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Re: More than likely any of my "regulars" have seen my cum face...teeth_smile
rob8675309 6 Reviews 507 reads

Wouldn't mind seeing your cum face. What was the question again?.....

6thsense1823 reads

A lady (that I have never met) has just tweeted the following:
If we've only met once or twice & it was well over a year ago,I don't think you'd be considered a "regular."

I will be interested to know how providers define a "regular" client?

-- Modified on 7/26/2015 10:27:44 AM

I'm not a provider, but I'd consider myself a regular after three or four visits if the provider remembered me by name

Some see guys on a weekly basis, some monthly, some every other month. All could be considered "regulars."

Sounds like her comment may have been for her to give out referrals? Some girls have a policy where you need to see them recently (the most common one I see is within 6 months) to get a referral.

Even that isn't etched in stone as some girls don't follow their own policy to the letter. I have seen girls once and would have no issues giving a referral if I needed because we have kept in touch or whatever.

...There was a picture of you along with the definition: "Guys who keep in touch with providers they've seen only once."

I would have to put it in the category of basically getting a haircut. Every 4 to 6 weeks you get your haircut, the Barber, thinks as you have a regular customer. But, because I keep a nice smooth head shaved closely,  just btw, the way i like, my ladies.....smooth and bald. I'll do that weekly to me head so that I can and when I consider myself a regular, seeing her weekly.

You see them on a consistent basis.  Once or twice a year, if she's local is IMHO not considered a regular.  If she was touring through your area and you saw her while she was there, she may consider you a regular.

While I am no expert. My guess would be someone who is seeing her at least once a month or more on a regular basis (kind of like a mortgage/rent thing). For touring gals it would be every-time she is in town. IMHO...

It can mean different things to different people and even differ between johns and hookers.

A regular for me has to have repeated many times in succession. One or two times and big gaps in between ..not a regular to me.

The provider you are talking about probably posted that in regard to references like Jack mentioned, or grandfathered rates.  

In any case, every provider is different. I have had several consider me a regular after only 2 dates. Some would consider you a regular if you repeated with them a few times. Some will only consider you a regular if you see them at a regular interval (i.e. weekly monthly, quarterly etc.) For touring ladies some will consider you a regular if you see them every time they come through your town even if it's only once a year or so.

GaGambler566 reads

If all you have to do is send a "hey it's me" email, PM or text and you are sure she won't respond back with a  "who is this?" at that point it's pretty safe to say you have attained "regular" status.

Not necessarily.
Some of us have some type of easily defining feature or characteristic that can stay in a providers mind regardless of how many times that we've seen her. It's not too common, I'm sure.....but it does happen.

GaGambler461 reads

Yes, I get your point, but since there is no "true" definition of the term "regular" mine is as good as anyone else's, but that doesn't mean that my definition doesn't have a few shortcomings too.

Yes having your very own vagina would qualify. But also someone in a wheelchair, or any other number of physical differences that are out of the norm that would tend to make a lasting impression in a providers mind.

And I do agree.....your definition is quite good.

Clients that I like I tend to remember. They don't necessarily have a stand-out defining characteristic but I see your point. I've yet to see someone with her own vagina, but one can dream. ;)

But still, the "often enough" part for that to happen varies. I would say also when she contacts you for a date, it's a sign you are a regular. I don't mean the blast emails or group texts but a sincere personal email or text, "Hey (your name) I'll be in your area again August 15-20.

GaGambler513 reads

"Where have you been all week? Get your ass over here and fuck me!!!" I suppose that too would qualify you as a regular. lol

Posted By: GaGambler
"Where have you been all week? Get your ass over here and fuck me!!!" I suppose that too would qualify you as a regular. lol

I don't recall ever being super comfortable to achieve orgasm on a first meeting unless it was an extended date. I would think of a guy in the hobby as regular if he has genuine interest in me and would willingly be a repeat client whenever it is convenient for him. I would not only base a frequent visitor as a regular, he may be hooked on something momentarily or on an agenda and then move on. A regular builds a rapport with his hooker and a level of comfort. Familiarity yes but frequency may vary.  

Nothing irks me more than a guy waiting months and months for a referral. I generally suggest in my TY followup email that I am willing to update any verification OK's and offer a referral, but if a considerable amount of time has lapsed I would not feel comfortable. I understand her tweet, but don't tweet stalk and overanalyze, tweets are only 140 characters of random thoughts, word vomits if you will.

Wouldn't mind seeing your cum face. What was the question again?.....

I know what to expect during our meeting.

My all time ATF cums see me weekly....  My other ATFs cum whenever they can .... I'm very grateful for their loyalty!!!

Posted By: 6thsense
I will be interested to know how providers define a "regular" client?
A guy who shows up, strips down, heads to the bathroom, drops a load (or pinches a loaf) without stress or strain and no painful "Oooh! Owowowow! God help me!"s and cleans up thoroughly with a nice soapy shower.  

The benefit of a high fiber diet.  She'll love you for it and maybe make you a regular with TWO creams and lots of sugar

......or more frequent. Otherwise calling them something like a semi-reg or familiar visitor feels a little more accurate.

L.Guapo619 reads

I do see girls I like on a continuing basis, but because I also like variety, I don't see anyone more than a couple of times a year.

They've seen you enough and to where there's a nice comfort level and you'd be really disappointed if they stop seeing you

Could mean a bi yearly weekend, someone who comes bi weekly or monthly, someone who is screened already, seen already, and it becomes an easier set up to see each other.  

Someone you would put priority over a new client, because you know they're going to show up and not give any problems.

I am pretty fortunate to have a few guys that I appreciate and enjoy seeing who surprise me sometimes by continually scheduling dates. Of all the ladies in the nation or area they can see, and they still like to see me. *blush face*

I think it kind of goes both ways though. Sometimes someone could be a perfect regular, but the small window of time/space they need isn't economical for the provider as needs change, or hotel prices skyrocket in certain areas. But there are times they can make it work. I would still call that a reliable client, because they will show with no problems when it does work out.

-- Modified on 7/26/2015 7:50:59 PM

I'd see her at least once a week, maybe two or three times a week.

I have a few I fly to regularly for weekends, etc. But a few times a year. I see a lot of out of state people during conferences out here, and when they go elsewhere, they think of me for their travel, fly me there, and see me there. Very easy to see, very accommodating, which to me is a good regular. They obviously can't fly to Chicago to see me every week, but they do remember me and see me when they can.

My newly wed spouse fucked me three times a day... breakfast, lunch and dinner for years...

... those were the days -sigh-

For me, a regular is any client that I see at least once or twice a month for more than a few months OR someone who always makes time to see me when they're in town.  

But there's a thin line between a repeat client and a regular client, and the difference between the two varies from provider to provider.

I would think that "regular" means what it says, viz., there is a standard and recurring practice of meeting with that provider. i'd think that would have to be at least monthly and probably even more than that, probably every fortnight. For me, with my ATF, it means at least weekly, often with extra sessions or travel thrown in for good measure.  I also think there is a relationship element to a "regular", wherein the two parties have a comfortable and ongoing manner of interacting both in session and out.

It means I know your voice when you call, I remember that particular "thing" that you love, I remember bits about your life and we probably share a personal joke. If you are an out of towner, you could be a regular if you see me the two or three times a year you come to Vegas. If you're a local, you're a regular if you have a pattern whether it's every week or once a month. Thank you, my regular gentlemen. I appreciate knowing what I'm walking into... no fear of the stranger that could be law enforcement or a kook.

Posted By: 6thsense
A lady (that I have never met) has just tweeted the following:  
 If we've only met once or twice & it was well over a year ago,I don't think you'd be considered a "regular."  
 I will be interested to know how providers define a "regular" client?

-- Modified on 7/26/2015 10:27:44 AM

I like your definition; its very comprehensive and simple - well put!

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