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On piercing of clits and other organs built for pleasure...
greatrush 3 Reviews 1281 reads

The earlier thread by SINSOFLESH reminded me today that I just experienced my second pierced clit during these travels now going on for me since 2002... Is this a fad, trend, or the shape of things to come...? While not new, do women (men) really do this to enhance the various act(s)? What's your take and what have you learned in the context of the hobby?

I love when a girl has a vaginal piercing. Especially during oral, it's fun to play with, with your tongue.

I used to have my nipples pierced, it made them super sensitive.  But they got infected in a pool a couple of years ago and I haven't tried again.

So like they say - try it, you might like it!

TS Jamie :-)

I have encountered very few girls to get pierced like that in the "hobby," but I have civvie friends who have nipple piercings and hood piercings. I also have guy friends who have taken the plunge and gotten the full prince albert piercing. Hell, I have a tongue piercing.

I wouldn't look at it as a sign of things to come in the hobby- to each their own, but genital piercings require a lot of care and maintenance and they're not for everyone. Some people (myself included) would rather not have a needle pierce such a sensitive area.


I recently took out my nipple ring and hood piercing. The hood one can be taken out and put back anytime but since I have taken it out I feel alot more feeling in that region. I did have several compliments on both and some didn't like at all however I gained a tremendious amount of feeling back in both when I removed them.  which is supposed to be the opposite.  SO I am left with some tasteful tats and a pierced nose which I will keep forever cause I love it. I do have my tongue pierced but rarely ever wear it I don't like eating or talking with it in. I do see alot of sites with girls having thier clits and hoods pierced and in all honesty when I did it I really did it for looks alone nothing else.  The nice thing about piercings you can take them out anytime if you decide you don't want and if a client doesn';t care for it take it out it can usually be put back in unless it's fairly new

and she attributed that to them having been previously pierced... but she took the piercing out.  she commented that her sensitivity prior to the piercing was normal... but now... just too sensitive.

I have had my nipples pierced for more than 8 years now. First let me say that the stereotype that my nipples stay hard because of the pieccings is false. They go soft or hard depending on stimulation just like any other nipple. However, they often appeared to be hard because when wearing a shirt that forms to the breast, the rings were sometimes visible (LOVE to catch a guy staring at what he thought were my high beams!)

A few months ago, I took my rings out for good. What prompted this was one too guy too many who assumed that having pierced nipples meant that I like rough play. I seriously thought he bit my nipple off. When I yelled at him, he gave me the wide eyed look of surprise and said "I figured you would like that" (urge to kill). So the rings finally had to go.

I have discovered that my nipples now get ALOT more attention (apparently alot of guys did feel that they got in the way, but were too polite to ask me to remove them). Since I love to have my nipples sucked on and played with, this has been a huge bonus. I have also discovered that yes, they are MUCH more sensitive and responsive now. I'm not entirely certain the greater sensitivity is due to having had them pierced, but it really doesn't matter to me. When a man teases my nipple now with the tip of his tongue before pulling it into his mouth, I just about go to pieces - heaven!

So taking out the piercings has been a win-win-win situation. I just wish I'd done it years ago! I miss the comments, and I do still think my rings look sexy, but I'll take the extra and very much enjoyed attention to my little rosebuds any day :)

and also wonder if the same would be true for clit piercings (that in some women, the clit would become more sensitive when the piercing is removed!?).

I'm an old fart, and I hate piercings and tats aesthetically.

However, I have had a few bad experiences with piercings.

I booked with a provider I had seen previously and was dismayed to discover she had had her nipples pierced. However, I decided not to make an issue of it and continue the appointment. She noticed that I was avoiding her nipples and encouraged me to pay them my normal attention. "It won't hurt me," she added.

But it DID hurt her, which further ruined the moment for both of us, shortening the session and causing me to not call her again.

My other bad experience was with a woman who had a pieced clit. While boffing, she stiffened a few times and said "Ow!" or something. Turned out that pressure on her clit ring hurt her too.

I also had a similar minor problem with a navel piercing on one of my regulars.

Piercing anything other than ears is a negative for me.

I'm a big fan of piercings. I have my tongue pierced. My first real girlfriend did as well (which probably has a lot to do with why I got mine done). Have had girlfriends with nipples pierced and another with labia pierced. I've seen a provider with her clit done and would be happy to see more. I've thought about getting a frenum piercing (look it up), but haven't taken the plunge on that yet.

It's just one of those things for me, but totally understandable that there are plenty of other guys that aren't into it. Similar to whether you like blondes or brunettes, ebony, latina, asian, bbws, etc. We all have our tastes and fetishes - whatever floats your boat.

I have my nipples pierced but I breast fed kids and lost all sensation so I had it done to get that back and it worked well. I couldn't bring myself to do my clit. I'm too afraid of them slipping or my jumping. LOL

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