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Re: Movie & Chinese food, of course!
renaissanceman70 27 Reviews 211 reads

For me, and many others, it isn't a "may go for Chinese", but a bona fide annual ritual.

If you do follow through with that plan, let me know your observations. Of course, it varies with where you live, so it might not be noticeable around Atlanta.

I'm going to get up early on Christmas day and watch my boys go crazy for their presents. Then I'm going to make some awesome french toast (a tradition). Then we're going to sit and watch "A Christmas Story." Because I got my little guys BB guns for Christmas. Then I'll probably clean up. Watch some more Christmas Story since Solstice story isn't on on Christmas Day. Then I'll probably be tired, take a nap, and then go to the movies to see the new Adam Sandler movie.

What are YOU going to do on Christmas Day??

~Love Rae

I am spending the holiday with my family.  It is especially important to me this year because my father is very ill and we fear the end is near.

Yes unfortunately the story of how Solstice was observed for millenia before Jesus is not often heard, partly because the Christians murdered all of the pagans they could get their hands on.....

But there are remarkable similarities between how you shall spend the day and how I shall with my family in Germany.



by Christians, let's not gloss over the fact that there were 10 persecutions of Christians by Roman emperors between 67 A.D. and 303 A.D. Tens of thousands were killed by a variety of methods, including crucifixion, beheading, stoning, wild animals, etc. Also, of the 13 Apostles, not including Judas Iscariot, only one (John) died a natural death.

against a minority that sought to undermine it.

Ultimately the Romans won, not by persecution but by locking the bishops in a room in Nicea and forcing them to adapt Christianity to Roman hierarchical values and the pre-Neoplatonist world view. Thus the Jesus movement was destroyed and became a socio political edifice dedicated to the oppression of others. Tis a rum old world.....

Oh!  and the Romans were no friend to natural pagans either - only to their own religion, which Christians call "pagan" because it was not Christian. The worship of the Roman pantheon is not the same as natural paganism.

Arguing on my fun and up beat post? I want to know what people are doing for Christmas.

If YOU want to argue about religion take it to the P&R board.

Seriously it's getting OLD.

We have a huge thread with you "pissing" yourself laughing at all us "Christians".

Well, Piss off of my thread please.

Thank you very much.

I do not recall being afforded the same courtesy in the past by others.....

GaGambler478 reads

Why don't we take it to the P&R Board? I'm up for it. I am tired of being on the "right" side of things. The lefies over there are already pissed off at me, I might as well piss of the righties too. Besides, we don't have to parse words over there. I don't like having these kind of discussions while wearing a muzzle.

Johnny_Redneck255 reads

Sometimes I get so sick of his faux, worldly, aristocratic attitude I could throw up.

What am I doing for Xmas? Will be going to my daughters for the day. After that I will probably spend a quiet evening at home.

If you don't like my posts, friend, pass em by.

But at least I have the character, not to hide like a snively coward behind an alias when taking shots at others. Looser.

Now I will leave the lady's post alone if others will but I'm not going to fail to stick up for myself....

GaGambler297 reads

The man said he would respect her wishes. Does it make you feel like a big man by "sticking up" for her from behind a cowardly alias after he has already agreed to acquiesce to her wishes.

If you truly have the "Christmas spirit", quit being a douche.

You won't hear from me again.

Bah Humbug

Don't you remember the G O L D E N   R U L E?

Do unto to others as you would want others to do unto to you.

In other words

Go Fnck yourself.

Isn't that we all want? To Be fncked?


Tis the season to be JOLLY


-- Modified on 12/17/2008 8:06:49 AM

I'll also be dancing naked under the moonlight while I worship the Goddess, going to Christmas Mass, lighting my Minorahs, praying to Buddha, Kneeling to Mohamad, avoiding black cats that cross my path, etc.

Seriously, though, probably relaxing with my kitty baby and maybe having some Amarula -- a South African cream made from the Amarula nut, extracted from the Elephant Tree. The nut is a fruit (pun intended). Since I don't live near family, I'm used to going to friends' homes or serving at a shelter. I'm afraid I have to skip the shelter this year, but I've already donated lots of canned food, shopped for a Christmas angel, will do my monthly visit to the Veterans home in Phoenix, etc. However, the Native-American side of me will be smudging out evil spirits with Sage, then carrying a white candle around the house with the windows open so the bad spirits go out the doors and windows and the good ones remain.

Here's some holidays (not all are celebrated in December):

Eid Al-Fitr
Winter Solstice


-- Modified on 12/16/2008 9:21:55 PM

GaGambler507 reads

I think will celebrate all of them, even the Christian ones and then start researching for January's holidays as well.

Let the partying begin.

we are going to see that movie too on Christmas. Then out for Sushi afterwards.
my kids are teens and older so we won't be getting up too early in the morning (thank God)  Its still fun but its different from when they were little. More expensive too.  I do miss all the excitement this season brings to small children in my home. It's a bit less magical around here. Ahh the memories.  
Well theres always grand children, one day but not too soon I hope. I am ready but the kids aren't.  Some day.

-- Modified on 12/17/2008 5:45:33 AM

The usual, probably. Go to a movie with family and then we head out to eat Chinese food.

(Some of you probably know why and what I'm talking about.)

I did that last year...hahahahaha I may go for Chinese for dinner though!

For me, and many others, it isn't a "may go for Chinese", but a bona fide annual ritual.

If you do follow through with that plan, let me know your observations. Of course, it varies with where you live, so it might not be noticeable around Atlanta.

"The usual, probably. Go to a movie with family and then we head out to eat Chinese food.

(Some of you probably know why and what I'm talking about.)"

Is there some kind of clue for me to understand why it is you go out for Chinese every year, but in Atlanta I might not observe the clue?
Are you Chinese?
Married to an Asian woman?
In my few years on earth(52) I still get puzzled. Can you help?
My best friend in Myrtle Beach who is Chinese never goes out for Chinese. She stuffs a Turkey and bakes a ham.

-- Modified on 12/17/2008 8:20:13 AM

Okay, I'll quit being obtuse.

Many of the Jewish people I know have the same ritual for Christmas. Movie and Chinese food. Most restaurants are closed on Christmas day. Most shops are closed as well. So, instead of sitting around the house studiously avoiding watching TV (Christmas-themed shows and specials), listening to Christmas music on the radio, etc., we go out. But we go to some of the few places left open that let you immerse yourself in something non-religious (movies) or are owned by people unlikely to be Christian and therefore still working and not serving "holiday food" (Chinese restaurants).

So, without any slight to those many folks that celebrate Christmas, it can be a nice escape for the day to quietly go places where the holiday is less prominent. This practice is common enough to be a running joke in the right cultural and religious crowd.

We normally do it in homage to A Christmas Story...

After the turkey was ruined they had to go out for dinner and the only thing open was chinese...

Each Christmas pick a different Blockbuster Movie.
Miracle on 34th Street.
National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation.
Home Alone
Act it out just like you are doing this year.

I might just have to try that!!

What the heck!!!

What do you say??!!
They already have a movie!!  :)

My ATF and I will exchange humble but thoughtful gifts in the rose garden of Pasadena California's Rose Parade Mansion/headquarters.
From there it is a short drive to a scrumptious Christmas buffet at the San Marino Ritz Carlton Hotel. After feasting we'll walk the grounds of the picturesque hotel, and then we'll drive off too catch a holiday movie at a local theater.  

As a son myself, your are a great Mom.  BB guns.  Wow.

Not just any BB guns either. Mock M-4 rifles that shoot rubber BB's AND a Simulated 9mm with a hip holster that shoots rubber BB's AND a bow and arrow. Yeah I have visions of a modern day cowboys and indians war between the two of them.


I remember not too  long ago but it was Paintball guns for mine. Just remember the goggles too.  these guys had all the gear, helmets pads goggles, and we live in the woods so lots of places to hunt each other down. Lots of welts from the paintballs too. Those things hurt like hell.  Have fun Rae~

My son had that hobby right about the time Jack Ass came out. We had a neighbor who was a JA wannabee!!
Needless to say my son enjoyed quite a few antics with him.
And his ass was painted!
Now he is 21.
How time flies!
Thanks for the memories

Sexy Carolina

-- Modified on 12/17/2008 7:04:23 AM

well mine are now  26 16 and 18...it sure does fly.  Great memories of past X~mas days. The excitement and the look on their faces.  Nobody wanted to go look at X~mas lights this year.  It is in some ways a new chapter, a little sad to let it go on my end, but this new chapter is also fun just different.  We will have a great X~mas anyway. Just a more grown up one.

I remember the smiles on their faces. I also remember working my butt off and trying to make purrfect everything Christmas only for my naughty little children to ....you know the routine. The presents open so fast...they count them..he has more. Wrong size, wrong color. The hours I spent on picking and choosing and the dreaded wrapping come down to just minutes with the tearing off the trimmings. After a dozen years or more it seemed to me that Christmas was just too much about presents. When we were young parents we were broke for months after Xmas.
The Christmas I love comes with smells and sights and sounds. It is glorious choral music and the smell of the tree and cinnamon and peppermint and the sound of chestnuts roasting on the open fire. But mostly we have honey roasted peanuts. :)
I equate Christmas and the gift giving extravaganza to a Wedding. A huge build-up that deflates in over an hour and leaves you feeling wasted and still wanting.

I just want my family with me. To laugh and play and be MERRY! To deck the halls with our spirit. We still present each other with gifts. But it is not the focal point for us.
At times I do miss having a tree. I love the trimming and the lights and the scent. But now I just dress up my palms and figs and hang some mistle toe and a wreath and I am ready!!
I hope I get to meet you one day Nicole. We could have a blast together with our two gangs!! Wouldn't that be awesome?!

I hope you have a fantastic time with your family.


Sexy Carolina

-- Modified on 12/17/2008 8:09:53 AM

well Carolina since I do not travel~ the offer still stands! be sure to look me up when you are here in Boston next..

happy holidays all~

It was one of the Co2 powered ones, it looked like an old Colt revolver and it did not shoot rubber BBs, I think I had it for a week, then I shot out the rear window of my parents car.  Didn't see it again for quite awhile.

Related stupid kid story..., my friend and I decided to have a BB gun fight one day and I got shot right between the eyes with a BB.
So after several unsuccessful attempts to get it out, a lame ass story to explain it to the parents, a trip to the hospital and four stitches later I lost my BB gun again.

so always practice safe shooting and never aim for the head or glass.

GaGambler84 reads

Bogota and Rio. I had planned to take enough time off to visit Asia, but it doesn't look like that is in the cards. I am thinking about Bogota from Wed-Sun, doing a day or two of work, and then hitting Rio for New Years. I've spent the last four holiday seasons in Costa Rica, time for a change of pace.

Feliz Navidad

I'm heading to the mountains of Eastern Tennessee for Christmas this year. We have a tradition where we take a vacation during the holidays. My four kids, my SO and his 2 kids and my daughter's BF will be staying in a HUGE log cabin in Wears Valley Tn.
Good food, family and fun. We don't fuss with trees and garlands and glitter. It is about getting cozy and sharing the moments we have.
The cabin has a pool table, foosball, ping-pong, electronic darts, game console, hot tub and it is gorgeous. I am looking forward to the mountain air and the roads less traveled.
There will be reindeer games and Secret Santas and plenty of sweets and the usual feast.
I have no idea what will be playing on tv. I have a feeling we might not be sitting in front of the tv much. Unless DUKE has a game.

Wherever you are this holiday remember to put the mistletoe to good use.
Kids need to see Mommy kissing Santa more often!!


Sexy Carolina

With 4 kids, it will be an early morning of Santa and family gift giving. Then a huge breakfast buffet that I will prepare with the help of my girls.

The rest of the day will be full of toys and games (and hopefully a nap). And Christmas evening will end with drinks and card games with friends. A great day...


to visit with my grandbabies, but that trip had to be postponed. I'll probably eat a lot of food that's not good for me, and since there will be plenty of football, I think I'll sit on the couch, burp, fart, and scratch myself.

Or maybe I'll take a hike through the Los Padres National Forest, depends on the weather.

I too, have a favorite Christmas Movie... and no it is not "a Christmas Story" nor is it "Its a wonderful life" nor is it "White Christmas" nor is it "A Christmas Carol" nor is it any of the "Die hard movies" nor is it "Miracle on 34th street" nor is it even "bad santa" nor is it "ice harvest" nor is it "holiday Inn"

what it is - is....

National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation....

Then, I will unwrap presents... and go out and fight injustices and crime....  well, maybe go out and commit a crime... hee hee!!! with some lovely christmas wench!  who will serve as my pagan goddess for the day.

I'll finishing cooking from the night before. Then I will call family and friends (my family is not in Florida).  I will then listen to how my teen will spend his Christmas money and feed him and a few of his little friends.

More than likely, we'll go to the movie but I'm  not sure which one I'll see. Who knows, I may get a bunch and watch them at home.

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