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Re: Is it in your escort name or your real name? I hope the former...
BlaqueWonder See my TER Reviews 459 reads

Oh no,I would never advertise my services on social network.. He saw my photos and recognized me..he sent me a message and called my stage name and asked if it was OK if we were FB friends..I never replied back..I simply blocked him

So one of my clients somehow found me on Facebook and sent me a message and friend request..I declined his request because I didn't know what making him a friend on my social network would entail in the future...was I wrong?

I just felt it was risk

and presumably he sent his invitation from his "real" facebook account?

Boy, talk about making every possible mistake....

Good that you refused. IMHO even better if you had ignored it entirely.

bigguy30320 reads

Posted By: BlaqueWonder
So one of my clients somehow found me on Facebook and sent me a message and friend request..I declined his request because I didn't know what making him a friend on my social network would entail in the future...was I wrong?  
 I just felt it was risky😥  

It is not my job to make Zuckerberg and Twitter CEO rich selling my personal info.

+1000 lol I don't do anything on Facebook or any other social media except my ads and posting here. To much bs can come from all that!  ;)
Hugs and kisses

If you are going to use social media to promote this line of work, of course guys are going to message you... most women do so for that very reason. I would never use any type of Social Media for this world, but whatever it takes I guess. It's just far too easy for those sites and message systems to be hacked and the sites are usually the first to give up all the goods for fear of a lawsuit. Adult site owners are not so easily intimidated especially when they are hosted overseas.

Oh no,I would never advertise my services on social network.. He saw my photos and recognized me..he sent me a message and called my stage name and asked if it was OK if we were FB friends..I never replied back..I simply blocked him

And be further aware.  The pernicious power of google, facebook, twitter, emails, and other social media can do you in.

Almost any trail on your computer can become interlinked with other trails.  You think you posted real-you birthday greetings to your 5-year old nephew.  The next thing you know he's getting friend requests from TER ladies you emailed using your fake-you handle.  

Mouthwash doesn't help, Brillo doesn't help.  Mr. Clean Magic Eraser doesn't help.  You need to AVOID the stain of FB, Twitter and the others completely

I certainly don't know too much about things of the inter webs,  I have had three,  two that I contacted and one I just looked up,  show up on my Facebook friend finder.  One of the ladies it was her real identity.  I don't know how this happened.

i would love to add something clever but it's not funny. In real life I am fairly specialized.  Two years ago I laughed off internet marketing. Now I get calls that are precisely targeted to what I do -- and I am not even trying.  Simply put: if they want you, they will find you.

ragnar27382 reads

It isn't a media that I would use while playing in this world.  I have seen how it can show you real names and families and friends.

This is supposed to be discrete.  It sounds like you are not.  That isn't good.

My clients rely on my discretion so I would never compromise that.. my personal discretion is not the issue..I have FB in order to keep in touch with my family and no I do not use the same information that I use on here..that would be idiocy..FB must have another way to track people either by IP addresses,etc

Posted By: BlaqueWonder
My clients rely on my discretion so I would never compromise that.. my personal discretion is not the issue..I have FB in order to keep in touch with my family and no I do not use the same information that I use on here..that would be idiocy..FB must have another way to track people either by IP addresses,etc
You have missed the point, technically.  You can log out of your real-name account.  You can delete cookies.  You can change browsers: firefox for real-name and chrome or safari for work-name.  You can delete histories.  It doesn't matter.  You can search for "nicotine patch" for your chain smoking uncle on Monday and the next thing you know, your work-account is on the Nicorette mailing list.  

They are pervasive, invasive, nefarious ... your "discretion" is totally neutralized.  You found it out yourself when some guy found your real-world FB.  Do you think he searched for you?  He probably got an automated invitation via mystery links to your computer and your accounts that you don't even know exist!

Others have said it.  I repeat it.  Keep your real-world and work-world well separated.  The BEST advice is to stay away from social media completely.

...That should never happen.  

I don't understand people in this business having FB where those connections can be made. But what he did is inexcusable.

I go to great lengths to frustrate the trackers.  Different emails for different uses.  I know enough to find my ATF on FB but it would be totally wrong.  A GF from 30+ years ago looked me up but I'll not meet her in person...   as long as I'm married that is.  
This is a secret world...  anybody who does not get that is a danger to you.  In fact, that is down right creapy of him.  Potential stalker...  Blocking him is the right answer

I had a provider send me a request for LinkedIn.  I had to pass, Man would that have been a treat for anyone stalking that account..........

i recently had an issue with linkedin.  somehow they sent everyone i have ever mailed from my work account and my real world account an invitation to connect with me and i stated getting all kinds of random people accepting an invite to my linkiedin account which i never asked for or sent and because of this a guy i refused to see a few years ago found out my real identity and started harassing and threatening to out me in my real world job.

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