TER General Board

Re: Maybe I lead a very charmed life but...
36363jensen 4 Reviews 55 reads

I actually think your experience is not really that unique. Personally I think the reality in this activity is much better than what I experience in most other online review type sources (outside review sources that test products and services and are only paid by consumers, not the producer -- which is not far from the model for TER, in theory at least).

Is really no different here than pretty much everywhere else online. See link.

So yeah, people can gripe about reviews they don't like, or even that they are sure are fake, or even the ones everyone thinks are fake. The main point of this post is just to point out this is nothing new, nor it seems something that is even worse here than elsewhere (which might be the more interesting question -- do people get more excited here than in other situations?). So I would think most should be pretty well prepared to approach all these reviews and ads with the grain of salt any level of experience should suggest.

For those that are new, or seem to struggle the link covers some of the same points often mentioned here so might be a good review article to peruse.

Oh look, everything they said you can also apply to the reviews on TER!!! LOL  
Unfortunately many providers take reviews very personally rather than as a tool to provide a better service.  
I am not going to be a 10 for everyone, that is OK, we are all human. If a provider never has anything that needs to be improved on in any of their reviews that may be a red flag also. This is my business and I treat it like my business. I do read my reviews and learn from them. This is a service industry and I always strive to provide the best service at a price point that I think most gents can afford.  
With that being said, mean reviews help no one and are just that, mean. Be honest about what was good with the appointment, but be gentle with what needs to be improved on. Also as a client reflect and be honest about what you need to improve on to make sessions the best they can be for both of you. You are of course paying for the session, but were you on time? Was your hygiene top notch? Were you in a foul mood? These can all affect the session.  
Always remember to have fun. We are here to provide joy in your life, even if it is just one hour of blissful fun.  :)

Actually I was thinking more about the "guys" that use reviews that complain about the quality of the reviews more than the providers. Probably because from what I've seen for every thread from a provider complaining about a review I see three or more threads from guys taking exception to some review and calling it fake or a shill -- or sometimes a hit piece.

The grain of salt being the point. I also find most guys who review ALOT tend to be more harsh/ not like theirself as much so they hard review and don't like anything short of a girl who is fake head to toe lol

I truly attract great clients who are not what i've seen alot of on most reviews boards and for that i'm thankful cause the way these others girls cry and hate their clients is yikes. I actually block alot of guys for the reviews they leave it gives a amazing way to show what kind of person someone really is

I have always found the reviews to be fairly accurate.

Sure, there is some stretching the numerical score, but if you go by the descriptions of what happens in the review, I've never been disappointed.

I actually think your experience is not really that unique. Personally I think the reality in this activity is much better than what I experience in most other online review type sources (outside review sources that test products and services and are only paid by consumers, not the producer -- which is not far from the model for TER, in theory at least).

I think the liars whom never shared time with a provider & submitted slanderous fantasy reviews should have consequences because it’s not helping the community in anyway.

I'm in the process of writing a long post on the kgirl pomesaage board replying to the "why I don't write negative reviews" thread. That's gonna be a doozy.  

But, let me summarize it really quick.

The concept of user reviews was created for customers by customers. It was never, EVER intended to make money for businesses/sellers or to manipulate user evaluation. It wasn't the sellers lane, not even their road or neighborhood.  

It was made BY buyers FOR buyers.

Some scum sellers quickly realized they could manipulate reviews in a way that would benefit their biz. By doing that, they basically spat in their buyers face.

It doesn't matter if the seller is a book author on amzn a doctor or a sex seller. If they think it's OK to manipulate reviews and masquerade fake or "friends and fan" reviews as real customer reviews, they show their true colors = they never gave a shit about authenticity or integrity, all they ever gave shit about was dead presidents printed on paper. And if they don't respect customers, why should customers respect them? Fuck them. Would be poetic if they suffocate from smell of freshly printed greenbacks.


Now, let's review (hehe) how it's different in this biz from other biz. You have sites like fakespot, and with advent of Ai tools there are other mechanisms springing up. Where's the fakespot here? Yep, none. Sites like Amazon allow customers to post user pics. We allowed to post user pics of providers on here? Nope.


Last but not least, the attitude of "see other people are doing it so this means it's OK" is completely disgusting. It's herd mentality. Instead of standing up for the right thing, you say oh everyone else does it so it's OK. Right... because sellers have no conscience and are happy to rip off customers by investing in review manipulation, somehow makes it ok and justified. No it doesn't. Manipulating user reviews (user reviews that they have no right to even touch) to increase profit is a move scum makes. But yeah go and stand up for them.

What does it tell you when you hear that reviews influence a providers biz more than all their ads combined, ever?

Well, what it does tell me is that most buyers don't TRUST the providers or their ads. If they did, they wouldn't use these sites as much and the reviews wouldn't be so influential. And that lack of trust isn't baseless, it is based on generational experience.  

Buyers want to hear from fellow buyers to know the real deal.  

And many sellers think somehow it's OK to manipulate the reviews then and pretend to be buyers. If they think they can do this just because they can get away with this, what else would they do if they could get away with it?

 In other industries would you trust a seller who makes up reviews, to not put chemicals that might be harmful to you in their products, as long as they can get away with it without consequences and make more money? What else will they do to double the dollars? When you put monetary gains above being transparent and honest with your customer base, why is the expectation that customers just have to take it? No, we don't have to take it.  

I sure as hell wouldn't trust a seller like that, ever.

One big difference - as a “seller” in this business I am obviously not going to advertise the details of my services.  Sure I can allude to what may be provided, with terms like GFE, but that can mean different details to different people. Additionally many girls have a certain style that may or may not be what you are looking for.    
This is where a savvy gent will use reviews as part of his research. Often you will see trends that will indicate the service you can expect, and this is going to be considerably more detailed than any acceptable advertising.

Obviously there will be some nuances that make things a tad  different for every biz.

For something like a car biz, first one can always test drive a car, there are also expert ratings in magazines and so forth, so user reviews arent as sought after.

With this biz tho, before the internet and user reviews, all we had (well I wasn't hobbying yet at those times but I was certainly around internet and computers) was in-person word of mouth and provider ads. So typically best selling escorts were the best advertisers. User reviews kind changed that and now people seek out good reviews and in many cases won't see a provider who has zero reviews. Reviews (and minis on other forums) are pretty much the only voice buyers have and I'm distraught that it is ran down with lies and manipulation.  


Just to clarify here, because I write with a bit of vitriol, people often accuse me of being anti-provider or anti-women, which is really far from the truth. I like women, I like sex with women. I view women as equal to men. I support all women's rights.  

I respect providers who do honest work, don't attack bad reviews if they're honest/real, and respect customers. It is a hard job and a needed job. I respect their rights.  I will never attack a provider just because she or he is a provider.  

What I don't respect is when the seller tries to manipulate reviews. It doesn't matter what industry. If a book author is caught giving himself good reviews, I will go out of my way to point it out to others, let him know about it, and will even consider pirating his book to protest this behavior.  

To me, manipulating user reviews breaks the trust between buyer and seller. I've sometimes veen that guy trying to compare and contrast escorts last minute. I want anyone reading the reviews to read the truth, and make a decision in accordance to real fellow monger reviews, not some fake trash someone paid for to boost their biz. The lack of negative reviews is also a big problem because buyers in this biz either don't want to hurt feelings or are afraid to anger the sellers. Which causes bad sessions that could been prevented.  

I hope I expressed my concerns succinctly and don't come across as someone who wants to steal a providers biz. I really don't. I just don't want the seller or seller minions to manipulate reviews that are often the only source of info for fellow consumers.  

Cheers and happy friday!

In the EARLY days of the internet, there was usenet and info available in "usenet newsgroups" such as:
alt.sex.strip-clubs and
I picked up a lot of helpful info there.  
And I have posted about even earlier sources of info, even go back to the '70s -- the 1870s -- and earlier
"I'm sure there was ancient graffiti ("For a good time, see Clytemnestra, VI VI IX II IV VI VIII."), but the oldest commonly known review would probably be that of Mary Magdalene in The Epistles."  
"There are other threads on this history topic. See, f'rinstance:  
"Gentlemen's Companion (1870)
"This guidebook to New York City's attractions, published anonymously in 1870, had nothing to say about Central Park or the Croton Aqueduct. But it had everything to say about the "seven beautiful young lady scholars" residing at the Ladies' Seminary on West 27th Street and other women-for-hire vying for a gentleman's attention and dollars.
*****And the reviews seem to have been honest:***** "Readers who insisted on seeing 111 Spring Street for themselves were cautioned that they would encounter "the lowest class of courtezans" there and a crowd of "roughs and rowdies, and gentlemen who turn their shirts wrong side out when the other side is dirty.""
And several other similar publications in the New York Public Library.  
Oh crap, I did it again. A "library" is a big building with books inside which is where people used to go to read stuff before the internet.
Here's another link: http://cityroom.blogs.nytimes.com/2011/01/26/on-the-records-a-well-preserved-roadmap-to-perdition/?_r=0  "
How to hobby in the 1870s:
and others.

Posted By: team_rocket_qwerty

With this biz tho, before the internet and user reviews, all we had (well I wasn't hobbying yet at those times but I was certainly around internet and computers) was in-person word of mouth and provider ads. So typically best selling escorts were the best advertisers. User reviews kind changed that and now people seek out good reviews and in many cases won't see a provider who has zero reviews. Reviews (and minis on other forums) are pretty much the only voice buyers have and I'm distraught that it is ran down with lies and manipulation.  

So did the "comment boxes" at businesses but they weren't really publicly available for everyone to see. I was more of an indirect feedback and it was never really available to other customers easily. Which is a big deal.  

The internet did change a lot tho. Instead of having to have your barbershop crew who only visit providers in your part of town now you could get info from anyone who have sampled the services.  

Unfortunately the anonymity also means that moles, rats and snitches can infiltrate your groups on internet. Wasnt possible before. If someone random joins your real life barbershop clique and starts biggin up some services in a clear advertising way, its obvious from day one. You just kick that person out physically and alls well. But with online the are services that offer review writing, attempting to taint the most holy that is - the reviews of other customers. All for what? To make $. It's a fucking disgrace.  

And yes I'm well aware what libraries are. A lot of my time in high school and college was spent at those ;)

Adding on to Rocketeer's post .. TL:DR Review boards are the best thing that ever happened to this hobby.
It pulled in a vast new client base (square suburban Joes who would never brave a stroll or a mob-controlled cathouse), and allows providers to charge higher prices.
It also opens up the field to truly independent providers.

I'm old enough to remember mob-controlled strip-n-clip joints and call girl rings.  Would you really want to go back to that?

If you want to take that type of track on my post it would be that if everyone else is steeling you would do well to be sure to lock your doors, windows and car. And do like is done in other place with low trust like wearing your backpack on the front rather than the back.

Again, the point of the post was that for all the complaining and hand wringing about it like it was something unusual or worse that one sees in many other places simply recognize this is just a fact of our imperfect world. Don't be naive about it and think that just because its about sex that everyone somehow is going to turn into angels rather than continue being the human being they are.

What type of track? That IS your post. You happily saying see it happens elsewhere too so it's not nothing unusual or worse...so people shouldn't complain. That's your post.  

Yeah it's a damn travesty that it happens elsewhere. The only ignorance on display is you trying to classify scumbag behavior as being a "human being". There ARE honest sellers out there who don't have to lie to customers or pretend to be customers in order to sell their shit. Are they not human beings?  

A human being in your opinion, is prone to lying to their customer and deceiving their customer on purpose so they get more money? That's what human beings do? Really? I thought that was what scumbags do when they're not regulated and they can get away unscathed.  

I really like the diction here by you though.  
Not "scam" or "manipulation" or "lying". But rather "imperfection". Gotta love euphemsisms. Ah but tis an imperfect world and humans lie and deceive by nature, therefore we shouldnt complain or discuss. Lol. That is a terrible argument for why fake/shill reviews shouldn't be discussed. Problems should be discussed even if they may exist elsewhere. A problem of lying and deceiving and manipulating reviews on a REVIEW site should always be discussed. What the hell is fucking wrong with you?  


You know what else happens elsewhere? People scam and rob other people outside of sex services biz.

Well shit, if that's the case we shouldnt complain about these in this game, right? Because it's nothing unusual or any worse. But if it were, we could complain. But since it isn't, we shouldn't complain.

Right? Riiiight. This logic falls apart as soon as we try to poke this silly "argument".  

How about this? We complain about wrongdoings in all industries we know of. I call out and air out scumbags who think they can manipulate reviews in many different industries, whether hobby related or work related. Why should I do any different here?  

Have you ever thought that something that seems benign to you may be considered as extremely bad and punishable harshly by others?  
That something you consider being a "human being" used to get people beaten and tarred and feathered? I gua-ra-fucking-tee you that if fake reviews had serious consequences, that there would be far less people doing them. And guess what? I'm all in for making those consequences as serious as possible in all industries alike.  


As far as people "steeling" me, how about instead of locking doors windows and car - which is your "advice", I'll just track whoever is "steeling", gather evidence of them doing it, corner them, and then delightfully dunk them in a puddle of crap and make sure they and as many potential victims hear about it. Even better, them having crap on their faces for the rest of their life like a tattoo should make for a good lesson. Don't, ahem, "steel" from your customers.


Happy new year. Try being better than what a "human being" entails in your opinion. Try to hold liars, scammers and people who camouflage as buyers accountable.  
I know I'll do my part. And if there's one wish of mine to be granted, let it be so that every biz/person that attempted to manipulate and masquerade as a customer all to make an extra dollar, lose a hundred thousand for each customer they tricked into buying their product. Or at least got a nice loud smack of karma.

Was that just more of your willful ignorance?

No where did I justify anything about bad behavior. Nor was I talking about good or bad of the subject of the review. The post was about the problem with reviews in general. For those that cared, they also look at the links and note the assessment that 40% (IIRC) of the online reviews were fake/lies or whatever descriptor you want. From there they could decide if this world, and specifically this site, is better or worse.  My personal view is that reviews submitted here average better than than places like Amazon or Yelp or other such places.

One would also note that the linked story also largely echoed most of the suggestions that are made here about how to approach using reviews to better weed out the garbage reviews and improve their odds of having pleasurable experiences.

You yourself said,

"Don't be naive about it and think that just because its about sex that everyone somehow is going to turn into angels rather than continue being the human being they are."

Who said that though? Who thought that? If anything, it's the sellers who think somehow because they sell sex services they're some kind of special. I personally never said selling or buying sex is anything more special than any real world.  

No one said this. But it's clear you're attempting to normalize the situation. And make it seem that in comparison, it's normal. It isn't.  

The situation is a very problematic one. Fake reviews are a huge problem that needs to be addressed from the ground up. Not how to circumvent the problem and read the fake reviews well, but to eradicate fake reviews. Amazon does it at least in some capacity. There are third party tools that evaluate authenticity of reviews. Many stores have a "verified buyer" badge where you can see the customer  paid money for the good or service.

Where are all these checks in the sex industry? Nowhere to be found. Because of lack of these checks, it is muxh more of a problem here. There is nothing to deter or discourage fake reviews to be written to advertise the product/service in this industry. It's wild wild west.

Yet when people try to speak up and try to (rightfully) attack those who write or peruse these reviews for their own gain, they are often attempted to be silenced.

Why Conan is not wasting his time with you, but "not nothing" is a double negative.  The correct wording is "nothing unusual."  Do you see the irony in you TRYING to correct someone else on their diction?

First of all by your implicit suggestion that Conan has both the time and inclination to correct every grammatical malefaction on this board.
But also, because you have failed to comprehend the difference between "diction" and "grammar." The former means pronunciation while the latter means correct usage. You do, I hope, understand the difference.

I must correct, of all people, Conan the Grammarian, but many words have more than one meaning.  Diction is one of them.  From the Oxford Dictionary . . . . .  

"1.      the choice and use of words and phrases in speech or writing:
"Wordsworth campaigned against exaggerated poetic diction"
Similar phraseology, phrasing, turn of phrase, CHOICE OF WORDS (emphasis added), wording, ...  

2.       the style of enunciation in speaking or singing:
"she began imitating his careful diction".  Similar
enunciation, articulation, elocution, locution, pronunciation, . . . ."

You are correct in thinking the meaning is also number two, but it doesn't invalidate number one.  

It's interesting, I just found this page and a lot of language on this page mirrors what I have been saying. Almost to the tee in terms of language.  


"Reviews provide a forum for sharing authentic feedback about products and services – positive or negative. Any attempt to manipulate reviews, including by directly or indirectly contributing false, misleading or inauthentic content, is strictly prohibited"  

Another interesting tidbit there is the following line:


"These lawsuits have produced monetary judgments exceeding the annual revenue for such sellers and data allowing us to take additional enforcement actions against others."  

Why is that line in there? It only is there for one purpose: show the extent of consequences. Now, a question that may be rhetorical:  

If some sellers in THIS biz knew they could potentially lose their entire annual revenue by using fake/misleading reviews, would the number of fake reviews go down?

One thing I'll say is that while I know the sellers often look down on their own clientele and all, when it comes to calculating risk/reward they're pretty savvy.  


I suggest people stop normalizing dishonest behavior.

a lot of reviews are BS. a lot read like a letter to Penthouse or Playboy.
A lot bear no resemblance to what I experienced with the same provider.

I did screen shot a review to one provider, she said what was reported in the review never happened.

I agree. I have bent many men over & pegged them from behind, and have never read any reviews that state these facts. It’s weird. lol Smile for me!

Cheers to the New Year!

bfde666: "a lot of reviews are BS. a lot read like a letter to Penthouse or Playboy."
That does not follow -- in either direction.  A BS review need not sound like that; a review in that style need not be false; an honest review of a good session need not sound  flat and unemotional.  
There's good reason that PB/PH Letters sound the way they do -- they are (presumably pretending to be) entertaining descriptions of intensely sexual encounters.  That is exactly what clients seek, and what they describe in both good reviews and in some fake reviews.  
So I do not consider PB/PH Letters "style" a diagnostic criterion (positive nor negative) for reviews.

Not much has been said here about the providers that setup alternate accounts as men, then they write glowing reviews of themselves that include may kinks beyond straight sex.   I know this is true because I've been suckered into appointments based on misrepresented reviews.   How can a dozen reviews be written with the same style and point of view by different men?  That should have been a big red flag.   I always shower and shave where I need just before leaving home for the appointment.   I'm an average looking gentleman and have good manners.   After 30 minutes into an agreed hour long appointment, and being polite, trying to get her naked and doing the things she's agreed to on the phone I've figured out it is going downhill fast and I needed to get the hell out of there... pissed off and saying goodbye to my donation.   I've discussed this situation offline with a few other men here over the years.   These women waste more time talking than giving any service, and when the finally get around to doing the deed it is worse than a wife who dislikes sex.  Don't say this isn't true because it is.

Yes, we see the occasional post about such events made here. Based on that the frequency seems a bit low -- though I have no doubt that the less abusive (just one self-review to get some notice) will likely pass under the radar as it would be more difficult to recognize. But I don't think any of the providers or agencies have some review writing farm managing the  reviews as occurs in other, legal service/product spaces.

But the way to deal with that is to vet the reviews and reviewers. So while the existence of multiple reviews is better than just one review it hardly means someone should then not look closer into the reviews and reviewers. You mentioned they all looked like the same person might have written them. That would be a flag to suggest caution. Have any of the reviewers seen anyone you have seen? Did their assessment match yours? Did all the reviewers only review the one provider and have no other reviews? What is their posting history?  

For me the core problem with reviews is that without doing the work to verify they are honest reviews and written by someone with similar tastes and requirements as the one using the review, reviews are going to be low quality. Or at least low quality from a specific person's use perspective even if the collection is largely an honest recap from the perspective of the writer. That was what I saw as a main point of the linked article; one cannot just take reviews at face value in any setting. (I would probably make an exception for reviews from sources such as Consumer Reports as they are getting paid by consumers for their work so reflect a very good incentive structure.)

Check out some of my old posts on Secret Shopper or Mystery Shopper authentication!!
My offer to be the Secret Shopper still stands! TER! I'm waiting to hear from you!

Posted By: Matthewgp
Re: Self Reviews
Not much has been said here about the providers that setup alternate accounts as men, then they write glowing reviews of themselves that include may kinks beyond straight sex.   I know this is true because I've been suckered into appointments based on misrepresented reviews.   How can a dozen reviews be written with the same style and point of view by different men?  That should have been a big red flag.   I always shower and shave where I need just before leaving home for the appointment.   I'm an average looking gentleman and have good manners.   After 30 minutes into an agreed hour long appointment, and being polite, trying to get her naked and doing the things she's agreed to on the phone I've figured out it is going downhill fast and I needed to get the hell out of there... pissed off and saying goodbye to my donation.   I've discussed this situation offline with a few other men here over the years.   These women waste more time talking than giving any service, and when the finally get around to doing the deed it is worse than a wife who dislikes sex.  Don't say this isn't true because it is.

If you believe more than 5%  of what’s in a review then you also believe in the tooth fairy, the Easter bunny, and Santa Claus

So I would assume your entire rationale for being on this board is purely for the discussion groups, and perhaps the pic only board.

The other interesting thing about such a post is that most people reading here should then conclude that at best only one of your reviews is credible, and trying to separate the wheat from the chaff probably too much work for little return so why pay any attention to you at all?  Perhaps trying to focus on how to find useful reviews would be a more valuable contribution.

is that many of them are quite accurate. I developed a group of go-to reviewers as a result of my experience at local M&Gs so I was about to use back channels to verify girls. I found it to be the best way to utilize TER.

And if anything, it reiterates some of the main issues that reviews have.

In back channels many people are FAR more honest and critical than they will ever be in public reviews.i even knew a guy who would feed me legit info and then feed the public bs info. I couldn't take it because I couldn't see and stomach him lying to the public so I told him to stop giving me info if he was going to continue to feed inflated info to the public.  


When we will have public reviews reaching the level of honesty and transparency of back channels, I suspect most people will less problems with reviews than they do now. I pretty much say exactly the same thing in private that I do in public in terms of evolution of a provider. I wish others did too.  

Ie, a public review is more of an ad a lot of times than an actual honest and critical review.

That said, in my experience they didn't contradict the reviews themselves, but simply supplemented them.

"honest" reviews or not when you don't have VIP?  You need VIP to read the juicy details.  I get it that lurkers are allowed to post here, but how do you expect to taken seriously with your comments on reviews when you can't even read them?

I have vip most of the time. Are you remedial or are pretending to be? Sometimes I don't have vip. That doesn't magically make me forget the info I've read before.  

If you have Alzhemeir's, I feel bad for you, but my brain is fairly good at retaining information.

Old time hobbyist here. I’ve always felt that a reviewed provider was somebody I felt more comfortable going to see. Yes, I know some guys are mean and some post fake reviews, but over the years, the reviews on this site have been helpful.  

I don’t want to meet with a provider who is not into the things I like. Nothing is more disappointing than meeting the provider and being told things like daty and rimming are not available. No DFK, etc. if I had known that info before, I would not have booked.  

Fake reviews help no one. Mean and spiteful reviews are just that, mean. When I see a provider’s review history is mostly positive and then only 1 or 2 negative reviews, I question the reviewer. I also don’t like mean reviews because that’s not cool. Be nice and polite, if the meeting sucked then just say that but don’t be rude.  
Honest does not need to be rude.  

Overall, reviews help us to make decisions. With the rates being what they are, I want to invest appropriately and not be disappointed.  I think they can help a provider as well.  

Best wishes for all in this wonderful activity!

vipparty28 reads

Im here because TER msg us that they missed us ;) Ooo thats nice!

About the Fake reviews.. Thats something you find mostly in the Travel business. I guess we are closely related.. Travel Agency / Escort agency or you could call us hostesses / tour guides . There might be more chance of a real review for a travel agency compared to an escort or escort agency. I understand there are no official escort agencies in the USA. However they might be called differently. (hostesses) Our escort sites are in Costa Rica its almost legal here, the client is safe. That said operating the escort sites we have had 2 reviews in 15 years and only coming from TER ? Browse the web these you will find. We dont place fake reviews, but that means if you see an agency with lots of reviews... its probably fake. Not sure how that goes for independents, but I bet its not much better.. It could be that the users on TER feel safer to post reviews compared to escort directories.  

- costaricavipparty

I believe this to be true for most part ..

Like how could someone have all five star reviews they didn't run across one person who didn't like them or enjoy their services?
I been doing this 14 years one thing has taught me is after 400 plus reviews you can't make every client happy. And everyone has different opinions. So how could someone only have 10/10 s....

Also the part about fake reviews with so much detail is true too ...or saying a provider did something for the reviewer that she never does or has never done in previous reviews...

If you see providers with several reviews and they are many with basically good reviews but every one had different idea of her looks that's based on opinions and is more reasonable...to understand not every one is going to like every one once the meet it's impossible in real world.

Also here some gentleman want one type of service and because the way reviews here are you aren't allowed to give hirer ratings if only one type of service was supplied. But some guys will lie to that they received more services to get higher numbers and others just won't so lie so i.e. lower scores but only cause this site requires xyz for this score.

So yes their are fakes and embellished reviews but if you are smart enough they are easily spotted

My 2 cents
Hugs Hazel

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