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Re: Just because they advertised as a double? Did you read several . . .
WickedBrut 27 Reviews 2686 reads
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The usual way that a double works (at least IME) is that a provider I've seen a few times sets up a double by bringing in a friend of hers. And that's always been wonderful.

But I would like to have a double with two women I've never met, and ideally who have never met each other.

Of course, all the other factors would have to be right. They would both have to be women I find attractive an interesting, and who I would like to see individually.

So, there are some listings among my favorites, but setting that up seems cumbersome. Any advice?

Also, I think most providers are very selective about who they work with. Security and compatibility are obviously going to be issues for them.

Has anyone successfully done this? And are there unforeseen problems to this? And...do providers see the back and forth needed to set it up as too time intensive to be worth it? That's another factor, it has to be set up efficiently and without logistical snags.

inicky46 61 Reviews 933 reads
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Decide on one girl you really want to fuck, making sure she has a doubles partner -- not so you can hire her, too, but that way you know girl #1 is more likely "really bi."  Also check her reviews.  Tell her you want to do doubles but with a girl she hasn't met yet.  Ask her for a suggestion and/or send her links for a few of your favorite candidates.  After she's picked one or two, approach the second girl.
My guess is it will maximize your chances of having a good time.
Best of luck

JackDunphy 846 reads
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So the question I would ask you, is this something you would like to do regularly? If not, I'd tell you to stick to how you are doing it.

It take experience to get this right and extra "work", if what we do can ever be described as such.  

I would recommend you host this, at a place convenient for you and upscale, preferably a suite, to give you more room and comfort. Always factor in one will be late so if $ isn't an issue, book 3 hours, pending on how many pops you can muster.  

I can fire twice easily in 3 hours and that allows for some get to know you chit chat at the beginning, a nice long session for #1, good intermission, and a good long time for session #2.

One unseen problem I have encountered is that since the girls don't know each other, there can be an intimacy issue/compatability issue. I always have the two girls contact each other to chat by phone or email so they feel comfortable with each other. The added benefit to you is that they can discuss all the off limit shit we don't always get to discuss with them before we meet up i.e. all their limits and likes.

Have some of their favorite booze as an ice breaker but keep yourself mindful of your intake if this causes dick distress later, lol.

I have gotten this down to a science over the years and you most likely wont strike gold your first time out as experience and "feel" play a huge part.  

Get girls that you believe are "really bi" and known for being uninhibited in bed for the best time.  

One last thing. Keep and eye on the clock early. Two hookers (read that, WOMEN, lol) can get VERY chatty Cathy on you and waste valuable time at the beginning. I give it 30 minutes, on a 3 hour session, at MOST before we move it into the bedroom

Tabu See my TER Reviews 695 reads
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Yes, a lady likse to know whose pussies she may be licking.

A lady likes to know if her new doubles partner is going to be responsible and show up, or leave her holding the teabag.

After all, ladies like to have fun, too, and dealing with a complete unknown doesn't add to the comfort level.

So yes-- it can be done, but there's a reason most ladies bring or recommend their own doubles partners

SexyJaye7 See my TER Reviews 841 reads
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Can I be honest for a moment? Ok. I ldo like to have my own doubles partners because I know she is into as much as I am, but I do offer to pair me up with another lady that the guy chooses. I have no issue with that. I would hope that she is a professional and has a clean and healthy kitty as do I. That is really all I ask. If she isn't really bi well then I can work around that, but for his sake, a really bi girl or a gay for pay girl will be the best for overall interaction. I luv to make a woman "O" and hey I know she's not faking! LOL!

redhot See my TER Reviews 791 reads
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People gamble their money in all sorts of ways I guess...  When you weigh all the time, money, energy, disappointments along the way, will the pay off if/when you get the experience you hope for be worth it?  If you think so, then good luck to you! :-)

For me-the gamble isn't worth it...my best duos have been with my long established friends.  There is no awkwardness, we know each others buttons (the good and the ones to avoid), we have history to build on with creativity...things just flow, in all the best ways. 8-)  

While I have accommodated such requests before in my life, I no longer put myself in a position where I have to fake a scene with a girl that could be high/have bad hygiene/be unprofessional/not really enjoy women/be a safety risk/etc.  

Best of luck whatever you decide to do.

*no pms please
-edit for clarity    
Posted By: WickedBrut
The usual way that a double works (at least IME) is that a provider I've seen a few times sets up a double by bringing in a friend of hers. And that's always been wonderful.  
 But I would like to have a double with two women I've never met, and ideally who have never met each other.  
 Of course, all the other factors would have to be right. They would both have to be women I find attractive an interesting, and who I would like to see individually.  
 So, there are some listings among my favorites, but setting that up seems cumbersome. Any advice?  
 Also, I think most providers are very selective about who they work with. Security and compatibility are obviously going to be issues for them.  
 Has anyone successfully done this? And are there unforeseen problems to this? And...do providers see the back and forth needed to set it up as too time intensive to be worth it? That's another factor, it has to be set up efficiently and without logistical snags.
-- Modified on 12/2/2014 2:54:34 PM

redhot See my TER Reviews 461 reads
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WickedBrut 27 Reviews 584 reads
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I figured 3 hours, but I never considered the getting acquainted time or the thing of one of them arriving late. And, as Nick pointed out, they each should have a history of doubles, not just "really bi" checked yes on their profile.

I was thinking of this as a one shot, or at least I wasn't thinking of repeating the experience until getting the maximum result.

And I assumed I'd have to host this at a 5-star, unless something rare materialized to provide a conducive environment.

The only other idea that buzzed in my head was having a 4-hour, with the first being a dinner "get to know each other" date in the hotel restaurant. And the downside to that is the drinking I'd probably do. I don't function that well in bed after more than one cocktail. Yeah, yeah, I know, some say even if I skip the cocktail.

JackDunphy 547 reads
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and do the impromptu dinner afterwards if so inclined.  

The girls will be starving and with everyone hopefully being happy, paid and satisfied, its very likely they will do that OTC.

WickedBrut 27 Reviews 819 reads
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Thank you. One variation I considered is booking a long session with one and letting her know that a second lady would join us for 1 1/2 to 2 hours in the middle of the session. Hard to explain how, exactly, but I'm thinking that this would soften some of the issues involved with pairing.

I'm not even going to get into the problem of what each of them would expect for their fee. Be nice if the rates were standardized, but unless I went through an agency there's no chance of that, and I would want to stick with indies if possible.

Maybe the fantasy isn't that dependent on their being total strangers.
Posted By: inicky46
Decide on one girl you really want to fuck, making sure she has a doubles partner -- not so you can hire her, too, but that way you know girl #1 is more likely "really bi."  Also check her reviews.  Tell her you want to do doubles but with a girl she hasn't met yet.  Ask her for a suggestion and/or send her links for a few of your favorite candidates.  After she's picked one or two, approach the second girl.  
 My guess is it will maximize your chances of having a good time.  
 Best of luck.  

WickedBrut 27 Reviews 579 reads
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And since each of the ladies are also flipping the proverbial coin hoping for heads to come up six times in a row, the odds sound more and more problematic.

Chauncey Gardner 579 reads
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I've done upwards of 30 doubles over the years and I have always found it crucial that the ladies meet--even if only by telephone--before we're all in the room.  No matter how nice and friendly the ladies there is bound to be some awkwardness, if not serious discomfort,  if they're expected to be naked and eating each other 5 minutes after they've shaken hands.  At  very least meeting for a few minutes beforehand will give them a chance to understand each other's boundaries,  preferences and willingness.  If you're determined that all 3 of you be strangers until you meet in the room then it's really a crap shoot.

mojojo 1 Reviews 690 reads
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Both times the ladies advertised as a double. One session was gfe, the other fbsm. One session the ladies were escort friends, the other sisters. Both times one lady sat around and did nothing, while the other tried to encourage her partner to participate, to no avail.  

Fool me once, shame on me. Fool me twice, shame on me. Fool me three times.....
Ain't gonna be a third doubles.  

Yeah I know, all you ladies give maximum effort. All your double's partners give maximum effort.  
Ain't gonna be a third doubles.

inicky46 61 Reviews 692 reads
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She may well not appreciate that at all.  And how would you have any idea whether the two of them would have any chemistry?

keystonekid 114 Reviews 652 reads
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reviews of their doubles sessions?  PM those reviewers?  Got to swing at good pitches if you want a base hit; otherwise you could strike out.

lopaw 29 Reviews 748 reads
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....unless I was reading about it in a Penthouse forum :D

WickedBrut 27 Reviews 665 reads
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But the 4 hands fbsm trip was the least thrilling. There seems to be a glitch in the doubles experience. The imbalance of an odd number is something all three have to work around, and it really only gets magical when everyone has wide boundaries and all are both excited and comfortable with where the lines are set. Sort of like never stepping out of bounds because the court is a few feet wider than regulation.

WickedBrut 27 Reviews 511 reads
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And my thinking was that chemistry would be less of an issue if an hour in the second guest arrives and simply joins an session in progress.

This is not about making either woman uncomfortable. But just like there's a certain excitement before meeting a provider for the first time, there should be some of that for each of them, and doubled for all three of us.

OTOH, if one of them turns out to be a disappointment for EITHER of us, that feeling would double for ALL of us.

Normally I'd say,"Beauty demands Risk," and let it go at that, but the more I read the posts here, the more I'm rethinking this rather extravagant "experiment."

WickedBrut 27 Reviews 763 reads
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The comfort level seems more strained for the notion of two women meeting as strangers for a double than for the guy meeting the two women.

On the sunny side of the street, I've always had a knack for bringing together people who I reckoned would enjoy each other's acquaintance, but this is a lot more complicated than that. It would be a different matter even if I had had one-on-ones with each, because then I'd have some sense of how they'd react to each other.

The venture would be an expensive evening, and like Jack said, it could take a few tries to get a whirlwind success. And just the fact that each lady would enter with trepidation as to who the other will be would result in enough of a discomfort to inhibit them.

Thank you all for your seriously thought out input.

WickedBrut 27 Reviews 610 reads
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I think you're right. The two women should connect beforehand, and it probably would even be better if one of them could vouch for me, simply because otherwise it could sound too strange.

Chauncey Gardner 1084 reads
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I'm often in search of this specialty and i can't tell you how many ladies have this in their profile despite the fact that not a single review mentions a duo.  It's easy for a lady to say "sure i do duos" when a client asks mid-session but if that client did not see the lady eating pussy then the correct answer to the profile question is "don't know".

jaydalee See my TER Reviews 628 reads
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I have joined with a gent and another lady before more than a few times and had alot of fun.
The times I have done this is with ladies who I already have done doubles with in the past.
I also have had a gent who I see when he comes to town decide he wanted to do a duo and he suggested a few ladies to me.I picked a lady whom I had never met before and he made the arrangements me and her spoke as well.Before meeting for the appt her and I met up to talk and to see if we would get along well together.We all had a great time.

I think the key part is communication and being very selective on who you choose.
Of course you wouldn't spring another lady in the middle of an appt without some kind of mention beforehand.
It is also fun to have a lady who you have had fun with in the past plan a surprise and she brings a hot lady with her who you have never had the chance to meet before.
I would suggest at least at a minimum 2hr an hour is too short of a time for a duo in my opinion.
Do what makes you feel comfortable.
Have fun

RokkKrinn 696 reads
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I love doubles, but with very few exceptions I've had the lady I already had a "relationship" with invite one of her friends to join us.

A couple of times, I've put two girls whom I know together who had not met, because I knew each of them well enough to know that they would hit it off.

Two strangers?  Nah.  You're trying to hit a grand slam here, but more likely you'll get a single or double (or even whiff).

GaGambler 670 reads
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Which did happen spontaneously, so yes a threesome can happen spontaneously and still work.

I did a foursome with three chicas in Costa Rica a few years ago with a chica I was dating, a lesbian friend of ours who had always wanted to fuck my GF, and a hooker that we picked up for the occasion, mainly as someone for me to fuck while our lesbian friend was getting in on with my GF.

Long story short, it worked like a charm and was one of the more memorable evenings of sex I have had in my life, even though the only two of us that had ever been together before were me and the chica I was dating. The chemistry was still there and a great time was had by all.

It might be hard to duplicate this in the states as most P4P encounters have to be planned in advance, before the parties have had a chance to meet and see if their is any chemistry between them. In my foursome encounter well all got liquored up at the bar first, and it just sort of happened, something very unlikely to happen in a country where prostitution is illegal.

I have a suggestion since you have obviously got a pretty decent budget set aside for this. Why don't you go to a country where prostitution is legal, find a bar where there is "action" and find a couple of women that are up for this. Panama, Costa Rica and Colombia are all a short plane ride from the States, you could easily hop on a plane, enjoy yourself for a couple of days, and still spend less than five grand going first class all the way. Not to mention you wouldn't be limited by budget to only a two hour session. You could do an all nighter with two hotties two nights in a row, pay for your plane ticket, a decent hotel, eats, drinks and still keep it under five grand for the weekend.

Arovet 62 Reviews 575 reads
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but for my first (and second) I went the route of seeing two providers who I'd seen individually but that just started advertising doubles together. As it turned out, I was not only their first as a duo but it was one girl's first bisexual experience. It worked out so well that I did it again a couple of weeks later. I'm not saying this is a recipe for success or anything but it worked out well for me. And to be honest his post is more like what the guy said when the Protestant minister asked him why he confessed to him about having sex with his girlfriend and her mom: "are you kidding? I'm telling everybody!"

Jacque_Jenesais See my TER Reviews 690 reads
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I like to meet up with the lady for coffee first, then proceed. I have been asked before with a specific (hot) provider in the request, and I've said no. I just have to feel comfortable and not vulnerable.

But that being said, there very well may be ladies out there who love this sort of thing. It wouldn't be my preference.

I suggest checking out the friends pages of ladies. I think in a lot of cases those menus are menus of ladies who have already determined compatibility. :D

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