TER General Board

Re: So the two of you find it fun to set up some poor slob for ridicule and disappointment?
mrfisher 108 Reviews 765 reads
1 / 37
WickedBrut 27 Reviews 1764 reads
2 / 37

Let's create a game and see who would play.

Both clients and providers will want to tweak the rules and terms, and the envelope fee might be steep.

Here's the basic format:

Let's give it the working title of The Sorry Charlie Game.

A small group of providers choose a 5-star and book rooms. The size of the group is small but set. I'm thinking 5, 6, 7 women.

A group of men, each with envelopes with the same amount of money in them, apply to play. There has to be one more man in the group than there are women in the the provider group. So if there are 6 providers, 7 potential clients will be screened to play.

The two groups agree to "appear" at a restaurant near the hotel at a certain hour. The men dress to impress and the women wear discreet but attractive street wear. Each sits alone at his or her own table, or maybe a couple of the gals or a couple of the guys share a deuce. They all see each other but don't really interact as a group.

Then they leave and a half hour later all visit an agreed upon open space, like a plaza or gallery--someplace where there aren't going to a lot of crowds. At this point they see each other a second time, so they know who the other players are, but they still don't interact with each other.

Then they all make there way back to the hotel lounge, where the men approach the women discreetly, say hello, and give them their card with the text number circled or clearly indicated.

This done, the women get together, divide up the cards, and decide who is going to see who. They then return to their separate rooms, get ready, and each woman texts her room number to her agreed upon client.

One will be left out (Sorry Charlie), and none of the men will know which woman they are having a session with until they go to the room they are summoned to.

So, 1) Does it sound fun? Would you want to play the game? And 2) Do you trust that this could be played out without drawing unwanted attention and avoiding any kind of a "scene?" And, of course, 3) What changes or stipulations would be required to entice you to participate.

sajer1 13 Reviews 865 reads
3 / 37

Sounds like it could be a lot of fun and very exciting too. You can count me in, just don't call me Charlie.

Posted By: WickedBrut
Let's create a game and see who would play.  
 Both clients and providers will want to tweak the rules and terms, and the envelope fee might be steep.  
 Here's the basic format:  
 Let's give it the working title of The Sorry Charlie Game.  
 A small group of providers choose a 5-star and book rooms. The size of the group is small but set. I'm thinking 5, 6, 7 women.  
 A group of men, each with envelopes with the same amount of money in them, apply to play. There has to be one more man in the group than there are women in the the provider group. So if there are 6 providers, 7 potential clients will be screened to play.  
 The two groups agree to "appear" at a restaurant near the hotel at a certain hour. The men dress to impress and the women wear discreet but attractive street wear. Each sits alone at his or her own table, or maybe a couple of the gals or a couple of the guys share a deuce. They all see each other but don't really interact as a group.  
 Then they leave and a half hour later all visit an agreed upon open space, like a plaza or gallery--someplace where there aren't going to a lot of crowds. At this point they see each other a second time, so they know who the other players are, but they still don't interact with each other.  
 Then they all make there way back to the hotel lounge, where the men approach the women discreetly, say hello, and give them their card with the text number circled or clearly indicated.  
 This done, the women get together, divide up the cards, and decide who is going to see who. They then return to their separate rooms, get ready, and each woman texts her room number to her agreed upon client.  
 One will be left out (Sorry Charlie), and none of the men will know which woman they are having a session with until they go to the room they are summoned to.  
 So, 1) Does it sound fun? Would you want to play the game? And 2) Do you trust that this could be played out without drawing unwanted attention and avoiding any kind of a "scene?" And, of course, 3) What changes or stipulations would be required to entice you to participate.

inicky46 61 Reviews 695 reads
4 / 37

Why go through this charade when, as fish said, I can have a sure thing every day of the week?  Even if you're not "Charlie" you're still wasting an hour or two when you could be fucking.

rrasha88 See my TER Reviews 865 reads
5 / 37

Just go to a M&G and get up a game of musical chairs.

WickedBrut 27 Reviews 619 reads
6 / 37

Well, presumably you'd have their cards and would be free to contact any or all for a future date. Since you are low volume, you could set yourself up for the month! (JK)

inicky46 61 Reviews 730 reads
7 / 37

May I volunteer to be your chair?

-- Modified on 1/7/2015 9:06:57 AM

WickedBrut 27 Reviews 698 reads
8 / 37

It's a diversion, hence the term "game." As a regular MO? No, probably not.

Posted By: inicky46
Why go through this charade when, as fish said, I can have a sure thing every day of the week?  Even if you're not "Charlie" you're still wasting an hour or two when you could be fucking.

WickedBrut 27 Reviews 923 reads
9 / 37

It could be part of a M&G. So you would not opt for spending a sunny afternoon and happy hour that way?

GaGambler 879 reads
10 / 37

and I suppose the "lucky" ones divide up the donation of the unlucky one and go have a party with his money, where most likely they get to talk about how lame/ugly, or perhaps fat or disfigured the loser is. What a bunch of nice people. NOT

I might be a board asshole, but I call people out for their behavior here, NOT their physical appearance, and I don't do it to be cruel. Yours would be quite the cruel game as the poor slob left out most likely would be some poor schmuck who only turned to this hobby as either his only way to interact with a woman, due to social awkwardness, or perhaps even physical disfigurement, or maybe morbid obesity. What ever the reason the loser is the guy not picked, more than likely he's the guy who is never picked. Great job making him feel even worse about himself

I have every confidence I would not end up being "Sorry Charlie" but even the shallow asshole that I am, I am not a cruel person and there is NOTHING about your game that I like. It's cruel, heartless and speaks volumes about your character and the character of anyone who would enjoy this type of game. I don't see a single thing about this game that I like, even the so called winners may or may not end up with the date of their choice, So congratulations, you have come up with a game with no real winners and one that all but guarantees that some poor guy will pay his money only to be left with his dick in his own hand. please don't ever call the "board bullies" mean and heartless again. NONE of us would sink this low.

smallsteps 4 Reviews 705 reads
11 / 37

and that is always a possibility in the back of our minds, some of the time.    

So, perhaps you could amend the game so that Charlie would end up with some type of per-arranged mystery date that none of the participants have seen or met.   She could even be hanging around the group blending into the background with the rest of the "civie" young ladies.   Thus there is another element of surprise involved, and nobody is left out.    You would have to rename it, however to the "Surprise, Charlie Game".

rrasha88 See my TER Reviews 652 reads
12 / 37

It’s a game without challenge or chance. After all the machinations, it’s just the superficially least desirable of the group gets eliminated. The odd man out is likely a foregone conclusion.  At least musical chairs requires luck and a bit of dexterity.

inicky46 61 Reviews 653 reads
13 / 37

It is not so easy to determine the "superficially least desirable of the group."

GaGambler 735 reads
14 / 37

Of course the ladies don't feel that way, otherwise they could never last in this business, but the OP sure seems to think that way, and that's why I called him out for it.

I don't see the least bit of fun in a "game" where the least physically attractive, or most socially awkward, gets singled out for rejection while all the kool kids run off to have sex with each other. Can you honestly think of a game any more cruel, especially considering the "loser" has most likely been rejected his entire life?

WickedBrut 27 Reviews 828 reads
15 / 37

Since ALL of the providers playing would have to blending in, so to speak, instead of hanging around she just might be waiting in the wings until the the other ladies do their random draw or voice their preferences to each other or however they decide who's going to get whom. Then they could tell the mystery woman who Charlie is, and she could move in on him in the lounge. He might be distracted waiting for his phone to go off and wondering who he's going to be with, and as soon as she moves in, the other men would know who Charlie is, but it could be a plus for Charlie, getting picked up at the bar as it were.

The Mystery Woman would have to be a knockout though, not a booby prize. Someone dynamic enough to make the other six men a little envious. Charlie winds up being the real winner, although some of the folk who would want a sure thing might feel that even if Charlie left with his envelope still in his breast pocket he would still be the winner.

For all of the men, including Charlie and the Mystery Woman, there's the thing of winding up with someone not their type. To me, that's part of the adventure. Also, if a man sees someone he's really hot for, there's the option of connecting at a later date. And that goes for Charlie too, of course.

But the idea of the Mystery Woman is terrific! It makes it truly a game of chance without the Russian Roulette aspect that could really be an ego blow to the unlucky Charlie.

WickedBrut 27 Reviews 611 reads
17 / 37

If they shuffle the cards and deal them face down or put them in bag, shake it up and draw, then Charlie would be determined by chance.

OTOH, if they more enjoy talking it over and revealing their preferences to each other, Charlie could end up being the more virile but the least likely to be an easy pop. It depends.

And there's the thing of who thinks who's hoping for who. Maybe the "winners" wind up exploring "types" they never would have considered responding to if they saw their pics in an ad, but find out they can be turned on beyond their expectations by an entirely new experience.

Of course there are downsides. Check out the Mystery Woman aspect discussed below. I like that idea a lot.

aragorn69 53 Reviews 765 reads
18 / 37

Do the same thing, but have equal number of men and women. That way everyone gets to play but you just don't know with whom until the door opens. That sounds le a lot of fun.  

Another variation could be that the ladies don't have the names of the guys but just the text number. The text numbers are drawn from a hat to see who they get. This way the reveal at the door is random for both provider and hobbyist. As long as everyone was cool with seeing anyone in the other group then all should be good and everyone should have a titillating time

WickedBrut 27 Reviews 820 reads
19 / 37

The way the women choose who they're going to select could be a random draw, but that has to be left up to them to decide. The idea of only having the text numbers and not the names might be an improvement if the numbers were provided before the game starts.

Finding the anticipation prior to a session a big part of the ultimate excitement is a value to me. Even when booking a new escort, there's the thing of, Will she be as hot as her pics? Will there be any chemistry? All that stuff. So, strictly from the male POV, there's going to be the factor that he hopes it'll be the woman he considers the Village Venus. Presumably, all of the providers would be confident in their presentation, and none of the men would consider any of them an undesirable date. Maybe wishful thinking on my part, but women who aren't sure they'd be appealing probably wouldn't sign up to play.

The Mystery Woman aspect suggested by SmallSteps would solve the even number thing.

Back to the text numbers only thing--I tried to set up the format so that they wouldn't know much about any of the clients. Just enough to know that the man at the door is one of the screened players and not the hotel dick.

foguete69 38 Reviews 971 reads
20 / 37

a paid escort, companion whatever don't think that way towards the men here.
That is to say find "sport in denying service" to a man.  

Any of them with a brain that is because they know we all have our own reason
for engaging in play for play.  Ive been fortunate to have a relationship or two beyond
the clock and the ladies will tell you that looks do not matter so much

HarryWotton 11 Reviews 428 reads
21 / 37

OK, let's say the mystery woman is the hottest of the bunch and Charlie has the best session of his life.   At the end of the day, Charlie is still left to ruminate about the fact that he was rejected by six women in one day.  Yikes!

foguete69 38 Reviews 658 reads
22 / 37

As long as Ive been around there has been a fascination with how providers view the guys.
Dudes posting about what if the gals did reviews, or do they talk about us, or everyones
favorite dating or being in love with a hooker.

I think a lot of this comes from" how can she have sex with that loser when a bon vivant like, insert your ter name here, should have her.

I don't think the op means harm, just hasn't thought thru why guys have there own reasons for paying for sex...since the beginning of time, I might add.  Women are fascinating creatures and have their own reasons for doing this as well even if the reasons don't make total sense to societal

WickedBrut 27 Reviews 688 reads
23 / 37

When I mentally put myself in Charlie's shoes, I don't think I would be too devastated, but that's me. And it's me sitting at home on the computer, not me sitting in a hotel lounge listening to all the other fellows' phones going off as they check their text messages. I might feel different in that setting.

If I knew that the choices resulted from a blind draw, that would lessen the blow, but the certainty of that would be a bit too much to require of the women.

OTOH, the providers have to deal with that a lot of times. Whenever business slows to a stop, or after a string of wretches who they consider loser duds. And they seldom know much about the stranger who shows up at the door no matter how well screened. I thought maybe a game that shifted some of the uncertainties around would be fun and enlightening, but the male ego is indeed fragile.

But to an extent, isn't it like what the Minnesota Twins feel after 80% of their games? Isn't the fun of completion dependent on someone losing?

The Mystery Woman seemed to solve that, but no matter how desirable, she could still be seen as salve for a fresh wound...which would make for a disappointing session.

Well, that's why questions are asked. The answers are what the answers are. Maybe not such a fun game after all.

HarryWotton 11 Reviews 678 reads
24 / 37

Remember, this sport is supposed to be fun, not something that makes you contemplate which floor you need to go to in order to take "successful" leap.  Lol!      

As for the ladies, thank goodness for them, I don't know how they do it, but thank goodness they do it :)    I respect every lady who works in this arena, it takes some serious balls to do it, I don't think we would be able to handle it, ok, I know we would  not be able to handle it, if the shoe were on the other foot.

aragorn69 53 Reviews 866 reads
25 / 37

It definitely would be fun to play it and to not know which lady was behind door number 1.  

I've always wanted to do a session with a provider that I haven't seen before where neither of us says anything at the beginning. We just start to kiss and get into the action. Kind of like a fantasy of hooking up with a total stranger but in a P4P world.  

The anticipation for both would definitely be part of the rush.

Good post, WB!
Posted By: WickedBrut
The way the women choose who they're going to select could be a random draw, but that has to be left up to them to decide. The idea of only having the text numbers and not the names might be an improvement if the numbers were provided before the game starts.  
 Finding the anticipation prior to a session a big part of the ultimate excitement is a value to me. Even when booking a new escort, there's the thing of, Will she be as hot as her pics? Will there be any chemistry? All that stuff. So, strictly from the male POV, there's going to be the factor that he hopes it'll be the woman he considers the Village Venus. Presumably, all of the providers would be confident in their presentation, and none of the men would consider any of them an undesirable date. Maybe wishful thinking on my part, but women who aren't sure they'd be appealing probably wouldn't sign up to play.  
 The Mystery Woman aspect suggested by SmallSteps would solve the even number thing.  
 Back to the text numbers only thing--I tried to set up the format so that they wouldn't know much about any of the clients. Just enough to know that the man at the door is one of the screened players and not the hotel dick.
-- Modified on 1/7/2015 12:07:32 PM

WickedBrut 27 Reviews 748 reads
26 / 37

How the women decide really has to a collective decision on their part. Doesn't it?

If the limited communication prior to the handing over of cards with no names but only text numbers didn't reveal much about the client, then yes, the element of chance would be decreased but not totally eliminated. Not in a group of six or seven. As I see that scenario playing out, the only element of chance would be that the women or some of them would get confused about who gave who which card and result mostly from faulty memory. She asks her colleagues, "Now, who gave you this card?" Or, "Which card belongs to the guy in the blue jacket?" And maybe she gets the correct answer and maybe not.

Of course, instead of cards, there could just be a list of text numbers and each provider just picks one at random. Is that more what you have in mind

2236707 3 Reviews 624 reads
27 / 37

rather on who they suspect has the most dough and is best prospect for future business.  Seems to me, as opposed to what some other folk mention.  So if I were playing I would deck my paws with lots of gold and diamonds.  Two fake rolex watches.  And a monocle.

WickedBrut 27 Reviews 559 reads
29 / 37
2236707 3 Reviews 463 reads
30 / 37
hey mikey 8 Reviews 844 reads
31 / 37

I would think that a SMALL GTG of 6 ladies and 6 guys at a hotel would be much easier, and more fun, to arrange.  The group could have an hour or so of drinks and small talk, and then have the ladies ( or guys) go to their hotel rooms after depositing a 2nd room key into a bowl.  All of the keys would be identical in appearance, and the 6 left (guys or girls) would then simply grab a key at random and go to the room printed on the key.  The fun would be the excitement of neither knowing who would arrive.  In this scenario, I see no reason for a "Charlie".  (As that is just mean, IMHO.)

The kelly See my TER Reviews 641 reads
32 / 37

without that it sounds like lots of fun

Posted By: aragorn69
Do the same thing, but have equal number of men and women. That way everyone gets to play but you just don't know with whom until the door opens. That sounds le a lot of fun.  
 Another variation could be that the ladies don't have the names of the guys but just the text number. The text numbers are drawn from a hat to see who they get. This way the reveal at the door is random for both provider and hobbyist. As long as everyone was cool with seeing anyone in the other group then all should be good and everyone should have a titillating time

WickedBrut 27 Reviews 842 reads
33 / 37

I can understand that. I did not expect such anyone to foist such pity on Charlie. I don't know if a random draw would tend to favor the otherwise fortunate or the otherwise unfortunate, but I certainly am not skilled at making book.

Posted By: foguete69
As long as Ive been around there has been a fascination with how providers view the guys.  
 Dudes posting about what if the gals did reviews, or do they talk about us, or everyones  
 favorite dating or being in love with a hooker.  
 I think a lot of this comes from" how can she have sex with that loser when a bon vivant like, insert your ter name here, should have her.  
 I don't think the op means harm, just hasn't thought thru why guys have there own reasons for paying for sex...since the beginning of time, I might add.  Women are fascinating creatures and have their own reasons for doing this as well even if the reasons don't make total sense to societal  

Arovet 62 Reviews 820 reads
35 / 37

While each couple is together in their respective rooms they each put one of those little dot stickers, same color, on their keys. Then it's back to cocktails for another hour (easy on the booze fellas, whiskey dick is a buzz kill) and either the girls or guys, out of sight of the opposite sex, again put their keys in a bowl. Hour's up, the guys (or girls) go to the bowl and grab keys that don't match theirs and the fun begins again!

entourage4me 246 Reviews 640 reads
36 / 37

GaGambler I totally agree with you on this.  A game that would single out this poor soul as sorry Charlie is not a game I am interested in.

foguete69 38 Reviews 717 reads
37 / 37

A game of chance is one thing....
but in your original scenario why would anyone play unless they felt reasonably sure they would  
 take their prize.  Short of having input into the providers participating, why would anyone play  
 without reasonable certitude they would be pleased with what/who they drew?  
  your premise. Mr wickedbrut:  
  So, 1) Does it sound fun? Would you want to play the game? And 2) Do you trust that this could be played out without drawing unwanted attention and avoiding any kind of a "scene?" And, of course, 3) What changes or stipulations would be required to entice you to participate.  
 Based on your proposal, it is a ladies choice musical chairs of sorts, with the only skill needed to  
 win is the hope that I or whoever fits into the "attraction type" of the pool of ladies.  Maybe if this were a charity game with a substantially larger pool of woman, I might consider the game, but  
 otherwise, you would find me at the bar where I suspect my chances would be a much better about walking back to my room with the woman of my choosing.

The thing about hobby ing is there is reasonable presumption of a score...lo

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