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Re: Let's talk about what we know
inicky46 61 Reviews 458 reads

Well of course there are guys who can and do "seduce for free" and I've done it in the past. And certainly there are guys who can't manage it.  I'm simply at a point in my life where I don't have the patience for it any more and prefer to have a nice, simple transaction.  So, as I said, it's not that I can't.  I simply choose not to.

An article by a sex worker who finds it hard to have normal dates...who would have guessed. But, the real good one is a mother who found bananas at a store that had been infested by a Brazilian spider that causes hours' long hard-ons.

Are you going to write about how hobbyists have a difficult time dating? So dismissive of the sex worker's issues with finding a mature mind to relate to, you exemplify the problem.

I exemplify what problem? Are you saying there is a problem? When I find an article on how difficult it is for hobbyists to date, I will pass it along. Why are you saying I'm being dismissive of sex worker's issues? Would you like to talk about it Gayle?

Zangari615 reads

Posted By: lordchesterfield
I exemplify what problem? Are you saying there is a problem?
  Here's the problem:  When you pay for sex, then you have by definition a "dating problem".   So a John shouldn't mock others who attempt to find a conventional relationship.  I think that's her point.  I have to agree with her on this one.  
Posted By: lordchesterfield
When I find an article on how difficult it is for hobbyists to date --snip
  Are you serious.  I pay for it, just like you.  But one of us is completely divorced from reality.  I think she's looking at you.  --z

I choose not to "date."  I have no interest in that kind of relationship.

Zangari530 reads

Posted By: inicky46
I choose not to "date."  I have no interest in that kind of relationship.  
 I see this rationalization a lot on this board:  "I prefer to pay a woman $300 to fuck rather than seduce her for free".  

  Nick, this is just a P4P cliche to make Johns feel better about themselves.  There are men out there who do seduce beautiful women for free.  But most men cannot pull this off.  That's why we're paying for it.  regards,  --z

GaGambler527 reads

but I want a different woman every day, and I like to see two or three different women on some days. Only a rock star or pro athlete can pull down pussy in those kind of numbers.

Call it a "problem" if you like. Frankly I don't give a fuck what anyone calls it as I have found the solution, or at least the solution that works for me, and I am too happy with my "solution" to really give a fuck what anybody else thinks about it.

Zangari429 reads

Posted By: GaGambler
Re: How about those of us who can seduce "a woman", even a hottie twenty years our junior...--snip--

you are playing amateur shrink a bit too much.  Especially since you don't know anything about me or my personal history.
As a result you are casting far too wide a net and have come up empty in my case.

Zangari527 reads

Posted By: inicky46
you are playing amateur shrink a bit too much.  Especially since you don't know anything about me or my personal history.
  Why do we need to know each other in order to post opinions on a fuck board, where anonymity is the rule, not the exception.  Nick, you spend a lot of time on this board for Johns.  So I'll reasonably assume that you are a John.   There's nothing wrong with that.  

 But if you're staking out a position that you prefer to pay a woman to fuck (John) rather than seducing her for free, then I'll call bullshit every time. Sorry.  --z

And, since I know myself better, I'm free to disagree with them.  Yes, I am definitely a John.  And I am certainly one who has zero interest in "seducing her for free."  You can call bullshit all you want and you'll still be wrong.  On a number of levels.
First of all seducing her isn't free.  There is a price, both in time and money.  And I have no interest in paying for sex that way.  I much prefer a simpler version of the transaction.  Not to mention that I have no interest in a relationship lasting more than a couple of hours.  This is the result of being at a certain point in my life, and having had experiences (and relationships) along the way from which I've learned a lot about myself.
Sorry if you can't imagine that version, but that's the way it is and I'm perfectly happy with the result.
Peace, bro.

Zangari506 reads

Posted By: inicky46
 Yes, I am definitely a John.  And I am certainly one who has zero interest in "seducing her for free."   First of all seducing her isn't free.  There is a price, both in time and money. Not to mention that I have no interest in a relationship lasting more than a couple of hours.  
 Nick, there are men who can seduce for free.  That guy will go into a club, chat up a *beautiful girl who he's never met before, then take her home & fuck her for free (or for the price of a drink).  All of this in just a few hours with no strings attached.  My point: that's *preferable to paying for it.  But as I stated before, most guys can't pull that off.  

I'm not sure why anything above would be in dispute.  --z

Well of course there are guys who can and do "seduce for free" and I've done it in the past. And certainly there are guys who can't manage it.  I'm simply at a point in my life where I don't have the patience for it any more and prefer to have a nice, simple transaction.  So, as I said, it's not that I can't.  I simply choose not to.

Zangari489 reads

Contradictions are always fun. Let's set yours to music--maybe Rocky Horror's "Time Warp":

Posted By: inicky46
First of all seducing her isn't free.  There is a price, both in time and money.  
 It's Just a Jump to the Left!  
Posted By: inicky46
Well of course there are guys who can and do "seduce for free"
 Now a Step to the Right!  
Posted By: inicky46
I've done it in the past…I don't have the patience for it any more and prefer to have a nice, simple transaction.  
 Ok, let's stop the music.  First you contradict yourself, then you run right back to the P4P rationalization of most Johns:  "I can seduce these girls for free, I'd just rather pay them."    

  It's not a convincing argument.   Sorry.  --

I am telling you the way it is for me now.  Me.  Not others.  Now.  Not then.  The fact that others prefer to do it now is not the point.  The fact that I used to be able to put up with it is not the point.  Go back and read my first post on this, then try to follow along.  You're a bright guy, I thought.  I"m sure you can manage it.  Even without music.
Bottom line:  I'm at a point in life where I have no patience for the "free pussy" delusion.

Zangari495 reads

Nick, the entire P4P bubble depends upon the type of rationalizations that you're making.  And this isn't a flame directed at you.  I sometimes slip back into the P4P bubble as well ( I think this college sb is really into me!  lol).    

 If we believe the P4P rationale,  then providers  are **lucky** that we pay them, because they would gladly strip off their panties and fuck us for free.  So we're doing providers a favor, right?  Can you imagine how that sounds to a beautiful provider.   She probably has a boyfriend who she loves. The P4P bubble is not harmless--it's demeaning & insulting to providers.    

 Now imagine trying to pitch the same P4P rationale to a  someone who's not in the hobby--to your elderly professor or smart teenage nephew (both excluded from P4P due to their age).    "You know, I could fuck these girls for free if I wanted to…but I'd just rather pay them."   They would both look at you with astonishment and amusement.  You see, these rationales only make sense to those inside the bubble.  --z

Your final scenario is so stupefyingly arcane it's, well, stupefying.  I know you're not really suggesting I've thought those thoughts but they've never occurred to me.  And I'm most certainly not making a rationalization. I don't need to.  I'm very clear on what I think and why.  And why you have such a need to put me in your box is unclear to me.  But you win.  I just refuse to get sucked any further into your circular "logic," so please take the last word.

orallyfixated438 reads

When you added that "Who would have guessed" comment, you went from just passing along the article to passing judgment as well.

...two articles about Brazilian spiders - one from 2012 saying that the spider venom may treat erectile dysfunction...if you're a rat!!  


The other article about the woman finding the spiders in her bananas is from 2013.


Do you have any more breaking news you'd care to share?

Not sure if this is the same spider, but the show "1000 Ways To Die" had a video on something similar.  Seems very painful.
 Just Google "1000 ways to die spider video" and it should be the first video that shows up.  It is 2:45 in length.

-- Modified on 3/15/2015 8:53:14 AM

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