sees treasure.idk

I saw 👀 okay if you’re drunk on a review & were you drunk? Not her profile, but why state if your drunk, but say I may repeat?  Same caca 💩 you can clearly see what your booking.

-- Modified on 4/23/2024 7:58:28 AM

hey i am better looking than 9 out of ..... .17  :)  LOL

That image makes me want to hit the delete switch faster than  ????? think about it

John_Laroche21 reads

The reviewer gave several other providers 3s and 4s.
Given what I saw on your link, I'm definitely not going to explore further.

You guys are making fun of this gal for being big????  
Considering 75% of adults are now overweight and 40% of those are considered obese, some of these comments seem a bit sanctimonious....

Well there is big and then there is completely out of shape and big. I know a lot of sexy women who are large. I didnt see it here.
But if shes fine w it then its all good.

Yup.  I know lots of guys are into spinners only.  But my favorite BDSM sugar babe is mid 30's and pleasingly plump.  But when you get into abdominal folds, it actually turns repulsive.  I'm sure that line differs for everyone.  I also don't believe it is cultural or patriarchal. I believe we are born with certain ingrained archetypes of sexual attractiveness.  The flip side of that is that some archetypes are aversive.   Both emaciated and abdominous can trigger that aversion.

Now that image is in my brain.
Cat + curiosity =

RespectfulRobert35 reads

Have some self respect and decency and remove this post and apologize to the lady in question. Have some class!

420Smoka4Eva37 reads

This is a joke, right? We're all on here writing reviews that evaluate woman's appearances. None of us here are above any of this garbage even if we call ourselves "respectful," Robert. That is the whole point of this endeavor. None of us are better than this or above this BS. If the women in this line of work didn't want comments on their appearance or physical body, they should choose a different line of work.

RespectfulRobert28 reads

Your misogyny and WK for fat shaming is duly noted. smh

She's grotesquely fat. It has nothing to do with misogyny. It has to do with unrestrained gluttony. You could feed an entire African village with what she's inhaled down her gullet. Shame her for increasing climate change!

I appreciate alot of the guys here saying ease up on the negative comments towards the girls.  I appreciate the spirit of "hey lets keep it civil"  I agree with that especially when it comes to brother mongers/John's/Tricks etc and sister hookers/escorts/whore-ho etc. We all are part of this thing.  But 420s point is spot on and it's something I've said myself.   We are here talking about escorts and rating escorts.  The escorts ralk about us -quite a few of us are cheating, some of us are socially inept, some are eccentric, flat out kooks or worse.   Its the point of this site.   Ter encourages being graphic. Its in the rulebook, so its gonna spill over to comments- positive and negative made on the boards.  Try to be polite and civil.  If ya cant and shit slips ok- a little color and spicy sauce is good.  On a site like TER ya gotta expect it lol

AllTheTimeBaby36 reads

Dear Holier-than-Though,

Thank God we have someone to seize the moral high-ground.

We'll all be looking for your review of "the lady in question."

Give it a rest!


CaptAwesome43 reads

Her rate is $700 per hour so perhaps there is more demand than one might think.

Perception.....   For those with the negative comments, please. Reread my original post...... You will notice no negative comments ..... Rather than people have different tastes..... I have some incredibly wealthy friends who prefer flat chested runway skinny models,  I would never see those women either.

 a separate note. Obesity is a major issue in this country. It affects our health care system And general productivity.   Put me down as one who is against the normalization of obesity.   I realize it's just business, but more and more fashion companies are showing overweight women in their ads,  In the long term, this is not a beneficial activity.    

RespectfulRobert28 reads

So you think you are helping society by deliberately drawing attention to a woman and embarrassing her, a woman who has done nothing to harm you??? You are quite the humanitarian. lol.  
I noticed you felt the need to protect the guy but had ZERO issues in fat shaming the woman. Hmmmm...
Why not just be a man, admit you messed up, apologize to her, and remove the post?  
Oh, I forgot. You are too busy helping society. smh

medical issues such as glandular problems, and/or have serious mental disabilities that also should evoke sympathy, and not derision.

as the son of a prominent physician (dad) and equally prominent nutritionist (mom) i can assure you that no more then 10% of the obese popular has an underlying health issue.  its an excuse for the other 90% who simply cant put down the fork ...  

now i do realize that in America with its plentiful and cheap abundance of fattening fast foods it can be tough.  but .. people have to be responsible for their own actions.  not at all saying everyone has to be a size 6 or 34 inch waist but just look around and compare Americans to almost every other country.   res ipsa loquitur

A while back there was a rematch between two high school football teams, 20 years after a tie game ...  the middle aged guys all got back into shape, worked out, dieted etc ..  and what do you know, over a dozen that were now diabetic were no longer.    (you can google this story)      

RespectfulRobert29 reads

Is she in the 90% or 10% and how did you arrive at that answer?

They peg the influence of depression as a cause in 20 to 60% of cases, with more women in the higher group.

I could not find anything about physical causes, e.g. glandular reasons, but I will concede that those are a small percentage of cases.

This is not to excuse people who over eat knowing full well that it is bad for their health and therefore for society in general, but indiscriminate shaming, even if the gal is using her heft to make some money is just not the way to do things.

Did you read my post above??? 75% of people are overweight. 40% of those people are obese. Fat people are no longer the minority, they are the majority. Fashion companies obviously want to sell their product, and if the bulk of their customers are a size XL instead of a XS they are going to produce what sells.  
 So that would also mean that 3 out of 4 people that are posting on this thread are FAT. How can you point to someone else and say "gross!" when you in turn are a chubber yourself?  
I am not overweight or obese, but unless most people on this thread realize they are just the pot calling the kettle black I have no use for childish name calling hypocrites.  
In sex work there is something for everyone and if someone is not your cup of tea move on. Problem solved.

First , lets go back to my initial post, simply saying i don't understand the attraction but obviously some do.  

Now ....  just because a large number of Americans have become fat in this latest generation does not make it right nor should it be condoned ..   there is an obesity issue in this country and it needs to be acknowledge for the issue and problem that it is and its impact on society .    I'm not talking about someone needing to lose 20 lbs .. rather its the large percentage that are Morbidly obese.  

hey almost 40% of the country thinks the earth / people are only 10,000 years old .. we don't humor them and tell them that's correct.  

If you are an overweight man on Tinder, you aren't getting any dates. Life is tough all over.

420Smoka4Eva31 reads

Most of us here are buyers, not sellers. Everyone knows that society is superficial and judges people for their looks. In most instances we let people be themselves. But when you put yourself out there in the marketplace you open yourself up for judgment. She's trying to sell sex, she is asking people to decide if she is sexy or not.  

There are entire reddit subs and online communities dedicated to mocking unreasonable ads selling all sorts of products. This is the same thing, the only difference is this is a service and not a product. She knows what she is doing and if anything she is getting free advertising.

Darn I am guilty of the "streisand effect".  :)

John_Laroche27 reads

She's a sex worker.
She posted her pics on the Internet.
She knows that she is obese and she's trying to appeal to an audience that is into that.

Oh sure , John, if you are going to post reasonable on point statements ... what fun is that !  LOL      

some freaky duded love the fatties.  

this is a far cry from the kinds of providers I see.  If you took this lady to a bar for a drink, the bar stool would completely vanish and she would look like a mannequin with a steel rod holding her up that disappears into her ass.   Lol  

I'm sure there is a guy somewhere who would pay to be with this woman, but he's not anyone I can think of offhand.   Sorry I can't help you with understanding.  I don't get it either.  At least she's not mocking other overweight providers by giving us photos of herself at the gym.  You have to give her props for knowing who and what she is, though.  

Y'all are so fucking rude. Just because you don't like women that size (And you like women who are all skin and bones) doesn't mean there is no other man who likes women over weight.

Calling slender women "skin and bones" shows you are just as judgemental as anyone you condemn. Hardly surprising though, since women tend to be catty about the competition.

Whether it was a Freudian slip or on purpose, I applaud your post title.

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