TER General Board

how many aliases do you have?
cumbucket 1873 reads

how do you think them up?

how/why do you use them?

do you have any favorites?

i'm over 200 aliases, most of which remain unused.

I use them primarily for self-amusement. sometimes for topicality re the thread subject matter.

These are good questions.I have always wondered why people use aliases here...

Why use an alias? I see no point in using one.

Being upfront and honest is my motto.

I lost count after 1 :)

I dont need aliases -

I say what I feel , and feel what i say, cause those that mind dont matter, and those that matter dont mind :)

Fonda Cox1101 reads

Who am I? I'll never tell!

Fonda Coxx1010 reads

Hey!!!! Hey!!! You are me...or is it I am you?

The GR man is a legend in his own mind....LOL

Never have used them and never will.  In my opinion people who use an alias are cowards and should be banned.

jeffe, how do you really feel about this issue?

To be more precise, an ANONYMOUS coward!!

MrHoffa1428 reads

Yes but opinions are like assholes, everyone has one.

As in on my birth certificate and driver's license?  No.  But my employees, family and friends all use it and everyone in the Phoenix community knows me by that name.

How about any clients, customers, or anyone else that you depend upon and are semi-indentured to for your living?

Just because others in life have more, maybe much more to lose or have at stake. . .  oh never mind, I don't think you'd understand.

-- Modified on 2/12/2008 5:19:24 PM

Banned from participating in a community where virtually every guy (not you of course, you’re "special") already is anonymously protected by an ALIAS called a HANDLE. An exception applies to the woman here. Those that go out on certain limbs here without the protection of additional alias sometimes really do literally put their means of generating a living on the line. Except for these noted ladies, the rest of us here (well, all except for those of us that are special like you) are really nothing more than contrived cartoon characters, me included.

-- Modified on 2/12/2008 5:22:32 PM

I can't think of any reason to use one. I have none and don't plan on using one. I think people use them when they want to stir stuff up mostly.

Not that there's anything wrong with that.

I have some, but never use them.  If I have something to say, I want you to know that I said it.  If it gets me in hot water, tuff shit.


In the Politics & Religion section, where I'm somewhat high profile, I use this handle. Not afraid to say what's on my mind.  
I'll use an occasional alias in regional forums to make a point or as a joke, usually a satire of the original poster or something like that. But not too often.
In the "real world" however, you won't find my name anywhere but my birth certificate.
Or did you really think "Mister Z" was my given name?

I don't use them. This is me. I've been called a creep, a stalker, a whight knight, and oddly enough, mostly by people using aliases. I still post under my one TER name.

Not_An_Alias913 reads

would be so cowardly as to hide behind an alias.

I mean, really, what kind of cowardly half-wit would do that?

shudaknownbetter362 reads

I'm new here...  I added this one alias when I found that googling my handle brought up my posts here. holy cr*p!!   My handle is unique to my hobbying but crosses a couple of forums... perhaps I shudaknownbetter.

YFKMR256 reads

All hobbyists on this site choose to keep their identities secret ... that's why they have a "handle".

Some choose (for reasons best known to themselves) to also keep their TER username separate from their posts/opinions here.

Equating that with cowardice (as some have done) is IMHO shallow & ignorant. Bash it all you want, that is simply my opinion.

For those of you who are so comfortable with your identity (ie the name-callers), why don't you create a handle with your real name & post that way ... otherwise enough with the bashing.

-- Modified on 2/12/2008 2:48:59 PM

THOSE people are pussies. Plain and simple. Paper tigers... glass houses weakened by stones thrown... they are morons. Pussies, pussies, pussies.

Asking us to use our real names is rediculous ; however a lot of you posers, have plenty of reviews and a reputation to maintain, so you go pop off on aliases to vent your real opinion, in threat of gaining bad press. How about just not post at all?

The real name argument is ludacrious, when I hear people have 200 aliases to try to be clever.. The truth is if you post under your reviewing username, there is something to lose and you are being a damn man. when you use a supposed clever alias you are merely hiding behind not only a keyboard and a monitor and an alias, but a SECONDARY alias, it's real low-level.

it pisses me off, what can i tell you.


YFKMR327 reads

you obviously don't get the point... YOU are posting under an alias---your TER handle IS AN ALIAS.

So don't get all sanctimonious about others wanting annonymity, regardless of the degree to which they resort to getting it.

Frankly I don't give a rat's-you-know-what if it pisses you off.

Name-calling is childish & it would be imprudent of me to tangle in a battle of wits with an unmatched opponent. Have a nice day!

500andCounting645 reads

whenever the spirit moves me

You are a coward if you use an alias to protect your board persona or out of fear of retribution by other hobbyist and/or providers for practicing your free speech rights.

mmm.... gonna go with douchebags for $100 alex. 200 aliases? I mean I hope your self-employed . . I can't imagine wasting any more time than I do just posting...

No one is impressed.

Lord have mercy.

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