TER General Board

Re: No, they don't!!
seaman3965 93 Reviews 1060 reads
1 / 21

Ever wonder what percentage of hobbyists submit reviews? If a provider has been working three years and has say  
20 reviews, does that mean she's seen probably seen 100 clients (20% reviewed), 500 (4%), etc....?

perfectstorm 19 Reviews 433 reads
2 / 21

The fact is it depends on a lot of things. Her location, where she advertises, repeat clients vs new clients and a whole bunch of other variables. Some ladies get the majority of their clients to review them. Some have 0 or close to zero. The most common statistic I have seen is 10% (Of course that is not a real statistic, because who actually would keep these records and analyze them?). So it is just a guess but it seems logical to me as an average, so in your example if the lady has 20 reviews she has probably seen 200 guys.

impposter 49 Reviews 305 reads
3 / 21
HectorBlack 12 Reviews 274 reads
4 / 21
perfectstorm 19 Reviews 297 reads
5 / 21
hushsf See Agency Profile 391 reads
7 / 21

Since I've come on board with Hush, I've realized that almost every client reads reviews before deciding to book, but a very small percentage ever post their own. I wonder if the women who accumulate many reviews are not necessarily seeing that many more men, but are instead actively encouraging more of their clients to post reviews. It's good business.

God there's so much interesting data that could be potentially scraped from this site.  Like, snowball effects for how many reviews a provider starts getting after she gets her first good review, or tree diagrams showing the relationships between clients and providers based on reviews . . .  Is anybody doing that?

hammerhead896 44 Reviews 274 reads
8 / 21

Due to the fact that I used their reviews to choose great girls to see and my belief that reviews are what a review site are for.

 Funny I have never had a girl ask or pressure me into writing a review but I have had girls ask me not to.

Fridays117 27 Reviews 474 reads
9 / 21

But now I only review those who have especially been pretty damn good.  I find that when I review an average gal that I enjoyed my time with but honestly was not overly impressed with they get all pissy about 7's.  To me a 7 means I had a decent time and might even repeat for the price but I've had better.  I have seen some 7 gals multiple times due to location, price and quick availability that may or may not have been available for a gal I might enjoy more.  So now I just don't review 7's because I am sick of the blowback.  This way, if I want to see her again ahe won't give me any shit about my review.

I have never been with a "bad" provider since joining TER.  The worst I've had still got me off.  If I have achieved orgasm and not been ripped off, can I score less than 6?  Not in my book.

To me, excellent service is a 9. Better than average is 8 and average is 7.   6 is OK but I probably wouldn't repeat for whatever reason.  Looks are subjective and do not enter the equation.  10 is perfection for service and I have never had perfection.  Close.  Lots of 9's.  But nobody has hit perfection yet.

So yes, I review, but not everybody.

If I ever do have an awful time though I won't hesitate to blast out a stinker of a review to match the experience because at that point who cares right?  Not like I'd ever see her again And maybe I can save some other poor schmuck from having a bad experience.  But like I said, never had that yet and with proper use of TER and reviews I hope never to have to write one that bad.

I try to be honest.  Is that bad

SexyJewel See my TER Reviews 334 reads
10 / 21

From a provider here it depends on certain things as well.... I'm a one a day or nothing, while some can partake more.
But out of every 20 1 to 2 reviews posted, now another example thou I've been a busy bug and have nothing recent :(

Reviews help A lot in keeping up to date on the boards for the guys.
But as stated also if nothing nice to say, just don't. Fake reviews just cause a mess! Reviews posted out of anger (drunk, bad day etc) are not nice.
I've also heard conflict on posting reviews from some guys saying there rejected when they do try and post.

But 1 out of 8/9 on my average are ter members who can post, while others are utr, or on other boards.

-- Modified on 5/20/2015 9:57:37 PM

HarryWotton 11 Reviews 298 reads
11 / 21

Like you, I don't review every time and I feel that giving out a 7 or something in that order is asking for trouble, I have seen it happen to others and you are further confirming by sharing a bit about the blowback you have received.    I do appreciate all the other guys who review regardless of the blowback they receive, without them, the system would be meaningless.   Interestingly, there are some fantastic women who really don't care about the reviews.  Just recently, I saw a gal who has great reviews, the last one over one year old.   I had a great time and she told me that she does not care, doesn't look at them and could not care less and she is not the first one to tell me that.   Obviously, I did not review her, she already has good scores from which guys can get a good idea and she does not care about having recent good reviews, no need to waste my time.  

Truth be told, writing the reviews is hard, I said this yesterday, as much as I am an extrovert, this is something I don't particularly like to share.  I do it because it is the only way I can contribute despite the fact that people will look at my reviews and think "this guy is a stupid schmuck, get a naked woman in front of him and she will get a 9/10."    That is bummer because the ladies I have reviewed have earned those scores.   Like you, I would review a complete disaster, that is something I would be willing to stick my neck out for.

Although I have gotten better at just giving the 30,000 foot view, I realize that you don't have to give the blow by blow, as it were, writing reviews is hard.   There are things I simply do not put in my reviews because I don't know if I should.   For example, I am not going to write in my review that I had four pops in two hours.  If I have not seen it in prior reviews that she likes receiving rimming, the finger jammed up her ass, jamming her finger up my ass or licking my hairy ass, I am not going to put it in there.

VOO-doo 426 reads
12 / 21

You don't use TER to advertise, and you don't ask your clients to review.  

I get emails from big TER reviewers, but for the most part, those guys either 1) Are heavily blacklisted, or 2) Think I don't know about TER, and basically want to pimp me out (i.e. I give him massive discount, he gives me a 10-10 or similar, his invaluable time and advice - OTC, of course, and some shill posts and PM's).  

Many men are not regular reviewers, but will review when asked. Many girls offer incentives to review (discounts, etc)

Freya Fantasia See my TER Reviews 309 reads
13 / 21
HarryWotton 11 Reviews 304 reads
14 / 21

That was precisely my thought the first time I saw a post about BBFS, we are not talking 7 degrees of separation here.   We are all quite literally fucking each other, even those who really get under each other's skin.  lol!

hbyist+truth=;( 373 reads
15 / 21

..."I am well known as a reviewer on TER etc. etc"... I politely refuse to see them and then block the email address. You can tell the ones who want to use this as leverage.

HidingBehindMyAlias 322 reads
16 / 21

What?  I have been giving away good reviews of the girls I've visited, instead of forcing a discount or more.  Nice guys really do finish last.    :-D

hey mikey 8 Reviews 355 reads
17 / 21

With 163 TER reviews, are you saying that your met ... oh, nevermind.

VOO-doo 297 reads
18 / 21

Most of those guys are also blacklisted for things like stalking, blackmailing, NCNS, etc.  

I have to say that it always amazes me when I see that they have, like 10-80 reviews and, like, 30 whitelists. I can't believe that they actually get that many girls to see them. I guess some girls are actually happy to have the easy 10.

Fridays117 27 Reviews 425 reads
19 / 21

Does it get us "nice guys" anything but suspicion that we might actually be honest in a review?  I will tell you that with the way some gals act, they feel that a 7 or sometimes even an 8 is a detriment when I personally do not mind seeing gals in that range and see a 7 as an "average" but good performance score.  If her pics pique my interest (no matter her numbers there - I have eyes and will make my own decisions on appearance there) a 7 or 8 can draw my business as easily as a 9 or 10.  Mainly because most of the 9's and 10's seem to be BS scores anyway.

VOO-doo 236 reads
20 / 21

I wouldn't screen out someone who was a reviewer. I only screen out those guys who obviously want to use their status as leverage to gain extra favors, to a greater or lesser degree. But I'm not doing it because I fear a bad review from them - I won't see them because I think they're complete d-bags and also because I don't want to participate in that kind of business deal. And I definitely don't want to be recommended to their "friends" because those guys are probably just as bad as they are. I don't want to feel obligated to do anything I wouldn't normally, or see anybody I wouldn't normally, for fear of pissing off some self-glorified review honcho who holds my financial future in the palm of his hand. Just so much wrong with that type of scenario, from a provider's point of view - in my opinion.  

I admit that it's tempting...just for a second, tho. I've had two providers in different stages of my career try to get me to do something 'just for one guy, just one time' with the promise of starting a string of 10-10's. There's something to it. Even just one 10-10 or 9-10 will bring a big jump in business. Plus, I think there's a such thing as momentum when it comes to reviews. Guys read and react to the session differently. Both of those girls were high-price (600/hr in one case, 800/hr in another) and REALLY busy. But I really never gave it serious thought. Those girls made a lot of money, but they put up with much more sh** that I could ever be able to tolerate. I'll see fat guys, ugly guys, awkward guys, whatever...but, I won't knowingly see an asshole. Those girls did, all the time. They saw guys I'd never see...in fact, I'd even refused one girl's 'best client' who'd 'helped her business so much'. He'd creeped me out when he contacted me.

About your other question - yes, a 7 or an 8 really can hurt a girl's business. It's not a score that will excite your average client. You're very savvy, but I feel like most guys (especially those who don't post here) are more naive. A 10-10 will make a dude salivate, like 'I'm gonna get fucked SOOO good by this otherworldly one-in-a-lifetime paradigm of goddeslike beauty'. I'm not sure why guys are not more skeptical consumers when it comes to escorts, but even based upon emails I get, I think that they WANT to believe the hype/marketing, as it fuels their excitement.  

Personally, I've had 7's and 8's scattered amongst higher scores. Since I have regulars, it didn't hurt my business that badly, but I did notice a slowdown in new clients. In only one case, I didn't feel that it was fair. The guy was a board poster who wanted oodles of free time from me - he had paid for an hour - I made my excuses and finally was able to wriggle away from him after, like, an hour and 45 min. Then, when he tried to dirty-text me the next day, I cut him off, saying 'If you want some dirty talk, that can be arranged'. Like, book an appointment. So, apparently, he didn't 'forget it was a service'. I'm sure that number would be higher had I stayed for, like, 6 hours smoking pot with him (he tried to get me to do that AND drink, even though he knew I was driving home) and dirty-text him at his whim, whenever he wanted.  

In another case, he was a young kid who said I was a bit nerdy for him, and he didn't like something I wore. Whatevva. He said nice things, too, including that he'd repeat. I didn't write him to complain (I didn't thank him, either, as I wasn't particularly grateful for his honesty...hafta admit). I gave him a good reference and would see him again.  

So, my question to you, is: Why see girls who turn maniacal over getting a 7 or an 8? If she has regulars, she should still be OK - and if she's any good, she will have regulars, and better reviews to follow. Plus, that type of attitude shows a large amount of vanity and greed

HidingBehindMyAlias 372 reads
21 / 21

Actually I am a nice guy, and I can tell you from experience that yes, we nice guys do finish last.  That's why I am here, so that even coming in last place still involves a romp in the sack with a sexy woman.

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