TER General Board

Re: Irresponsible-ass excuse for a NCNS.
TurbayVeronica See my TER Reviews 562 reads

Ugh! It came to my mind this exacly reason too!

Posted By: sweetsarah
 Of course there was no call to the provider. This anon poster created a completely ridiculous story in his mind on how to explain his NCNS of a well reviewed provider. Best to invent a huge make believe lie and remain a legend in his own mind. Best to throw doubt into an entire industry and it's established systems that make it safer and secure for everyone.  
 How original.  

anon0983523 reads

I was about to meet with a well reviewed provider and when I got to parking of hotel, it was swamped with cop cars and cop SUVs...

Is it possible a well reviewed provider might be working with LE?

Did you try and contact the provider ?

Posted By: anon098
I was about to meet with a well reviewed provider and when I got to parking of hotel, it was swamped with cop cars and cop SUVs...  
 Is it possible a well reviewed provider might be working with LE?
-- Modified on 10/8/2016 7:27:39 AM

f course there was no call to the provider. This anon poster created a completely ridiculous story in his mind on how to explain his NCNS of a well reviewed provider. Best to invent a huge make believe lie and remain a legend in his own mind. Best to throw doubt into an entire industry and it's established systems that make it safer and secure for everyone.
How original

Ugh! It came to my mind this exacly reason too!

Posted By: sweetsarah
 Of course there was no call to the provider. This anon poster created a completely ridiculous story in his mind on how to explain his NCNS of a well reviewed provider. Best to invent a huge make believe lie and remain a legend in his own mind. Best to throw doubt into an entire industry and it's established systems that make it safer and secure for everyone.  
 How original.  

Were you the well reviewed provider?

If not and you don't have some other inside information that you're not sharing for some reason you're as full of crap as you claim to OP is.

That might be the most pathetic questions I've seen posed on here.
Some of you need to grow a pair.
If you're that frightened of the police find a SB and go that way.
If you think some police agency is spending that many resources to setup one provider for this hobby you're delusional.  
There's more likely a REAL issue going on at the property.

-- Modified on 10/8/2016 12:56:23 PM

GaGambler483 reads

Oh wait, no it's not. In that case, yeah what a totally stupid fucking question. lol

In all seriousness though, it's not the cops you see that you have to worry about, it's the ones you don't see that are the ones to worry about.

MidnightKitty510 reads

I'm not an expert on this but I would generally assume if the police are there to do a sting, they aren't going to have a whole squad in marked cars sitting in the parking lot. There was probably something going on that had nothing to do with the provider

that if they were there trying to set up a sting you would have seen them

Is it a common occurrence? No, in fact it is rare. In the many busts I looked at I can find one reputable occurrence of a well reviewed provider flipping and I keep tabs on local busts. It is not really on my radar of things that can go wrong in a session. And besides how fairly rare it is, if the cops was conducting a sting you would not see them until the bust occurs. Cop cars would not be parked all over the place when you arrived.  

There is a great many reasons cops could be there that have nothing to do with this hobby. Here is some exanples a hotel guests is being drunk and disorderly, the place was robbed, they rented a conversation room for some training/party, a domestic issue happened there, they was in the area when a medical issue occurred and they are there as first responders and that is just the tip of the iceberg and each more likely then them using a well reviewed provider in a sting to bust you yet being too sloppy to use unmarked cars.

In short could it happen? It has happened. This hobby is never risk free. Is it a likely to have been what is up? Hell no. The odds of them being there to run a sting yet being very visible, let alone flipping a lady to help them at the same time is extremely low. Cops don't try to flip ladies all that often. When they do the lady got to be willing and given it will end her career and given prostitution is just a misdemeanor in most places it they have strong incentives not to. Then when both those things occur they generally aren't going to be visible until it is too late as to not spook the nervous types. I think your safe.

John_Laroche566 reads

otherwise, I can't imagine why there would be multiple cars and SUVs.

of course, maybe she booked 20 different guys all at once to make the cop's roundup go faster.

there were a bunch of local fuzz in the lobby.  The ladies involved in said soiree, including myself are very well known. The soiree went on without incident. I agree with y2k

Erin, what's up with the weird new name?!

Some go into over kill mode to protect themselves. Like have 12 cops available for a a single arrest. Yes it is happening in Prince Georges county Maryland in 2016. It is possible they had some issues with huge guy in the past and could not handle him.

as another suggested, did you try contacting them to see what they had to say?

A few years ago I had a similar situation, a lot of LE activity in the immediate area and I was very concerned. I called the booker to let them know I was not comfortable with the situation. She suggested I was being too skittish but accepted that it was not going to be something I would enjoy so we cancelled that appointment.  

A week or so later I booked again for the same location, no issues and had a great time.

Caution makes sense but communication is very important. If you didn't at lease touch base with the girl to find out what she had to say you should have.

The providers don't have to be  low priced providers. I know of a case where a $400/hour provider was flipped. Luckily the guy had sense not to say anything (confess to what the $400 for) and had to be released when he kept on asking for a lawyer. The guy had seen the provider multiple times.  

Hobbyists have been flipped too, to get providers busted. There was a case in the early 2000s in DC. The hobbyist had references etc.

And one time in band camp...

Pleasssseeeee...as a former detective I can tell you with great certainty the odds of this happening to your basic provider are almost ZERO
However, if she's got a pimp the law wants, uses/buys/sells drugs they'll be on her to flip her for whatever they can get from her.  
Might surprise some of you clowns to know that your ATF may not be a choir girl
Just sayin'

In Montgomery county Maryland back in 2010.  Check with your detective friends in Montgomery county Maryland.

GaGambler292 reads

At least we now have someone else to laugh at besides the OP.

Never happen, Dave told me via PM one day from his alias that he knows which Back Page girls are and are not LE.

but then he also gave me some horrible stock info.  

Posted By: JakeFromStateFarm

...all the cops there likely had nothing to do with the lady you were going to see.

On the other hand, when one is about to do something ILLEGAL and already may have a few jitters, it's also not a crazy reaction to be thrown off a bit and to be less than thrilled to see the place where you are going crawling with cops.  I get that.  Probably got your head and imagination swimming a bit.  If it really fucked with your head so much, then I could see why you might have backed out.  Many clients and providers have backed out of a date for reasons weaker than this, IMO.

I think the amount of nerves in various situations is directly proportional to the experience level.  The old hands, guys and gals, may approach each date with the calm confidence as they would any other meeting.  And when you have that confidence that you belong and project it, you give very little reason for anyone else to think otherwise.  On the otherhand, if seeing a cop leaves you standing in a puddle of your own pee...

Learn from experience and move on...

I would have split had I been in your shoes, then called the lady to tell her why I had to cancel.  

A well laid-out sting would not have marked cars openly visible that would give their presence away, so there was probably another reason for them being there.

Posted By: anon098
I was about to meet with a well reviewed provider and when I got to parking of hotel, it was swamped with cop cars and cop SUVs...  
 Is it possible a well reviewed provider might be working with LE?[/quote

It's one thing to be cautious and another to be overly paranoid.  Some guys trip out if they see a cop car within 1/2 mile of the incall.  So what if there are cop cars in the Denny's parking lot across the street!  So what if there are cops in the hotel parking lot - consider it a good thing that they are obviously busy dealing with something else.   Geez lighten up people! xoxo

I drove up to the hotel.  There were 7 or 8 cop cars parked, with the cops all waiting in the cars.  

I drove up to one and asked if there was a problem in the hotel.  The answer was that they were just finishing up a meeting and they would be leaving shortly.  

Communication with LE usually gets the answer. If something was going down, they would have suggested that I don't get in the way.  

I texted the provider and had a wonderful session.

-- Modified on 10/9/2016 6:04:16 AM

Posted By: anon098
I was about to meet with a well reviewed provider and when I got to parking of hotel, it was swamped with cop cars and cop SUVs...  
 Is it possible a well reviewed provider might be working with LE?
Police doesn't pay escorts bills.Good way to knock out competition in business.Hotels and hotel staff calls the police about illegal activity.

-- Modified on 10/9/2016 6:39:59 AM

So let's see.

If YOU were the local PD and you were running a sting operation... would you make it a point to look like an LE version of a Macy's Day parade in front of the sting location? Or would you want to be more... I don't know... covert? Undercover? Less obvious? This is a sting operation after all, not a drunk and disorderly complaint at a frat house.

If YOU were a local business, hotel specifically, would you allow, encourage or otherwise INVITE such an obvious police presence that would only make patrons suspicious, curious and otherwise make YOUR hotel business look like a bad place to be? From what I understand, stings take place with the knowledge and the cooperation of hotels/motels they are doing it at. Maybe I watch too much tv?

If YOU were the local chief or governor or whoever else writes the checks to pay for the manpower, time and overtime, etc that will go into covering this operation and the folks who have to fill in the other locations while all these folks at this veritable crowd control size SWAT team exercise is being done at a single, local hotel - how would you justify this cost of both money AND lives since there are surely areas where live gun fire and bad drug dealing is occurring at that very moment and need the LE resources more?

So anything is possible in this world. The question is always - given the circumstances and resources available, is it probable?

Who knows. Maybe the local LE in your area IS that wasteful and stupid or maybe YOU are such a badass that it DOES take an entire SWAT team with lights, sirens and guns blazing to make sure you understand that YOU are going down, buddy. Yah, that's right. That secret yen you have for adult playtime? Not tonight, dude and just to make sure, on top of all this - the Mayor will be back at the station waiting for you to make it clear we are not joking around with you.

Sure. That could happen. You must be one hell of a threat to society.

suggesting that you are about to be arrested for a sex crime, it was probably something else.

The police always bring well marked cars and lots of publicity to an under the covers crime scene.

This was probably something small like a break in or robbery where they did not have the time for full blown advertising of the arrest to be.

When I parked the car I called up to the provider and asked if she knew what was going on.  Looking out her window she was as surprised as me.  I had seen this provider before and she was well reviewed so I took the chance and went in anyway.  Two cops walked an Asian guy in cuffs out through the lobby just as I went in.  I asked the security guard "What happened?  My friend is staying here, should she be worried?"  The guard told me that this guy had been busted for frequenting prostitutes at the hotel.  He had been seen there every day for two weeks going into a different room each day.  Then they walked out a black girl (the gal I was going to see was white) with her head down covered in a sheet but obviously underdressed for the outdoors.  I said to the guard "Is that her?" He replied yeah, she registered in a new room every day and had 10 -20 men visit her every day.  Taking a chance I went upstairs and viola, the lady I was going to see was in the dark about the whole thing.  We had fun and then neither of us ever used that hotel again.  Scary stuff.

-- Modified on 10/9/2016 1:53:16 PM

happy.merchant340 reads

The hotel does not want cops parading people out through the lobby in cuffs, followed by a woman in a sheet.  I have also never seen a security guard in a lobby of a decent hotel - at least not someone you would recognize as such.  Plus, no 'guard' is going to give that level of detail to someone just wandering into the hotel.  Plus, no one is that stupid as the people you describe (someone just so happens to go the the very same hotel every day for 2 wks, and some woman just so happens to change rooms every day for who knows how long?)  Plus, how did LE even know what was happening inside the room?  Plus... I happen to know that GG was nowhere near that hotel lol.

GaGambler259 reads

Either Friday is bullshitting us, OR the "guard" was having some fun with him.

The only hotels I have ever gone to "every day" to fuck hookers are all out of the country where fucking hookers is completely legal.

Nothing about this little story makes a bit of sense to me, except of course some Asian dude fucking a different hooker every day for two weeks. Fucking a different hooker each day, but in the SAME hotel, yeah I call BULLSHIT.

Adjax238 reads

Regarding the same hotel, there is a fairly popular group here in LA that advertise as "not an agency but more of a support group blah blah blah" Until recently all of their girls worked out of the same hotel. Nowadays brunched out a bit to include other locations but majority still work in the same hotel.  This was going on for years, same girls, same place, repeat clients...obviously staff has to be involved given the amount of traffic...still surprising that no one got busted, go figure.

Yes it does seem it is out of the ordinary that a security guard will give out such information. Lets say if the guy was a BRO and he is a BRO it is possible, it is the brotherhood bond that would cause the security guard to spill the beans.

if she was working with LE, why would the cops be loud outside to scare anyone off from coming? they were most definitely there for another reason.

If any of you brave souls need me to come by and check under your bed or in your closet to make sure the boogeyman doesn't get you just let me know.

completed the mission. A fugitive just ran thru the hotel lobby an cops were everywhere.

I believe it's totally possible, but I don't think it it would happen very often.

This thought came to me when I went to visit a gent.
Police, both undercover and regular cars parked in the lot near the room.

His references were fairly established.
Exercising caution, I kept my word and took the chance.
I was on edge the entire time, and to make things worse he was a non-drinker.
Normally non-drinkers are fine, but when there's a whole bunch of cops outside,
a drinker would have been nice. I brought a nice bottle of champagne to share, he declined.

Unfortunately the situation put a damper on my spirit and I wasn't myself.
The date ended up being ok, but looking back I probably should have cancelled.
If it ever happens again, I will cancel.

That is the only time I ever experienced a LE + play situation.
I hope it remains the only time.

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