TER General Board

Re: In my business, it's known as under promise and over deliver (eom)
JohnyComeAlready 409 reads

That's hard to do when the provider has pages and pages of nonsense on her site, and the client has read it all.

So, I'm in Houston. I haven't seen this provider in nearly a year but we've stayed in contact by email, etc. I'd almost say we were friends. Finally get there, set up a date, and she's late. And we're not talking 10 minutes. We're talking 90+ minutes.

This is the same person who all but starts a timer on sessions but thinks my time isn't as valuable. She's an hour late, swears she'll be there in 15 minutes, and is still leaving me hanging another 15 later. I finally bail and tell her I'm done and she has the nerve to be made at me! Whatever.

My point, please don't act like the Naval atomic clock with me when you don't give the same courtesy for my time.

And just be honest. I've had more than one provider say "I'll be there in 10" and show up an hour later, and then wonder why I'm a bit put off. Just TELL ME THE TRUTH! I can deal with setbacks. Shit happens. When you do it the other way I feel like you're trying to trick me, which makes it clear it really is about nothing but the money.  

There. Discuss or share.

because I earn a lot more per hour than any provider I've ever heard of.....

I completely feel you -  

however, was this a one-off?  or a usual occurrence?

there can be challenges getting around town sometimes, especially if on is traveling and not familiar with the locality -    and sometimes things do happen....

honestly though even if she was late how you talked to her could be the factor in her being pissed at you... better to be businesslike and simply state that you had arranged your schedule for a given time and do not have the flexibility to accommodate a later session.....

Robert_BadenPowell349 reads

... and emergencies do occur.  I've had a few cases where something unexpected came up with a local provider, but she contacted me to let me know she'd be delayed, so we could reschedule and I was not inconvenienced.  If the lady in the OP's post didn't contact him to let him know she'd be late, and there was no emergency preventing her from doing that, then shame on that provider for wasting her client's time.

Epsilon_Eridani394 reads

it's not fun when it happens to you.  

when it comes to setting up a specific time and day for the fun... be on time or at least have the courtesy to let the other person know if you are going to be late.  

if someone is late beyond a certain time, I will call it a day and move on. I don't have time to waste and time is money in my case.

move on and let her hang herself with her lack of time management.

Posted By: guy.ffx
So, I'm in Houston. I haven't seen this provider in nearly a year but we've stayed in contact by email, etc. I'd almost say we were friends. Finally get there, set up a date, and she's late. And we're not talking 10 minutes. We're talking 90+ minutes.  
 This is the same person who all but starts a timer on sessions but thinks my time isn't as valuable. She's an hour late, swears she'll be there in 15 minutes, and is still leaving me hanging another 15 later. I finally bail and tell her I'm done and she has the nerve to be made at me! Whatever.  
 My point, please don't act like the Naval atomic clock with me when you don't give the same courtesy for my time.  
 And just be honest. I've had more than one provider say "I'll be there in 10" and show up an hour later, and then wonder why I'm a bit put off. Just TELL ME THE TRUTH! I can deal with setbacks. Shit happens. When you do it the other way I feel like you're trying to trick me, which makes it clear it really is about nothing but the money.  
 There. Discuss or share.

Let me try to be honest just like you requested. My take on this is, there's a lot that is not clear here of what you're saying.
-first is you assumed you are friends, not my business but that's the first mistake
-one year is a long time man even you have contact with her, as you claim if she's hot 1 yr probably she had hundred or more client that she already had besides you and maybe you're not the popular one or the most famous that she remember
-partly is, common sense if she doesn't show up on time and or half hour late without warning or proper courtesy communications that's a red flag, meaning she's not interested with you, or booked another client
-and you mentioned she's a clock watcher, another red flag
-conclusion is: Not always about the money, it's their experience with clients, if they're treated respectfully or not, sometimes they have preferences too, sometimes they, add those in their ads, like example: must be over forty, or older gentleman only, no over weight 300lbs, and the most famous you see no African American, and they have one that they keep within themselves, so it's not all about the dough man. That's my honest IMO

Posted By: guy.ffx
So, I'm in Houston. I haven't seen this provider in nearly a year but we've stayed in contact by email, etc. I'd almost say we were friends. Finally get there, set up a date, and she's late. And we're not talking 10 minutes. We're talking 90+ minutes.  
 This is the same person who all but starts a timer on sessions but thinks my time isn't as valuable. She's an hour late, swears she'll be there in 15 minutes, and is still leaving me hanging another 15 later. I finally bail and tell her I'm done and she has the nerve to be made at me! Whatever.  
 My point, please don't act like the Naval atomic clock with me when you don't give the same courtesy for my time.  
 And just be honest. I've had more than one provider say "I'll be there in 10" and show up an hour later, and then wonder why I'm a bit put off. Just TELL ME THE TRUTH! I can deal with setbacks. Shit happens. When you do it the other way I feel like you're trying to trick me, which makes it clear it really is about nothing but the money.  
 There. Discuss or share.

hotplants425 reads

to state the obvious, it is about the money. You considering her 'almost' a friend because you've stayed in contact by email, doesn't make you a friend. It makes you a potential client. Get a grip.  

Honestly, all of this drama and angst is silly. If you're not comfortable with her behavior, stop supporting it. As in: see someone else. Move on. get laid. Be happy. damn.  

And just being honest? if you're running across this kind of behavior regular, that's on you. Really

You've never had a flight delayed, or waited at a doctors office, or got to work late because the train was 45 minutes late? Like RBP alluded to, sometimes shit happens. Why should this business be any different than the rest of the world? If you don't like it, don't see her again. If a hooker doesn't like a john being late, don't see him again.

Bahamia408 reads

In a case like this, patience would have been key. I know, that's a lot to ask when you feel like you're being stood up, but it happens. Are you certain this provider was from Houston, or was she driving from Austin or even Dallas?  

The clock-watching aside, one has to understand there could be a plethora of reasons for being late. I have had MANY times, where even when I lived in Texas, I would have to drive from 1 side of Dallas to the next, or in some cases...try to be in 1 city to the next. Sweating, driving 100+ mph, and meanwhile the client is getting impatient.  I remember last year, I was driving from kansas city to nashville...a 9 hour drive, for an overnight with a 1st time client. For a number of reasons, I just couldn't get there at the planned time of 8:30. But it was an OVERNIGHT. I didn't arrive until 9:50 pm, but the client was threatening to cancel if I didn't arrive by 10 pm. It worked out, but my blood pressure was so through the roof. He treated me to dinner and wine...but I was really border-lining it that night.  

One time, a client in Austin cancelled because I needed to push the appointment back by 45 minutes. Reason being, I was in Dallas and I locked my keys in the car. He cancelled. Luckily, I didn't make the trip.

The one thing that would make me leave this industry above anything else, even if business wasn't as slow as it is for me...is the fact that with many clients, they allow little room for flexibility. I have to sweet talk a client to death, just to bend the time just a little bit. It's almost like they are on a 'horny' schedule. They may only be horny from 7 pm to 9 pm. Once a week. Hump Day. And it can be hard to stick to that, when you spend all hours of the day texting, updating ads, driving thru traffic, navigating unfamiliar routes, etc.

I always suggest clients to allow 2 hour window of time, when making appointment. Meaning, if you book me at 7 for an hour, you better not have plans at 8:30. Treat me like a woman you're getting to know, not an employee for an interview. If I'm visiting your city, treat me like I came there just for you, and I'll do the same.

I know the FEELING though, when it works and when it doesn't.

Whether I rush around, checking my GoogleMap on my iPod to find her incall, fighting traffic, trying to keep cool and not stumble in looking like any more of a mess than the gods made of me; or if I'm waiting at home with the lights down low and the wine chilling, it always seems the anticipation flips back and forth between delicious and nerve-wracking.

But either way, SHE suddenly, magically appears on time, looking gorgeous and relaxed, with nothing on her mind but pleasing me. So when I rub the lamp and the genie doesn't float into my life right on time, I think, SOMEBODY's magic didn't work.  But she has just as much or more to juggle in her life, in her getting to the rendezvous, than you or I do.

Say you are almost friends, so what? Sometimes things go wrong. The only difference is that when things go wrong with her plans, it's often less comfortable to share the reasons with a client she wants to take care of.

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