TER General Board

Re: Listen to her. There was this movie called "A Walk to Remember"
prepkid 1 Reviews 249 reads

Posted By: London Rayne
that is still one of my atf love stories. At the beginning of the couple's friendship "Jamie" says a few things that are most important to her. "Being in two places at once, getting a tattoo, witnessing a miracle," etc. When her and "Landon" finally go on their first real date he drives her to the state line and makes her put one foot on each side then says, "Now, you're in two places at once." It cost him nothing, but let her know he did the most important thing a guy could do...listen.
Ok I see now. I am not usually so great with these things, but at the same time I can get quite creative. I guess the gesture and what it represents is more important. Will have to squeeze my brain out. Thanks again!

Hello to you all, this is newbie again.

I have prom coming up and will get a date from an agency. Just because the occasion itself is very important to me, I am thinking of tipping the lady very well after a fantastic night. But suddenly I figured, since it is prom, it will be nice to get her a real nice necklace (from Tiffany perhaps - Im not too loaded since I earn my own $ as a student) instead using the tip money. I would request to her not to wear a necklace and will find a right time that night to put the necklace on for her. Anyways enough with my darn fantasies...

I just want the whole experience to be very classy and nice for both of us and thought hey maybe this small gift could mean much more to her than just some cash.

What do you think of this? I know some providers hint saying that small gifts are nice, but am I over thinking this?

Thank you again. :)

-- Modified on 4/16/2012 12:07:16 AM

I want to hear more about this. :)

Are you a chaperone or, is this your prom?

I'd say skip the prom and go have some real fun else where.

Posted By: bigvern
I want to hear more about this. :)

Are you a chaperone or, is this your prom?

I'd say skip the prom and go have some real fun else where.

Well this is my prom.

I always wanted an afternoon-till overnight date with someone in Boston where we can go on a Duck tour, walk in the park, desserts, dinner, and a music concert. But this is prom. Although I will have more fun doing the lists above, I feel like I only have one chance for prom so...

I wasn't in school during the prom years. I did miss out on those experiences.

You mention the sense of urgancey in this post, as you did in your above post.

Your paying attention to yourself.

I am assuming all parties are at least 18 and up here, so probably a cash tip. I mean no offense but expensive jewels are not something I would ever accept from someone who was not a bf or very good friend in my personal life...don't much care for cash tips either, but hell I am a hooktard in all sense of the word.

You could creep her out or make her year...hard to tell, but at that age I probably would not care either way and accept whatever came my way. Now, I have different views on those types of gifts. I much prefer the smaller, non-expenseive gifts that a guy put some real thought and effort into.

Posted By: London Rayne
I am assuming all parties are at least 18 and up here, so probably a cash tip. I mean no offense but expensive jewels are not something I would ever accept from someone who was not a bf or very good friend in my personal life...don't much care for cash tips either, but hell I am a hooktard in all sense of the word.

You could creep her out or make her year...hard to tell, but at that age I probably would not care either way and accept whatever came my way. Now, I have different views on those types of gifts. I much prefer the smaller, non-expenseive gifts that a guy put some real thought and effort into.
Thank you for the reply. I can relate with your last sentence.

Any "hints" or ideas?

that is still one of my atf love stories. At the beginning of the couple's friendship "Jamie" says a few things that are most important to her. "Being in two places at once, getting a tattoo, witnessing a miracle," etc. When her and "Landon" finally go on their first real date he drives her to the state line and makes her put one foot on each side then says, "Now, you're in two places at once." It cost him nothing, but let her know he did the most important thing a guy could do...listen.

Posted By: London Rayne
that is still one of my atf love stories. At the beginning of the couple's friendship "Jamie" says a few things that are most important to her. "Being in two places at once, getting a tattoo, witnessing a miracle," etc. When her and "Landon" finally go on their first real date he drives her to the state line and makes her put one foot on each side then says, "Now, you're in two places at once." It cost him nothing, but let her know he did the most important thing a guy could do...listen.
Ok I see now. I am not usually so great with these things, but at the same time I can get quite creative. I guess the gesture and what it represents is more important. Will have to squeeze my brain out. Thanks again!

to be this loaded and still in High School.

No advice here, still trying to picture you bragging to your friends who you are brining to the prom.

Posted By: Naomi_Sweets
to be this loaded and still in High School.

No advice here, still trying to picture you bragging to your friends who you are brining to the prom.
Haha please... I am not getting a single penny from my parents... (In fact they have no idea what will happen)

I work all summer and do some trading as a side thing.

I wasn't suggesting you got it from your parents.  I just said it must be nice to have that kind of money to spend while still in high school.

All that work and saving, you really want to blow it all on a provider for a prom date? (thats the mom in me coming out - my son is a little older than you).

What you do with your money is your business,  it just seems to me that it would be better spent than on something like the prom.  You can have a very memorable date and never set foot in the prom.

Man, I had no idea how this thread was even approved. You know we hobbyist hire escorts for a totally different reason, right? I'm going to sleep, hopefully this is all a dream.

Posted By: McDonald000
Man, I had no idea how this thread was even approved. You know we hobbyist hire escorts for a totally different reason, right? I'm going to sleep, hopefully this is all a dream.
*Sigh... Come on guys of course I know.. Let's please skip this concern. Thanks.

I was a senior in high school. Yes, it does sound a bit odd when you see "prom" lol, but I assumed all parties were LEGAL.

Posted By: McDonald000
Man, I had no idea how this thread was even approved. You know we hobbyist hire escorts for a totally different reason, right? I'm going to sleep, hopefully this is all a dream.

so, have you given thought as to a back story?

I could see people peppering your date with nosy questions, and if there is some kind of consistency between you and your date, you could get busted.

Give this some thought.

to his prom? That's someone who could be easily recognized too, not some escort who hides her face. Personally, for "my" prom I took a 25 year old lol. Then, I went to 2 other proms with guys at their schools who were 17-19. I don't know this guy, if he is good looking, not shy, etc. so that might be why he wants to take a hooker. Maybe the poor kid can't get a date, but he certainly seems sweet he he.

I was thinking of the same movie.  Do you remember his friends name? Clitz.. Hysterical!
I am sorry. But this guy is my hero! I hope he is 18 and he has a great prom!

it's not going to be a dead giveaway that he is with a darn hooker. Get one who is really young who possibly missed her own prom, and it's a guaranteed lay and a fun night for all. Most 18 year olds today have boob jobs, tattoos, and piercings so they look like they are freaking 25 anyways. As long as the provider he chooses is not his mother's age, I don't see a problem with it. It has to be a girl who does not have a sign on her forehead that says "Hooker" or his parents would also know something was up. Hell, for a Tiffany necklace I would blow him in the limo on the way there lmao!

Posted By: mrfisher
so, have you given thought as to a back story?

I could see people peppering your date with nosy questions, and if there is some kind of consistency between you and your date, you could get busted.

Give this some thought.

I like older women for their maturity. And these prep school girls are too boring.

I have given a lot of my thought into this and I don't believe there is anything wrong with what I am trying to do.

Please let's get back to the topic of my question.

FuckTheShutUp342 reads

Since when is it acceptable for providers to condone fucking underage BOYS? Did you really think he just wanted to give her a necklace? For shame.

If he is not of age, he has no business being on here period and lied when he hit the "accept" button. Would you not assume every girl in a bar is at least 21 because they let her in? Would you check her ID before you took her home and fked her if she was all over you? I highly doubt it. I am not going to be rude to the guy for asking a question, and assumed being on TER he would be of legal age. If that turns out not to be the case, hopefully Admin. will deal with it.

Let me put it this way. When I was 18, most of my friends saw escorts. I think the term for the ladies they saw is "Low hanging fruit." They were constantly putting themselves, and their providers in bad situations. Watching that turned me off to the hobby completly. They never even considered a message board like this even exists.
My point is. If they had known about this board, and were turned away because they were 18. They would laugh, and go back to the dangerous practice of getting bait and switch, cash and dash, etc..
I totally understand why some providers will have a sour taste regarding his age.
Do you think telling him to forget that he likes to hobby, and take a cive girl to prom will stop him?
Help him be safe. That is what this place is for.

his decision of taking a provider to prom..he asked about a gift. Those passing judgement with no balls under an alias, need to learn some reading comprehension before the hypocritical bs begins. He didn't ask what you thought, and he has said he is legal.

Do you not see all the 18-21 year old providers with profiles here? Here's a clue...if TER or the community were not seeing them, it would not be an option. It's not incest or sex slavery so wtf do you care what he or she does? It's really none of our business, and as HOC suggested, at least give this dude the tools to stay safe before he gets more than ripped off!

There are teens these days doing more sexually than I/We ever dreamed of doing at that age, and with that comes the maturity to pay for it. Free or pay...what's the difference if they are fisting each other and taking it up the azz? It's still going to be done regardless, so it's moronic to think any different. Who the hell is going to just assume his date is a hooker? No one! They are going to think he has a hot date, and from speaking with him personally this is not some ghetto school but one where even celebs have been to dances in the past. It's Boston for Pete's sake...Ivy league ring any bells?

People at these schools are rich and bored, just trying to find something to do. Would you prefer he go buy some crack instead of simply paying a date for prom and giving her a nice gift to boot?  If you want to preach at someone, try his parents lol. This is a hooker board, not bingo.

The majority grown men have never heard of such much less have the balls to go through with it..!
Y'all aren't scare that's for sure...love it!

This is what I replied to one of the members who wrote to me. I hope those who are bashing these providers and myself understand. Even if you don't, I really do not care. I just want that in the future, younger new members can have the opportunities to openly talk about things and get constructive help.

So here is the message:

Since young I had opportunities to live in different countries by myself and I have experienced different things which made me a little different than my peer. I have different perspectives in a lot of things. And honestly the reason why I wanted an escort for prom is because I do not have fun time hanging out with these school girls. Escorts are much more mature, easier to talk to, and they understand who you are as a person. They have life experiences that allow me to really click with them.

I think some disgruntled members here are having the wrong idea. I never would treat any of the providers like they would do. I am not just some spoiled guy desperate to get laid. I just want to have a good time and respect the person who I would have fun with. Nothing more, nothing less.

I am very active in other internet forums for watches, electronics, and hell even for firearms, and this is actually first time encountering people who are just so "negative" and confined with their own idea.

Though it is always great to meet others who are open minded and accepting.

-- Modified on 4/16/2012 2:16:30 PM

-- Modified on 4/16/2012 4:02:23 PM

G2193 reads

I think it's important for all young men to develop the social skills that they'll need later in life, and there's o better time to do it than when you're in school.

The fact that there are no girls in your school that you want to ask out tells me that you haven't done much to establish friendships with your peer group.  Calling an escort is the easy way out, but suddenly showing up with a hottie isn't going to fool anybody when you can't even get a date at your school.  In fact, it may further isolate you socially.

IMO, there will be plenty of time for you to enjoy the company of escorts in the future, should you be so inclined, but I can't think of a more awkward place to start than at your HS prom.  I'd seriously give more consideration to asking out a girl from your school.  Maybe a girl a year behind you that might not otherwise get asked to the prom, but would enjoy attending.  

But whatever you decide to do (and it's your choice regardless of what anyone on this board thinks you should do), I'd spend some time in the future working on my social skills with women.  Learn to become friends with them and how to relate to them better.  Then take the next step and learn how to close the deal and have a GF.  It will help you tremendously in the future, and there's no time like the present to get started.

Posted By: G2
I think it's important for all young men to develop the social skills that they'll need later in life, and there's o better time to do it than when you're in school.

The fact that there are no girls in your school that you want to ask out tells me that you haven't done much to establish friendships with your peer group.  Calling an escort is the easy way out, but suddenly showing up with a hottie isn't going to fool anybody when you can't even get a date at your school.  In fact, it may further isolate you socially.

IMO, there will be plenty of time for you to enjoy the company of escorts in the future, should you be so inclined, but I can't think of a more awkward place to start than at your HS prom.  I'd seriously give more consideration to asking out a girl from your school.  Maybe a girl a year behind you that might not otherwise get asked to the prom, but would enjoy attending.  

But whatever you decide to do (and it's your choice regardless of what anyone on this board thinks you should do), I'd spend some time in the future working on my social skills with women.  Learn to become friends with them and how to relate to them better.  Then take the next step and learn how to close the deal and have a GF.  It will help you tremendously in the future, and there's no time like the present to get started.
Ok the thread is completely hijacked now. Thanks for the suggestions though, judging by the length, you meant it.

It is rather embarrassing that I have to justify myself for a simple question I had, but I am not looking at the escort service for a quick way out of my lacking social skills. Everything you have mentioned above and beyond, I enjoy pursuing in my personal life. And heck it is just my personal preference that I like older women and my past two relationships have been that way.

Im sorry if I startled so many people. I just wanted to ask a single question so I can try to make something right.

Mods: Feel free to lock the thread. Its getting out of control.

Many 18 yo males that know about the business would be recruiting, there are many young pimps around.

I'm glad your on our side.

DinahMoeHumm224 reads

get AND you shouldn't expect to be able to.

You're asking a PROM question on an adult hooker board.  WTF do you expect the reactions to be?

Now that we have passed through the bashing of providers and other entertainment on this thread, you have eloquently laid out your reasons for wanting to take a provider to the prom.  For some of us old enough to be your parent, or even your grandparent, maybe now we can better understand your reasons.   Not that this was ever the intent for your thread, but lack of understanding seemed to baffle many of us who are older, to the point where it appeared that many had difficulty focusing on your actual question.

I, myself, don't agree with your decision.   I feel you should work to develop relationships with girls your own age, who go to your school or another school.  I believe that will serve you much better in life, and if some day you want to see hookers, they will still be glad to see you, too.  Nonetheless, I thank you for writing, and for clarifying.  I hope you have a blast!

And if you choose a gift, choose something of meaning for the evening.  It doesn't have to be jewelry, and it doesn't have to be expensive, unless you want it to.   If you can find something that will leave her with a smile, that will be worthwhile.

A couple of years ago, I posted an aliased question to this board regarding whether or not providers would accept gold bullion for their services.

Almost every provider who responded stated no way -- the reasoning being she would have to take it to a pawn shop to get cash.

Now, listen carefully -- it is relatively easy to get full cash value for gold. At a pawn shop, though, you will get only 1/2 to 1/3rd of its value at best. But these ladies knew ALL ABOUT pawn shops, and NOTHING about getting full cash value.

This means they know their way around pawn shops.

You know where that necklace is going the day after prom? Yep -- to the pawn shop, where she will get 1/3rd of its cash value.

Instead of giving her such a nice necklace, give her a $cash$ tip of half the value of the necklace you would have purchased and she will still come out ahead.

Actually have few jewelry pieces given to me by patrons and they are not in the pawn shop yet :)

Although I have to admit, they were given by people I've been seeing for a while and have on going relationships with, not by first time patrons.  So to me these items have sentimental as well as monetary value.


I just received a set of diamond earrings from my amazon wish list and they certainly aren't going to any pawn shop.  They are going on my damn ears!  Geezzz, Wowwwwww!

Posted By: johngaltnh
A couple of years ago, I posted an aliased question to this board regarding whether or not providers would accept gold bullion for their services.

Almost every provider who responded stated no way -- the reasoning being she would have to take it to a pawn shop to get cash.

Now, listen carefully -- it is relatively easy to get full cash value for gold. At a pawn shop, though, you will get only 1/2 to 1/3rd of its value at best. But these ladies knew ALL ABOUT pawn shops, and NOTHING about getting full cash value.

This means they know their way around pawn shops.

You know where that necklace is going the day after prom? Yep -- to the pawn shop, where she will get 1/3rd of its cash value.

Instead of giving her such a nice necklace, give her a $cash$ tip of half the value of the necklace you would have purchased and she will still come out ahead.

Don't forget that you two don't represent the preponderance of sex workers, and likely neither of you work for an agency either.

Look -- in any group of people, a certain number will be radically different than the norm for that group. But you can't make guidelines based on exceptions. You make decisions based on what is most likely.

Should you breathe asbestos? Most likely not. Now, we all know someone who did until she was 90 and then died of bad luck -- but she is the exception. An intelligent decision is to avoid breathing asbestos just in case you aren't one of the exceptions.

Same here. Most jewelry given to escorts is pawned to pay a light bill that is due NOW.

A good compromise is to give the girl a choice: "I will give you this $700 necklace or this $500 in cash. Choose one." Betcha most girls grab the cash.

BTW, I am a very sex-worker-friendly guy, as amazing as that may seem given my opinion on this topic. But my opinion is based upon the answers of actual sex workers to aliased questions.

She also wears stuff at work her more recent clients gave her. She likes jewelry. By the way my wife works at a brothel which is like an agency in they keep much of the money after room fees, housekeeping tips, food charges, and the fact the house gets 50 on top of all that. Plus she has a SO. I think you may just be confusing plain gold with jewelry. any ladies will take a nice necklace worth $700 over an $900 worth of gold. I think you think far to much like a man equating a necklace with plain gold.

Posted By: johngaltnh
Don't forget that you two don't represent the preponderance of sex workers, and likely neither of you work for an agency either.

Look -- in any group of people, a certain number will be radically different than the norm for that group. But you can't make guidelines based on exceptions. You make decisions based on what is most likely.

Should you breathe asbestos? Most likely not. Now, we all know someone who did until she was 90 and then died of bad luck -- but she is the exception. An intelligent decision is to avoid breathing asbestos just in case you aren't one of the exceptions.

Same here. Most jewelry given to escorts is pawned to pay a light bill that is due NOW.

A good compromise is to give the girl a choice: "I will give you this $700 necklace or this $500 in cash. Choose one." Betcha most girls grab the cash.

BTW, I am a very sex-worker-friendly guy, as amazing as that may seem given my opinion on this topic. But my opinion is based upon the answers of actual sex workers to aliased questions.

Some women feel differently about jewelry than others. I have had girlfriends who simply refused to wear jewelry anyone else ever gave them, and even hocked their old jewelry when I came into their lives. They simply felt that wearing something another man had given them around me was somehow a bad thing. To them, it seemed that wearing artifacts of other men around me was disrespectful or made them feel uncomfortable. People often attach a lot of significance to hardware. They invest it with emotion and stuff.

For other women, hardware is just hardware, utterly devoid of sentiment. It would be perfectly okay with them to wear jewelry they got from an ex-boyfriend around their husband, for example. Interestingly, a lot of men attach sentiment to hardware too, though, and actually WOULD see wearing jewelry provided by another man as an affront.

You have the unusual case of both partners not attaching much sentiment to jewelry, so it is cool that she wears jewelry from other men in front of you. This is atypical, but if it works for you -- cool!

Still, I think that if I gave 99% of sex workers the choice between a $700 piece of jewelry (that they could only get $300 for at the pawn shop) and $500 in cash -- they would choose the cash because within their context, it is worth more.

to wear, keep, jewels that were purchased during my hooking days lol. Nope, not gonna happen. I would feel like even more of a whore every time I wore it, and what would not be able to look any future bf or hubby in the face wearing it. I would never pawn it...I would simply not accept it. Cars are ok though...I'm just saying. :)

Thank you for clarifying that you are of legal age.  
Knowing what I do of the provider world, however...  you are looking for at least a social escort for much of the time.  Not your typical provider.  I think the idea to assist with the cost of the dress which she'll get to keep is a good one.   This will be a very costly night as it is.  I don't think jewelry is necessary or even a good idea.  Remember she is NOT your GF beyond the night in question.  Be very careful not to cross boundaries.  This could be a very emotionally charged night.  While you are at it (and I had no idea at such an age myself) be sure to separate the rush of sex hormones from emotional L-O-V-E.   The L word is like poison to a provider who is constantly on guard for stalkers & clingy clients.  
Rent a nice room to retire to in a nice hotel...   that is something I wish I had done.   I think you can have a spectacular night.   Just choose wisely & keep your heart on a short leash.

I have to assume you've done your price check and realize that you're going for a multi-hour or maybe overnight encounter.  I'm impressed if your summer job will enable you to swing this.  More power to you.

I agree with the other posters about jewelry.  It's too personal and might even make the girl feel uncomfortable, like you're expecting too much from her.  Many of them have lists of gifts they would like on their websites, so look for those if you really want to give a gift.  

Fisher's concerns over developing a credible backstory makes some sense to me.  Even at a prep school where it wouldn't be unusual to bring a girl from "another school" or from college, if you bring someone obviously older than you some people (maybe especially the prom chaperones) will suspect you hired her.  That may or may not enhance your reputation among people in your life you care about and who care about you, but it's something to consider.  Along that line, I would suggest you select a provider who is or looks as young as you are.

Now, now children. Let's not fuss about what this 'child' is doing.

He was being pretty thoughtful and considerate to ask now help him out.

As a young provider, I get crap all the time about my age and how I am too naive to be in this business. Those of you that know me (or read those reviews) realize I am not an escort. I am a girlfriend and a pretty damn smart one at that.

prepkid, give her cash as a tip.
Gifts are nice but remember some ladies have SOs at home or don't even wear jewelry, if you see her again, maybe you can get her a thoughtful gift.

I've seen (agency not indy) younger gents like yourself who have never had a threesome before and wanted to have one with two gorgeous girls his age, he left very happy and came back to see just me.

Ignore all the crap. you have made me very proud of my generation despite the roundabout way I've read your thoughtfulness.

All my best

HobbyCity156 reads

I would strongly consider giving her the extra cash as a tip or helping her with buying the dress instead of buying a necklace.

Here is why -

1. You stated the girl you have in mind works for an agency. The agency will take a good chunk of what you pay before the girl gets the remainder. The tip can help her cover some of the lost commission.

2. You prefer older girls which is fine. The issue is most older girls might not have prom dresses ready to wear in their closet. Helping her with buying her dress if she doesn't have one can help with the extra cost.

3. There is a good chance she probably has enough jewelry to wear for the occasion to make her look stunning and make you very happy.

This event is obviously very special and important to you and you have thought things through. I also admire you for earning your own keep, do what you can with your budget and follow your heart.

Since you will be meeting with her before the big day, you can also talk to her with your line of thinking and see what she prefers.

Most important of all. Go out there, both of you have a great time and have fond memories. I was once in your shoes and started young like you and have no regrets. Just follow your heart young man! Sounds like you have a good head on you shoulders.

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