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Re: Ouch! Prostate treatment malfunctions, man loses penis, gets $13 Million
ierotina 13 Reviews 10671 reads

All that dough and no way to enjoy it - now that's an OUCH!

2sense9771 reads

This is really depressing, if for no other reason than Vanderbilt has a good reputation.

Monet8486 reads

I heard this story on Howard Stern yesterday. 13 Million seems awfully low. I mean, I'm a girl and I say "OUCH"!!!

G210248 reads

about this.  Especially since my father had a "botched" prostate surgery at a prominent facility and got nothing for it except a lifetime supply of Depends and memories of his former sex life.  He still has his member, but it isn't good for anything except writing his name in the snow.  The sad part is that this happens to tens or hundreds of thousands of men every year even using the "latest" techniques (JP any statistics?) and nobody even talks about it.  No charity walks, no Hollywood fund raisers, no politically correct enraged actresses on the news- just a bunch of men wearing diapers that used to have some dignity.  You can't appreciate the scope of the problem until you get call from a man who survived D-day and some of the worst battles in WWII and hear him cry for the time in his life as he describes what the doctors did to him and what his life has now become.   Compared to what most men get, $13 million doesn't sound too bad.  So I guess the Romans were right when they said "Eat, drink and be merry," because tomorrow you may be pissing down your leg in a restaurant and not realize it.--modified by G2 at Wed, May 16, 2001, 23:17:32--modified by G2 at Wed, May 16, 2001, 23:24:07

Nicole Of So Cal8265 reads

Have wondered lately about the possible consequences and frequency of occurences  of this type with vasectomies. I see a gent who has had a vasectomy and was told of the possible loss of vascularity (hence, the simple matter of physics;( what goes up, must come down) would not be working on him if the operation affected in this way. He was one of the fortunates and drive and vascularization to his "prime property" is working quite well, nay, exceptionally well!However, it made me wonder how often this occurs. Would seem like it must be low statistically and dependent on skill of Dr. Well, sir, you can not only not have any babies anymore but now you will have to allow your wife some dalliances on the side...(Dr. speaking to patient post op)Naughtiest Nicole xxx

JP8550 reads

G2,The data on the downsides of TURP or TUMT or some other type of Transurethral resection is pretty thin but I will keep looking. But the numbers tossed out at conferences are between 6-10% of men will have post operative (1-9 months) incontinence and about 60-70 of those being permanent after one year or more.As to impotency or ED as the phrase of fashion is today.  Again not good, 35-70% will have some form of chronic (continuing) ED after surgery and almost 96% showing some form of ED 6-9 months post op.I assume that the data is sketching for several reasons but one of the biggest is that any problems especially major ones get closed out of the data by the legal agreements.  Two the research dollars are not there as you have noted but that is improving as the boomer men get older they will want to see more results.  And three the generations before the boomers just would not talk about it if there were problems.  That is the generation of “Stop your whining and do your job” and in many ways because of that the result is we have a free world with the greatest advances in the human condition we have ever seen.Sorry about the last comment just a big issue with me.  (Editor’s note JP is not part of the War Generation and is either the very last of the boomers are the first of the X depends on how you draw the line)Wish I had better news.--JP

G28627 reads

Your observation is absolutely correct re. the mindset of the GI genertion contributing to the problem.  Suffering in silence isn't a virtue in a media driven economy.  Similarly, not having a "pretty face" to champion your cause makes it difficult to mobilize support.  Research dollars flow from media visibility (regretably).  As I stated with some sarcasm, we all love breasts, they're beautiful and occupy our thoughts continuously.  But what actor or actress wants to be the spokemodel for the invisible little gland you can only reach by a trip up your anus?  They're having trouble casting for that part.You're also right that the aging Boomers are going to demand more, and hopefully it will become available.  But as someone who now knows he may be genetically predisposed toward the same fate, I found it a sobering thought to learn what the current "state of the art" really is.I'm almost convinced that the only value in early detection is to let you know how much time you have left to enjoy before you finally take the Sig Sauer out of the drawer.  This is why the debate continues over whether you're better off letting it run its course in some cases.  Hopefully, as you say, the odds may improve in the future to the point where the treatment isn't worse than the disease. --modified by G2 at Thu, May 17, 2001, 09:57:27

JP8735 reads

G2,The timeliness of this topic is uncanny having just spent lunch with a friend of mine who is a Urologist and a visiting fellow at NIH.  The topic came up and it is thought and I agree with him that strides made in the past 10 years will continue and we will see significant gains made in immunological based treatments and TURP type treatments so I think there is a lot of progress yet to be made.As to the early detection, you have touched a huge issue in the medical community that in particular applies to Prostate CA.  The issued is best summed up by an MD from Sloan Keterring (I have forgotten his name)but the quote is --"Is cure possible in those who need it and is cure necessary in those for whom is possible" ---But as I said I think the good news is that we are making huge gains of course we are starting from a low point but hey I will take them anyway it comes.--JP--modified by JP at Fri, May 25, 2001, 10:51:55

As a boomer and the son of a WWII Fighter Pilot , let me tell you what happened to my Dad in his last days. He had colon & prostate cancer and was the prime example of JP's comment about shut up and be a man type behavior. When he started going thru chemo and eventually radiation therapys. His radiologist pointed so much radiation at his gonads that they swelled up to the size of grapefruits. Shortly thereafter the ER nurse that was looking at the damage (burns & swelling) told my Mom "hope you get a lot of money from whoever did that". He died about 2 months later. The big problem is one day my dad confided in me in a way I had never seen before that; he told me he knew something was wrong with him for over a year before he saw a Doc. He said at his age if you go to a hospital you don't come out. When he was a growing up that was probably the case.I have worked on several projects where I produce promotional materials for different health care providers. One of the common problems is men do not seek regular check ups. They go in when there is a big problem that would be much easier to prevent than cure. I also am guilty of this syndrome. As much attention that has been paid recently to womens health issues I still think that much of what has been said here in this thread is very on point about the lack of attention paid to the very common men only diseases.

I guess it's a damned good thing he was satified with the settlement...sounds like the last chance he'll have at satisfaction.  "Ouch?"---Geez, what an understatement!!! $13 million...mine's worth far more than that (I know, I know..no need to flame--I meant more to ME)  Of course should I live to such a ripe ond age that the only workable function it has left is that of a plumbing apparatus.....Hmmmm--don't really want to continue that line of thought.

Dobson7778 reads

The company should not have settled.  I don't think the plaintiff's evidence would have stood up in court.Dobson

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