TER General Board

Re: Looks like he's been blacklisted. Did you do it? Hope so.
BrittneyStarGirl See my TER Reviews 1723 reads
1 / 46

Someone I'd seen a few times took out a tazer on me today. He stole my phone, a laughable $80 (his grandfather rate) and left.  

I bought a new phone but this is still very upsetting that a regular client could do this.

Any tips on how to better protect myself DURING a session?

BrittneyStarGirl See my TER Reviews 533 reads
2 / 46

I stay in nice hotels, but as far as LI goes, safes are hard to come by.

Also, I leave all my cash in my car, and leave the keys at the front desk.

I also had my own taser but I couldn't get to it in time and it was either get robbed or get tassed.. And I picked the first option

Fancy8888 See my TER Reviews 363 reads
3 / 46

Posted By: BrittneyStarGirl
Someone I'd seen a few times took out a tazer on me today. He stole my phone, a laughable $80 (his grandfather rate) and left.  
 I bought a new phone but this is still very upsetting that a regular client could do this.  
 Any tips on how to better protect myself DURING a session?

ShakingtheSheets 189 Reviews 360 reads
4 / 46

irst, glad you are safe.  The outcome could have been a lot worse.

Second, I am not sure how you can prevent a client you have previously seen on several occasions, from suddenly morphing into a really bad person. Your guard is naturally down because you consider this client safe. It is going to catch you by surprise. You didn't do anything wrong (i.e. not screen carefully) and that is the upsetting part of it  

The best thing to do is to try and get him out of the room as quickly as possible. I am not sure you want to engage in a physical battle (If he took out a taser, you are not dealing with a rational man and he is there to hurt you).  All you can do now is give out as much information about him to providers who ask in the hopes that he is never able to set up an appointment again with anybody.

BrittneyStarGirl See my TER Reviews 278 reads
5 / 46

I know. Its still really bothersome.  

A small part of me thinks this is a fully premeditated act. From the first time he met me.  

I don't mean to seem niave or anything, but I'm almost certain he could have been a pimp, and when he saw I had no money, stole the phone in attempts to stop calls or something.

BrittneyStarGirl See my TER Reviews 254 reads
6 / 46

Must have deleted what I wrote...

So, I'm not sure where the provider only boards are but...  

Also, I use a burner phone so I don't have his number (I do know area code and first 3 digits.) And I didn't sync my contacts..

Though I can describe him physically

-- Modified on 2/10/2016 12:39:11 PM

BrittneyStarGirl See my TER Reviews 241 reads
7 / 46

Just because a lot of the competitive crap goes on out here... And I'm independent, so that makes me a more obvious target.

GaGambler 373 reads
8 / 46

Self defense courses are only good up to a certain point, unless you want to spend your entire life in the gym learning how to fight, the average woman is NEVER going to be able to fight off the average man if he is determined to hurt you. The same goes for weapons, the first thing you have to do with a weapon is be able to get your hands on said weapon. As you are painfully aware, sometimes that is impossible.

I am really really sorry this happened to you, but you escape alive and relatively undamaged, that's at least a small positive.

About the only thing you can do is to make yourself an unattractive target, and you appear to have taken many of the right steps by not leaving a lot of cash and/or valuables laying around. Obviously screening is important, but protecting yourself from a client you already know is extremely difficult as you can't live your life expecting people you know to do you harm.

I honestly can't think of anything I can criticize you for, or anything I can tell that you did wrong. This is all on him, and I hope you are not going to let him get away with it. Don't let the fact that you are a hooker dissuade you from calling LE and don't be afraid to testify against if that's what it takes.

BTW please don't listen to the internet tough guys or girls who will undoubted tell you that you should have kicked his ass, or that a few self defense classes will allow to beat up a man 75 lbs bigger than you. It is simply NOT a realistic expectation for the average woman, and can actually put you in more danger rather than less.

BrittneyStarGirl See my TER Reviews 352 reads
9 / 46

GG. Always a pleasure to read your thoughts. I've skimmed to say the least ;) (I may have taken a liking to u)

Any who. I am grateful that I'm okay and I'm smart with how I do thing. But I can't help but somehow wonder if anything I could have done would have changed the outcome.  

And I am nervous with LE but what will they do? Ask hotel for video? Put my room under suspicion? It scares me..idk.. Shed any more light on that?

anotherdamnalias 255 reads
10 / 46

1. He stole your phone to keep you from blacklisting his number..OR calling LE..Nobody memorizes phone numbers these days, especially in this hobby.

2. $80 ???? Don't offer QV's to anyone that can't afford an hour, cheap assholes are not good customers.

3. Get a can of wasp/hornet spray, it will shoot 20 feet of blinding spray, better than a taser, quieter than a gun, and nobody thinks twice about why you have a can of bug spray =)

JackDunphy 325 reads
11 / 46

As any guys walks in your door, be on your phone.  

A simple "he's here, I have to go" as you greet him at the door can do the trick.

No guarantees and a BSC john isn't going to give a damn but it might give many pause to know that you have established what time he arrived to another party.

Security is about risk mitigation, not elimination, as eliminating risk is not feasible.

Very sorry this happened to you.

adultangel303 See my TER Reviews 201 reads
12 / 46
GaGambler 332 reads
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and also if it happened at a location you use a lot and plan on using a lot in the future.

Unfortunately, you may need to simply "bite the bullet" this time, but even if that's the case, by all means please don't advertise the fact that you had to let the guy off scot free. Just like I tell the guys not to "reward bad behavior" where it comes to much more minor transgressions like fake pics, you certainly don't want other bad actors to be encouraged to do this to another girl because they have a sense of security that you won't or can't retaliate.

BrittneyStarGirl See my TER Reviews 193 reads
14 / 46

Bug spray is a damn good idea.  

Also, he's a regular. I've seen him more times than I have appendages.

His grandfather rate was and is 80, just as I still see clients for 200/hour because I already saw them for that amount

GaGambler 296 reads
15 / 46

Your post above is great advice in that the best self defense in situation like this is to "get away"

Your advice here is beyond idiotic and downright dangerous. If you are a fool and don't mind taking an ass whipping or worse, much much worse, that's your business, but to advise others to do so is not only irresponsible, but downright dangerous.  

You might consider yourself a "Betty Badass" but you are a moron if you look forward to taking on a full grown man with a weapon in the closed space of a hotel room, that's beyond moronic, that's a death wish, and would only come from someone who has never been in a life or death situation.

A word of advice from someone who has actually spent some time in the ring. There isn't one fighter in a thousand who can take on someone a hundred pounds heavier is a closed space. More like one person in a hundred thousand. If you want to bet on those kind of odds, that's your business, but this kind of advice was EXACTLY what I warned her about and sure enough it came from a predictable source.

BrittneyStarGirl See my TER Reviews 290 reads
16 / 46

I still remember the first 6 digits. And a have a very picturesque memory, so above anything else, I'll know to stay away.

GaGambler 235 reads
17 / 46

In the meantime all I can say is that I am really really sorry this happened to you.

I might be one of the biggest smartasses/assholes on the board, but some things are NOT a joking matter, and let me repeat that I am happy that at the very least you are physically okay. Everything else can be replaced.

BrittneyStarGirl See my TER Reviews 292 reads
18 / 46

And it was.. Other than my peace of mind..

Which lord only knows how my I trouble keeping grasp of that lol (PTSD) so, this did help.. And yes- still trembling lol.

SavannahStJames See my TER Reviews 187 reads
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Afro-desiac 301 reads
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If she had, she'd understand that the OP could have done nothing to protect herself.  And let's not also forget that lil Julia's first post did talk about kicking his ass.  So she's talking out of both sides of her mouth here.
She should watch this, then go stand in the corner

Durhamdrew 19 Reviews 258 reads
22 / 46

You did everything right. Fighting back will certainly get you hurt, killed, or arrested if you get lucky and hurt him first. He picked you because he knew you wouldn't go to LE. Going to LE and saying so and so robbed me will end with hours and hours of repeated questions. Their goal is to get you to admit to something illegal on your part. You are dealing with people who are trained and experienced at deception (they lie) and worse, their mindset is that everyone they deal with is a liar so don't expect much help from LE. The best thing you can do is inform others about  this guy. Good luck!

BrittneyStarGirl See my TER Reviews 308 reads
23 / 46

A lot of indie providers start off at the top, where problems aren't experienced regularly. I'm still working my way up, I'm still fairly new and my first 9 months didn't exactly go to savings, more just getting things in order, so I can't afford to not make a date for a week, or only make 300 a week and pay my 200/week bills, on top of gluten free food, phone bill, gas, etc. I honestly don't understand how you "hobbyists" all get by. Truly the economy is crap for everyone

I've been tazed.. And burned.. A collection of other things.

I had a tazer, but I was on the wrong side of the room.. 3 feet would have made the difference . even tried to grab it, but he jumped on top of me.. He's obviously done it before. And obviously plans to do it again.

harborview 10 Reviews 259 reads
24 / 46

I am so sorry this happened to you & you did nothing wrong & everything right.  Write down everything you can remember from his contact information...  maybe the rest will come back to you.  You best defense...  is sceening...  Do you book through email?  Save the numbers...  You could text or phone his digits to another phone in a secure location before he arrives...  it could be your phone or a "safety" friend...  I would not under estimate the deterent value that someone knows something if you don't come home.  Even if it's a bluff.  He won't know.  And it's not totally a bluff.      
You can not very well take your cash out to the car very hour but there are hiding places inside the room.  I've heard of thieves going into her purse while she's in the bathroom...  dispicable!        

Self defense?  If you can fend on an assault for a few minutes, he'll leave.  If you can make it to the bathroom, there is a lock.  Bee spray is quite potent...  and is not classified as a weapon unless it is used as such.  I can't recommend carrying weapons because it would almost certainly increase the charges if you are ever arrested.

mrfisher 108 Reviews 253 reads
25 / 46

If he were just the kind of jerk who sneaks back a few 20s from the donation when you're not looking, that's one thing:  Put him on the black list and DNS on your phone and computer.

But a guy like this could end up murdering a gal some day when he decides to graduate to bigger and deadlier weapons.  

I know it is controversial, but I think his info should be given to LE.  In many cases, the cops who handle armed robberies don't give a fig about P4P raps, and you probably won't get bagged for that.  He should be picked up, tried, and sent away for a long time

BrittneyStarGirl See my TER Reviews 326 reads
26 / 46

I'm just quite nervous to risk the possibility of arrest. Due to my PTSD I am terrible under pressure and will be very nervous.

mrfisher 108 Reviews 252 reads
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I didn't mean to sound like a scold if you or anyone in that circumstance decided not to call LE against the guy.  It's very easy for me to pontificate in the comfort of my office on this while you gals are in the trenches facing these madmen.

But all I wanted to do is to say that calling LE is an option should circumstances allow.  Obviously, you must do what is right for you and with your circumstances I can see that calling LE could prove as awful as the original experience, not to mention turn out to be unfruitful

sasha2cute See my TER Reviews 234 reads
28 / 46
Durhamdrew 19 Reviews 211 reads
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She will end up on LE's radar as they consider everyone a criminal. They have a dim view of all people and anyone who is involved in"criminal activity" is nothing more than a criminal to them and undeserving of their assistance.  

Posted By: mrfisher
I didn't mean to sound like a scold if you or anyone in that circumstance decided not to call LE against the guy.  It's very easy for me to pontificate in the comfort of my office on this while you gals are in the trenches facing these madmen.  
 But all I wanted to do is to say that calling LE is an option should circumstances allow.  Obviously, you must do what is right for you and with your circumstances I can see that calling LE could prove as awful as the original experience, not to mention turn out to be unfruitful.  

Durhamdrew 19 Reviews 203 reads
30 / 46

This is pretty serious. Why not?

Posted By: BrittneyStarGirl
Someone I'd seen a few times took out a tazer on me today. He stole my phone, a laughable $80 (his grandfather rate) and left.  
 I bought a new phone but this is still very upsetting that a regular client could do this.  
 Any tips on how to better protect myself DURING a session?

Durhamdrew 19 Reviews 186 reads
31 / 46

Be careful about that Taser in NY. Just having it can catch you a case. Use it and you'll probably catch a  felony. BTW people have died from being Tased. That's a whole lot of legal problems.  

Posted By: BrittneyStarGirl
I stay in nice hotels, but as far as LI goes, safes are hard to come by.  
 Also, I leave all my cash in my car, and leave the keys at the front desk.  
 I also had my own taser but I couldn't get to it in time and it was either get robbed or get tassed.. And I picked the first option

bocabuster 19 Reviews 211 reads
34 / 46

How did this guy get a taser in the room without you seeing it?
He only took 80 or that's all you had period?
And finally what kind of clientele you seeing?

SoftlySarah See my TER Reviews 268 reads
35 / 46

local SWOP chapter (http://swop-nyc.org/) for support, and the Sex Worker Project at the Urban Justice Center: http://sexworkersproject.org/ to see if they can help out. I'm so very sorry you had to deal with that! :(

sensualhomme 9 Reviews 174 reads
36 / 46

You were seeing a low-end guy -- not exactly the elite of the New York Area. You have good looks and reviews. I would not expect you to settle for this low a fee – even from a regular. People that are pathologically cheap tend to be trouble eventually. No guarantees --but wouldn't only seeing more upscale guys should help reduce the risk of this kind of problem?

RoxyParker See my TER Reviews 185 reads
37 / 46

The only thing I might suggest is stricter screening.  I understand with being new and just trying to get on your feet you don't want to lose appointments.  However, you should always put your safety first.  Requiring a gentleman to give you his first & last name, and then verifying the information (I typically do employment verification) will greatly reduce the risk of seeing this type of predator.  It will also allow you to do some research and see if he has been blacklisted, criminal record, etc..  And, in the case of a situation like this, you will have their real world information if you do decide to go to the police.

It sounds like you did everything right at the hotel and during the situation.  I'm very glad you are safe and unharmed.  
Posted By: BrittneyStarGirl
Someone I'd seen a few times took out a tazer on me today. He stole my phone, a laughable $80 (his grandfather rate) and left.  
 I bought a new phone but this is still very upsetting that a regular client could do this.  
 Any tips on how to better protect myself DURING a session?

Afro-desiac 240 reads
38 / 46

Just a hunch, but your profile says you're from Long Island.  I just checked on the National Black List (Browse the NB Registry) and at the top of the list it says: " Long Island.....tazerhaverguy......Seen him before, pulled out a tazer."  As a non member that's all I could read so I don't know how much other info is in the post.

hkyao 41 Reviews 153 reads
39 / 46
harborview 10 Reviews 244 reads
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while I would love to see his scumbag ass arrested...  I universally recommend only going to the Police with your lawyer...  so they stay on message & not turn it back on you.  They say that Police would go after the armed robbery felony charge but the mere possibility that some cop would turn it on you...  would be enough that I would not go without representation.  

You were right to give up the phone & cash...  some provider murder cases started as armed robberies.  I hope you did not lose your wallet (think ID), real phone & keys.

BrittneyStarGirl See my TER Reviews 202 reads
41 / 46

It was small, like a cell phone.  

That was his shirt stay rate from when I first saw him up until now. He's done hours, he's done 3 hours once.

I don't know what made him turn on me.

I keep my money in the car, because of people like him.

I'm seeing those that have seen 2+ reviewed providers (minimum of 3 reviews) that can vouch for them, and he had that! Shoot, before today I WOULD HAVE referenced him myself, so shit I can't blame them. I already contacted those two providers hoping the same didn't happen to them.

BrittneyStarGirl See my TER Reviews 155 reads
42 / 46

As I've said previously he's seen me SO MANY TIMES. he's only seen me for a short stay ONCE before when he was in a rush to work, I assumed it was the same story *shrugs*

There are pretty girls with reviews doing 45-60 short stays on TER, so don't get on my back. I like to keep my clientele as long as I can.

BrittneyStarGirl See my TER Reviews 142 reads
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BrittneyStarGirl See my TER Reviews 215 reads
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Yea I did it.

No phone # just physical description..

BrittneyStarGirl See my TER Reviews 200 reads
45 / 46

That was my real phone. :-|

But my real phone is a burner smart phone until I get the phone I actually want (s6 active)

Other wise $80 and a $100 isnt much to dwell on. A regular id seen since i was 17 ( when i first first first began, before i knew about ter, p411, etc) actually came by later today and saw me for three hours. So trust me, I wasn't upset after he came over

BrittneyStarGirl See my TER Reviews 104 reads
46 / 46

His scum bag ass will be charged if there's anything I gotta do w. It

Posted By: harborview
while I would love to see his scumbag ass arrested...  I universally recommend only going to the Police with your lawyer...  so they stay on message & not turn it back on you.  They say that Police would go after the armed robbery felony charge but the mere possibility that some cop would turn it on you...  would be enough that I would not go without representation.    
 You were right to give up the phone & cash...  some provider murder cases started as armed robberies.  I hope you did not lose your wallet (think ID), real phone & keys.    

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