TER General Board

Re: Need A Spell Check
HookerCops 301 reads

Hello Mensa Member,

What's that you like to say about YOUR post having NOTHING to do with the OP?


I had a provider in Nevada stop right in the middle of our session to answer her cell phone when it rang.  When I say "the middle", things had well already started about 15 minutes... it's not like we just met and were still standing around getting to know each other.  Providers on this forum, I would hope this is not a common practice?  Do most of you consider this to be highly disrespectful?

The only reason to answer a phone mid session is if it is a true emergency.................

Posted By: JT1902
I had a provider in Nevada stop right in the middle of our session to answer her cell phone when it rang.  When I say "the middle", things had well already started about 15 minutes... it's not like we just met and were still standing around getting to know each other.  Providers on this forum, I would hope this is not a common practice?  Do most of you consider this to be highly disrespectful?

Whenever I see a gent I always have my phone on silent if anyone is calling me they will have to wait.
I have heard of this happening but I do not think it is a standard practice.
Maybe she had an emergency such as kids or something like that?
One thing is for sure a phone ringing in the middle of the action is a sure fire way to lose the mood quick.

If not you then confirmed to her that her bad behavior is acceptable.

Assuming you were just a scaredy cat to do the right thing and waited for her to finish up her business on your dime, write it up in the review and post on your local board.

Otherwise why bother asking this question...you know the correct answers!

Thats  exactly why I do everything by email, my hobby phone is only to call you and tell you I am on my way or call you when I get there. Otherwise it is off, never on for any reason when its time for me to give you my attention.

I have to agree with you, that was the time you should have got your money and left. It is unacceptable at any level to do that.

or know what situation she may be in, or if theres some emergency dilemma of some kind why? i oersonally woudlnt, in fact i hate hate cell hones, and the idea of people bein able nto contact me wheile out enjoying selecting groceries,. or maybe out to dinner or walkn beach, the sheer thought of bein able to be reached at all times in itselkf kinda erks my nerves which explains why.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,i dint have one dont use one, and stick with my landline, for 30 bux a month, hey call me nuts but if i am out joggn beahc at dinner w friends, ro whatev case, no i dont want to be one these folks thats contstantly in hpine or badgered by just [people and incessant dialogue senseless all day interupting what used to be and should still be relaxing peaceful time outs for folks. i boycott cell ohines call me quirky , or old fashioned or maybe just a hippie at heart, . but i do not want to be nothered when i am out. high end business men i suppose i understand if they have to answer n corresond iover lunch and can sit and entertain myself while they do it, dut would i ratehr there conversation n they shut phone off til we finish eating for 20 min? um yes.                
I always say hey if you need answer it go ahead, they r oayin me, so they can do whatev they want, on other hand 300 n up an hour i think i can spoil n pamper n shut my phone off n just indulge them in all kinds of thinsg for the time they havebooked and the call can n will wait , til later,
i am def militant about makin sure to soend time outdoors away from phones and just enjoy life n the whole cell phone revolution where you ca find weeks go byyouve been hounded with constant dialogue texts ect, i think its all pretty much a stresser n thats why i didnt reknew my cell and keep the stress ti minimum these day n take more time to enjoy and spend time with myself and enjoying life, . cell phjes i think are the worst and best invention, i do think people can use a bit of chillaxin on usin them non stop as they do ,

And some of it makes no sense.  Please don't start posting like this again.....


When she first started posting on these boards, we all were scratching our heads, but she took some constructive criticism and had improved so much, that I started enjoying reading her posts. Now it seems to be reverting back.

I know you have interesting stuff to say, Angel, and we know you have issues that cause you problems typing and what not, but please try to focus and just take a little more time on your posts, so we may enjoy them:) Nobody expects perfection, but we have to be able to understand.

serpius279 reads

Hey Swim,

I second your post! I stopped reading by the end of the 2nd sentence.


Posted By: swimtrekr
And some of it makes no sense.  Please don't start posting like this again.....


For those who truly know what is going on, it is not her fault. She simply types faster than she can think, which as times all of us do lol.

Hooray for you! And your reviews speak to your dedication!!Yes proof reading  beneficial or (spell check). But damn girl you got reason to be proud, and I would just like to say thank -you for "being the best you can be"

I agree, and I apreciate the honest constructive critism. ok, this is personal but here goes..........ibhave . impulse control and adhd. bad.                    clinical diagnosis........................was on straterra for 4 years. am off it........................and yes. yes. I appreciate the polite constructive little bitch smack but in a friendly kind way. .....................................................I will definetly make conscious effort to jog the beach regularly so my adhd doesant grab hold n i type at light speed, these un readable hyper active posts.
i do apologize. for bein messy with the responses and rambling on n on.    I am considering trying straterra again. this is probly why these typing issues are at hand., I actually see when i slow down its comes out good. It is so hard to consciously type slow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! wow it drives me insane!
again sorry bout that and i am goin to make conscious effort to stay away from responding aat all for while, oh but thank you sweetie for sayin i have alot to be proud of with my reviews. i definetly have talents lying in certain areas more so than others, bein well spoken perphaps and typing neatly maybe arent my fortae. but i can always oractice more, thanks for commenting and i will knock it off.................and maybe should consider getting back on ridilin before i really make a major bad impression uo here....................sorry guys, .............................................................

Just run a spell check and use paragraphs. I like your posts. You are an intelligent woman. You writing could be improved, but your posts still have value to those that take the time understand them. Please continue to post.

serpius310 reads

Hello Angel,

I could not read your whole posting because of the horrible misspellings and grammar.

You may want to consider using spell check more often.


Posted By: angelexotic
or know what situation she may be in, or if theres some emergency dilemma of some kind why? i oersonally woudlnt, in fact i hate hate cell hones, and the idea of people bein able nto contact me wheile out enjoying selecting groceries,. or maybe out to dinner or walkn beach, the sheer thought of bein able to be reached at all times in itselkf kinda erks my nerves which explains why.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,i dint have one dont use one, and stick with my landline, for 30 bux a month, hey call me nuts but if i am out joggn beahc at dinner w friends, ro whatev case, no i dont want to be one these folks thats contstantly in hpine or badgered by just [people and incessant dialogue senseless all day interupting what used to be and should still be relaxing peaceful time outs for folks. i boycott cell ohines call me quirky , or old fashioned or maybe just a hippie at heart, . but i do not want to be nothered when i am out. high end business men i suppose i understand if they have to answer n corresond iover lunch and can sit and entertain myself while they do it, dut would i ratehr there conversation n they shut phone off til we finish eating for 20 min? um yes.                
I always say hey if you need answer it go ahead, they r oayin me, so they can do whatev they want, on other hand 300 n up an hour i think i can spoil n pamper n shut my phone off n just indulge them in all kinds of thinsg for the time they havebooked and the call can n will wait , til later,
i am def militant about makin sure to soend time outdoors away from phones and just enjoy life n the whole cell phone revolution where you ca find weeks go byyouve been hounded with constant dialogue texts ect, i think its all pretty much a stresser n thats why i didnt reknew my cell and keep the stress ti minimum these day n take more time to enjoy and spend time with myself and enjoying life, . cell phjes i think are the worst and best invention, i do think people can use a bit of chillaxin on usin them non stop as they do ,

HookerCops302 reads

Hello Mensa Member,

What's that you like to say about YOUR post having NOTHING to do with the OP?


serpius307 reads

My post is directly related to the post in question since I was NOT the only one that had a hard time deciphering what she was saying.


Posted By: HookerCops
Hello Mensa Member,

What's that you like to say about YOUR post having NOTHING to do with the OP?


But I will give you some advice that helped me. Use paragraphs. They make it easier to spot errors and make reading posts with errors easier to read. I have issues writing myself and am in no way bashing you as I have little room to talk as my posts are littered with errors. You are a very smart lady, but that does get lost at times in the way you write. Paragraphs and spell check would help greatly. Thanks.

As for your post I to hate cell phones, but I have to have one. If I didn't need it though I would gladly ditch it and just have a land line. Cells are indeed a source for stress. And like you I dislike texts.

sweetsfmia812 reads

No, that's not common practice and that was really disrespectful of your time!  You did not exchange money for her time for one hour minus the call from Rob, Jenny who wanted to talk about her trip to the mall yesterday, and the text from Billy.

Unless she informed you beforehand that she had to do a check in with a friend for safety reasons or unless the call was an emergency, she should not be using her phone during a session.

I will not turn my phone totally off, but I do have a specific tone set for my parents who watch my child when I am away. My child comes first over any amount of money or anything at all for that matter, so if I hear that tone which has yet to happen, it will be answered. Anything other than that, can wait. I answered the "resort" phone once only because there was no reason for anyone to be calling me and it was about 30 min. to check out time. I did not want the maid to show up knocking while I was with a date, and he knew this upfront what time I had to leave. He still insisted on being 20 min. late for our 10 a.m. appt. I chose the lesser of two evils...answer the phone to stop housekeeping from banging on the door in the middle of the action, making both of us even more freaked out.

Posted By: JT1902
I had a provider in Nevada stop right in the middle of our session to answer her cell phone when it rang.  When I say "the middle", things had well already started about 15 minutes... it's not like we just met and were still standing around getting to know each other.  Providers on this forum, I would hope this is not a common practice?  Do most of you consider this to be highly disrespectful?
-- Modified on 5/14/2012 8:46:45 AM

I also have a different ringer for the sitter, BUT, my phone gets turned on silent as soon as the client arrives/ I arrive. So, even if they were to call, I would not hear my phone, as it's on silent, BUT they do have others they can contact, physician, hospital & dentist's info, if it's an emergency.  I have also had to answer the room phone a handful of times, as they were calling to inquire when I was checking out... mainly due to the same reasons, of the gentlemen being late to the appointment, lol. Picking up the room phone, versus letting it ring, will keep the front desk or housekeeping from trying to come up to the room personally.

Posted By: London Rayne
I will not turn my phone totally off, but I do have a specific tone set for my parents who watch my child when I am away. My child comes first over any amount of money or anything at all for that matter, so if I hear that tone which has yet to happen, it will be answered. Anything other than that, can wait. I answered the "resort" phone once only because there was no reason for anyone to be calling me and it was about 30 min. to check out time. I did not want the maid to show up knocking while I was with a date, and he knew this upfront what time I had to leave. He still insisted on being 20 min. late for our 10 a.m. appt. I chose the lesser of two evils...answer the phone to stop housekeeping from banging on the door in the middle of the action, making both of us even more freaked out.
Posted By: JT1902
I had a provider in Nevada stop right in the middle of our session to answer her cell phone when it rang.  When I say "the middle", things had well already started about 15 minutes... it's not like we just met and were still standing around getting to know each other.  Providers on this forum, I would hope this is not a common practice?  Do most of you consider this to be highly disrespectful?
-- Modified on 5/14/2012 8:46:45 AM

Again, I have a toddler and she comes before anyone or anything. I would really love to see how I felt if she died in ER whilst her mother was sucking c*ck that day.

-- Modified on 5/14/2012 11:26:32 AM

I always cringe when I here of ladies with kids turning there phone off or on silent. Family should always come first in life.

serpius309 reads


If you are so paranoid about your toddler, maybe you should get out of the business and find a REAL 9 to 5 job.

Guess what? Most 9 to 5 jobs won't allow you to leave so readily, unless you plan on getting fired.


Posted By: London Rayne
Again, I have a toddler and she comes before anyone or anything. I would really love to see how I felt if she died in ER whilst her mother was sucking c*ck that day.

-- Modified on 5/14/2012 11:26:32 AM

Who the hell do you think you are?

You have no problems commenting on all types of threads you know nothing about, and are easily one of the more misogynistic guys that have traveled in TER land!

If you hate the jobs these gals do, then go and find some other sandbox to play in.

And if you had any real clue how hard most of the gals work...to please guys even like you, then you might learn something.

But your overt narcissism has been in every post you make.

Dude, Family emergencies come up and guess what most places of employment allow for it. I am sorry if your boss is a ball buster and hates his/her employees. I hire quite a few people and I for one will always let my employees handle real family emergencies. Family should always trump employment at any rate period. Things happen in life, so get over yourself. Your dick can wait if a providers kid gets really hurt or the like.

Now I will say if she has to bolt, she should return your fee. That is only fair. I don't pay for my employees to have family emergencies (unless they have PTO to cover), we should not have pay if our session is interrupted do to something in her life. If you can't see that family should come first in life I truly feel for you as you are missing out. The greatest joys in life comes from family and the greatest responsibly one will ever have is to that family.

Posted By: serpius

If you are so paranoid about your toddler, maybe you should get out of the business and find a REAL 9 to 5 job.

Guess what? Most 9 to 5 jobs won't allow you to leave so readily, unless you plan on getting fired.

Posted By: London Rayne
Again, I have a toddler and she comes before anyone or anything. I would really love to see how I felt if she died in ER whilst her mother was sucking c*ck that day.

-- Modified on 5/14/2012 11:26:32 AM

like Mr. serpius here, so I have nothing to worry about. He can't get over the fact that not every hooker needs his pocket change and will allow him to walk all over them. Welcome to the dirty south!

why don't YOU get fked? Not you nor any other random guy paying for sex, will EVER be my top priority over my child, and maybe that's why I attract the men I do...they don't like stupid, careless hookers like you obviously prey on. They also don't insist on paying after the date and meeting at the freaking gas station, but I digress.

You have issues old man, and you need to project that bs back on yourself where it belongs. No one here cares to play your reindeer games. You said you were allergic to idiots once...well, by all means don't ever look in the freaking mirror because your above post only further reiterates how retarded and utterly clueless you are. I would not fk you with another provider's p*ssy for any amount of money. You are an uneducated, blathering fool and that's putting it mildly but I told TER I would be a bit nicer dealing with morons lmao. Now, hit that report button ha ha.

How's that CPA? LOL.

is that how you really feel?

Yep...you can't fix stupid :)

But in this guy's case it's more than just stupid :(

serpius312 reads


The issue with that the phone will go off with the ringtones in the middle of the session, that's a automatic mood killer. It would NOT matter to me if you had your ringtones set to different people, as a hobbyist, I could care less about the different ringtones, the simple fact that if the cell phone goes off, my mood gets deflated very quickly.

I don't pay a provider to leave her phone on during a session.

You say that your parents are watching your child? I have a "gut feeling" that your parents will know what do to in an emergency situation if they could not get ahold of you. Your parents raised you, didn't they? I'm sure that during your childhood that there were a few emergency situations that they took care of just fine.

So, your excuse to leave the cell phone on with the ringtones is lame.


Posted By: London Rayne
I will not turn my phone totally off, but I do have a specific tone set for my parents who watch my child when I am away. My child comes first over any amount of money or anything at all for that matter, so if I hear that tone which has yet to happen, it will be answered. Anything other than that, can wait. I answered the "resort" phone once only because there was no reason for anyone to be calling me and it was about 30 min. to check out time. I did not want the maid to show up knocking while I was with a date, and he knew this upfront what time I had to leave. He still insisted on being 20 min. late for our 10 a.m. appt. I chose the lesser of two evils...answer the phone to stop housekeeping from banging on the door in the middle of the action, making both of us even more freaked out.
Posted By: JT1902
I had a provider in Nevada stop right in the middle of our session to answer her cell phone when it rang.  When I say "the middle", things had well already started about 15 minutes... it's not like we just met and were still standing around getting to know each other.  Providers on this forum, I would hope this is not a common practice?  Do most of you consider this to be highly disrespectful?
-- Modified on 5/14/2012 8:46:45 AM

is if it is my parents calling in case of an emergency...has yet to happen in 4 years, but being the guys I see are not dickwads who also care about their children, I doubt it will be a problem.

Posted By: serpius

The issue with that the phone will go off with the ringtones in the middle of the session, that's a automatic mood killer. It would NOT matter to me if you had your ringtones set to different people, as a hobbyist, I could care less about the different ringtones, the simple fact that if the cell phone goes off, my mood gets deflated very quickly.

I don't pay a provider to leave her phone on during a session.

You say that your parents are watching your child? I have a "gut feeling" that your parents will know what do to in an emergency situation if they could not get ahold of you. Your parents raised you, didn't they? I'm sure that during your childhood that there were a few emergency situations that they took care of just fine.

So, your excuse to leave the cell phone on with the ringtones is lame.

Posted By: London Rayne
I will not turn my phone totally off, but I do have a specific tone set for my parents who watch my child when I am away. My child comes first over any amount of money or anything at all for that matter, so if I hear that tone which has yet to happen, it will be answered. Anything other than that, can wait. I answered the "resort" phone once only because there was no reason for anyone to be calling me and it was about 30 min. to check out time. I did not want the maid to show up knocking while I was with a date, and he knew this upfront what time I had to leave. He still insisted on being 20 min. late for our 10 a.m. appt. I chose the lesser of two evils...answer the phone to stop housekeeping from banging on the door in the middle of the action, making both of us even more freaked out.
Posted By: JT1902
I had a provider in Nevada stop right in the middle of our session to answer her cell phone when it rang.  When I say "the middle", things had well already started about 15 minutes... it's not like we just met and were still standing around getting to know each other.  Providers on this forum, I would hope this is not a common practice?  Do most of you consider this to be highly disrespectful?
-- Modified on 5/14/2012 8:46:45 AM

But its never happened with me before. I respect my clients time always.

A lady really should not take calls during your time.

That said, a Fav has had to answer family emergency calls more than once.  The first time, she was clearly upset during the call.  (Something about her sister.)  I figured to slip off to the bathroom & to give her some privacy when she about snarled when she demanded "Where are you going?"  It had crossed my mind to bail but I hadn't decided yet.  So I whimped...  said that I was just going to the bathroom.    
She completed her call...  I returned but she was too upset to just jump back in. So we talked for a half hour (naked on her bed)...  I tried to be a decent Joe as I had seen her many times.
Eventually she decides to finish what we started...  though her head clearly wasn't into the action...   If you added the play time together, we were way over as we pretty much started over.

ATLDAWG383 reads

And....She should also remove her bubble gum before beginning a session-it could get tangled up in .......Whatever.....and become a serious safety hazard !!

Rug-Munch286 reads

I had a very well known porn star order room service once for herself after playing for a little while and we took a break and while we were back going at it, while I was in the middle of going down on her; her stopping, putting on a robe and going to the door to sign for it and then taking a bite out of her pizza.

The worst session as of yet, also one of the most expensive.

This is by far one of the most rudest thing ever. Whenever I'm with clients I always turn my phone on silent so that we won't be disturbed. I'm so sorry that you had to experience this.

and let her craw her way or find her phone on the nightstand while maintaining intercourse. While still in the intercourse position, and she is talking with her friend or what have you, tap that ass real good, and her moans and all that other shit will get loud, and she'll make funny noises. I won't let girls answer their phones unless it's some emergency type shit situation that they told me ahead of time. I've been with a few girls that picked up the phone while I was still in intercourse position, and I tap that pussy real good when they are talking, that way, they would end their phone conversation.

Then only this type of behavior will stop. Provider answering cell phone drives me nuts.

any good provider will always turn the phone off during a session..their assistant..so..husband..whoever..knows exactly where they are and what time NOT to call..

Posted By: JT1902
I had a provider in Nevada stop right in the middle of our session to answer her cell phone when it rang.  When I say "the middle", things had well already started about 15 minutes... it's not like we just met and were still standing around getting to know each other.  Providers on this forum, I would hope this is not a common practice?  Do most of you consider this to be highly disrespectful?

best girl or guy friend whilst we were having sex, but I think that's a different thing altogether. This is more about a provider you are paying who answers her phone for anything...any time it rings.

AnotherPerspective360 reads

 You should have called their mother asking why she didn't teach them  respect for women .

 Sounds like high school .   It was a good move leaving  those insecure bitches .

Posted By: London Rayne
best girl or guy friend whilst we were having sex, but I think that's a different thing altogether. This is more about a provider you are paying who answers her phone for anything...any time it rings.

TV's blaring... phones ringing and other nuances. Seen it in the reviews more then once and I just click on to the next potential provider.

When I'm with clients on business matters.... my ringer is off and they have my 1000% attention because they pay me well. The odds of something happening to a family member that needs me right away at that exact moment and can't wait for an hour is in the 10 Million+ to 1 odds....

No excuse IMO and you need to write it up in a review and that's the bottom line.

Posted By: JT1902
I had a provider in Nevada stop right in the middle of our session to answer her cell phone when it rang.  When I say "the middle", things had well already started about 15 minutes... it's not like we just met and were still standing around getting to know each other.  Providers on this forum, I would hope this is not a common practice?  Do most of you consider this to be highly disrespectful?

serpius281 reads


Yes, I consider answering the phone in the middle of the session not only rude but disrespectful to you.

When I meet a provider, especially the ones that I have a "gut feeling" that may answer the phone at any time, I'd tell them that if you answer the phone, I have the option of deducting $50 from the cost of the session.

I've only had ONE provider that told me to leave (AFTER I mentioned the no answer rule), but not before she demanded that I give her $50 for her troubles. I told, nope, not going to work. I basically told her that if she cannot provide top notch service to every client and that includes NOT answering the phone during the session, then you should get out of the business.

As I walked away, she proceeded to cuss me out down the hallway of the hotel. It didn't bother me one bit. She's only drawing attention to herself, not me.


Posted By: JT1902
I had a provider in Nevada stop right in the middle of our session to answer her cell phone when it rang.  When I say "the middle", things had well already started about 15 minutes... it's not like we just met and were still standing around getting to know each other.  Providers on this forum, I would hope this is not a common practice?  Do most of you consider this to be highly disrespectful?

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