TER General Board

Re: People here would be quite surprised to learn I give out
need2vent 393 reads

I'm completely and utterly humbled by your generic response. I'm sharing what bothers me on a F*** board with total strangers because it is important for me to gather information about my business practices and make an informed decision.  I understood that people would not agree with me and took that into consideration beforehand. How accurate would my "survey" be if everyone agreed with me?

-- Modified on 5/6/2016 5:13:28 PM

need2vent1922 reads

I'm posting this under my alias because I need objective feedback here.  To all of you gentlemen who are married or have a significant other,  what type of acquiescence do you expect a provider to have for your situation?  For example, do you truly expect for her to be available and ready at her incall with hair and makeup done within a half hour of your frantic call or email?  I'm not being facetious but I really do believe that some men have that expectation.  I tend to get incensed with such requests and have considered not seeing local men because of this reason.   I'm well aware that this subject may be well trodden on this board but I would like a fresh perspective.

-- Modified on 5/6/2016 2:19:06 PM

JakeFromStateFarm476 reads

But there are a lot of guys who are big babies and think they are entitled to instant gratification.  When they don't get it they act like spoiled children.  It's annoying but you'll find our world attracts lots of neurotic stupid people of both sexes.  They can't get away with acting entitled at work or at home so they do it with you and probably also any service people unlucky enough to deal with them.

We're talking escort service right, not FBSM?

It was poor planning on his part if he didn't schedule a day ahead.
Maybe you should mention on your website that you're not available on short notice to discourage these requests.

Only time I request a same-day is when my planned date cancelled, and I certainly don't get my nose out of shape if I get turned down or no response.

Sincerely understand that your need to vent is a reflection of your desire to provide the best experience for the "gents" that visit you. However, speaking as a wretched (lol) mess of a bad planner myself,  you just have to say no to last minute requests that probably aren't going to work out for the best anyway...  and let the chips fall.

True, you may risk losing a client, on the off chance that he scores a last minute dream date with another provider... but chances are he's either going to end up going home without seeing anyone or he's going to end up seeing a second or third choice at best.  In any case, no use worrying about.  

Hope the rest of the weekend goes better!

need2vent371 reads

I agree!  I was just annoyed at the time of the op because this particular client is a complete nuisance and will NOT take NO for an answer but I have since put him on permanent ignore status!

Senator.Blutarsky434 reads

I would think single guys would be the ones calling for last minute dates... But I could be wrong.  

Also, no need to get incensed about it... I'm sure you get all kinds of BS... You're not going to change the fact that some guys are clueless, insensitive, and narcissistic. Just ignore them and focus your brand on the types of guys you want to entertain.

Not all of us expect you to be available when we call. We may hope for it... but some of us realize you do have a life and aren't waiting around for the phone to ring.

In my experience it is the married guys who want last minute bookings. The "found some free time" aka got off work early before they have to be home. Wife unexpectedly went out for the night. That type of stuff. The single guys don't have those time constraints. I often get stuff like "can you meet me at exactly 4pm because I have to be home by 530 and the hotel is 30 min away from my home". Always cutting it real close. Single guys are easy, they can meet any time in the evening. I'm NOT knocking the married guys with time constraints, I understand why they do it. Just explaining why it happens.  

Posted By: Senator.Blutarsky
I would think single guys would be the ones calling for last minute dates... But I could be wrong.  
 Also, no need to get incensed about it... I'm sure you get all kinds of BS... You're not going to change the fact that some guys are clueless, insensitive, and narcissistic. Just ignore them and focus your brand on the types of guys you want to entertain.  
 Not all of us expect you to be available when we call. We may hope for it... but some of us realize you do have a life and aren't waiting around for the phone to ring.

GaGambler368 reads

Speaking for myself, I book same day all the time, but I don't "expect" every woman to be able to see me on fifteen minutes notice, nor do I even ask for something "within the hour" OTOH, if a lady responds to my same day request and asks me when I want to come see her, often I will respond that I am ready whenever she can fit me it, and "IF" she is available I can come right now.  

I don't see anything demanding or inconsiderate about the way I do business. If she can see me now, that's what we do. If she can't see me for several hours, then that's what we will do. If she can't see me on the same day, well nothing ventured nothing gained, I politely tell her that maybe some other day might work. Nothing to get mad about.

I saw a beautiful young lady this afternoon that I was introduced to by a mutual hooker buddy yesterday. We tentatively said we would try for this evening, I live two hours away and my schedule is tough to predict so we wrote in in "pencil" AAR, I found myself in town several hours earlier that expected, I sent her a text asking if she were free this afternoon and she said she could see me in an hour, so that is exactly what we did. If she had said "no, our plans were for this evening" well I suppose that is what we would have done. See how easy this is amongst reasonable people?

need2vent449 reads

There are just certain behaviors that annoy me more than others and I'm getting better at letting them own it but I just needed to vent,  hence the alias!

Senator.Blutarsky398 reads

I just thought that married guys would have to plan ahead more so than single guys... You want to know what I do when I feel the need to vent? ...I go for a ride. 😎

But why get incensed at all? Many clients, or possible clients, will make unreasonable demands, and that you can't control.

What you can control is how you react to them. If someone says I need to see you in 30 minutes, politely say you can not and then proceed to tell them when you can see them.

If this continues to "incense" you, I would say this business is not for you as you will experience much worse than some impatient men in this line of work.

need2vent423 reads

Thank you for the standard TER response to my post. As mentioned above there are certain behaviors that annoy me more than others and I was just venting. Does anything that anyone else does that you can't control or change annoy you in business or in life in general?  If not it must be nice to be on such a high plane of self-actualization!

Skyfyre383 reads

You just re-enforced to the board what type of personality you have. Many providers seem to forget that this business they are in is a "Customer Service" business. As such you should have good tolerant, thick skin and be prepared to handle all types of customers.

Those of us who hates dealing with the hassle of the public work in field such as computer programming, accounting, mechanic etc... where we rather deal with machines and numbers.

IMO half hour maybe cutting it a little close but you should be able to get yourself prepared and ready within one hour. Unless you are so busy with scheduling then you should state that on your ad and simply politely decline appointments that you can't do.  

What I read between the lines is that you maybe incensed more likely because you may have to turn down cold hard cash have the damn client done what you wanted him to do in the first place

need2vent405 reads

Thank you for presuming to know me.  It's all good I appreciate a little banter under the anonymity of an alias and I did anticipate a fair amount of criticism and for people to actually tell me that I should stay ready to be at their beck and call.  To respond to that last line, not all money is good money, especially when it dictates your life

None of the members who have responded have faulted you for not accepting last-minute requests.  We all agree that last-minute requests are hit-or-miss at best, and sometimes rude and unreasonable.

BUT, don't let it bother you -- you can't control other people, so why would you spend any precious sanity working yourself into a state where you "need to vent".

need2vent329 reads

I can sometimes let petty annoyances bother me based on my expectations of others, that's why I needed to vent....yesterday.  Today I went to a pole dancing class and had a F****** BLAST!!!  I'm in total COUGAR on the prowl mode today!!

Any other absurd generalizations you want to through out there or are you exhausted from just that one? LOL

Things do annoy me in business and life in general but I don't feel the need to vent to total strangers about it on a fk board.  

Now, next time you ask for a "fresh perspective" on this board, please make sure add it in to your thread that you really didn't mean it and you just wanted everyone to agree with your childish and petty rant. LOL

need2vent394 reads

I'm completely and utterly humbled by your generic response. I'm sharing what bothers me on a F*** board with total strangers because it is important for me to gather information about my business practices and make an informed decision.  I understood that people would not agree with me and took that into consideration beforehand. How accurate would my "survey" be if everyone agreed with me?

-- Modified on 5/6/2016 5:13:28 PM

need2vent333 reads

Let me try this again.  I'm sharing what bothers me on a fk board with total strangers because it is important for me to gather information about my business practices and make an informed decision.  I understood that people would not agree with me and took that into consideration beforehand. How accurate would my "survey" be if everyone agreed with me

Why else would you feel the need to be snarky in your replies to several here and salivate all over the one person who seems to agree with your point?

Be honest. You weren't looking for a "fresh perspective" or to make changes to your "business practices." You wanted to bitch about a few dudes who want you ready in 30 minutes.

Sadly, that wasn't the only fly in the ointment as you then made the stunning leap in logic to think about not seeing any "local" guys on account of a few impatient johns. Not exactly good business instincts.  

Finally, if acting professional is too much for you by asking the guys to make an appointment at a time that is more convenient and doable for you, then just do what many others do with those type requests....just hit "delete."

Now THAT is a fresh perspective for ya. LOL

need2vent340 reads

Yes, fellow TER alias user,  I TOTALLY need validation from nameless people that I will probably never meet.  You are no fun to engage with because you keep stating the same point over and over again.  Boring.  Lastly, why do you care that I complain about people who have nothing to do with you unless of course the subject hits too close to home

NoYellowEnvelope411 reads

(That was for your 2nd question.). And it seems you already know how to deal with this kind of behavior

within 10 minutes of my bekoning call with her legs spread and wet as a geiser.

So yes I guess I do expect it! I never get it but one can always dream lol.

By the way what does being hooked up have to do with it all guys want it when thet want it have you not learned that by now?

If a hobbyist (especially a local, like you mentioned) has an interest in a short notice rendezvous with me, to submit his information to be pre-screened.  Then if I'm available and able to accommodate his short notice rendezvous request, his chance of being with me is much greater.

You know what airlines do for last minute bookings -- charge a premium

need2vent352 reads

LOL awesome!  Money talks and BS walks right!!

Just don't start charging baggage fees!

Also, if you want to decline a last minute request, how would they know if you are busy or not. Just say you have previous commitments.  What can they say?

You have a better chance to be upgraded
1. Travel at quiet times
2. Spend lots of money
4. Be early for your flight
5. Supersize yourself ( while airline would upgrade oversize passengers - so there some advices to gain some weight .. yet I would say - surprise yourself and loose may be just 10 pounds- you would see then that even your dick become bigger ( may be because you can see it now)  
6.11. Be nice
7. 12. Dress up
8. 13. Use your charms
9 Be loyal to your airline:)
( last one would give you so many upgrades within out hobby)

 And finally… should you ever come out and ask for an upgrade? There's plenty of disagreement on this one
If even some airlines can satisfy your requests  so there is just MUST TO DO in this hobby  if you want truly th best
I still can not forget post of one gentlemen - he  did share how his ATF raised her rates and he stopped to see her - then in few years he told her WHY he stopped visit her and her answer was - Why you did not asked me?

Yes, really why?

-- Modified on 5/6/2016 9:22:11 PM

but it boils down to are you available or not?  If you are not "On Duty" then just turn your phone off.  If you want to only do booking for the following day or beyond, just say so.  No reason to be nasty.  
Maybe you can book with a certain minimum amount of notice...  2 hours or 4 hours?  If you have availability on your dance card.  It's your business, you set the rules.  

I try to have a bucket list of gals I want to see...  and I try to avoid touring gals BECAUSE I want a better chance of finding them when I do get time available...  maybe a day or a half day notice.

I am in this hobby for my own pleasure - I always have been.

My theory, and I could be proven wrong, of course, is that the best evenings are those that are planned well ahead of time. I enjoy feeling the anticipation of looking forward to meeting a provider some days in advance. I would assume that the provider is feeling a similar anticipation (I can dream, can't I?)

I can honestly say that I have never seen a provider without at least three or four days notice. It takes two people to have really great sex, and we are all so busy nowadays that a few days notice has to be a given.  

The last thing I would do is to ask a provider to be ready on a moment's notice. No way she can give her best in that situation. And the selfish part of me wants a provider to give her best.

Posted By: HerrZunge
I am in this hobby for my own pleasure - I always have been.  
 My theory, and I could be proven wrong, of course, is that the best evenings are those that are planned well ahead of time. I enjoy feeling the anticipation of looking forward to meeting a provider some days in advance. I would assume that the provider is feeling a similar anticipation (I can dream, can't I?)  
 I can honestly say that I have never seen a provider without at least three or four days notice. It takes two people to have really great sex, and we are all so busy nowadays that a few days notice has to be a given.  
 The last thing I would do is to ask a provider to be ready on a moment's notice. No way she can give her best in that situation. And the selfish part of me wants a provider to give her best.

I agree with you about that last part. Maybe it's just me but as a provider I am at my best when I have adequate  time to mentally & physically prepare. Take a nice shower, wash my long hair, shave and moisturize everything, dress with ease and not rush. Sure, on demand I can jump in the shower and wash my body, throw on clothes, and meet a guy in a hurry but I surely won't be at my best. I want to give my best.  

Posted By: HerrZunge
I am in this hobby for my own pleasure - I always have been.  
 My theory, and I could be proven wrong, of course, is that the best evenings are those that are planned well ahead of time. I enjoy feeling the anticipation of looking forward to meeting a provider some days in advance. I would assume that the provider is feeling a similar anticipation (I can dream, can't I?)  
 I can honestly say that I have never seen a provider without at least three or four days notice. It takes two people to have really great sex, and we are all so busy nowadays that a few days notice has to be a given.  
 The last thing I would do is to ask a provider to be ready on a moment's notice. No way she can give her best in that situation. And the selfish part of me wants a provider to give her best.

pussy on demand. If I wanted to wait or schedule it I would have a girlfriend or wife. If you post an ad shouldn't you be ready? For MY convenience I usually schedule in advance but sometimes I want it now. If you can't accommodate me I will find somebody who can.

need2vent366 reads

Fair enough, I want a lot of things immediately and as advertised but most of the time that's not pragmatic or realistic and you're right....if I want it now I'll search until I get it if at all possible!!! ;)

Posted By: balljointnut
pussy on demand. If I wanted to wait or schedule it I would have a girlfriend or wife. If you post an ad shouldn't you be ready? For MY convenience I usually schedule in advance but sometimes I want it now. If you can't accommodate me I will find somebody who can.

Some of us are single dads too. Just saying. I frequented a lovely woman in my town. I would text her and ask if she could meet same day. We would go back and forth on agreed time. The guy has to be flexible too, not jst the lady. Usually she made it work, but maybe we pushed back the appointment or sometimes we scheduled for another day. I would suggest a time but always said, "if this is not good for you I understand."  

Here is the odd thing, eventually I started planning visits 5,7 even 14 days out trying to be more courteous and it was on those visits where she would run the latest or push back the time even more. It was strange, but to me she was always worth the wait. Maybe I am foolish, I once waited 90-120 minutes for her.  

We have not spoken in a few months. God I miss seeing her.  

Many ladies do prefer at least 24 hour notice which I will honor.
Peace all!!!!

Posted By: expertiamator
Well that was rude Mr Anonymous..me thinks youre the beatch..

Roughly half the girls on BP here will not set appts too far ahead of time. Next day, next week, you must be kidding. They say text when you are ready to see me. Then its a mad rush to get there within the hour before the next one is ready to go through the turnstiles.  

If you are lower volume and higher end than I can see why you would find it uncool for a guy to want to be there in 30 mics.  

That being said I agree with the OP it is unreasonable for a guy to expect someone to be all made up and good to go on a moments notice. The guys that expect that are most likely just hoping. Don't worry about it. Screw em, not literally, okay literally but the next day of course. Hooker service can't be like the drive through at Burger King

It happens the other way. I'm sure it's just them wanting cash. But for whatever reason, some of my regulars will even shoot me a text during the day along the lines of "free tonight?"  

Which is not 30 min notice but it sure is same day. And I'll make same day requests also. Like the "pre-screening" comment indicated, it's easier to get dates on shortened notice when there's an established relationshop.

For some men the chosen lady being fully dolled up is part of what they find appealing.  The way the wife or the girlfriend has gotten from their perspective "lazy" about as they became comfortable in their relationships.  I agree that business is business so it may not be a bad idea to be ready during your open hours.  

Personally I really do like the fresh showered, no make up look- true GFE, folks!  Nothing is sexier than a person- man or lady- who feels comfortable in their skin.

is a waste of time. All I want is naked and horny. Still wet from the shower is nice too. Did I mention horny ? Even with those simplistic requirements I still tend to schedule a week out. The only time I've done same day is when someone's rent is due and I get the "I'm horny" e-mail.

It's more a hope than an expectation.  A reasonable person will not be offended if you turn down a last minute request. They know it's a bit unreasonable but they're hopeing it works out.  

Posted By: need2vent
I'm posting this under my alias because I need objective feedback here.  To all of you gentlemen who are married or have a significant other,  what type of acquiescence do you expect a provider to have for your situation?  For example, do you truly expect for her to be available and ready at her incall with hair and makeup done within a half hour of your frantic call or email?  I'm not being facetious but I really do believe that some men have that expectation.  I tend to get incensed with such requests and have considered not seeing local men because of this reason.   I'm well aware that this subject may be well trodden on this board but I would like a fresh perspective.  

-- Modified on 5/6/2016 2:19:06 PM

I've used an ISO post.  It really is quite convenient, and it works.  

Normally, I plan a week or more in advance, because for me it is usually about the woman and not just about getting my rocks off.

LasVegan361 reads

of people in this world;

1)  people who make things happen

2)  people who watch things happen


3)  people who wonder what happened

I ALWAYS preplan my appointments with a provider.  Shows consideration for them, improves our chances of connecting AND


I don't see the harm in asking... If a provider can't take a short notice appointment, they can just say no. Not a big deal...right? Better to be up front with expectations.

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