TER General Board

Re: Tbh
John_Laroche 80 reads

Hmmm, Maybe it was Madam Patricia that didn't blur her face back in the day.

I've always felt that if you're man enough to do a review then be man enough to own it...
Multiple alias in the review process comes off..."tricky"..Like you're trying to hide something.
That's me and that's the way I see it.

I think it’s a bitch ass move. I’m a little disappointed I can’t put some of these aliases on my ignore list. I am who I am, so you are? Own it.

another review site that reviewing indies under my username came with a lot of blowback if the providers didn't like what I said, so when I moved my reviewing to TER, I decided to post discussion and reviews of Kgirls (who up until 2017 did not really read their reviews, but many have started more recently, and I have a fix for that) with my username, and review indies with an alias that I would change periodically.  It has been the perfect solution.  A few reviews of indies did slip onto my CDL review list by mistake, but they haven't given me any trouble because they were positive sessions that resulted in positive reviews.

Me personally have always stood by my reviews and in all the years that I've done reviews, I have only received blowback on two occasions...one was mild and one was pissed. but I stood by them. Never changed. and took the good with the bad.
The way from I remember is that CDL is your K-Girl alias...where no one girl will get lower then a 7, which is to say coincidentally is a good streak you're on. And your other alias is XXX where on occasion you'll hit a bumpy road and run into a clunker (it happens). you'll review and then you'll get shit for it? That makes me wonder how brutal or personal you made that review..for her to go after you.
I don't play in your playground so...But if that's your style then have at it.It just come off....odd

in a way that is best for them.  I got so much blowback from indies on AF who did not get ONLY 9's and 10's from me that it took the fun out of seeing them and then writing the review.  I had two choices when I came here, and that was to either don't review indies or review them under an alias.  Either way gives me peace, but by reviewing, other members could benefit from my assessment of the session.  

Posted By: Hpygolky
That makes me wonder how brutal or personal you made that review..for her to go after you.
This assumes far too much:  Vicious blow-back can be triggered by a review that is not at all brutal or personal, but only mildly disappointed.
Reasonable ladies are the norm, yes. But don't assume that unreasonably vicious ones are so rare as to be safely ignored.  
 Most of us have seen examples of full-bitch-mode response to reviews that are not just not as simperingly glowing as the bitch in question feels entitled to demand.  The blow-back extends to rants on other fora, blacklisting, doxxing, and the like.  
I'm almost surprised that CDL trusts the K-girls (actually their bookers) so much.

three or four weeks after seeing them before I submit the review.   Consequently, because Kgirls move around frequently, I have had many reviews that I did not get submitted before their ad link expired, so they are in review purgatory.  If you don't have a live link, the review will not be approved.  Waiting a few weeks has aided me immeasurably in keeping the Kgirls who DO read their reviews unable to connect CDL to a recent session.  At an average of 25-30 customers a week, sessions become a blur for them after a few weeks.  

Yes! You’re on my ignore list because you continue to post on everything even when it does not apply to you. You’re the top TER poster of negativity. Congratulations!

It really is the only sane response to that troll.
Sometimes I wonder whether he's really a 15 year-old boy pranking us from his parents' basement.  
Or perhaps he's just another sad and lonely incel.

to do if you're a lightweight like some of the other posters here.  I always found it surprising that the percentage of guys who are lightweights is higher than with the ladies.  Everyone should know when they are out of their league and likely to be called out on their bullshit.  Smile for me.  

John_Laroche62 reads

who was outed years ago and didn't change his handle, we all use an alias. Some of us use two. Some of us change our alias over the years.
Lot's of reasons. Maybe I gave my main handle to a provider and don't want her to see certain opinions that I express...or I wrote a less than flattering review and don't want other providers blackballing me...or maybe just entertainment value of having multiple personalities on the boards.

Why does a provider cover her face or midsection for that matter, or use glamor shots? Why do clients embellish reviews?  

Personally, I don't care if you can't judge my opinions based on my review history or see my Whitelists. Get over it.

I have an identical twin & respect her, so I have always blurred my face. Privacy issues.

John_Laroche81 reads

Hmmm, Maybe it was Madam Patricia that didn't blur her face back in the day.

You obviously never cared about me, or my twin as humans, so with no empathy allow me to block you. Respectfully. It’s really that simple. We’re all adults. I entered this industry way before my twin, so why would you not respect her privacy? It’s rude, disrespectful & please pm me your true TER handle, so I never waste a moment on you again. Your not my cup of tea.

John_Laroche55 reads

It's you're, not your. And as I have stated in similar terms, you're not my cup of tea either.
No, I won't out myself to you; however I'll make you this deal. If you admit that contrary to your previous post, you have in fact used unblurred pictures to advertise your services, I will refrain from any comments on any of your posts for the entire month of February.  But it has to be in an original, new post, with appropriate subject line.



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-- Modified on 1/31/2024 9:15:36 PM

If you have VIP membership & read my reviews they clearly state who I am. My oldest name is Ms Cenobia. Yes I am her & she is me. I never tried to hide that fun fact. It’s weird you feel the need to bring it up. When I started long ago I did not blur my face, but when I introduced my twin to this industry she wanted to be private, so that’s what I did was respect her privacy. Sorry you don’t appreciate respect, or privacy because you feel the need to think you called someone out. Lame AF. Comment all you want you’re a loser.
No one cares about grammar, who books me. TER trolls are polluting this community with their continued negativity.  

I attended TER meet greets back in 2009 when I was pregnant with my twin. I’ve been here for a long time & you’ve never been a gentlemen that’s a fact. It’s funny you continue to post thinking you’re hurting my business. You’re making real generous men book me because they love a straightforward woman, like me. TER trolls, like you enjoy submissive women. I am naturally dominant. Outside of your keyboard gangsta life your life has no meaning. Pathetic.

-- Modified on 2/22/2024 4:14:28 AM

You are also naturally annoying.  However, admittedly, there ARE a few guys here who like girls who come off kind of butch.  Have you ever stopped to consider that you are the one who brings out the negativity in people here, and then blames it on others?  Calling potential customers that you don't agree with names is getting you nowhere in your ironic quest for civility and softer conversation.  You reap what you sow here.  Angry bitch mode is going to get you negativity from others every time.  Just sayin'.   Then you said this . . . .  

"No one cares about grammar, who books me."

I found this statement both humorous and ironic, so I'm smiling at you.  Lol

For what it's worth, I've found women that are naturally dominant in their day to day lives to be extremely submissive in bed.  
In fact, I'm yet to find an exception to that rule. Probably something to it...

That was an interesting comment.  I never thought about it before, but being a twin and then having twins.  I think that must be kind of rare -- basically because I never heard of that before.  Obviously it can happen, but I'm just thinking it must be pretty uncommon.

LoL I saw that too. And because it said “my twin” and not twins, my mind initially decoded it as she birthed her own twin sister. Which gave my brain the hiccups for a second or so before I realized she had twins, as you said. Unless it was that she and her twin sister were both pregnant at the same time?  Now I’m not sure but it’s none of my business.  

I know she’s not saying she birthed her own twin. That would be… really weird.

I took "... in 2009 when I was pregnant with my twin ..." as:  
"... in 2009 when I and my twin were pregnant at the same time ..."
"I was preggers, my twin was preggers. We were pregnant with each other at the same time in 2009."
and so on.

Posted By: lester_prairie
Re: A twin has twins.
That was an interesting comment.  I never thought about it before, but being a twin and then having twins.  I think that must be kind of rare -- basically because I never heard of that before.  Obviously it can happen, but I'm just thinking it must be pretty uncommon.
"Heredity – a woman is more likely to conceive fraternal twins if she is a fraternal twin, has already had fraternal twins, or has siblings who are fraternal twins. These women are hyper-ovulators and are able to produce more than one egg at a time."

in her posting is any indication, I have to agree with you about "egg" production.  Lol

John_Laroche55 reads

do I really have to point out that you and your twin have duo ads with both your pics? Seriously, why do you continue to deny this?
Yes, that twin, the one you were pregnant with, LOL. So I guess you're right again, grammar doesn't really matter.
Oh, right again. I am a Nihilist, so I readily admit my life has no meaning. Boo hoooo.
Finally, you're welcome. I didn't realize I was helping your business by encouraging simps and white knights to shower you with "tributes." Glad I could help.

But he made no secret of it. If he wanted to signal he was posting as a normal member he used GaGamblersSmarterBrother.
Personally I loved unlimited aliases and had about 200. Most were just for fun. Like RubicsPube and JEdgarHooker.

Another VIP member shared your real name here on TER & I was able to ignore you too. Someone please share Sobaybeachguy’s real handle here & the rest of these negative time wasting trolls on TER.

By that I mean not only that your friend broke TER's rules and you were dumb enough to admit it. But that I even care about being outed. I was outed many years ago and it's had no affect on me whatsoever. It's only fools like you who assume I must.
Do you realize that you are in a serious violation of TER's posting rules when you encourage others to out people here?

I'd be careful about DOXing people here.  It can get you banned.

When they allowed multiple aliases, I also used several (10? NOT 200!) name-puns relevant to the topic of the post / reply. Posts about advertising (photos, sites, etc.) would be from my slightly punned name of a famous ad - marketing guy alias. Posts about economics and finance (file your taxes; get an accountant) were posted using my slightly punned name of a famous economist. And so on.  
Now that you can only use one at a time (for 6 months? 1 year?), I don't bother. I stick to using my real name, impposter.

Posted By: inicky46
Re: Actually, GaGambler did have an alias, even when he was a mod.
But he made no secret of it. If he wanted to signal he was posting as a normal member he used GaGamblersSmarterBrother.  
 Personally I loved unlimited aliases and had about 200. Most were just for fun. Like RubicsPube and JEdgarHooker.

It's sad this one has so little imagination and basic comprehension.
No doubt he'll demonstrate it again in 5....4....3....2.....

Back in the day having crazy aliases was a hoot. I can't remember who had GamblersSmarterBrother. Then there were all the RT based aliases. Remember the Escalade dude?  Funny aliases emerged from his handle too.  

Steph XO

escalade1964: "Your thoughts if any?"

Posted By: MatureGFE
Re: Actually, GaGambler did have an alias, even when he was a mod.
Back in the day having crazy aliases was a hoot. I can't remember who had GamblersSmarterBrother. Then there were all the RT based aliases. Remember the Escalade dude?  Funny aliases emerged from his handle too.  
1964 Cadillac Escalade:

I used to post political rants under my alias because I figured providers were mostly liberal and intolerant of political diversity. But after seeing there were plenty of moderate or even far right providers and many others who were more interested in dollars than politics, I stopped using the alias. I actually established a long term friendship with a MAGA Trumpian provider that's still ongoing. So another reason to dump the alias.

To my knowledge my alias doesn't possess anything.

Well, most of us choose not to advertise are real names here so choose something else as their TER logon. And then some like to add another alias to distance reviews or discussion from that TER logon. If that makes people feel safer why not?

Don't you use something other than your real name for this line of work?

I assume close to no one is using their real name on here. And for providers, using your provider name on here is not what I am talking about. I assume we are all using alias's to some extent. I, personally, don't see a lot of value in hiding behind my already hidden name. My username is not who I am irl. So, yeah, no point for me. And yes, after I post a review, a provider can figure out who I am considering she asked and received my name for verification purposes. But, I consider myself fair. If she provids a good service and is the person in the pictures, she will get high marks. If she does the opposite, she will get lower marks. A few times it made me nervous when a provider got pissed at me, and one even threatened to black list me. Fortunately, I have learned most savy providers can see through someone who tries to ruin my rep for an honest review that she didn't like.

The system here calls it an alias, but of course our main username is an alias as we know it.  
People have reasons to separate the two.  I think providers can be very honest in their opinions if they post under an alias.  Unfortunately the mods here once doxed a provider's alias for her comments.  I thought that was a terrible decision.

UnnamedOne65 reads

an alias is essential or a BSC provider will doxx or out you with the info you used to screen for any perceived slight or in a fit of pique.

Alias' are necessary to protect yourself if you write a review.

Dude: I most definitely am against doxxing, but I saw your unhinged text rant on twitter that got you exposed. I don't think was she did was OK, but you were full on nut ball going off on her. 2 wrongs don't make a right, so take some responsibility. I don't think what you said to her warranted doxxing, but still not OK by any means.

If you have a problem with aliases what about the people with multiple accounts and multiple aliases?  

brownjack56 reads

Apologies for resurrecting a zombie thread.  But, it took me some time to resolve my thoughts on this.

In my reviews, I'm generally transparent.  In a couple of cases, that has resulted in my losing access to a regular because they did not appreciate my review of a session.

But, in my board posts, I want to be able to express my self honestly on any subject.  Or, be transparent regarding previous experiences, controversial opinions and prior poor choices.

Since I'm generally not scheduling a session with a provider to have them validate my opinions or to debate my beliefs, I choose to keep the two personas separate.  I don't need some provider adopting a pre-conceived notion about me ahead of a session.  Or worse yet, refusing to book me, based on an opinion I've expressed on the board or a tale I'd shared about an earlier poor choice.

I have a feeling that there’s agencies trolls who post reviews favoring an agency  then under an alias post a not so favorable review  against its competitors or an Indy girl who happens to infringe in its territory… it’s just a thought.

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