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Re: SB arrangements have always ended badly for me...
NoTomorrow 34 Reviews 1638 reads
1 / 15

I always have to learn the hard way, mainly because my ego dictates it. I am a forty something man that felt that having a mistress was a great escape. HELL NO. Oh the drama and the continual prodding to see if they could get me.to leave my wife. One was 17 years younger and the other 13 years younger, both started out the same; they loved being the other woman. In the beginning it was all fun and excitement, but as time passed, it all changed to drama. Each lasted about 2 years and both had to be ended.

Thank you TER for giving me a gateway to a more enjoyable, stress free means of having my needs fulfilled...not to mention way more variety.

Sorry if this type of thread has already been posted, but I felt the need to let it out and get it off my chest.

How many others have gone through the same?

Mr.M.Johnson 533 reads
2 / 15

When I was married, I only dated married ladies figuring that they really didn't wanna "fall in love w/me," and start talking 2 divorces.

Now that I'm divorced, I don't date married ladies - I don't want them talking "I'll get divorced so that we can be together."  No thanks!    

My $.02

GioVanna90 348 reads
3 / 15

I love the escape/sex/dating/fantasy ....this is why I joined the hobby world...less drama, no strings, don't even know my real name. It is PERFECT for an escape..this is what makes this hobby valuable.

lopaw 29 Reviews 522 reads
4 / 15

...I remember when I first was toying around with the idea of being a sugar momma. Seemed like a great way to have my cake and eat it to, so to speak (heh heh). But what started out as good fun turned into a "Fatal Attraction" deal. It often happens that in an arrangement like that one side will begin start developing stronger feelings than the other, or the SB will become complacent and begin to take her SM/SD for granted. I gave up on the idea and now stick with renting rather than owning (sorry for that terrible analogy!)

GaGambler 403 reads
5 / 15

I simply consider both SB's and providers "rentals" with hookers being very short term rentals and SB's rentals for a slightly longer period of time.

It's not really them, it's me. I get bored rather easily and the longest I expect an SB/SD "relationship" to last is a few months. Once either I get bored, she gets complacent or the sex just starts getting old, than it's off to the next one.

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 480 reads
6 / 15

for a specific block of time, and all obligation ends when you have paid and walked out the door.

John_Laroche 469 reads
7 / 15

if you're going to have a mistress, make sure she has as much to lose as you do.

As for escorts, I like to think I'm paying not just for her time, but for her discretion.

NoTomorrow 34 Reviews 404 reads
8 / 15

Lesson being...single or married, mistresees dont work! 😅

souls_harbor 437 reads
9 / 15

Much truth to the old saw ... I don't pay them (only) for sex, I pay them to go away.

Mutame 403 reads
10 / 15

Several years ago after ending a 15 year affair, I discovered TER and other hobbying sites. It was as if I had died and gone to heaven. No drama, no more guilt, no emotional attachments, no demands that I leave my wife and family, no more trying to sneak away for vacations, no more catching hell after the holidays for not calling. The hobby made it possible for me to indulge my need to see other women without sacrificing what was otherwise a great marriage. It literally saved my marriage. SB and SA are almost as bad as an affair and equally as risky.

mrfisher 108 Reviews 353 reads
11 / 15
SensualShai See my TER Reviews 397 reads
13 / 15

Each and every single one of them. I never wanted any of them to leave their wives. Why?? I got gifts, money, things taken care of and some sex and then they went home lol. Why f*ck that up????!! I enjoyed the company and the arrangement. I only had one at a time but I remember when one of them had his wife go out of town. He had dinner and went back to his place for fun and a sleep over. I liked the dinners, conversations, hot sex and I loved how just sitting by one made him hard. It make me feel great and I actually started becoming very attracted to married men. As a provider, I went through a phase where seeing a band on a client's finger made me very hot and I gave it to him extra good lol I never set out to ruin a relationship. Please! That's stupid. I saw two crime shows, one where a married man paid for his mistress's home, gym membership and took care of her and she begged him to leave his wife and he ended up killing his wife! He's in jail for the rest of his life. Another married guy wanted to kill his wife because his mistress begged him to and he ended up dead when the hit man killed both him and his wife. The girlfriend went to jail also but this man had bought her a house, two cars, paid for every freaking thing! I mean WTF!!! I would have been the forever grateful mistress with an arrangement like that! I did not have it that good but I just was content being the side piece. I knew my place and what was going on. No issues from me at all. All of them told me they loved me and fell in love with me. I told them I hope that means more sex then lol. :)

KalyEscort 385 reads
14 / 15

Posted By: lopaw
...I remember when I first was toying around with the idea of being a sugar momma. Seemed like a great way to have my cake and eat it to, so to speak (heh heh). But what started out as good fun turned into a "Fatal Attraction" deal. It often happens that in an arrangement like that one side will begin start developing stronger feelings than the other, or the SB will become complacent and begin to take her SM/SD for granted. I gave up on the idea and now stick with renting rather than owning (sorry for that terrible analogy!)
In every relationship where passion and emotions are involved, you know how is starting but never how is finishing.... Shit sometimes happen.

Fancy8888 See my TER Reviews 315 reads
15 / 15

Posted By: NoTomorrow
I always have to learn the hard way, mainly because my ego dictates it. I am a forty something man that felt that having a mistress was a great escape. HELL NO. Oh the drama and the continual prodding to see if they could get me.to leave my wife. One was 17 years younger and the other 13 years younger, both started out the same; they loved being the other woman. In the beginning it was all fun and excitement, but as time passed, it all changed to drama. Each lasted about 2 years and both had to be ended.  
 Thank you TER for giving me a gateway to a more enjoyable, stress free means of having my needs fulfilled...not to mention way more variety.  
 Sorry if this type of thread has already been posted, but I felt the need to let it out and get it off my chest.  
 How many others have gone through the same?

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