TER General Board

Re: Once I loaned money to someone I like, I never saw her again because she doesn't want to
earthshined 384 reads

that was theft not a loan or a gift

Two of my favorites have recently reached out for help (the usual, rent, behind bills, etc.). I have said no to them politely as I generally do not give out loans. They were a bit pushy, but gave up once I stood my ground.

After their requests, I feel awkward scheduling with them and have not reached out.

So if your favorites ask for money, how do you guys handle it without the "awkwardness" that comes with it. Have you guys paid in advance in lieu of a future visit?

Posted By: vjlovesbj
Two of my favorites have recently reached out for help (the usual, rent, behind bills, etc.). I have said no to them politely as I generally do not give out loans. They were a bit pushy, but gave up once I stood my ground.  
 After their requests, I feel awkward scheduling with them and have not reached out.  
 So if your favorites ask for money, how do you guys handle it without the "awkwardness" that comes with it. Have you guys paid in advance in lieu of a future visit?

at least be somewhat prepared to not get repaid.
I'm not justifying it but it happens IRL too. Probably  
even more often.  

Sometime you help someone and don't care if you  
get your money back. That's why it's called help.

ROGM296 reads

Posted By: nothrofboston
at least be somewhat prepared to not get repaid.  
 I'm not justifying it but it happens IRL too. Probably  
 even more often.  
 Sometime you help someone and don't care if you  
 get your money back. That's why it's called help.
AGREED!!!!!! I never expect to get paid back the money I give to my favorite provider. Or expect a discount or freebie on our next play date. She's so cute. How can I say No to her?

JakeFromStateFarm494 reads

Can you even get a car for $1500 these days?  Not one I'd want to ride in.  So how do you get around?

there's not such thing as a $1500 car, only a $1500 car repair.  

GaGambler658 reads

and believe it or not, a couple of times it worked out just fine.

In one case we started kind of an "arrangement" more like an SD/SB relationship instead of a hooker/john relationship. In exchange for having me to "go to" when in need, she started staying the entire night with me for less than twice what I previously paid her for an hour.  

We lived in separate towns, I lived in Atlanta, she lived in Biloxi, but this was during my casino days and I was spending at least 3-4 nights a month down there.

Now would I recommend doing this? No I would not, but if you do, do so with the same mindset that you should have whenever loaning money to ANYONE. Mentally write off the money as the chances are excellent that you will never see it again.

Posted By: GaGambler
and believe it or not, a couple of times it worked out just fine.  
 In one case we started kind of an "arrangement" more like an SD/SB relationship instead of a hooker/john relationship. In exchange for having me to "go to" when in need, she started staying the entire night with me for less than twice what I previously paid her for an hour.  
 We lived in separate towns, I lived in Atlanta, she lived in Biloxi, but this was during my casino days and I was spending at least 3-4 nights a month down there.  
 Now would I recommend doing this? No I would not, but if you do, do so with the same mindset that you should have whenever loaning money to ANYONE. Mentally write off the money as the chances are excellent that you will never see it again.
Good point write off money as the chance are excellent that you will never see it again.Professionals asking clients for loans - money

-- Modified on 3/10/2017 7:56:56 AM

A provider I'd seen multiple times (she's no longer listed on TER, so don't try to figure out who) had to cancel on me a few hours before our meeting. She also asked if she could borrow some money, as her problems had kept her from working. I didn't want to agree to a loan, as I suspected it wouldn't be repaid, so I said I'd give her an advance on our next meeting. (I know: what's the difference).

She came to the parking lot of my hotel. She pulled up in her brand new 700-series BMW. She was dressed to the nines, in a tight knit dress, push-up bra, false eyelashes, eye shadow...the whole nine yards. It was obvious to me that she was going to meet with someone, and that I'd been bumped for a better offer.  

I didn't give her the money.  

GaGambler358 reads

I think you "almost" made a huge mistake, but came to your senses before actually going through with it.

BTW good for you for not letting the little head win. I turn down 99% of the requests for loans, but I have been at this for quite some time, and even at 1% that does mean I have done some dumb things from time to time.

Actually thinking back on all the people I have loaned money to over the years, hookers have about as good a track record with me as any other group of people. I remember loaning one lady a few grand to help her furnish her incall, She paid be back every penny a few months later, with interest. One thing about her however is that I was not a client, we were simply friends, very good friends I might add.

ROGM480 reads

I've helped out two of my favorite girls in the past. Nothing crazy. Just a few things like food and other needed things. One needed help with rent. So I drove to her location and gave her the money. She treats me so well when we play I don't mind helping her out. The next time we did play she said I didn't owe her anything for the rent money I gave her. She was so sweet not charging me for our playtime. I paid her and she gave me a discount off her regular rate. Do I expect a discounted or free playtime when I give her money? Absolutely NOT. I always pay her. She's such a sweetheart. I don't mind helping her out from time to time.

in the back of my mind  I have to entertain the possibility that she MIGHT be playing me.  She said it was for IRS quarterly tax bill.

I don't know about you but , for me, it was only  because I have known her for so long. It's not something  I would do if I'd only seen her twice.

Posted By: ROGM
I've helped out two of my favorite girls in the past. Nothing crazy. Just a few things like food and other needed things. One needed help with rent. So I drove to her location and gave her the money. She treats me so well when we play I don't mind helping her out. The next time we did play she said I didn't owe her anything for the rent money I gave her. She was so sweet not charging me for our playtime. I paid her and she gave me a discount off her regular rate. Do I expect a discounted or free playtime when I give her money? Absolutely NOT. I always pay her. She's such a sweetheart. I don't mind helping her out from time to time.

...they wouldn't be my fave's anymore and I would no longer seek out any more playdates with them.

A separate bank account for your penis. When left in charge, penis' notoriously make bad decisions. If a hooker asks for money, tell her your penis has his own money, so she will have to convince him. This part might be fun. At the end of the day, whatever your penis decides to do with his own money is on him, and you don't have to end up looking foolish by being involved.

And usually move on to another escort once they ask. I'm lucky as I have lots of choices.

Posted By: vjlovesbj
Two of my favorites have recently reached out for help (the usual, rent, behind bills, etc.). I have said no to them politely as I generally do not give out loans. They were a bit pushy, but gave up once I stood my ground.  
 After their requests, I feel awkward scheduling with them and have not reached out.  
 So if your favorites ask for money, how do you guys handle it without the "awkwardness" that comes with it. Have you guys paid in advance in lieu of a future visit?

In my opinion asking a client for a loan is bad business.There is always a chance if you loan money you do not hear from the person again.You don't want to be the guy posting a thread here later saying you loaned money to a provider and was suppose to see her later for an appt or appts in lieu of the loan an never heard from her again.
She would have been better off sending an email or a pm and offering an incentive if she was in need of money.
I have had guys pay in advance for future appts but these are guys that I have been seeing for quite some time and they offered to pre-pay.Or in a few cases if a guy is requesting me to travel to him.
Not because I asked them for my donation in advance I never do.

souls_harbor415 reads

I can't say whether to do it or not, you'd have to look into your own charitable heart.

However I do agree with the advice that you do so with the understanding it is unlikely you will ever get the money back.    I hate to say it, but a lot of the ladies in this business are in it because they aren't good with money.  They're never going to get out of the hole, so your donation has little chance of getting paid back.

So I would really only give the money as an advance on future services.   Now all you need from them is time rather than cash back.  If they are honorable, you'll get your time repaid.  If they are not honorable, you'd lose anyway.

As.Good.as.It.Gets554 reads

return the money so she avoided all contact. If you loaned them money then you may end up in the same shoes as I and never able to see them again. I bet if you reach out now. They will be willing to see you. They need the money, right? :)

ROGM455 reads

I don't expect to get my money back. I get that. If she needs money for daily things like food, gas, or rent I don't  mind giving her money. Like I stated in my previous post she wasn't going to charge me the next time we played. I paid her. But she took 100 off her regular rate. I was going to pay her in full. But she insisted I keep 100. There are a few providers that are honest enough to pay back clients that advance them money. I'm lucky to have one.

DampkringDarling436 reads

I don't get it! AND...it's so unprofessional. Tacky. Maybe it's a drug or gambling habit...or they're not in demand? Or just greedy and scamming for money? I'm primarily a low volume massage provider and on average, I pull in $400-800/day, if I couldn't figure out how to pay my bills with that income, I'd have to be an idiot. And I certainly wouldn't deserve help.

When your income varies from month to month and you spend thinking you will just make more and you don't then it's easy to go broke quick....Everyone knows it takes money to make money even in this profession so it's easy to become broke and then have no way to make more.  I know it as I've been there and I suspect many of us have so I've learned to always have money set aside for the expenses that come with this business along with a savings.  A few times I've had to borrow from a friend and paid him back with interest but I would never dream of asking a client as it's just really unprofessional and sends the message that your demand is low regardless of the circumstances.  I could see how others would ask whether they have a drug habit or not but I would have too much pride.

You don't lend money, and they don't fuck their customers.

But, on the other hand, I have loaned money to gals.  Most of the time I do get it back in trade, but I've been stiffed a few times also.  

On the whole, I think it was a good idea.

ROGM353 reads

You can't take money with you when you die. Might as well spend it and help others along the way. If giving a favorite provider money helps her out, then it will put you in her good graces.

Posted By: ROGM
You can't take money with you when you die. Might as well spend it and help others along the way. If giving a favorite provider money helps her out, then it will put you in her good graces.
No can't take money with you when you die.But everyones has to busted asses everyday to make money to survive in life.Paid professionals don't have gurantee paid hours.That's why all levels pros busting asses everyday.

ROGM302 reads

Posted By: Fancy8888
Posted By: ROGM
You can't take money with you when you die. Might as well spend it and help others along the way. If giving a favorite provider money helps her out, then it will put you in her good graces.
No can't take money with you when you die.But everyones has to busted asses everyday to make money to survive in life.Paid professionals don't have gurantee paid hours.That's why all levels pros busting asses everyday.

I agree. When my favorite girl needs help I help her out. She was so sweet wanting to pay me back on our next meeting by not charging me. I wouldn't feel right getting pay back session from her. I paid her full rate. Then she gave me back 100. She's so darn Adorable.  

First I think it's tacky that these providers asked you for money in the first place.  But you say they actually got pushy with you when you said no?  That's really insulting.  

I can't imagine asking my clients for financial aid.  Recently I was offered assistance in a time of hardship and I turned it down.  Although I did really appreciate the offer, I just don't want to be in the situation of owing a friend or lover.

NewYork_NewYork399 reads

because you will not be paid back.

Banks lend money to people based on their lack of need. Not their need to borrow. If they need a loan, they're not able to pay back the money. If they don't need the loan, then they can pay you back. If they didn't need it, they wouldn't be asking you.

Likely, you won't be seeing that money again. If you don't feel comfortable with it, I say find another provider. This won't hurt the providers "in need" in any way. The reason I say this is, it's a good lesson on what not to do if you want to keep long-term clientele.

Asking for loans from a client is not a good idea, and a sure fire way to put a wedge in-between the two.

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