TER General Board

Re: Not sure I understand your question, Drew. . . .
coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 153 reads

Yes, it was a freebie.  Retired working girls are people, too.  There's no reason to think they don't have the same emotions and responses as any other civvie girl you might take out just because they USED to be a hooker.

Hornydude20163616 reads

I had the opportunity to go a baseball game couple days ago if I wanted the tickets, normally I would have taken them and asked someone in my family if they would have wanted to go, but since it would have been last minute it would have been tough (it was and afternoon game on a weekday). I was thinking about asking a provider I had seen a couple times if she would have wanted to go, I turned down the tickets, and did not ask her if she wanted to go or not, but my question is....

Would any providers go to a public event like that with a client of theirs for a few hours and  
1. not getting compensated for your time with him, he would have driven there and paid for drinks/meals while there, and
2. knowing up front that he's not expecting anything to happen afterwards
it would be just the two of them enjoying each others company at the event and the event itself and then afterwards going their separate ways.
Does it sound too much like a date? even though they are a provider/client to each other.
Would any providers consider doing this?

bonordonor544 reads

If the tickets you were getting were season tickets, then you run the risk of being outted for playing with the ladies. You'll be sitting around other season ticket holders who may know the person you received the tickets from.

Now, if they were to the Superbowl, then that's a whole different matter.

GaGambler474 reads

If you are nothing but a client, most likely no.

Of course if you are a REALLY good trick, some hookers might see spending a non sexual afternoon with you as good public relations and if she actually likes baseball AND you have great seats, that could be a difference maker. There is a big difference between an afternoon game in April and World Series tickets.  

but still, "time is money" and you picking up drinks, meals, etc is hardly motivation to give up a day of work to go with you. She is really going to have to enjoy your company to do this without charging. BTW, the fact that you think picking up the meals/drinks is going to influence her decision pretty much proves you don't "get it" so I think your chances of many women here taking you up on your offer are rather slim.

I have been to both an Angels game and a Dodger game as part of an arranged date. There was a dessert part of the time, however, but I was considerate when determining the donation because it involved some fun and leisure activity that I actually enjoy. I doubt that I would be interested in a 5 or 6 hour (when you consider the shower/get ready/ drive to the meeting point/drive home) outing with no compensation.

There have been a few occasions when I've had tickets to an event I thought a client might enjoy attending with me, and have extended the offer.  They usually say no.  So I've stopped asking..... I'll drop a hint and if he doesn't bite, then that's all.  

I am aware that as the professional in this equation,  I should always avoid making anyone feel uncomfortable or awkward.  And unfortunately, suggesting OTC time can make the other person very uncomfortable, indeed.

I've also invited guys I only know from the boards to grab a drink/coffee/food-truck-lunch or whatever.  Most of the time they either turn me down or try to book a date with me instead.  I think they are under the impression that my motive was really to get them to schedule, even though it wasn't. ;-)

As long as the terms and expectations are clearly laid out in advance, then it is totally possible to hang out like normal civvie people.  :-)  

Now, some may see this as over-stepping or crossing the lines of the provider/client dynamic.   And that view is ok too.

This is what we make of it.  :-)


Nooner: A sexual encounter at lunchtime; especially one that is illicit

I would have taken you to Olive Garden.  

After our last bread stick, we can argue about who gets to pull down the sheets! ;)

Gourmet food trucks seem to be all the rage, but I've never partaken.  

One city I have on my tour list is known to have an excellent food truck court, and I really want to check it out.  

Oh.... and do NOT mock the OG, sir.  I freakin' love their salad.  


GaGambler247 reads

but I will confess, I can do their soup and salad.  

and I will further confess that although I was completely prepared to hate PF Changs and I still maintain there is nothing even remotely Chinese about the place, I rather guiltily enjoy eating there from time to time.

Hahahaha...I have a cousin who is a gourmet Italian chef ( her dads side) and she makes the most crinkly face when I say OG.  
But I've been known to polish off a few bowls of that salad

...I'd go...

There used to be a truck around here that was co-owned by 4 guys who all had a different specialty and they's rotate through it 2 at a time...so every week you'd get a different combination of Italian, Japanese, Arab, and Mexican food...and it was always good...

No wonder I had to have my stomach removed...;-)

Jacks_Acolyte212 reads

Should I do some recon for you on Ms Nooner when I'm in Chicago next month? I think she'd possibly be fun.

GaGambler281 reads

I hang out with hooker "buddies" all the time, some of them I see professionally, others strictly as friends, but I am not worried about blurry lines. Sometimes a friendly drink is just that, a friendly drink and no more. Some guys seem to have the hardest time getting that concept.

In answer to the OP however, I do believe it is rather presumptuous to expect a provider to give up an entire work day, as there is no way she is going to make an afternoon ball game and be able to see any clients before or after this "date", just because she gets to watch a ball game that he isn't even paying for and a couple of beers and a hot dog.

The only way I see any woman going for this is if he is already a VERY good regular or she simply really likes hanging out with him and if he had any hooker friends that liked him enough to blow off an entire work day to hang out with him, he would already know it and wouldn't have to ask the question here.

Posted By: GaGambler

  In answer to the OP however, I do believe it is rather presumptuous to expect a provider to give up an entire work day, as there is no way she is going to make an afternoon ball game and be able to see any clients before or after this "date", just because she gets to watch a ball game that he isn't even paying for and a couple of beers and a hot dog.  
I would like to elucidate my prior response.  ;-)

If someone is inviting me to a ball-game or other event that I would like to attend anyway, on a NON-WORK DAY, and I enjoy his company..... yes, I might very well go.  

If it's something I want to attend badly enough to skip work, yeah.... I'll do it.  Because it's what "I' want....  


GaGambler190 reads

No hooker is going to be induced by some warm beer, a couple of hot dogs and some $50 seats at Wrigley unless she actually likes the guy she is going with, OR if he has spent a lot of money on you in the past and you expect him to spend a lot more on you in the future.

And here we thought you hung out here all the time ... Maybe it just seems like it.
BTW it's much funnier if I use cartoon character, Archer's voice while reading your posts. Makes it less cartoony for some reason, but still damn funny.  

Posted By: GaGambler
I hang out with hooker "buddies" all the time, some of them I see professionally, others strictly as friends, but I am not worried about blurry lines. Sometimes a friendly drink is just that, a friendly drink and no more. Some guys seem to have the hardest time getting that concept.  
 In answer to the OP however, I do believe it is rather presumptuous to expect a provider to give up an entire work day, as there is no way she is going to make an afternoon ball game and be able to see any clients before or after this "date", just because she gets to watch a ball game that he isn't even paying for and a couple of beers and a hot dog.  
 The only way I see any woman going for this is if he is already a VERY good regular or she simply really likes hanging out with him and if he had any hooker friends that liked him enough to blow off an entire work day to hang out with him, he would already know it and wouldn't have to ask the question here.

Being the young one who isn't jaded or married if a provider ever asks me anything the answer is Yes. I understand why the married man would say no but someone who is just doing this for fun why would anyone turn down a food truck date? Those experiences are awesome. Monster truck sky diving or any sporting event or concert YES PLEASE.

If you ever need a date. Let me know I'm in.

Posted By: DebbieNoonerGirl
There have been a few occasions when I've had tickets to an event I thought a client might enjoy attending with me, and have extended the offer.  They usually say no.  So I've stopped asking..... I'll drop a hint and if he doesn't bite, then that's all.    
 I am aware that as the professional in this equation,  I should always avoid making anyone feel uncomfortable or awkward.  And unfortunately, suggesting OTC time can make the other person very uncomfortable, indeed.  
 I've also invited guys I only know from the boards to grab a drink/coffee/food-truck-lunch or whatever.  Most of the time they either turn me down or try to book a date with me instead.  I think they are under the impression that my motive was really to get them to schedule, even though it wasn't. ;-)  
 As long as the terms and expectations are clearly laid out in advance, then it is totally possible to hang out like normal civvie people.  :-)  
 Now, some may see this as over-stepping or crossing the lines of the provider/client dynamic.   And that view is ok too.  
 This is what we make of it.  :-)  
 Nooner: A sexual encounter at lunchtime; especially one that is illicit.  

I'm honestly surprised by this.
I guess the guys must be married

unless we draw them. And I understand why they're drawn.  
I've honestly never been big on paid dates. Just being honest. I prefer the time in bed. I'm starting to think a bit differently now that I've met women whose company I enjoy differently. Still to be seen

many "social" dates with my regulars.  There are usually two reasons a provider will consider going out socially with you.

1.  As a "reward" for your frequency and loyalty as a regular customer.  They are showing their appreciation.

2.  Many savvy providers instinctively know that "social" time on a seemingly "normal" outside date can improve the connection and the chemisty and make a customer want to spend more time with her where a donation is involved.  It improves the GFE fantasy.  

With that said, there are providers that will NEVER consider spending any time with a customer unless they are compensated.  There are others, as shown on this thread, that prefer to combine a social date with a professional date, i.e., a session before or after the outside date.  I have done this, too, where I spend the whole date with a regular doing some fun activity of mutual interest, which I pay for (horseracing, helicopter ride, zip-lining, exotic car racing, are recent examples), ending up back at her place where we hit the sheets and I pay the two-hour donation rate.  Other times, the entire date is social (no sex) and there is no donation at all.  Oftentimes, if you are spending a substantial monthly amount ($5000+) with one provider when you have a long-term customer relationship, the bedroom time is also off the clock on "date" days once or twice a month, as a show of her appreciation for your continued support and patronage.  

Also, I have become friends with some retired providers, with whom I will do outside activities and have meals with, and never a donation.  Usually no sex, just a good meal and something fun of mutual interest, although I did have one recently where we were at a concert together, and she whispered in my ear that she was horny and was there a hotel nearby we could go to after the concert.  I had it booked on my phone before the band finished the set.  Lol

A girl who just wants to hang out and have fun. I actually feel a bit sorry for some of the girls who are so rigid they can't set the rules aside at times.  

Some have had bad experiences and its theor call, but I don't ever want to be in a position where I rule something out with somone bc something undesirable may have happened in the past with somebody else.

I have to take clients to ball games, concerts, dinners, etc and to be honest, it is drudgery with some while others are great fun.  

I hang out from time to time with ex-clients bc they are tons of fun and we have similar interests. It's all good.

The younger set in p4p seem to be much less jaded and much more spontaneous than the more experienced girls here. My personality matches better with them, for the most part

a number of girls tell me they miss a "normal" life, and some retiring saying the same thing.  Social dating gives them a break from the fantasy work they do and gives them an occasional feel of being on a "normal" date.  Many new girls in the business have told me that after a couple of months they felt lonely and isolated, and welcomed the chance to go on a normal outside date with someone they know and trust.  

So get out there and ask, guys!  Many will say no, but a few are longing for a chance to go out with someone they have come to know.  Just make sure you understand the expectations beforehand about what kind of a date it will be (session included or not) and what the donation, if any, will be.  Its awkward to wait until the end of the date and then ask her if she wants a donation for her time.  If she had fun with you, she may even be insulted.

-- Modified on 4/16/2016 1:04:57 PM

GaGambler189 reads

The ones that are actual friends or more, more as in being actual GFs and it appears that they are of all age groups. Obviously the younger gals are more likely to be both friends and hookers I hire, mainly because it's a rarity for me to pay a woman for sex who is much more than thirty. That said, I have a lot of platonic hooker buds that I have never, nor will I ever have sex with, but women that share some common interests and are simply friends, friends with boobs I guess. lol

and taking clients out for OTC time is hardly limited to hookers. Just like you, I too have to take clients to dinner, casinos, strip clubs etc. To an outside observer, especially one who knows what a hedonistic pig I am, you would think it's fun and games, but just like you said, some clients make it complete drudgery that I can't wait for the time to end, while others I'd be hanging out with even if we weren't doing business together.

The bottom line is we are all just people...period.  
We laugh the same, cry the same, hurt the same.  
If I ever get to the point where I'm so jaded I can't spend time with someone of any profession just because I like her company and vice versa then it's just pathetic.  
Somewhere along the line when you have q cash register where your heart and brain are supposed to be you're going through the motions of life, not living.  
And that's both sides of the street in this equation.  
The girls have a unique problem in that some guys get stupid after a couple of drinks and all of a sudden he wants something for free.  
But I'd hope that they were people savvy enough to not accept his invite in the first place.
And guys usually want to think they are more than just a donation. Hell, read some of the fairy tale reviews and you'll get the point.  
For me personally where she's a friend IRL or a provider I'm fond of I treat them all the same. My time is valuable and I choose wisely who I'm spending it with.

If the outside date involves a session, I just pay the two hour rate, but have spent the whole day with her.  If you consider that a discount, then it is, I guess.  In eight years of hobbying, I have never asked a provider for a discount.  She sets the rate.  If I didn't think it was worth it, then I don't repeat, but I don't discuss the donation with a provider, ever.  It ruins the GFE fantasy for me.  Just put the envelope down and go about your business.

GaGambler205 reads

I have done what you describe with lots of women. Typically I pay for an hour session, and with agency women I simply schedule the last appointment of the day. I pay just like any other client, but when BCD time is up we go out to dinner, the movies, drinks or whatever just like any other two people of the opposite sex. Some of them still like to play a little "kissy face" just like a real date, others prefer to be treated simply as friends during our public time. I've never had any issues either way and I have NEVER insisted they stay "On" during our OTC time

The retired horny hooker. Don't tell me it was a freebie?!?!

Yes, it was a freebie.  Retired working girls are people, too.  There's no reason to think they don't have the same emotions and responses as any other civvie girl you might take out just because they USED to be a hooker.

I have taken a provider to a Hockey Game and a Basketball game. After seeing these women a few times I have an idea of who enjoys going to the games and who has no interest. I also invited a follow hobbyiest to a Knick's game recently. I get tickets all the time usually last minute when no one is around I will ask a provider or a bum off 5th Ave if they want to go. Ticket always gets used.  

I would say ask the provider. The way I see it the worst they can do is say no. I usually offer a few dollars no one has ever taken a dollar from me.  Doesn't affect me one way or another if they come with me or not. Don't forget providers are people also. What I do notice is the athletes who played college sports or ex professional athlete who played overseas who are now providers say yes more than the pretty girl who would classify themselves as a models.  

The one constant in Sporting Events or Concerts I will NEVER TURN DOWN TICKETS EVEN IF I HAVE NO ONE TO GO WITH.

Have a good day.

Posted By: Hornydude2016
I had the opportunity to go a baseball game couple days ago if I wanted the tickets, normally I would have taken them and asked someone in my family if they would have wanted to go, but since it would have been last minute it would have been tough (it was and afternoon game on a weekday). I was thinking about asking a provider I had seen a couple times if she would have wanted to go, I turned down the tickets, and did not ask her if she wanted to go or not, but my question is....  
 Would any providers go to a public event like that with a client of theirs for a few hours and  
 1. not getting compensated for your time with him, he would have driven there and paid for drinks/meals while there, and  
 2. knowing up front that he's not expecting anything to happen afterwards  
 it would be just the two of them enjoying each others company at the event and the event itself and then afterwards going their separate ways.  
 Does it sound too much like a date? even though they are a provider/client to each other.  
 Would any providers consider doing this?  

Your my type of women.

Did you play any sports competitively?  

Posted By: Sexy Carolina

I coached youth sports for 20 years and officiated

When I played Sports I frequently got called for an illegal use of the hands penalty. Can't teach an old dog new tricks, I still do


Posted By: nothrofboston
When I played Sports I frequently got called for an illegal use of the hands penalty. Can't teach an old dog new tricks, I still do

JakeFromStateFarm209 reads

I've got a friend who has taken several hookers to baseball games.  He even showed me a picture of one we'd both been with at the ballpark.

Going anywhere with a gal that could be very public could be a major league problem for both of you.

On the other hand, there are times when it is appropriate for a client and provider to spend some social time together.

Just recently a provider both my wife and I know well hung out with us on vacation as the provider was not too far away.  We treated to dinner of course, but otherwise it was OTC.  She even sprung for drinks at one stop.

Another time a gal asked me to be her beard at a wedding reception.  I think we did tie it in to an overnight, but still and all the time at the reception was  .

Overall it should not become a habit, but there's no complete taboo on it either.

And if you do end up at the baseball game, you could play a little game where you kiss her on the strikes, and she kisses you on the balls.


i have...but only if i had time in my busy schedule

are televised somewhere. Camera guys look for the attractive women in the crowd. How would you explain you sitting next to an attractive woman while talking with her if your SO or boss saw you on TV at the game? Also the boss thought you were sick that day--ummmm. Is your resume' updated?

and it is always good to at least offer a compensated time before or after if she is since she will take a good chunk out of her day to attend with you.

The 1 thing I will say, allow her to take the lead in OTC time.  If she just wants to act friendly, great, if she gets handsy that is on her.  For gods sake don't grab her crotch or attempt to make out with her in public unless she says it is ok OTC....  

Point is, if she is into the event then she is more likely to want to attend.  Your status with her will better determine if she is willing to go OTC, being a very good regular helps ALOT.  Keep the PDA in public to her lead, and a BCD date before or after certainly helps your odds as well.

I have gone to a couple sporting events, and for the most part just got drunk because I was bored and ended up puking on the platform for the El train or outside the bar or event.  Not very flattering.  But hey what else can you do if they are taking their millionth break in base ball and there is nothing going on?  At least the 1/2 time show with the kids was interesting, or the wedding at 1/2 court, or the other cool 1/2 times.   Hockey, maybe, I like that(minor league though, majors are just too rule abiding, I want to see people get checked!)

GaGambler201 reads

Agreeing with you is starting to become a rather annoying habit. lol

If my relationship with a provider is basically a professional one, (IOW we are not dating and I am paying her for sex), but a friendly one where we do sometimes have some OTC time, I think it would make a world of difference to swing by her incall, have an hour or two "session" and then go to your OTC event. This way the day is not a total financial bust for her.

I also agree that during the time she is NOT being paid, physical interaction with her is strictly at her option. I am not saying that the guy is forbidden from initiate kissing or hand holding, but he needs to remain very cognizant about her body language. If she leans in for a kiss, that's fine, but if she turns her cheek, that she be a sign that she does not want to play kissy face that day.

and did you REALLY get so drunk you puked? Somehow I find that little revelation quite endearing, although I doubt your date felt that way at the time. lol

Posted By: Hornydude2016
I had the opportunity to go a baseball game couple days ago if I wanted the tickets, normally I would have taken them and asked someone in my family if they would have wanted to go, but since it would have been last minute it would have been tough (it was and afternoon game on a weekday). I was thinking about asking a provider I had seen a couple times if she would have wanted to go, I turned down the tickets, and did not ask her if she wanted to go or not, but my question is....  
 Would any providers go to a public event like that with a client of theirs for a few hours and  
 1. not getting compensated for your time with him, he would have driven there and paid for drinks/meals while there, and  
 2. knowing up front that he's not expecting anything to happen afterwards  
 it would be just the two of them enjoying each others company at the event and the event itself and then afterwards going their separate ways.  
 Does it sound too much like a date? even though they are a provider/client to each other.  
 Would any providers consider doing this?  

Seriously, why not?  There are so many dating sites with woman wanting to go on nice dates like this.

In my personal experience, when I have done something like this with with a client, the boundary lines get blurred, the client gets confused and he now wants and expects more free time.  Because I allowed this to happen, I put myself in a very uncomfortable position.  One ending up stalking me in Dallas - it was scary and ugly.

That was an expensive lesson; they are no longer clients

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